Economy - Regional Role - Jurong 2.0 - Human Resources and the Environment - The Service Sector There is a good reason why American states- of such a knowledgeable and communicative man Henry Kissinger sought out Prime Min- organization not only made our job easier for Dear ister Lee Kuan Yew’s counsel on China as he this report, but certainly makes constructing a engineered one of the greatest power realign- multibillion-dollar petrochemical plant easier ments in diplomatic history: Singapore can as well! readers, offer the world a unique perspective, one that In this regard, we would like to thank Eu- cannot be copied or imitated. Singapore has guene Leong, director of energy and chem- set itself apart as a nexus of East and West. icals, and his entire team at the EDB for their Four decades after Nixon’s visit to China, Sin- help and insight with our project. In the age gaporeans still have an unrivaled understand- where politics all too often comes before ing of how to see the West from the East’s per- good policymaking, it is truly remarkable to spective and vice-versa due to the country’s see an organization with such a long-term colonial past, mix of cultures and languages clarity of vision. Initiatives such as Jurong Is- and position as a business and transit hub for land v2.0 would not be possible without such the world. As economic linkages and, in some a committed and talented institution. As other cases, political-economic rivalries grow; an Southeast Asian countries seek to imitate Sin- understanding of others’ perspectives is cru- gapore’s success, the EDB is key to Singapore cial to succeed in the contemporary global remaining several steps ahead. economy. In an increasingly competitive Asian eco- Nowhere does this perspective have a more nomic environment, the description of Singa- pervasive presence than in Singapore’s world- pore as the Lion City is all too fitting. In the class public sector, often regarded as the most wild, the lioness is constantly seeking out new efficient, well-trained and uncorrupt bureau- opportunities that will nurture, grow, and cracy in the world. An innate understanding strengthen her pride. In much the same way, of different business cultures reverberates Singapore’s government and businesses are al- through the ranks of Singapore’s Economic ways searching for new opportunities to grow Development Board. As most of our readers in the country’s business reputation. This ability Singapore know well, the EDB is an invaluable to envision long-term benefits for the growth institution that is instrumental in facilitating of the country has enabled Singapore’s re- Singapore’s distinction from other countries. markable unparalleled economic rise over the Many countries are talented at selling their past half century and will allow it to continue country as a business friendly destination to succeed in the future. This central theme through attractive buzzwords and policies, presents itself in the following pages through yet the work of the EDB ensures that gov- dozens of interviews, extensive articles and ernment pledges to the business community expert analysis on Singapore’s chemical sector. are backed up by action. Although this may sound easy, the inability of policymakers to follow through on commitments is the single largest challenge that we hear from our inter- Andrew Mason & Vanessa Acuna Chapela viewees in reports worldwide. The existence Global Business Reports Analysis Viewpoints from the GBR on-the-ground team on the subjects of chemical investments and environmental issues in Singapore and the region, taken from our weekly newsletter the GBRoundup. 15, 78, 79 Expert Opinions Singapore’s industry leaders give their thoughts on regional importance of the country, issues of skill shortages, and environmental issues affecting the chemical sector. 21, 62, 71, 79, 86 Outward FDI in Manufacturing by Type Source: Department of Statistics Singapore 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 % Quantitative SECTOR / INDUSTRY S$BILL. % S$BILL. % S$BILL. % S$BILL. % S$BILL. % S$BILL. Manufacturing 26.4 100 33.0 100 46.6 100 69.6 100 80.1 100 93.7 100 Food, beverages and tobacco 4.4 16.6 5.7 17.4 7.6 16.3 11.1 15.9 13.8 17.2 21.0 22.4 Computer, electornic and optical products 7.3 27.8 8.2 24.8 10.5 22.5 16.3 23.4 15.7 19.5 13.0 13.9 Data Transport equipment 1.2 4.5 2.2 6.7 5.4 11.5 8.6 12.4 3.5 4.4 12.2 13.1 Chemicals and chemicals products 1.2 4.6 1.8 5.3 2.7 5.8 4.7 6.7 6.8 8.5 8.7 9.2 The most relevant quantitative data Machinary and equipment 1.2 4.5 2.0 6.0 2.3 5.0 3.9 5.6 6.1 7.6 7.6 7.8 Investment Commitments by Country (million dollars) presented in the most easily accessible Source: Department of Statistics Singapore 2009 2010 2011 2012 2011 III 2011 IV 2012 I 2012 II 2012 III 2012 IV 2013 I 2013 II 2013 III format, allowing you to view economic Total 11 753.9 12 854.2 13 734.3 16 007.8 4 038.9 3 382.3 5 959.0 4 610.7 4 068.6 1 369.5 4 098.5 2 258.6 2 425.1 Local 3 368.3 2 069.6 1 875.4 1 837.5 140.7 98.8 353.1 865.9 463.0 155.5 1 435.2 814.2 638.6 and market statistics, identify trends and Foreign 8 385.6 10 784.6 11 858.9 14 170.3 3 898.2 3 284.0 5 605.9 3 744.8 3 605.6 1 214.0 2 663.3 1 444.4 1 786.5 USA 4 191.0 3 311.4 5 047.4 5 654.5 2 672.1 1 176.1 2 566.7 1 961.0 979.5 147.3 2 005.2 372.8 753.2 Japan 1 032.2 1 175.8 995.0 967.8 355.1 536.0 50.4 490.0 224.0 203.4 109.4 114.7 245.0 visualize infrastructure. Europe 2 466.8 4 819.0 2 131.9 3 134.3 217.8 756.3 516.4 769.9 1 021.9 826.1 384.2 681.8 701.7 Asia Pacic and Others 695.6 1 478.4 3 684.6 4 413.7 653.2 815.6 2 472.4 523.9 1 380.2 37.2 164.5 275.1 86.6 Investments Commitments in Petroleum and Chemical Product Manufacturers ( Fixed Asset Investments in million USD) Source: Department of Statistics Singapore 2006 2 531.8 2007 8 552.9 2008 11 550.0 2009 2 810.7 2010 1 595.9 2011 2 523.9 2012 6 491.6 Investment Commitments in Manufacturing and Services by Industry Cluster (million dollars) Source: Department of Statistics Singapore 9, 22, 44, 63, 85 2009 2010 2011 2012 2011 III 2011 IV 2012 I 2012 II 2012 III 2012 IV 2013 I 2013 II 2013 III Total 11 753.9 12 854.2 13 734.3 16 007.8 4 038.9 3 382.3 5 959.0 4 610.7 4 068.6 1 369.5 4 098.5 2 258.6 2 425.1 Manifacturing 10 092.1 10 033.6 11 274.3 14 299.4 3 345.9 2 800.9 5 347.5 4 115.4 3 606.8 1 229.7 2 852.7 1 106.6 1 623.8 Electronics 4 672.4 5 647.8 7 384.4 6 239.4 2 399.5 1 403.6 896.7 2 822.1 2 520.6 0.0 2 052.8 14.2 436.5 Final Chemicals 3 055.6 1 651.4 2 523.8 6 678.3 712.3 1187.8 3 978.2 883.3 969.0 847.8 544.9 474.3 813.7 Biomedical Manifacturing 1 041.9 426.3 196.6 315.9 23.0 50.2 103.7 111.8 47.7 52.7 8.9 59.8 176.6 Preciosion Thoughts Engineering 868.4 476.8 668.7 359.6 109.0 141.4 105.9 87.5 65.3 100.9 90.9 209.3 97.2 Transport Engineering 337.6 1 480.5 423.7 579.1 90.0 17.9 263.0 180.5 0.0 135.6 128.3 325.3 99.8 General Thoughts on the future potential of Manufacturing Industries 116.2 350.8 76.1 127.1 12.1 0.0 0.0 30.2 4.2 92.7 26.9 23.7 0.0 Services the Brazilian chemical industry, the Clusters 1 661.8 2 820.6 2 460.0 1 708.4 693.0 581.9 611.5 495.3 461.8 139.8 1 245.8 1 152.0 801.3 challenges it faces, the path it must take to overcome these, and the opportunities present, from leading businessmen and industry figures. 120, 121 Travel Useful information for the business traveller to Singapore, including a hotel guide with listings of the best hotels, tips of where to go, and airport information. 90, 91 Courtesy of EDB Global Business Reports Industry Explorations CONTENTS 50. Interview with Tuas Power Generation Overview LIM KONG PUAY, PRESIDENT & CEO Engineering Success The Modern City State 51.
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