Colts Votes on School Tomorrow . SEE STORY, PAGES ";the Weather THE FINAL Mostly sunny today. Possible "j Krd Bank, Freehold f showers, cool tonight. Partly sunny tomorrow. f* lx>ngBranch , / EDITION Moiunuulli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 26 PAGES 1 VOL.95 NO.74 * TF1V f F1VFS RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, OCTOBER 16,1972 iniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiimiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuiiiiui IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIUIUUUIUUIIII„„,„„„,„] „ luMiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mi IIIII^I iimniii < niinim m M.IH.IIIIIIIII.IHHIIIII miiiiiimii »»" rmiiitHi»m»"i""« «'"», Senate Faces Possi Of Long Debates Today WASHINGTON (AP) — women enjoy under present about 3 million aged, blind meaning Congress once again Under the compromise. So- Congress went into overtime law in calculating their old- and disabled persons. has deferred taking on the cial Security and other retire- today with members, itching age insurance payments. $6 Billion Price Tag present chaotic system, ment payments, veterans' to hit the hustings, facing the — Raise widows' payments The estimated total price benefits, judges' salaries and possibility of long debates from 82% per cent of their tag of the conference bill Confcreees also agreed to several other items would be over two of the biggest bills of husbands' basic entitlement to would be about $K billion com- put substantial limitations on exempt from cuts. the dying session. 100 per cent. pared to the $18.5 billion toll sweeping powers which the The bill would permit reduc- Senate Democratic Whip — Extend Medicare to per- carried by the Senate-passed House voted to give Nixon to tions up to 20 per cent in. 50 Robert Byrd of West Virginia sons retired for disability as version. enforce a $250-billion ceiling categories of programs. It qredicted lengthy debate on well as for age, and feder- Deleted from the Social on government spending for would allow funds for specific the compromise versions of alize, with national payment Security bill was the entire the fiscal year ending next programs within a category to the Social Security bill and standards, the programs for section on welfare reform. June 30. be deleted entirely. one giving President Nixon extraordinary powers to cut spending. Both houses had set their sights on adjourning last Sat- Rtgtsttr Staff Ptioto urday. But the Senate had to SUPERINTENDENT HONORED- Rocco N. Bonforte, president of the carry over business today and Bribery-Conspiracy Christopher Columbus Club of Long Branch, left, offers a cheerful 'con- the House is to return tomor- gratulations' to William H. Meskill, Long Branch superintendent of , .row after frantic but futile ef- schools, as he presents him with the club's Americanism Award. Mr. Mes- forts to finish their business in kill was honored at a Columbus Club dinner in West End Manor, Long sessions that lasted until early Branch, last night. Mr. Bonforte, the city's postmaster, said the honor yesterday. went to the city educator for his "honesty, unselfishness, loyalty, love and Conferees sent to the two Trial Begins Today compassion for all people." chambers for action a com- FREEHOLD - The bri- Authorities agreed to pro- ran. Former Assistant Prose- work, U-Essex, has charged promise version of the Social bery-conspiracy trial of New Security bill, stripped of all ceed with the state charges cutor Charles Frankel of As- that Mr. Kugler's office failed Jersey secretary of state Paul first. U.S. Attorney Herbert J. buryl'arkrcpKesentsMr. to investigate. Mr. Sherwin's welfare reform but expanding J. Sherwin, a Republican some benefits and increasing Stern says it is unlikely the fed- Manzo. Matthew 1\ Boy Ian of alleged intervention for more fund-raiser and a contractor eral government would prose- Newark was appointed as spe- than a. year after it was noti- payroll taxes to pay for them. begins here today. Israelis Hit Bases Points Outlined cute the three on the same cial prosecutor at the request fied of the situation. Jury selection is expected to charges after the state trial. of Atty. (len. (ioerge F. Kug- Mr. Kugler has denied the The payroll-tax boost pro- be the first order of business vided by the bill would mean Adrian M. Foley Jr. of New- ler after Mr. Kugler's han- charge and asked the State at the trrl in Superior Court ark represents Mr. Sherwin. dling of the case was publicly Investigation Commission to that a person earning $10,800 before Judge Francis X. in 1973 would have to pay Walter D. Van Riper of New- criticized. look into the way his office Crahay. Neither the defense ark is counsel for Mr. Lough- State Sen. James H. Wall- handled the matter. In Lebanon, Syria $631.80 instead of the $468 nor prosecution filed pretrial maximum withheld this year. motions. By The Associated Press said two civilians were killed, justice." The bill also would: — Raise from .$1,680 to Mr. Sherwin, fund-raiser 16 were wounded and two oth- Sadat said his recent pro- William C. Loughran of Sea Israel made five air strikes ers were missing. It said an- posal for a Palestinian gov- $2,100 the amount a retired person could earn without re- Girt and contractor Michael yesterday against guerrilla tiaircraft fire kept the planes ernment in exile was "merely J. Manzo of Marlboro Town- bases in Lebanon and Syria. A from hitting their targets an expression of an objec- ducing Social Security ben- efits. ship are accused of conspiring top Israeli official said they along the coast and in the tive," Palestinian leaders re- to arrange a $10,000 political signaled a new policy of "no western Bekaa Valley. jected the proposal. — Set a new $170-a-month contribution in exchange for longer waiting for the guer- Meanwhile in Cairo, Presi- Turning to relations with minimum for persons who the awarding of a highway rillas to hit first." dent Anwar Sadat told the Moscow, Sadat said Egypt worked as long as 30 years in contract to Mr. Manzo's firm The raids were the first Egyptian parliament the Pa- "will continue to exert all pos- covered employment. in 1970. against the guerrillas since lestinians and the other Arabs sible effort to overcome dif- —Slightlyincrease benefits the Sept. 16-17 sweep into for men by extending to them Ttte Chahrges'stemfrom the must unite "for the estab- ferences with the Soviet Sept. 24,1970 bidding on a con- Lebanon by Israeli army lishment of a peace based on Union." an unintended advantage units. There has. been relative tract for the widening and re- quiet on the borders since construction of 8.2 miles of then, but Gen. Haim Herzog, Route 46 in Warren County. the former intelligence chief, The low bid of $603,871 was said in a broadcast com- submitted by the Centrum mentary: "From now on the Construction of Clinton, The Murder of 9 Whites Manzo firm submitted the sec- very presence of saboteurs" in Syria and Lebanon "is to be ond lowest bid of $607,657. regarded as a provocation." Subsequently Mr. Manzo is alleged to have given Mr. "This is the operative phase Loughran a $10,000 check pay- of our pledge to hit the terror-Blamed on 8 Blacks able to the state Republican ists wherever they are, and CHICAGO (AP) - Sheriff Elrod, the Cook County son, 19, a Southern Illinois Finance Committee. Mr. they are in Lebanon and Syr* sheriff, said the De Mau Mau University student whose Sherwin, in return, was al- ia," another high-ranking mil- Richard J. Elrod says eight members of a black terrorist organization apparently was body was found May 3 some leged to have sought to have itary source said. founded several years ago by 40 miles from the Carbondale the state Transportation De- An Israeli spokesman said gang charged in the recent murders of nine persons were Vietnam veterans who had campus in the southern part partment reject the bids and the targets in Lebanon were been dishonorably discharged. of the state. seek new ones. at Sinik, Dakifa and Dier el apparently "roaming the countryside looking for some- Charles G. Hurst Jr., presi- Charged in the Barringtori The Transportation Depart- Rtguttr Sloff Photo Ashayer and a guerrilla naval dent of Malcolm X College in Hills murders were Reuben MUSEUM CEREMONY — Monmouth County Freeholder Director Joseph base at Ras el Naba south of one to kill." ment which rescinded the Authorities said apparently Chicago, said three of the Taylor, 22; his brother Don- bids, then reversed itself and C. Irwin turns the symbolic shovelful of dirt to mark groundbreaking cer- the Litani River Delta. He men charged had been stu- ald, 21; Michael Clark, 21; emonies yesterday for the Monmouth Museum. WitnNwr. Irwin are Dr. said a guerrilla training camp not all of the eight men awarded the contract to Cen- charged had participated in dents there, but he said they and Nathaniel Burse, 23. The trum, the low bidder. Mason W. Gross, left, chairman of the building campalgn\Mrs. W. Board- was hit in Syria. The raiders had been dismissed. He de- Taylor brothers, Clark and man Leonard, wife of the museum president, and Philip Carling, execu- came within 15 miles of Beirut all slayings. David A. Biederman, a for- Elrod told newsmen yes- clined to elaborate. Burse are also-charged with mer deputy attorney general tive vice president of the museum. and within 30 miles of Dam- The most widely reported of the Monee slayings. ascus. terday the nine white victims, who was then serving as including the members of two the murders was the killing of Clark, Burse, Donald Tay- Transportation Commissioner All Planes Returned separate families, apparently a retired insurance executive lor, Edward Moran Jr., 23,- John C. Kohl's counsel, had The spokesman said all the were randomly selected by a and three members of his Robert Wilson, 18, and an un- questioned the action of the planes returned safely.
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