, Tl^-WBAjrtihBR' NET PRESS RUN Forceaat b j' O. S. W eatleather Roreaa, AVER AGE DA11.Y OrttCULATlOiN Net* R avea for the iiioiith of February, 1028 Fair uid colder tonifl^t, p^NdUy 5 , 1 0 8 Uf«UW„ foUowed by rain JYMUty iiii^t. ^ Member of the Audit Bureau of rouu- Circulatlona (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ^ OL. XLII., NO. 141. ClassiUed Advertising on Page 12. MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1928. MORE BODIES DEVASTATION AND SUCCOR i . ALL HOPE IS NOW ABANDONED SWELL FLOOD HOLDS UP GIRl, L l ^ TO 373 LOOTS MARKET OF FINDING OVERDUE .....5 J;V ^ S ' >-i- Gets Cash and Checks to But Many More WiB Never ■ Planning to Broadcast Report Of Seeing Plane Be Found, Officials Re­ Amount pf Nearly $2001 i x * port— 3,000 Rescuers at At East Center St Store' PolltlCai LonVetltlOnS Along Coast Unverified Of C. J. Woodhouse, Work in Area Today. Washington, March 15.— The.i:at the conventions, provided they can get to a radio-speaker. greatest “ air audience’’ that ever London Has Not Yet Given Up Hope But It is Fading Rap- Police stated this afternoon that In addition to arrangements be­ listened to the broadcasting of a ing perfected by the chain broad­ Los Angeles. Cal., March 15.— they had uncovered certain clues which led them to believe that a public event will hear the details casting companies, it was anticipat­ / idly— More Than 55 Hours Have Elapsed Since Capt. As daylight broke over the rugged young bandit with a igun who held of the nomination of the next pres­ ed that several of the larger inde­ pendent stations will have micro­ peaks of.Santa Clara valley today •A"* up a seventeen-year-old girl in ident of the United States. Plans were in development today phones in the convention hails, to Hinchcliffe and Miss Mackay Left England— Should and 3,000 mounted and foot men charge of her father's store at 381 for a remarkable hook-up that will give their audiences special inter­ resumed their search, the bodies of ■ y H I East Center street last night, and pretation of the political spectacles. stole currency and checks totaling connect the auditoriums of the Re­ 12 additional flood victims were publican National convention at Twice as many American’s will Have Reached Coast of Newfoundland Early Yester­ nearly $200. is a Manchester man. hear the conventions broadcast as uncovered, swelling the total to They said that an arrest was ex­ Kansas City and the Democratic gathering In Hous,fon with all big listened in on the Cleveland-New 373 of known dead and officially pected shortly. York meetings four years ago. day— Miss Mackay Financed Trip— Her Father Is In • missing in the St. Francis dam The holdup took place at the broadcasting stations. The dramatic and stormy process Commerce department officials, es­ break. Hollywood Market at East .Center timated that there will be nearly Simultaneously sc’.cn separate and Parker streets at quarter of of selecting the candidates will be Egypt. carried to stations in every state— 8,000,000 radio receivers in use at inquiries were under way to Itx eight last night. The store Is own­ convention time, more than double the blame for the bursting of the ed by Charles J. Woodhouse, who there are few areas so remote that 4? people cannot have a ringside seat the number of 1924. huge concrete dam shortly after lives upstairs in the building. Mr. BULLETIN: midnight Tuesday, which hurled a Woodhouse had gone out to get a LOST ALSO tidal wave of water 60 to 100 feet shave and had left his daughter, Old Orchard Beach, Mr., liigh down the narrow San Fran- Madeline, to look after the store. COSTIGAN QUITS; IMarch 15.— Coast Guardsmen I'isquito canyon and over the fer­ Girl Alone WRIGLEY’S GIFTS of the Fletcher's Neck Station, tile Santa Clara valley, drowning Madeline was alone in the store. Biddefor’d Pool, this afternoon hundreds of sleeping families and The proprietor of the Economy started for Stratton Island, a leaving $12,000,000 destruction in Grocery store, in the same building, TO G. 0 . P. $61,000 RAPS COOUDGE small sandy waste, five miles its walie. had closed for the evening. The off Old Orchard Beach, to in­ only other person in the building vestigate a report that a yel­ i.os .\ngeles. Cal.. .March 15.— was her mother, who was unstairs low object which looked like a Amidst the ruin and havoc of one in the Woodhouse apartments. Mad- Last of Wilson Appointees wrecked airplane with two of the most appalling disasters aline was sitting on a stool behind Chewing Gum Millionairess persons near it was sighted I'ccent years, the Vnowi dead of the counter close to the cash regis­ from the Old Orchard shore. Santa CL’.ra valley \ve”c assembled ter doing a shorthand lesson for the Secretary Tells of Con­ Resigns From Tariff Com­ The object on the shore of today in crude morgues while sor- next day. She is a senior in the the island was seen by Miss lowing witnesses waited tc tell hov/ local High School. Cynthia Page, 21-year-old they died when trapped by the flood When the door opened, Madeline tributions. mission— His Reasons. daughter of R. C. Page, who waters unleashed by the broken did not instantly look up. When had been watching for Captain St. Francis dam. she did, she was startled to find her­ Walter Hlnchcliffe and the Hon. Elsie Mackay on their Four inquests were ordered held self looking into the muzzle of a Chicago, 111.. March 15.— A pic­ Washington, March 15.— Official simultaneously today at Fillmore, revolver in the hand of a masked Washington gasped today over the trans-Atlantic flight. Moorpark, Santa Paula and Oxnard ture of Republican opulence in man. He appeared to be about 23 resignation from the tariff commis­ in drug stores and dance lialls years old and wore a dark blue which business men made lavish sion of Commissioner Edward P. Ijondon, March 15— Absence of v.hich have been converted into suit with a mixed -gray cap. gifts to the Republicans, was re­ any official news that Captain Wal­ Costigan, Democrat and last of the temporary morgues. “ Stick ’em up, and be quiet” , he vealed today at the Senate’s in­ ter Hlnchcliffe and the Hon. Elsie A fifth inquest for those who said. quiry here Ibto what became of the original Wilson appolntes. Presl- Mackay have reached America led lost their lives in San Prancisquito For an instant Madeline thought original 'Wilson appointees. Presi- to the gravest fears this afternoon canyon will be held here next week Debris piled high by the flood waters upon a house near Santa Pau­ someone was trying to play a joke Continental Trading Company’s tion. that they were forced down into when Coroner Frank A. Nance will la (above) and refugees being fed by Red Cross relief workers in an on her but when the man moved $3,080,000 Liberty Bond slush the Atlantic unless they landed at emergency kitchen at Newball were typical aftermaths of the bursting over to the cash register and took Costigan’s resignation accom­ conduct an inquisition to fix the fund. , some Isolated spot on the coast of blame for'lhe tragedy. of the St. Francis dam. These pictures were sent by telephone across out the bills, she realized he was panied by the publication of a let­ the Canadian maritime provinces. Meanwhile, the unknown dead of the continent from California to New York. in ernest. As the bandit, who, wore William Wrigley Jr., the multi­ ter he wrote Senator Joseph T. They have not yet been given up as the devastated vdley lay buried a bit of black cloth, cut with eye millionaire chewing gum magnate Robinson, Democrat of Arkansas, dead, but hope is fading rapidly. beneath tons of silt and debris as \ holes, over his face, took the bills gave the Republicans $61,000 be­ replete with personal attacks on his A vague press report received the gigantic search for unrecovered and checks from the cash register, tween 1920 and 1924, according to fellow members of the commission early in the morning that Hlnch- bodies pushed on. 14 PERSONS HURT NEW BLOOD NEEDED he watched both front and rear William Henry Stanley, bis secre­ and President Coolidge himself, cliffe’s monoplane, had “ landed Known Dead 361 doors closely. He did not touch any tary. as the culmination of a controversy somelCh6fe in America” was not 'I'he toll of hun:an lives taken in of the change in the cash register. Statiley denied' that Wrigley in over the activities of the tariff body confirmed from any source up to 4 '13 caUsfroplie stood toda^’. at AS 3 AUTOS MEET IN GERMAN REICH After taking' the bills, he quietly return had received any of Harry for more than two years. p. m. : ersons. officially reported left the store, keeping Madeline F. Sinclair’s Liberty Bonds in re­ President Coolidge’s course in re­ It has now been more than 55 and missing. covered with his gun until he de­ turn for his cash gifts. fusing to act when “ decisive” evi­ hours since the monoplane Endea­ , How many others perished in the parted. Senator Nye, Republican, con­ dence showed that xiertain tariff vour hopped off at Cranwell Air­ ducted the examination of witness­ .'ood may never be known. Authori- Bus and Two Trucks In Mix- 15,000 Candidates of 20 S?w No Car rates should be lowered, Costigan drome.
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