2163 NOTICES Quality Zone 2, at River Mile 118.6—0.2 (Delaware DELAWARE RIVER River—Otter Creek) by means of Outfall No. 001, in BASIN COMMISSION Bristol Borough, Bucks County, PA. 3. Rockland Town, D-1985-028 CP-2. An application to Meeting and Public Hearing renew the approval of an existing discharge from the 0.8 mgd Livingston Manor WWTP. The WWTP will continue The Delaware River Basin Commission (Commission) to discharge treated effluent to Willowemoc Creek at will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, May 7, 2013, and a River Mile 330.7—15.5—15.5—6.94 (Delaware River— business meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 8, East Branch Delaware River—Beaver Kill—Willowemoc 2013. Both the hearing and business meeting are open to Creek) by means of Outfall No. 001, within the drainage the public and will be held at the Washington Crossing area of the section of the nontidal Delaware River known Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, Washing- as the Upper Delaware, which is classified as Special ton Crossing, PA 18977. Protection Waters, in the Town of Rockland, Sullivan County, NY. Public hearing. The public hearing on May 7, 2013, will run from 12 p.m. until approximately 4 p.m. Hearing 4. Robesonia-Wernersville Municipal Authority, D-1988- items will include draft dockets relating to the projects 023 CP-2. An application to renew the approval of an listed as follows and resolutions to: (a) adopt the Commis- existing discharge from the 1.4 mgd Robesonia- sion’s annual Budget for the Fiscal Year (FY) ending June Wernersville Municipal Authority WWTP. The WWTP will 30, 2014, and apportion among the Signatory Parties the continue to discharge treated wastewater effluent to the amounts required for the support of the Current Expense Spring Creek at River Mile 92.47—76.8—10.4—5.4 (Dela- and Capital Budgets; (b) approve the FY 2014-2016 Water ware River—Schuylkill River—Tulpehocken Creek— Resources Program; and (c) amend the Commission’s Spring Creek), in Heidelberg Township, Berks County, administrative agreements with Delaware and New Jer- PA. sey by the addition to ‘‘Category F’’ as defined therein of certain electric generation and cogeneration facilities. In 5. United Corrstack, Inc., D-1993-040-3. An application particular, the latter resolution would provide for the to renew the approval of an existing groundwater with- state agency’s review and decision making process to be drawal (GWD) of up to 17.856 million gallons per month used in lieu of the Commission’s for the category of (mgm) to supply the applicant’s industrial processes from projects consisting of electric generation and cogeneration existing Well No. 1. The project well is completed in facilities that consumptively use in excess of 100,000 Lower Cambrian-age Carbonate Rock in the Schuylkill gallons per day (gpd) of water during any 30-day period, River Watershed in the City of Reading, Berks County, when no other aspect of the project, such as a withdrawal PA. or discharge, subjects it to Commission review under the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure and cur- 6. Bucks County Water and Sewer Authority, D-1993- rent administrative agreements. 076 CP-3. An application to renew the approval of an existing discharge from the 1.10 mgd Upper Dublin The public is advised to check the Commission’s web WWTP. The WWTP will continue to discharge treated site at www.drbc.net periodically prior to the hearing wastewater effluent to the Pine Run Creek at River Mile date, as projects may be dropped if additional time is 92.47—12.5—10.6—1.1—0.7 (Delaware River—Schuylkill deemed necessary to complete the Commission’s review. River—Wissahickon Creek—Sandy Run Creek—Pine Run Written comments on all hearing items will be accepted Creek) in Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County, through the close of the May 7, 2013, hearing. PA. Draft dockets and resolutions scheduled for hearing will 7. Beach Lake Municipal Authority, D-2001-052 CP-2. be posted on the Commission’s previously listed web site An application to renew the approval of an existing 10 days prior to the meeting date. Additional public discharge from the 0.09 mgd Beach Lake WWTP. Treated records relating to the hearing items may be examined at effluent will continue to discharge to Beach Lake Creek the Commission’s offices. Contact Project Review Section at River Mile 282.5—6.98—3.1 (Delaware River— assistant Victoria Lawson at (609) 883-9500, Ext. 216 Masthope Creek—Beach Lake Creek) by means of Outfall with any questions concerning these items. No. 001, within the drainage area of the section of the nontidal Delaware River known as the Upper Delaware, 1. William Henry Apartments, D-1968-092 CP-3. An which is classified as Special Protection Waters, in Berlin application to renew the approval of an existing discharge Township, Wayne County, PA. from the 0.069 million gallons per day (mgd) William Henry Apartments wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). 8. Wayne Economic Development Corporation, D-2007- The WWTP will continue to discharge treated effluent to 018-2. An application to renew the approval of an existing an unnamed tributary (UNT) of Ridley Creek at River discharge from the 0.014 mgd Sterling Business Park Mile 84.0—20.75—0.6 (Delaware River—Ridley Creek— WWTP. Treated effluent will discharge to the West UNT), in East Whiteland Township, Chester County, PA. Branch Wallenpaupack Creek at River Mile 277.7—17.5— 11.5—5.0 (Delaware River—Lackawaxen River—Lake 2. Bristol Borough Water and Sewer, D-1969-066 CP-3. Wallenpaupack—West Branch Wallenpaupack Creek) by An application to renew the approval of an existing means of Outfall No. 001, within the section of the discharge from the 2.7 mgd Bristol Borough Water and nontidal Delaware River known as the Upper Delaware, Sewer WWTP. The WWTP will continue to discharge which is classified as Special Protection Waters, in Ster- treated effluent to Otter Creek, a tidal tributary of Water ling Township, Wayne County, PA. PENNSYLVANIA BULLETIN, VOL. 43, NO. 16, APRIL 20, 2013 2164 NOTICES 9. East Brandywine Township Municipal Authority, ters, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, PA. D-2007-043 CP-2. An application to renew the approval of The expanded service area is located in Tobyhanna an existing discharge from the Hillendale WWTP and Township, Monroe County, PA. drip irrigation facility. The WWTP is designed to treat55,388 gpd, and will continue to discharge treated 13. NGK Metals Corporation, D-1989-053-3. An appli- domestic sanitary effluent to four on-site drip irrigation cation to renew the approval of an existing discharge disposal areas located within the Christina River Water- from the 0.36 mgd NGK GTP and to approve modifica- shed in East Brandywine Township, Chester County, PA. tions to the plant that will result in a new hydraulic capacity of 0.17 mgd. The applicant has also requested 10. Naval Air Warfare Center—Warminster, D-2010-038 approval to reactivate three on-site groundwater remedia- CP-2. An application to renew the approval of an existing tion wells (Wells Nos. DW-12, DW-13 and DW-32) with a discharge of treated groundwater from the Naval Facil- total withdrawal capacity of up to 6.479 mgm. The GTP ities Engineering Command Mid-Alantic Warminster has not been in operation since 2007. The United States groundwater treatment plant (GTP) located at the former Environmental Protection Agency has required the facility Naval Air Warfare Center Warminster facility. The GTP to reopen and resume operation. The existing project will continue to pump and treat an average annual flow wells are located at NGK’s former metal production site of 187,000 gpd of contaminated groundwater from 29 in the Allentown Formation. Treated groundwater will be on-site wells for discharge to a UNT of the Little discharged to Laurel Run at River Mile 92.47—80.4—2.3 Neshaminy Creek, a tributary of the Neshaminy Creek, (Delaware River—Schuylkill River—Laurel Run) by at River Mile 115.6—23.6—3.3—1.4 (Delaware River— means Outfall No. 002, in Muhlenberg Township, Berks Neshaminy Creek—Little Neshaminy Creek—UNT to County, PA. Little Neshaminy Creek). The GTP is located in Warminster Township, Bucks County, PA and discharges 14. Gloucester County Utilities Authority (GCUA), at existing Outfall 001 located approximately 1 mile away D-1990-074 CP-4. An application to renew the approval of in Warwick Township, Bucks County, PA. an existing discharge from the 27 mgd GCUA WWTP. The applicant has also requested a total dissolved solids (TDS) 11. Big Boulder Corporation, D-1985-025-3. An applica- variance of 1,250 mg/l from the GCUA WWTP (Outfall tion to renew the approval of an existing discharge from No. DSN001A) and 1,800 mg/l at the joint outfall of the 0.225 mgd Big Boulder WWTP. The applicant also GCUA and West Deptford Energy (Outfall No. DSN004A). requested continuance of the approval by Docket No. Treated effluent will continue to discharge to Water D-1985-025-2 for expansion to a hydraulic capacity of Quality Zone 4 of the tidal Delaware River at River Mile 0.265 mgd and for utilization of absorption beds to land 89.7 by means of Outfall No. DSN004A, in West Deptford dispose of the first 0.04 mgd of treated effluent. The Township, Gloucester County, NJ. WWTP will continue to discharge treated effluent to an unnamed tributary of Tunkhannock Creek at River Mile 15.
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