H2388 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 26, 2003 SMITH), in a very bipartisan rec- that will be coming home from the SUPPORTING OPERATION IRAQI ommendation to the Committee on the Middle East and leave the military, FREEDOM Budget, which would have added $3 bil- many of them will assume the title The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under lion next year alone for veterans dis- ‘‘veteran.’’ While we honor them while the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- cretionary programs, including med- they are there, we are disrespectful to uary 7, 2003, the gentleman from Geor- ical care and research, construction them when they come home, and that gia (Mr. KINGSTON) is recognized for 60 and programs that fund the adminis- has to stop. minutes as the designee of the major- tration costs of other important bene- We, and I know the gentlewoman has ity leader. fits such as compensation, pension and been a leader in this regard, have to de- Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, before education programs. I want to thank sign a strategy when it comes to that we begin, let me yield to the gentleman the gentleman for the efforts he has supplemental budget to take care of from Massachusetts (Mr. DELAHUNT), made in working with us in that area. those men and women and not to con- the distinguished former district attor- But I urge all my colleagues to do tinue the disrespect that has been ney from Boston, to finish his state- the right thing and to honor our com- shown to them. ment. mitment to our veterans. These cuts Mr. DELAHUNT. Mr. Speaker, I are irresponsible; they are shameful Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I tonight rise thank my dear friend for yielding. I and unacceptable. in ardent support of our troops fighting in Iraq. thank the gentleman for his spirit of Mr. Speaker, I want to take this op- As a veteran of the Korean War, I fully under- collegiality. portunity once again to thank the gen- stand the sober task which our soldiers have Mr. Speaker, what I wanted to con- tlewoman for taking this time tonight. undertaken. We must remember that these clude with was this observation, and I It is important that we continue to troops are on the front line doing their duty, direct it to my colleagues on both sides talk about this issue. We cannot allow saluting and following orders. They are great of the aisle: if we are unable to work this issue to go away, because, as we Americans. I want them to know, along with out in the course of our consideration stand here tonight and as we go back their families, that they have my unwavering of the supplemental budget full funding and talk to our veterans, I never hear support. It is well known that I strongly dis- for all veterans services, then it is time one Member talk and say they are not agree with the policies that have led us to war for the veterans in this country to take going to be responsive. Yet Members in Iraq. It is my opinion on many, many levels action. Many of us have read in our say it is important what we do, not that the U.S. should not be at war in Iraq. history books that there was a march necessarily what we say, because what However, my support of U.S. troops is reso- on Washington in the early 1930s. It is we do, and the budget says it all, that lute. time for the veterans organizations and is going to be very important. Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentle- I think it is important that support be more for the American people to march woman for allowing me to be here to- than just lip service. Last week I voted against again. Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, we night with her. the Bush Administration’s budget which would Ms. WATERS. Mr. Speaker, I yield to have drastically reduced veteran’s health care want to talk a little bit about the situ- the gentleman from Massachusetts and benefit programs. Even though the Presi- ation in Iraq tonight and a number of (Mr. DELAHUNT). dent is waging this preventive doctrine war, he other subjects. Mr. DELAHUNT. Mr. Speaker, I presented a budget to Congress that would Mr. Speaker, I am joined by the dis- thank the gentlewoman for yielding. I have cut Mandatory Veterans Programs bene- tinguished gentleman from Colorado want to congratulate her for pre- fits by billions of dollars. Mandatory veteran’s (Mr. BEAUPREZ), a businessman and senting to the American people the programs include disability compensation, new freshman. The gentleman is on his truth. pensions, vocational rehabilitation, and sur- way to take his daughter to dinner, I was so impressed as I heard my col- vivors’ benefits. The Bush administration’s and, as a father of two daughters, that leagues come to the floor and describe budget slashes compensation for service con- takes high priority. So let me yield to the realities of what is occurring. The nected disabilities and education benefits by the gentleman from Colorado (Mr. gentleman from Texas just alluded to $15 billion and cuts veteran’s health care BEAUPREZ.) the chairman of the Committee on Vet- funding by another $15 billion over the next Mr. BEAUPREZ. Mr. Speaker, I erans Affairs and praised him for his ef- ten years. The Disabled American Veterans, thank the gentleman for yielding. It is forts. It is fascinating to read in to- the Paralyzed Veterans and the American Le- a pleasure to be with the gentleman to- day’s Roll Call that he was castigated gion have all issued statements opposing the night on the floor. and admonished by the House Repub- Bush Administration’s budget. In fact, the Mr. Speaker, I rise tonight with my lican leadership for his efforts in this Michigan Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans wrote colleagues to commend the tremendous regard. That, I suggest, says something to me, stating, ‘‘the proposal, if implemented, progress being made by our troops in loud and clear to the American people. would have a shocking effect on VA health Iraq. However, I am disgusted with re- We know what is happening. The vet- care services and be an affront to millions of cent media reports proclaiming set- erans know what is happening. But it is veterans. The proposal, approximately 1.3 bil- backs and delays of our troops in bat- time for the American people to be in- lion above the FY 2003 appropriation, would tle. formed, and I congratulate the gentle- not even cover inflationary impact and antici- Mr. Speaker, such editorializing of woman for her efforts. pated salary increases for VA health care the news represents a severe disconnect What I find particularly fascinating workers.’’ Furthermore, ‘‘budget resolutions set with reality. At this very moment we is sometime supposedly next week we spending priorities. We find it hard to fathom are within minutes of Operation Iraqi will be considering a supplemental that veterans would not be priority to the Freedom being just 1 week old. One budget in the amount of $75 billion, Budget Committee, or the leadership of the week, Mr. Speaker. In one week, we some $63 billion of which I think we all House of Representatives.’’ I submit to you have flown over 7,000 combat sorties, support. It is for our troops and for the that budget cuts such as these do not bode we have delivered 600 Tomahawk mis- men and women that find themselves well for strengthening the solidarity of our siles with surgical precision such as in harm’s way. The rest of the money, troops to our country. never before seen in battle, we have much of it, is allocated to other na- moved numerous ground troops to tions: $1 billion for Turkey, monies for I’d like to close with a quote from George within 50 miles of Baghdad, and we Egypt, for Jordan. And for what reason Washington, ‘‘The willingness with which our have killed or captured thousands of I cannot understand. But if we can af- young people are likely to serve in any war, Iraqi soldiers. We have adapted, we ford to take care of the rest of the no matter how justified, shall be justified, shall have overcome, and, Mr. Speaker, we world, we should be able to take care of be directly propositional as to how they per- will prevail. the men and women that served us, not ceive the veterans of wars were treated and But in the din of news reports and just in this war, not just in the Viet- appreciated by the Nation.’’ live briefings, the fog of battle for nam conflict, not just in Korea and The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Americans can be information over- World War II, but all of our veterans. BRADLEY of New Hampshire). The time load. We learn a lot about what is hap- It is absolutely unconscionable. It is of the gentlewoman from California pening today. But for the next couple un-American. Those men and women (Ms. WATERS) has expired. of minutes, Mr. Speaker, I would like VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:18 Mar 27, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00076 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26MR7.119 H26PT1 March 26, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2389 to make sure that we remember what remember why we are there: to end a You people are some of the most disgusting has happened before to lead us to this regime of terror and liberate a people examples of a waste of protoplasm I’ve ever point.
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