Scholars Crossing 2008 -- 2009 Liberty University School Newspaper Spring 4-28-2009 04-28-09 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 26, Issue 22) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_08_09 Recommended Citation "04-28-09 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 26, Issue 22)" (2009). 2008 -- 2009. 22. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_08_09/22 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2008 -- 2009 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Growing j photogTap iic k at how Liberty University |I^P SpeC^^Wr^gj|>: T^* foe year jn revjev^ ffiroDqh Class a difference in and around k 4% IriMfjSl Wf% I C • C A . »« - -2- the Hiii city • VI • WW €llU pi. photography, B3lr B6 LIBERTY.EDU/CHAMPIOYN C-TUESDAY , APRIL 28, 2009 • VOL. 26 ISSUE 22 GradWeekend Commencement Baccalaureate May9.10:00AM ^ May8*6:00PM NEWS: A wildfire that .began Wednesday; April 22 in the M^r'tjeP Beach arearfSouth Carolina rjfTrne^tsEj^itjT!rcj&g^, - ^&f^crfis.^lind and 76 hort^^o?e^|fig"Jj,teK3 % were able tpjjontainrlt?^o>5jnsgjftq*'tRf?sa/i^e^s* fe^^ljtJis estimated that the^a^s^have^us'edigv^I gfl^^illiop^rrdajnage tvSouth;Carqlina^ffreials/jh'avS* fGhaTged ;^al^Torchi, .accp1&mg$pVtrfe^^ jl&ess He r^eriortedly^errTp^d^crear jTiefb^u^h'fan^, fdebris injhis^^kyafd'by^yrning^andriosfr'ccirifrol 6£ the blaze; j To enhance the authenticity and feel of the Chalet, wood flooring • and walls and a working fireplace have been installed The room will be nf^B^ME FLU i |™ ^^^eT^^trlun rfy^e^qf- jsihr^jig-iii'jyeVdppJiitrtt^S'ijov^ex,- ; decorated' with donated mounted animal trophies, collected by Dr. Al An outbreak^f-swfnV'fl^ M^gsi^wfS&uh^riiPiitjm&t ^an%"fel#tr-|^rj^5'ivfls> rapuilyji*iieJT'irig*ifcs1^* , Barrick. Barrick hunted every animal- in North America and claimed at led international officials to declare'a' •^ubjic»h/e!al^ least one of each species over a 40-year period He donated all the trophies emergency,;iafcctfciirf^^ to Liberty a few years ago. To pro\ ide refreshments and food, a Cafe A La Mexico has^regorted over 1,|ob|peqpleyFiaye^bJe^' ^^?B3Dp^^t^ilc*&^65^(1^^11^^ hptejj the.L'hjitct i^ll '«.& ,[nfe£t£rtarfd&^ Grrre will be on the second flow tor students Whcrhci meal points, will ijrfectj^ be accepted is still under debate, according to Askew. twoir^anas^pnefe y\^irlcl|pealth.0^nization 'believes f Ihi?riewStrajr^ojr!- * ^s^^^lft^^SSr^A^lTOn^a.gliwrlbv, flosS ifncSl^aj^an'd lotingK, '• In addition a variety of seating arrangements will be available for ^J^fLuiGanMj^ students on both the second floor and the outer deck. tcjealt$yith sjwift]y,^acc'ojfain^tp tffe Jlos^AngefesJjmes ?' - The decision to build the Snowflex came from the desire to do something productive with Liberty Mountain, according to Chancellor •'.^tll^irifii^^w t^^i' •i^?l^P^^f1^k°!"^^8 ||||j,ght of celebratiof/tspi/aled ;<$3j|gf Sfcoritfoli^PrenF. !studjj|ts from Kent State begajwipting-'YR'i.d't-dolice? *Pvenjmrng>i|!quirkl^^^^ ^I^Giberty. ha.s owned a .sOOO-acie mountain for many years and our -atrerrj'Rtea'^to. bTeak^upJhe "crd^^by^jus|^||peppe^ «'j£'sr-choice was to use the mountain for student activities, athletic* and sp/ay^ancl' leXs'/th*a^'e^a|^am^fJriitioh^*fGCoSmgy !tc£*cbs4 com VStudentssresponded by*p.eltirig*ithe'r A^mc^c'^ 'recreation rather than selling it offto residential or commercial developers," SafpeTswith bottles, bricks and?tpnes\S;ever*aMfficers% tJJK^|ffiH;jp^t^ WJhijijj Falwell said. "(But) we learned that 1 ynchburg is not cold enough tor suffered mirj^injuries'^nd 6$ stutleats werfjarrestlq^r &useJ)t^JsjjC:^ artificial snow to be useful nioic thui 4i>-50 days per year." ^rid^g.e^k^ire^fflfe'free'-to eYefi:pjnfcvp/sigrit.;d tc> recreate the Iqol^rjJH ^f^S|||!jMTACKS TALI^SS p|||*&a.tr)idt^ enjoy all the ^pp*dildirig^^^ssure from the U.S./Pakisrar^.'lbrces^ /'.:•'* j , SEE CHALET ON A7 ^rrt^liGo^er.^urafiip'srahd 1 roops tdiatt^pTaljbaniK : ^S*srt^i r|^ .- ;.> ; insurgents, killing at least 30 in the Lowergl^djsjfTie&jg. S^^l^^t^A^ejatedgfess^'The region borders*;; ^pS.raOTr^gd-is considered vital 'to^antige^pr?1 .p^er'atjbns-t^ A''PLACE, JH1PJ0EN t INjyJOTg^" ^^S^ftT^^^tQSJIj ^'PEOPLE NEVER KNEME-SMffiBM Amahda Sullivan i FttlBLBNEWS EDITOR I K The burly man dressed in a plaid flannel shirt steers the 17-car ^EIDltpfl||N£HI6E^- locomotive, ensuring the train stays i on track He picks up his radio and 'vj|Sj&u&4s falling on my notebook as I struggle to document the called in his location as he passes an ^^^^^^^ildren.event.in Washington, DC. Tm surrounded by emerald green sign, signifying the ^^^^^^lEand Cbllegftstiidents who are ignoring,the,;dippjetsv trains close proximity to Montyiew • fe^pl^png^^^psp'eaker who is pacing back and forth' on the fx|f|Jf| .!••• stage before them. BobbyBaileyypnepfthe-co-founders of Invisible "Entering Falwelj/Va;"! he-'says:' • Children/ wa^r^riSMil^ig^Jbhn Erenderg^steffie co-founder ^S^^^p^crackies! oyer the radio ; of the Enough Project'MJlpergast; one of'the''many speakers handset, reading the sign. • that had:be|f^^mredat the Invisible Children event, had been The sign does not signify a city , (,"»i udt]\ lntcT'iup^cd, bythe lightning storm that was looming over named after or devoted to Dr. Jerry ; downtown DC. Even as the lights shorted out, Prendergast kept. Falwell Sr. Rather the marker acts as talking. Even as the reflecting pool in front..of^^Kpitol mirrored a control point for the railroad. The "Falwell, Va." was named for Falwell, Falwell.'" • founded by Dr. Falwell, and it could ^^^M^atedm dose proximity to according to Long. The control point was renamed be easily understood on the radios f^tallfing^^^^^r •.LiBefry University. "The crossover at the south end. between 2001^^5^S^iya ^^K^^^&^^^SfngsMffi^ ! •He kept talking, despite the';c]flj||ptarices, because there was - re crave in of Montview Yard was manually alleviate con'fuS).o |M':pif;,!^lfes^ ^^5^®- l g from Wards t f ; something to talk about. Road to the Liberty campus the operated in 1971 and was later for crewmen I'rcviouSkjfe' tjjp^ toi f{abUl!''thHwsio^i w;^!|p|? . As the rain fell harder and technology began to fail, the IC sign is located just to the left of the automated," Property Manager points within the proximity, were -o/i wrMrawoids p'ossess"tTd I^>nri||§j supporters took matters into their own hands. With only a drum, crossing of the railroad, tracks next William Gorby said. "When it referred to "Montview North" and -"c[ar;^^^S^r53^^^ an acoustic guitar and their voices, the people formed a circle and to * Sonic Drive-Jn," Lynchburg was automated Norfolk Southern "Montview South." - "IliijpSS §^^MiE~VlRGINIA ON A7 "started chanting, attracting the attention of the few passersby who Railway Historian Charles Long had to name it something, so they "(The contiol point^Svasyso^ were trying to find shelter. said. named it Falwell.' There wasn't named) because of its close "Hey hey! Ho ho! Joseph Kony has got to go!" • The control point known as anything with a name here prior to proximity to Liberty, (which was)'- "We Want justice, we want peace! We want those children released!" They kept chanting, despite the circumstances, because there % % was something to chant about. f"f r Commuter Care -|pK2'" SEE INVISIBLE ON A? 1B?lfliS Campus Construction • A|j; WLV !I il-'DAY. April 28, 2009 Commuters learn I \ I I OL U a § t off-campus RIVIERA AWARD survival skills Anthony Barone She explained that the I .ynchburg city! NEWS REPORTER food tax rate is high and that by using1 RECIPIENT meal points students do not pay the 11.5,' In aperilousworldfilled with unexpected percent. turns and trials, Liberty University has Also, any time commuters or students; HONORED IN sought to prepare its students for the road use meal plan points, they save five percent! ahead as hundreds of students filled North on the cost of food. Campus on Saturday for Liberty's first In the "community relations" portion of; CONVOCATION commuter seminar. the day, Cindy Kozerow gave tips for being! "'Ihis is the first year we had a sizable a good neighbor and for overall safety; number ofstudents to participate," Director in Lynchburg. SJie spoke about where', of Commuter Affairs Larry Provost said. students should not be living and gave a Senior softball player Beth Bennett was awarded Liberty's highest athletic honor, the Rock Royer/Mac The required event, entitled "Real well-rounded view of the city. World," gave students an inside look at off- Rivera Award, on Wednesday, April 22. "Pick a good neighborhood," said LU: campus living and what to expect in the "(The award) recognizes the Liberty University graduating senior student-athlete who has maintained Police Chief Hinkiey next year. an exemplary testimony on the playing field, in the classroom and among the student body," according to "Don't live between 5th Street and 12th; "When I moved off campus, we did not libertyflames.com. Street to Park Avenue." have this," senior Garrett Rockafellow said. Director of Financial Research and "I wish I would have known about some Analysis Richard Martin gave a detailed (of the) things (they talked about)." view of the parking plans for the 2009- Liberty honors faithful volunteers Topics covered a variety ot subjects 2010 school year.
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