Saint Vincent De Paul / Correspondence, Conferences

Saint Vincent De Paul / Correspondence, Conferences

SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL CORRESPONDENCE VOLUME II SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL CORRESPONDENCE CONFERENCES, DOCUMENTS II CORRESPONDENCE VOLUME II (JIIII1WY 1640 - July 1646) NEWLYTRANSLATED,EDITBD,ANDANNOTATED FROM THE 1921 EDmON OF PJERRECOSTE, C.M. Edited by: SR. JACQUELINE KILAR, D.C. SR. MARIE POOLE, D.C. Translated by: SR. MARIE POOLE, D.C. SR. ESTHER CAVANAGH, D.C. REV. JAMES R. KING, C.M. REV. FRANCIS GERMOVNIK, C.M. (Latin) Annotatedby: REV. JOHN W. CARVEN, C.M. NIHIL OBSTAT Rev. Gerard M. Mahoney, C.M. e.,.,.,. Deput.... IMPRIMATUR Most Rev. William H. Keeler, D. D., J. C. D. Arcllbisllop 0/BtIltlmore Nowmwr $. 1989 / TO SISTER JACQUELINE KILAR, D. C. (1937-1988) FOR HER SCHOLARSHIP AND SELFLESS DEDICATION IN THE TRANSLATION OF THE INITIAL VOLUMES OF THESE LETTERS OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL On December 7, 1988, Sister Jacqueline succumbed to her final bout with cancer. Despite frequent illness, she had valianUy continued her work on this Vincentian Translation Project. May she rest in peace and may she aid by her prayers those who carry on this work. o 1990, Vincentian Conference, U.S.A. Published in the United States by New City Press 206 Skillman Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11211 Printed in !be United States ofAmerica Ubrary ofCoqress CatalosinB·!n·Publicatioo Data: V"mcent de Paul. SaInt. 1581·lli6O. Comspondeace. conf..........documents. TrarIIIation of: Correspondeuce, eDlretieos, documents. Includes bibJiosraphical ref......... lIIld index. Con_, I.Correopondence. v.I. 1607·1639. _ U. Correspondeuce. v. 2. January 1640-July 1646. 1. Vmcent de PauJ, Saint, 1581..166O-Ccx.E¥DP..ance. 2. Christian lllints-France-Comspond. I. Coste, PIerre. 1873-1935. II. TIde. BX4700.V6A4 1!l8S 271'.77'Il2 [B) 83-635S9 ISBN ()'91178Z-»-8 (v. I) ISBN ()'91178Z-7U (v. 2) TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .............•..... ., ., ., xix 417. To SainI Louise de Marillac, January II, 1640 •••••..•••••..1 418. To Louis AbeIly, January 14, 1640 ., ., .•• .,3 419. To Saint Louise, January 17, 1640 •...••.. ., .. ., ••••. ., ..8 420. To SainI Louise, January 22, 1640 • ., 10 421. To SainI Louise, January 28, 1640 .,., ., 12 422. To SainI Louiae, January 31, 1640 .•....••.. ., 14 423. To Louis Lebreton, February I, 1640 ••••••••••••••••..••17 424. To Jacques ThoJard, February 1, 1640 ••.. ., .. ., ••. ., ....19 42S. To SainI Louiae, February 4, 1640 ., •••.23 G. To SainI Louise, February 10, 1640 .. ., ., .,......23 427. A Priest of the Mission to Saint Vincent, February 1640 .•••••26 428. To Antoine LUC8I, February 21, 1640 ., ., 27 429. Jacques Roussel to SainI Vincent, February 1640 ••••.•.••••29 430. A Frlest of the Mission to SainI Vincent [IIesinnins of 1640) .•30 431. SainI Jane Frances de Chantal to SainI Vincent [February 1640] ••. ., ., ., ...• ., .31 4310. SainI Jane Frances to 8aInt Vincenl (MId-February 1640) •••••33 432. To SainI Louise [February 1640] .,., ••..•3' 433. To Louis Lebreton, February 28, 1640 ..••••••••••...••••3' 434. To Louis Lebreton, March I, 1640 43 43'. A Frlest of the Mission to SainI Vincent, March 1640 •...••••46 436. To 0 Frlest ofthe Mission (Before 1642] ••••.•••••..•••.•.46 437. To SainI Louise [Between 1638 and 1MOI .•. " •..•••••...•47 438. A Priest to SainI Vincenl [Between 1639 and 1643] ..••...•••48 439. To SainI Louiae [Between 1639 and 1642] •••..••....•••...48 440. To SainI Louise [Between 1639 and 16'11 ..••••.••••••...•49 441. To SainI Louise [Between 1639 and 1641] ..•••••••••..•••.30 442. A Priest 10 SainI Vincenl [Around 1640] .••...••• ., ......'2 443. To Louis AbeIIy, April 26, 1640 •• ., .... ., ., ., . ., •....••'2 444. To the Ducb.... d'AJauillon [April or May 1640] •....••••..~ 443. To Jean de FonteneiI, May I, 1640 ...••...•••..•• ., ..•••~ 446. To SainI Jane Frances, May 14, 1640 •••••••••••••...••••'7 447. SainI Jane Frances 10 SainI Vincenl [May 1640] •...•••••...61 4470. SainI Jane Frances to Saint Vincenl . ., ., 62 448. To Louis Lebreton, June I, 1640 • ., ., .. .,., •••. .,.63 449. JUlIe CJuCrIn to SainI Vincent, June 1640 ..•••..•••.••••..66 430. To SainI Louise [Between 1636 and 1641] ••••••••••.••...•67 431. SainI Jane Frances to SainI Vincenl [Between 1626 and 1641] •.67 - viii - 452. To Fran~ois du Coudray, June 17, 1640 68 453. To Mother Fran~ise-Eli..beth Phelippeaux, June 30, 1640 70 454. Jean Dehorgny to Saint Vincent [June or July 1640J 72 455. Jean Dehorgny to Saint Vincent, July 1640 73 456. To Fran~is du Coudray, July 10, 1640 74 457. To Leonard Boucher, July 10, 1640 76 458. To Saint Louise, July 11, 1640 77 459. To Lambert Aux Couteaux, July 22, 1640 78 460. To Pierre Escort, July 25, 1640 83 461. To Bernard Codoing, July 26, 1640 87 462. To Lambert Aux Couteaux, July 29, 1640 95 463. To Samson Le Soudier, July 29, 1640 96 464. To. N., July 29,1640 98 465. To Saint Jane Frances, July 30, 1640 99 466. To Commander de Sillery [1640] .............•....•... 101 467. Charles de Montchalto Saint Vincent, 1640 103 468. To Louis Lebreton. August 9, 1640 104 469. To Saint Louise [1640] 106 470. Saint Louise to Saint Vincent [Between 1640 and 1644] 107 471. The Marquise de Maianelay to Saint Vincent, August 21 [1640J ..............•................... 109 472. The Marquise de Maignelay to Saint Vincent, August 26 [1640] ..........................•....... III 473. To Lambert Aux Couleaux, August 26, 1640 112 474. To Saint Jane Frances, AUJUSt 26, 1640 114 475. To Bernard Codoing, August 26, 1640 117 476. To Pierre Escort, August 26, 1640 120 4TI. To Jacques Tholard, August 26, 1640 123 478. The Marquise de Maiane1ay to Saint Vincent. August 29 [1640J 125 479. To Saint Louise [Alllust29 or 30, 1640J 125 480. To Saint Louise [Angust 30, 1640] 126 481. To Saint Louise [Ang. or Sept. 1640J 127 482. To Saint Louise [Aua. or Sept. 1640] 128 483. To Saint Louise [1640] 129 484. To Saint Louise [l640J 131 485. To Mother de" Trinite, October I, 1640 132 486. Saint Louise to Saint Vmcent [October I or 2, 1640] 137 487. To Saint Louise [October 2, 1640] 139 488. To Jacques Chiroye, October 6, 1640 140 489. To Louis Lebreton, October 9, 1640 141 490. To Etienne Blatiron. October 9, 1640 146 491. To Saint Louise [October 28, I640J 147 492. The Town Magistrates of Metz to Saint Vincent, October 1640 149 493. To Lambert Aux Couteaux, October 29, 1640 149 -ix- 494. To saint Louise, November I [1640] 150 495. To Jacques Tholard, November 13, 1640 .......•......... 152 496. To Louis Lebreton, November 14, 1640 154 497. To Pierre Escart, November 14, 1640 IS7 498. To Bernard Codoing, November 15, 1640 159 498a. Saint Jane Frances to Saint Vincent, November 24. 1640 161 499. Saint Louise to saint Vincent [November 28, 1640] 162 500. To Saint Louise [November 28 or 29, 1640J .......•...... 163 SOl. To Saint Louise [Around 1640J .•..................... 164 502. The Town Magistrates of Pont-a~Moussonto Saint Vincent, December 1640 ..........••..................... .. 165 503. To Saint Louise [1640 or 1641] ...............•....... 165 S04. To Saint Louise 166 505. To Charles Ozenne, January 14 [1641] 167 506. To Saint Loui.e [January 31, 1641J 169 »7. To Louis Lebreton, February 3. 1641 170 508. To Adrien Bourdoise, February 6, 1641 174 509. To Saint Louise [February 7, 1641J 175 510. To Saiot Louise [February 7, 1641] 177 511. To saint Louise [February 8, 1641J 178 512. Saint Louise to saint Vincent, February 9, 1641 .......•... 179 513. To Saint Louise [February 9 or 10, 1641J 180 514. To Saiot Louise [February 10, 1641] ....•.............. 181 5140. To Saint Louise [February II, 1641J .•................. 182 515. Saint Louise to Saint Vincent [Before 1650] 183 516. To Saiot Louise [Between 1639 and 164IJ 184 517. To saint Louise [February or March 1641J 185 518. To Saint Louise [February or March 1641) 186 519. To Saiot Louise [February or Marcb 1641] 187 520. To saint Louise [After 1639J 189 521. To saint Louise [After 1637J 190 522. A Priest of the Mission to Saint Vincent. 1641 190 523. To Samson Le Soudier, March 24, 1641 191 524. To Monsieur Perriquet. March 31. 1641 192 52S. To Saiot Louise [Between 1641 and 1654] 194 526. SaiDt Louise to Saint Vincent [1641] 194 527. To Saint Louise [1641J 196 528. To Saint Louise [1641J 197 529. To Saiot Louise [April or May 164IJ 197 530. To Saint Louise 198 5308. To Saint Jane Frances. June 9, 1641 199 531. To Jean des Lions. July 20, 1641 203 532. Saint Louise to Saiot Vincent, August 7 [1641] .......••...204 533. To Saint Louise [August7, 1641J .............•........205 534. To Saiot Louise [1641] ............•.................206 535. To Saint Louise [Between July and September 1641] •....... 207 -x- 536. To 5aint Louise [Alii. or 5ept. 1641] 20.1 537. To Saini Louise [September 6 or 7,1641] •.••••••....••••210 538. To Etienne B1atiron, September 9, 1641 211 539. To Saini Jane Frances (Now 5308.) 212 S40. Saini Louise to 5aint V1nceDI, September 11 [1641] ..•......212 541. To Bernard CodoiJJa, September IS, 1641 •...••••.....•••213 542. To 5aint Louise (Between 1639 8Dd 1641] 21S 543. To Saini Louise [1641] 216 544. To Saini Louise 216 545. To Antoine Porlai1, Ootober 5, 1641 217 546. To 5aint Louise [Ootober 1641J 217 547. To Sister J_ LepeinlJe (Now 5S6e.) 219 548. NIcolas PavilloD to 5aintV_I, October 20 [1641] •....••.219 549. Saini Louise to 5aint Vlncenl [Oct. or Nov. 1641J ...••.....222 5SO. To Saini Louise [Oct. or Nov. 1641J 224 551. 5aint Louise to Saini VIncent [Oct. or Nov. 1641] .•...•....22S 5S2. JUlIe Oumn to Saini Vlncenl. October 1641 .•.•.•.••..•..22S 553. ToN · 226 554. To 5aint Louise 226 555. To the Superior of the Convenl of the Visitation In Metz, Nov. 2 [betwoal1639 8Dd 1645] 227 536. To Mother de la Trinite. Novanber 5, 1641 •••••..•.•...•228 5S6e. To Sister Jeonne LepeintJe, Novanber 8. 1641 ..••.••..•..230 551. To Bernard CocIolnI, Novanber 19, 1641 231 558. To 5aint Louise (Between 1641 8Dd 16S4] ••••••••••••••••233 55Sa. To Sylvestre de Cnuy de Man:iIlal:, Decomber 6, 1641 ..••..234 559.

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