Vermont Radio (05401)

Vermont Radio (05401)

Vermont Radio (05401). (802) 656 -4399. U. of Vermont & State -Agri- Northfield cultural College. Net: ABC /FM. Format: Educl. progsv, classical, jazz. Brian Marshall, faculty advisor & *WNUB -FM -Dec 8, 1967: 89.1 mhz; 10 w. Jackman chief engr; David A. Leonard, gen mgr. Hall, Norwich University (05663). (802) 485-8400. Norwich U. Format: Variety. Darrol Fiat, gen mgr. WVMT(AM) -1922: 620 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. Box 1044 (05401). (802) 655 -1620. Vermont Radio Inc. Plainfield WORK(FM) -Listing follows WSNO(AM). (acq 2- 1 -63). Group owner: Goldman. Net: NBC. Rep: Masla; Eckles & Queen. Format: MOR. Spec progs: *WDGR(FM) -May 11, 1973: 91.1 mhz; 10 w. Ant 50 WSNO(AM) -Oct 13, 1959: 1450 khz: 1 kw -D, 250 Farm 6 hrs wkly. Simon Goldman, pres; George ft. Goddard College (05667). (802) 454 -8311, ext w -N. Box 1 (05641). (802) 476 -4168. Radio Barre Inc. Cameron, gen mgr; Thomas Cheek, prom & coml mgr; 437. Goddard College Corp. Format: Variety. James (acq 9- 1 -74). Net: CBS. Rep: Pro /Meeker; North- Brent Jarvis, prog & mus dir; Ernie Farrar, news dir; Page, gen mgr; Clarke White, chief engr. eastern Spot Sls. Format: MOR, contemp. Spec prog: John Hanley, chief engr. Rates: Si 1; 9; 9; 6. C &W 12 hrs wkly. Robert I. Kimel, pres; Alan H. Noyes, gen mgr; Mike Donovan, coml mgr; Bill Noyes, Putney prog Allan R. Machell, chief engr. Rates: 54.70; dir; Castleton *WVUS(FM) -1974: 88.9 mhz; 10 w. Stereo. Box 4.70; 4.70; 4.70. 480, Windham College (05346). (802) 387 -4615. *WRUV(FM) 1976: 91.3 mhz; 10w. Vermont Radio System. Format: Progsv, jazz. WORK(FM) -Co -owned with WSNO(AM). Aug 5, -June Windham College 05735. Board of Trustees. 12 hrs, Jazz 18 hrs, classical 6 1974: 107.1 mhz; 1.5 kw. Ant 410 ft. Dups AM 10 %. State College Spec progs: Educal folk 4 hrs wkly. Hayward McKee, gen mgr; Er- Format: Contemp. Rates: S5.20; 5.20; 5.20; 5.20. hrs, Colchester nest Batcheler, chief engr; Greg Riebman, prog dir. Bennington *WWPV -FM -Aug 10, 1973: 88.7 mhz; 10 w. Saint Randolph Michaels College (05404). (802) 655 -0176. Board of WBTN(AM) -Sept 13, 1953: 1370 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Format: Progsv, 1968: 1320 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 560 (05201). (802) 442 -6321. Catamount Bcstrs Inc. Trustees, St. Michaels College. classcl, WCVR(AM) -Nov 30, mgr; Warren C. Chase, 728 Central Vermont Rep: Webb; Kirby Mrs. Belva Chase Keyworth, pres, educl. Joan L. Van Zandt, gen 1320 (05060). (802) -3326. 2 -72). Group owner: Sconnix. Net: treas & stn mgr; Robert Harrington, asst stn mgr. chief engr. Radio Corp. (acq ABC /E. Rep: Eckles and Queen. Format: MOR. C &W. FM on air, target date unknown: 89.5 mhz, WHGC(FM) -Co -owned with WBTN(AM). Not on air, *New -Not Theodore E. Nixon, pres & gen mgr; Al Frawley, prog & ft. Park St., Essex Junction, Vt. target date unknown: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 110 ft. 1.26 kw. Ant 2,156 51 news dir; Raymond J. Normandin, sis mgr; Lindsey (05452). Vermont Public Radio. Collins, chief engr. Rates: $4.40: 3.35; 4.40; 3.35. Brattleboro East Montpelier Randolph Center *WVEP(FM) -March 5, 1973: 88.3 mhz; 10 w. RR No. *WVTC(FM) -90.7 mhz; 10 w. Ant 63 ft. Box 1, Morey WKVT 2, Montpelier (05602). (802) 229-0321. Union High Hall, Vermont Technical College (05061). (802) School Dist No. 32. Format: Progsv, Top 40, educ. Spec 728 -5646. Vermont State Colleges, Vermont Techni- i Middle -of- the -Road, Uptempo progs: Black 5 hrs, farm 2 hrs wkly. Andrew C. cal College. Format: Top 40. Howard Marc Ginsberg, Wysmuller, pres & gen mgr. pres & gen mgr; Charles Roberts, chief engr. WKVT(AM) -Nov 29, 1959: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. Box 818 (05301). (802) 254 -2343. Radio Brat- Johnson Rutland tleboro Inc. (acq 8- 1 -65). Net: CBS. Rep: PRO /Meeker; 16, 1972: 90.1 mhz; 10 w. Northeastern Spot Sls. Format: MOR. Spec progs: Pol *WJSC -FM -July WHWB(AM) -June 1949: 1000 khz; 1 kw -D. Box Net: 1 hr, farm 2'/. hrs wkly. David E. Parnigoni, pres & gen (05656). (802) 635 -2314. Vermont State College. 518 (05702). (802) 773 -3315. Central Vermont Bcstg mgr; Gary Ferguson, asst gen mgr; Michael Clark, sis NPR. Format: Progsv. William A. Price Ill, gen mgr; T. Corp. (acq 1954). Audio news: UPI. Rep: Gill- Perna. engr. mgr; Peter MacLeod, prog dir; Patti Elmer, opns dir; Hugh McKinney, chief Format: MOR. Spec progs: Ital 1 hr, Pol 1 hr wkly. Tim Arsenault, mus dir & pub svc mgr; Owen May, John Carusone Jr., pres; Francis E. McCormack, gen news dir; David Calef, chief engr. Rates: S7.10. 6.35; Lyndonville mgr; Edward Larson, prog dir; Paul Thayer, coml mgr; 7.10; 3.80. Robert Bascom, mus dir; Michael Calhoun, news dir; *W WLR(FM) -Not on air, target date 1976: 91.7 mhz, Manual Martin, chief engr. Rates: S6.50; 6.50; 6.50: on air, target date unknown: 92.7 WKVT -FM -Not 10w. Box F (05851). (802) 626 -3335. Vermont State 6.50. mhz; 410 w. Ant 712 ft. Stereo. College. Net: ABC /FM. Format: Progressive. William Perrault, stn mgr. WHWB -FM -March 25, 1971: 98.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant WTSA(AM) 19, 1950: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 - -April minus 300 ft. Dups AM 30 %. Format: C &W. Rates N. Box 819 (802) 254 -4577. Southern Ver- (05301). Middlebury same as AM. mont Broadcasters (acq 1- 8 -68). Net: MBS. Rep: Mar- ket 4; New England Spot. Format: Contemp. Spec WCVM(FM) -Listing follows WFAD(AM). WRUT(FM) -Listing follows WSYB(AM). prog: C &W 6 hrs wkly. John K. Healy, pres & gen mgr; B.L. Healy, coml & prom mgr; Larry Smith, news WFAD(AM) -Dec 24, 1965: 1490 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 WSYB(AM) -Dec 10, 1930: 1380 khz; 5 kw -D. 1 kw- dir. Rates: $5.25; 5.25: 5.25; 5.25. w -N. Box 150, 29 Court St. (05753). (802) 388-2490. N, DA -N. Box 249 (05701). (802) 775 -5597. Vermont Addison Bcstg Inc. (acq 8- 1 -73). Net: CBS. Rep: New Radio Inc. (acq 11- 1 -70). Group owner: Goldman. Net: WTSA -FM -Dec 15, 1975: 96.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 170 England Spot Sls. Format: MOR. Spec prog: C &W 1V. NBC. Audio news: UPI. Rep: Masla; Eckles & Queen. ft. Rates: 54.67; 4.67; 4.67: 4.67. hrs wkly. Timothy Buskey. pres & coml mgr; Mark Format: Contemp. Spec progs: Pol 1 hr, farm 1 hr wkly. Brady, VP gen mgr & prog dir; Ken Gilbert. mus dir; La- Simon Goldman, pres; Ralph Smith, coral mgr; Burlington rry Maier, chief engr. Rates: S5.50; 5; 5.50; 4. George Cameron, gen mgr; Alex Dunn, prog & mus dir; Ted Pendelton, news dir; Walter Bohlin, chief engr. WCVM(FM) -Co -owned with WFAD(AM). April 2, Rates: S6.90; 6.40; 6.90; 6.40. WDOT(AM) -April 19, 1954: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 1975: 100.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus 146 ft. (802) w -N. 395 College St. (05401). (802) 862 -5776. Hunter 388 -6782. Format: Oldies. Rates: S5.25; 5.25; 5.25; WRUT(FM) -Co -owned with'WSYB(AM). 1974: 97.1 Bcstg In. (acq 2- 25 -64). Net: ABC /C. Rep: Bassett; 5.25. mhz; 830 w. Ant 2,589 ft. Format: Beautiful music. Segal. Format: Contemp. William A. Hunter, pres & Spec prog: Classical 3 hrs wkly. Rates: $5.10; 4.60: gen mgr; Daniel F. Shannon, coml mgr; Charles *WRMC -FM- February 1968: 91.7 mhz; 10 w. Box 5.10: 4.60. Cuisamano, prog dir; John Hill, news dir; Tom McKin- 2200 (05753). (802) 388 -6323. President and ney, chief engr. Fellows of Middlebury College. Format: Classcl, prog St. Albans rock. David Wyskiel, pres & gen mgr; Charles Mc- WEZF(FM) -July 19, 1969: 92.9 mhz; 36 kw. Ant Carthy, chief engr. 1420 khz; 1 kw -D. Swanton Rd. 2700 ft. Stereo. Box 22 (05401). (802) 655 -3663. WWSR(AM) -1941: TWX (802) 510- 299 -0022. International Television (05478). (802) 524-2133. Radio St. Albans Inc. (acq 9 -59). Audio news: UPI. Rep: Northeastern Spot Sls. Corp. (acq 4- 14 -74). Rep: P /W; Creed. Format: Btfl Montpelier Format: MOR, easy Istng. Spec progs: C &W 7 hrs, talk mus. Donald G. Martin, pres; John R. Hughes, gen WSKI(AM -Dec 7, 1947: 1240 khz; i kw -D, 250 w- I. pres; O. Kimel, gen mgr; William Arnold, stn mgr; Alice Smith, corn! mgr; 5 hrs wkly. Robert Kimel, John N. 94 Main St. (05602). (802) 223 -5275. Green Mt. mgr; Fahl, nati mgr; John H. Shaefer, opns Sarge Cathrall, chief engr. WEZF -TV affil. Rates: Cecil sis Bcstg Inc. (acq 12- 1 -58). Net: ABC /E. Rep: Market 4 mgr; R. Kimel, mgr; Jack E. Dodd, coml mgr; S11; 11; 11; 7. David sis Radio; Creed. Format: Variety. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr Albert D. Corey, news dir; Theodore Boisvert, chief wkly. Daniel B. Ruggles Ill, pres & gen mgr; Victor Rates: WJOY(AM) -Sept 14, 1946: 1230 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 engr. S5.60; 5.60; 5.60; -. Lavin, coml mgr; Thomas Cheney, prog dir; Robert J. w -N. Joy Drive, Broadcast Park, S. Burlington (05401). 1970: 102.3 mhz; kw. Ant 215 ft. (802) 658 -1230. Vermont Bcstg Corp. Audio news: Bannon, news dir; Gerard Marcotte, chief engr. WWSR -FM -April 3 Rates: 7.50; 7.50; 7.50.

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