SIN CE 1845 28 G MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 MONDAY MARCH 30, 2015 1923 - 2015 Goodbye, Mr Lee Thank you, Mr Lee 1923 - 2015 COVER PHOTO: ALPHONSUS CHERN. The state funeral procession leaving Parliament KEEPING THE FLAME ALIVE House early yesterday afternoon amid a torrential downpour. More than 100,000 “The light that has guided us all these years has been extinguished. people lined the 15.4km route of Singapore’s founding father and first Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew’s journey to the University Cultural Centre for the state funeral service. We have lost our founding father Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who lived and breathed Singapore all his life. He and his team led our pioneer generation to create this island nation, Singapore... We have all lost a father. We grieve as one people, one nation. But in our grief, we’ve displayed the best of REPORTS & PICTURES: PAGES 2-28 Singapore. Ordinary people going to great lengths to distribute refreshments and umbrellas to the crowd and help one another in the queue late into the night. Citizen soldiers, Home Team officers, cleaners, all working tirelessly round the clock. Our shared sorrow has brought us together and made us stronger and more resolute. 86 PAGES IN FIVE PARTS TO SUBSCRIBE: 6388-3838 We come together not only to mourn, we come together also to rejoice in Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s long and full life www.sphsubscription.com.sg and what he has achieved with us, his people in Singapore. We come together to pledge ourselves to continue 90 cents building this exceptional country. Let us shape this island nation into one of the great cities in the world reflecting the ideals he stood for, realising the dreams he inspired and worthy of the people who have made A Singapore Press Holdings Singapore our home and nation.” publication – Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, in his eulogy at the state funeral for Mr Lee Kuan Yew MCI (P) 032/02/2015 ## 2 MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 MONDAY, MARCH 30, 2015 3 SAYING GOODBYE 1923 - 2015 People standing several deep along Commonwealth Avenue West paying their last respects to Mr Lee as the cortege drove past. More than 100,000 people stood in pouring rain along the procession’s 15.4km route, which included the NTUC Centre and Trade Union House, the Port of Singapore and his Tanjong Pagar constituency, as well as Bukit Merah, Queenstown and Commonwealth housing estates. ST PHOTO: TREVOR TAN A grateful nation says: ‘Thank you, Mr Lee!’ “We don’t have everything, In pouring rain along the streets or but we have more than most, be- cause of your lifelong labour,” she glued to the TV, at home and abroad, said. “On behalf of young Singapo- reans everywhere, I’d like to say: Singaporeans bid a final farewell thank you.” A bugler sounded the plaintive last post, followed by a solemn By WARREN FERNANDEZ his illness and attend the celebra- minute’s silence in honour of Mr EDITOR tions to mark the 50th anniversa- Lee, marked by those in the hall as ry of the nation he played so criti- well as many around the island. IN THE end, it all boiled down to cal a role in shaping. But, alas, After the national pledge was four simple words: “Thank you, that was not to be. recited and the national anthem Mr Lee.” Yet in death, as he so often did was sung, the funeral procession 1 After nearly 2 /2 hours of heart- over his long years in office, he made its way to Mandai for a pri- felt eulogies at a moving state fu- managed to rally his people in vate cremation service. This was neral service at the University Cul- what might well be the ultimate attended by family, close friends tural Centre (UCC), those four SG50 commemoration event. and Mr Lee’s long-serving staff words summed up the thoughts of Yesterday, the crowds made and medical assistants. the 10 speakers, at times personal, clear that they knew, or had not There, family members shared poetic or profound. forgotten, what Mr Lee had done personal memories of the father The more than 100,000 people over those five decades. and grandfather they knew and who stood drenched in pouring Mr David Hong, 58, who had loved. rain all along the 15.4km route for watched the 1968 National Day Pa- Mr Lee had once been asked by Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s hour-long fi- rade at the Padang in the rain, Straits Times editors how he nal journey through Singapore, braved a downpour again to send would like to be remembered. Not from Parliament House to Kent off Mr Lee. often lost for words, he struggled Ridge, called out his name per- “It’s a test of our spirit and de- for an answer, saying it was not haps because it seemed the best termination,” he said. “Why something he thought about, nor way to say: “Thank you, Mr Lee.” should we be afraid of rain when did it matter much. Indeed, that sentiment was evi- Mr Lee Kuan Yew has gone Then, he added: “This was the dent over the past week of nation- through a lot more storms?” job I undertook, I did my best. al mourning. In scenes never seen Facility officer Sim Lye Hock, And I could not do more.” before or likely to be repeated, 58, who waited along Clementi Given the circumstances, there nearly 454,700 people had queued Road from 10.30am, said: “It’s my was no more he could do, he said, for up to 10 hours through the day last chance to say goodbye... I adding that he would have to and night to attend his lying in could go to school because he leave it to people to make what state at Parliament House. Anoth- pushed for it. If not for him, I ABOVE: People waving national flags as Mr Lee’s cortege passed near the they will of his efforts. er 1.2 million went to 18 condo- don’t know where I’d be now.” junction of Jalan Bukit Merah and Silat Road. ST PHOTO: LIM SIN THAI “It is of no great consequence. lence centres around the island to For over an hour, the gun car- What is of consequence is I did RIGHT: The guard of honour contingents marching into position before the my best. Full stop.” pay their respects, leave flowers, riage carrying Mr Lee’s flag- cortege left Parliament House. ST PHOTO: ALPHONSUS CHERN messages and gifts. draped coffin wove its way Indeed, as many recounted in Mr Lee, who died aged 91 last through Singapore, passing sever- tributes over the past week, Mr Monday, had been a father figure al defining landmarks. Indonesian President Joko Wido- ther Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who lived solve, and steadfast in advancing a father, who although not demon- ans would “lose the instinct for “The grief we shared brought Tony Tan, Emeritus Senior Minis- Lee worked relentlessly to secure to the country he helped found These included the NTUC Cen- do, and former United States pres- and breathed Singapore all his his cause. Because he never wa- strative or “touchy-feely”, cared what made Singapore tick”, us all closer together, and made ter Goh Chok Tong, former minis- Singapore’s future. He did so dog- and forge over the decades, con- tre and Trade Union House in ident Bill Clinton joined more life. He and his team led our pio- vered, we didn’t falter. Because deeply about him and his siblings. which was why he was relentless us stronger and more resolved. To- ters as well as grassroots and un- gedly, with discipline and determi- stantly worrying about the future Shenton Way, which reflect his be- than 2,000 guests for the state fu- neer generation to create this is- he fought, we took courage and He recounted how his father in writing books right to his last gether, we came not only to ion leaders. nation to ensure that Singapore of his charges, pushing them to ginnings as a lawyer defending neral. land nation, Singapore,” he add- fought with him, and prevailed. had urged him to take up medita- days, to share his experiences mourn. Together, we celebrate Mr Mr Lee’s younger son, Mr Lee succeeded. His supporters knew work harder, behave better, think workers, the Port of Singapore The solemn day was also ed, before going on to sketch the Thus Mr Lee took Singapore from tion when his first wife Ming with them. Lee Kuan Yew’s long and full life, Hsien Yang, extended his family’s it, his enemies and opponents longer term, and even have more and his Tanjong Pagar constituen- marked by Singaporeans glued to battles that Singapore’s founding Third World to First.” Yang died, and after he was diag- PM Lee concluded with a rally- and what he has achieved with us, deep appreciation to Singapore- knew it, and ultimately, the peo- babies because the nation needed cy, as well as Bukit Merah, Queen- their television sets or computers Prime Minister and his exception- He went on to recall Mr Lee’s nosed with lymphoma. He ing call, urging Singaporeans to his people. ans for the “outpouring of grief ple whose lives he transformed it. stown and Commonwealth hous- at home and abroad, as well as oth- al team of ministers had fought to tireless quest to help Singapore at- pressed the issue again in 2011, af- build on what Mr Lee and the pio- “Let us continue building this and affection” for his father.
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