June 29, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4221 of the Senate on June 28, 2011; to the Com- Whereas, career and technical education data and mirroring outdated needs of twen- mittee on Armed Services. programs play an integral role in providing ty-five years ago; and EC–2335. A communication from the Direc- our students with the experience and train- Whereas, unless Congress sustains tor of Defense Procurement and Acquisition ing necessary to compete in the modern LIHEAP, Louisiana’s most vulnerable citi- Policy, Department of Defense, transmit- economy and a reduction in funding will zens will be placed at an unnecessarily great- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- harm Tennessee’s students and communities, er risk. Therefore, be it titled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition Regula- both big and small, as well as the economic Resolved, That the Louisiana Legislature tion Supplement; Management of Manufac- well-being of America: Now, therefore, be it hereby declares June, 2011 to be ‘‘Save turing Risk in Major Defense Acquisition Resolved by the Senate of the One Hundred LIHEAP Month’’ and encourages public and Programs’’ ((RIN0750–AH30)(DFARS Case Seventh General Assembly of the State of Ten- private citizens to join in by encouraging 2011–D031)) received in the Office of the nessee, the House of Representatives Concur- their respective congressional delegation to President of the Senate on June 28, 2011; to ring, That this General Assembly hereby me- sustain this vital program at its long-stand- the Committee on Armed Services. morializes the United States Congress to ing national appropriation of five point one EC–2336. A communication from the Direc- continue to support career and technical billion dollars during federal Fiscal Year tor of Defense Procurement and Acquisition education programs, including the Perkins 2012. Be it further Policy, Department of Defense, transmit- Tech Prep program. Be it further Resolved, That the Legislature of Louisiana ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Resolved, That a certified copy of this reso- hereby memorializes the Congress of the titled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition Regula- lution be transmitted to the President and United States to sustain home energy assist- tion Supplement; Pilot Program for Acquisi- the Secretary of the United States Senate, ance for at-risk Louisianians and to declare tion of Military-Purpose Nondevelopmental the Speaker and the Clerk of the United June 2011 as ‘‘Save LIHEAP’’ Month. Be it Items’’ ((RIN0750–AH27)(DFARS Case 2011– States House of Representatives, and to each further D034)) received in the Office of the President member of Tennessee’s Congressional delega- Resolved, That a copy of this Resolution of the Senate on June 28, 2011; to the Com- tion. shall be transmitted to the secretary of the mittee on Armed Services. United States Senate and the clerk of the EC–2337. A communication from the Direc- POM–53. A concurrent resolution adopted United States House of Representatives and tor of Defense Procurement and Acquisition by the Legislature of the State of Louisiana to each member of the Louisiana delegation Policy, Department of Defense, transmit- memorializing the Congress of the United to the United States Congress. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- States to sustain home energy assistance for titled ‘‘Defense Federal Acquisition Regula- at-risk Louisianians and to declare June 2011 POM–54. A resolution adopted by the city tion Supplement; Definition of Sexual As- as ‘‘Save LIHEAP’’ Month; to the Committee of Lackawanna, New York requesting the sault’’ ((RIN0750–AG93)(DFARS Case 2010– on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. city of Lackawanna be united under one New D023)) received in the Office of the President SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 33 York State Assembly-Member; to the Com- of the Senate on June 28, 2011; to the Com- Whereas, the federal home energy assist- mittee on the Judiciary. mittee on Armed Services. ance program is of vital interest to the state EC–2338. A communication from the Under f of Louisiana and to low to moderate income Secretary of Defense (Policy), transmitting, households, especially the elderly, disabled, REPORTS OF COMMITTEES pursuant to law, a report relative to Cooper- or young citizens, who struggle dispropor- ative Threat Reduction Programs; to the The following reports of committees tionately to afford heating and cooling costs; Committee on Armed Services. were submitted: and EC–2339. A communication from the Assist- Whereas, Congress is considering the pro- By Mr. KERRY, from the Committee on ant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Af- posed budget to reduce the fiscal year 2012 Foreign Relations, with amendments and fairs), transmitting, pursuant to law, legisla- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Pro- with a preamble: tive proposals relative to the National De- gram (LIHEAP) formula grant funding by S.J. Res. 20. A joint resolution authorizing fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012; fifty-seven percent nationally; and the limited use of the United States Armed to the Committee on Armed Services. Whereas, this reduction is disproportion- Forces in support of the NATO mission in EC–2340. A communication from the Chair- ately more damaging in Louisiana, trig- Libya (Rept. No. 112–27). man, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, trans- gering a sixty-seven percent loss, resulting By Mr. LIEBERMAN, from the Committee mitting, pursuant to law, a report entitled in the life-threatening decrease of 34.7 mil- on Homeland Security and Governmental Af- ‘‘Report to Congress on Abnormal Occur- lion dollars to Louisiana; and fairs, with an amendment in the nature of a rences: Fiscal Year (FY) 2010’’; to the Com- Whereas, due to the loss of these funds, substitute: mittee on Environment and Public Works. tens of thousands of vulnerable Louisiana S. 550. A bill to improve the provision of EC–2341. A communication from the Sec- citizens will lose access to the LIHEAP’s assistance to fire departments, and for other retary of Veterans Affairs, transmitting, vital energy services; and purposes (Rept. No. 112–28). pursuant to law, a legislative proposal rel- Whereas, more than four hundred and sev- ative to authorization for major facility con- f enty-six thousand Louisiana households struction projects and leases for fiscal year meet LIHEAP’s stringent income eligibility EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF 2012; to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. requirements; and COMMITTEES f Whereas, of these households, one hundred The following executive reports of PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS eighty-four thousand shelter someone over the age of sixty, ninety-six thousand are nominations were submitted: The following petitions and memo- children under the age of six, and one hun- By Mr. LEVIN for the Committee on rials were laid before the Senate and dred and fifty-four thousand are handicapped Armed Services. were referred or ordered to lie on the individuals, including disabled veterans; and Air Force nomination of Lt. Gen. Robert R. table as indicated: Whereas, for a Louisiana family of four to Allardice, to be Lieutenant General. be eligible for LIHEAP, the family must earn Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Bradley POM–52. A joint resolution adopted by the no more than twenty-seven dollars per day, A. Heithold, to be Lieutenant General. General Assembly of the State of Tennessee per capita; and Air Force nomination of Maj. Gen. Stanley memorializing Congress to continue to sup- Whereas, although nearly a half-million E. Clarke, to be Lieutenant General. port career and technical education pro- Louisiana households meet LIHEAP’s federal Air Force nomination of Lt. Gen. Paul J. grams, including the Perkins Tech Prep pro- income criteria, only a small fraction of eli- Selva, to be Lieutenant General. gram; to the Committee on Health, Edu- gible households are actually helped due to Air Force nomination of Brig. Gen. Ter- cation, Labor, and Pensions. already limited federal funding; and rence A. Feehan, to be Major General. SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 111 Whereas, Louisiana’s ability to reach at- *Army nomination of Gen. James D. Thur- Whereas, the career and technical edu- risk families through LIHEAP is entirely de- man, to be General. cation programs available to our students pendent upon the provision of adequate fund- Army nomination of Lt. Gen. Kathleen M. here in Tennessee and across this great Na- ing from Congress; and Gainey, to be Lieutenant General. tion are a most vital tool for the economic Whereas, home energy assistance is par- Army nomination of Col. John A. Ham- future and advancement of the United ticularly important in Louisiana due to mond, to be Brigadier General. States; and intermittent intense heat and humidity, Army nomination of Brig. Gen. James T. Whereas, on February 11, the House Appro- which is especially threatening to the elder- Walton, to be Major General. priations Committee in Washington, D.C., in- ly, disabled, and young citizens; and Army nominations beginning with Brig. troduced legislation, H.R. 1, legislation Whereas, if the program’s core block Gen. Stephen L. Jones and ending with Brig. which completely eliminates funding for the grants were reduced as proposed, Louisian- Gen. Richard W. Thomas, which nominations Perkins Tech Prep program for the 2011–2012 ians would be disproportionately affected, were received by the Senate and appeared in school year and makes drastic cuts across because the national program would be the Congressional Record on May 23, 2011. other education and workforce development statutorily precluded from considering cur- Army nominations beginning with Briga- programs; and rent population, poverty, and energy price dier General Marcia M. Anderson and ending VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:37 Jun 30, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A29JN6.032 S29JNPT1 rfrederick on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with SENATE S4222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 29, 2011 with Colonel Bryan W.
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