E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2002 No. 12 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING The Senate will recess from 12:30 to called to order by the Honorable PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE 2:15 today, which is traditional, for the DEBBIE STABENOW, a Senator from the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The weekly party conferences. State of Michigan. clerk will please read a communication f to the Senate from the President pro PRAYER RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME tempore (Mr. BYRD). The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John The legislative clerk read the fol- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: pore. Under the previous order, the lowing letter: leadership time is reserved. Today on Abraham Lincoln’s birth- U.S. SENATE, f day, we pray remembering some of the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, most significant things he said about Washington, DC, February 12, 2002. AGRICULTURE, CONSERVATION, prayer. ‘‘I have been driven many To the Senate: AND RURAL ENHANCEMENT ACT times upon my knees,’’ he said, ‘‘by the Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, OF 2001 of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby overwhelming conviction that I had no- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- where else to go. My own wisdom, and appoint the Honorable DEBBIE STABENOW, a Senator from the State of Michigan, to per- pore. Under the previous order, the that of all about me, seemed insuffi- form the duties of the Chair. Senate will now resume consideration cient for that day.’’ When asked wheth- ROBERT C. BYRD, of S. 1731, which the clerk will report. er the Lord was on his side, he re- President pro tempore. The legislative clerk read as follows: sponded, ‘‘I am not at all concerned Ms. STABENOW thereupon assumed A bill (S. 1731) to strengthen the safety net about that, for I know that the Lord is the chair as Acting President pro tem- for agricultural producers, to enhance re- always on the side of the right. But it pore. source conservation and rural development, is my constant anxiety and prayer that to provide for farm credit, agricultural re- I—and this Nation—should be on the f search, nutrition, and related programs, to Lord’s side.’’ ensure consumers abundant food and fiber, RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING and for other purposes. Let us pray. MAJORITY LEADER Holy, righteous God, so often we Pending: sense that same longing to be in pro- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Daschle (for Harkin) amendment No. 2471, found communion with You because we pore. The distinguished Senator from in the nature of a substitute. Nevada. Daschle motion to reconsider the vote need vision, wisdom, and courage no (Vote No. 377—107th Congress, 1st session) by one else can give. We long for our pray- f which the second motion to invoke cloture ers to be affirmations that we want to SCHEDULE on Daschle (for Harkin) amendment No. 2471 be on Your side rather than appeals for (listed above) was not agreed to. You to join our causes. Forgive us Mr. REID. Madam President, we are Crapo/Craig amendment No. 2533 (to when we act like we have a corner on awaiting the arrival of Senator GRASS- amendment No. 2471), to strike the water LEY. conservation program. the truth, and our prayers reach no fur- Craig amendment No. 2835 (to amendment ther than the ceiling. In humility, we The Senate, today, will resume con- No. 2471), to provide for a study of a proposal spread our concerns before You and ask sideration of the farm bill, with 40 min- to prohibit certain packers from owning, for Your marching orders and the cour- utes of debate on the Grassley second- feeding, or controlling livestock. age to follow the cadence of Your degree amendment to the Craig amend- Santorum modified amendment No. 2542 drumbeat. Through Jesus who taught ment. Following this debate, there will (to amendment No. 2471), to improve the be 15 minutes of debate in relation to standards for the care and treatment of cer- us to pray, ‘‘Your will be done on earth tain animals. as it is in heaven.’’ Amen. the Crapo amendment and then 15 min- Feinstein amendment No. 2829 (to amend- utes of debate in relation to the Baucus ment No. 2471), to make up for any shortfall f amendment. Following these state- in the amount sugar supplying countries are ments on these measures, the Senate allowed to export to the United States each PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE will conduct a series of rollcall votes in year. Harkin (for Grassley) amendment No. 2837 The Honorable DEBBIE STABENOW led relation to the Grassley second-degree (to amendment No. 2835), to make it unlaw- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: amendment, the Crapo amendment, and the Baucus amendment. All ful for a packer to own, feed, or control live- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the stock intended for slaughter. United States of America, and to the Repub- amendments, with the exception of the Baucus amendment No. 2839 (to amend- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, managers’ amendment, must be pro- ment No. 2471), to provide emergency agri- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. posed before 3 p.m. today. culture assistance. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S597 . VerDate 11-MAY-2000 05:55 Feb 13, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12FE6.000 pfrm02 PsN: S12PT1 S598 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 12, 2002 Reid amendment No. 2842 (to the language does this by stating that it does not af- ship. I was concerned at that time, but proposed to be stricken by Crapo/Craig fect relationships where the producer I was also concerned about the myriad amendment No. 2533), to promote water con- ‘‘materially participates in the man- new tools being used in the market- servation on agricultural land. Enzi amendment No. 2843 (to amendment agement of the operation with respect place of sales and processing and dis- No. 2471), to require the Secretary of Agri- to the production of livestock.’’ We use tribution and horizontal and vertical culture to provide livestock feed assistance these words because they are familiar integration and regional differences to producers affected by disasters. terms to farmers and agricultural law- and operational capacities. All of these AMENDMENT NO. 2837 yers. This phrase draws a clear legal things have really not been talked The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- line. about by the chairman or by Senator pore. Under the previous order, there Now about the study. Farmers do not GRASSLEY or by Senator JOHNSON. And will now be 40 minutes of debate, equal- want another study that concludes all of a sudden a variety of very skilled ly divided, on the Grassley amendment there is a strong correlation between attorneys began to arise and say: Wait No. 2837. captive supplies and lower prices. The a moment. We think there is a very Mr. REID. Senator GRASSLEY has ar- USDA has told us this a number of real problem, a very real definitional rived now, so debate can begin. times before. A report, released on Jan- problem as it relates to the kinds of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- uary 18 of this year, included a 15-page concerns that are very real in the mar- pore. The Senator from Iowa. appendix of all the previous studies ketplace today. Mr. HARKIN. Madam President, I dealing with packer ownership and cap- The chairman talked about a wish to make a very short statement tive supply. In summary, all these re- firestorm of concern erupting. You bet today. I would refer my colleagues to a ports basically said: As the packer’s there was. All of a sudden, what about lengthier statement I made when—— use of captive supplies increases, the brand name relationships? What about The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- farmer’s price for livestock decreases. what we call operational capacity in pore. Who yields time? So we know the facts. We have had livestock deficit areas, where con- If the Senator will suspend, we are on study after study. We know what is tracting and relationship keeps what the amendment. The Senator from good for our farmers. The National we call the throughput of a slaughter Iowa, Mr. GRASSLEY, has time. The Farmers Union, the American Farm operation so that we can sustain it and Senator controls 20 minutes. Bureau, and over 100 other farm, com- its employees? Had that been dealt a Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I modity, and rural groups are sup- fatal blow? Were we really dealing with yield the Senator from Iowa, my col- porting the Grassley amendment. They something that maybe we hadn’t effec- league, 3 minutes. do not want another study to tell us tively thought through? Mr. HARKIN. I thank the Senator for what the other studies have already The firestorm produced a real con- yielding. I did not think we were on the told us. They want to limit the pack- cern. I worked with Senator GRASSLEY amendment yet. er’s ability to manipulate the market; in good faith. He has worked in good Madam President, I will make a they want a ban on packer ownership; faith. Out of that, he has produced a statement. I made a lengthier state- and that is what the Grassley amend- second-degree amendment to mine.
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