98085454369 CHAMBERS OF COMM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF HAWAII 05: 11:13 p.m. 02-01-2008 1 /1 TESTIMONY TO THE SENATE COMMlTTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TAXATIO~ TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2008 1:15 P.M. IN ROOM 224 Re: S8 2303 RELATING TO MAKING AN APPAROPRIATION FOR THE PACIFIC AVIATION MUSEUM PEARL HARBOR Chair Fukunaga, Vice Chair Espero, and Members of the Committee: My name is Charlie Ota and I am the Vice President of the Military Affairs Department of The Chamber 9f Commerce of Hawaii. The Department oversees.the MilitaryAffairs Council (MAC) which serves as a liaison seeking solutions to issues of common concern to the military, private sector, and state. The MAC submits testimony in support of Senate Bill 2303, Making an Appropriation for the Pacific Avl~tion Museum Pearl Harbor, which proposes to donate $1 milli~n to further support \he planning, designing, and construction of Phase 2 of the Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor. The completion of Phase 1of this museum was the beginning of completing the nationallanqmarks at . Pearl Harbor commemorating the attack on Pearl Harbor and US involvement in the wars in the Pacific. Included are the USS Arizona Memorial, the USS Bowfin and Pacific Submarine Museum on the shores. of ,l•• Pearl Harbor, and the USS Missouri Memorial, USS Oklahoma Memorial, and the Pacific Aviation Mw~eum on Pearl Harbor's Ford Island. These commemorative landmarks pr~vjde a collection of historic memorabilia and artifacts that chronicle the start of, battles fought, and ending of World War II. Phase 2 of this museum will add military aviation history beyond World War 2 in the Pacific. This will include the Korean War and Vietnam War and pave the way for Phase 3 to complete the project. Wh~~ completed. the Pacific Aviation Museum will become one of the leading visitor attractions in Hawaii and' serve to educate future generations in the historic rise of military aviation in Hawaii and the Pacific. In light of the above, the MAC strongly recommends approval of 58 2303 as written. Testimony to the Senate Committee on Economic Development and Taxation Tuesday, February 5, 2008 Conference Room 224, Hawaii State Capitol RE: Senate Bill N0.2303, MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR THE PACIFIC AVIATION MUSEUM PEARL HARBOR. Chairwoman Fukunaga, Vice Chairman Espero and Members ofthe Senate Committee on Economic Development and Taxation: My name is Edward V. Richardson, a former military pilot, retired State Adjutant General and a member ofthe Board ofDirectors for the Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor. I am testifying in support ofSenate Bil12303. Since my retirement, I have been involved in assisting with the development ofthe Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor, an organization that someday will be one of the most outstanding museums in the nation and the world. I am humbled and honored to be part ofthe volunteer leadership, staffand volunteer docents that we have in our organization - all working toward the common goal ofdeveloping and maintaining an internationally recognized aviation museum on Historic Ford Island. It will be a museum that will educate young and old alike, honor aviators and support personnel who have defended freedom in the Pacific Region, and a museum that preserves Pacific Aviation History. Hawaii is a tourist destination and as you know needs interesting places to visit for our out ofState guests. The Pacific Aviation Museum fits perfectly into the new plans to organize the Pearl Harbor experience into one that includes the USS Arizona Memorial, the USS Bowfin and the USS Missouri. It will become a destination that will be a "must see" for our guests, many ofwhom have already visited some ofthose sites before. The economic value ofthis museum to this State will be tremendous. I have visited military and civilian museums in the mainland, United Kingdom, Norway, South Korea, Australia and Argentina and I can proudly say that the Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor will rate as one ofthe best upon its completion. In addition, it will attract people from allover the world to its seminars and historic meetings that will be held at the museum. Lastly, I was seven years old when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in 1941 and I volunteered for service in Vietnam during the Vietnam War in 1969. There are many like me who put country above selfto serve in time ofneed. The stories ofthe sacrifices ofour veterans - including that ofour aviators, crewmen and maintainers ofall services needs to be told and the people ofour nation and state reminded of what they have done. In addition, the story ofthe sacrifices made by the people of Hawaii during World War two needs to be perpetuated. 1 Please support SB 2303. The Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor will provide a much needed visitor destination for our visitors and will perpetuate the values and sacrifices ofthe people who have served their country. Sincerely, qj.1U~~ Edward V. Richardson 717 Kumukahi Place Honolulu, III 96825 Honae: 808-395-4041 Mobile: 808-284-3515 2 Feb 03 08 11 :22p Ken Dewey 808-664-0294 p.1 NAME: KENNETH W. DEWEY, COLONEL USMC (RET) AFFILIATION: VOLUNTEERIDOCENT, PACIFIC AVlATION MUSEUM COMMITTEE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TAXATION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5,2008 AT 1:15 PM SENATE BILL 2303 The following testimony is presented in support ofSB 2303: Visitors touring the PacificAviation Museum marvel at seeing a genuine Japanese st i·Zero" and are intrigued by the story ofAirman 1 Class Sbigenori Nishikaichi intentionally crash landing his "'h:!O" on Niihau. People are typically impressed at getting close to an airplane that former President George H. W. Bush soloed during his flight training, and surprised to learn that when he completed his flight training at the age of19, he became the youngest pilot inthe Navy at thatume. Those listening to Dick Cole (Jimmy Doolittle's co-pilot) explain aspects oftheir training, leaming that they were going to attack Japan, the earlier than scheduled launch from the USS Hornet due to being discovered, and the anxiety ofbailing out into the night over the Chinacoast from his fuel-starved B-25 were left in awe. And, almost everyone spends time studying the huge floor map ofthe Pacific, gaining a perspective ofthe ocean's vast expanse and the relative positions oflands washed byits waters and the waters ofits contiguous seas. - These illustrations are representative ofwhat visitors appreciate and enjoy from their tours at the Pacific Aviation Museum. Without question, their demonstrated enthusiasm will become word ofmoutb advertising, expanding others' awareness ofthe growing historical attraction in Pearl Harbor. Considering the tremendous impact ofaviation throughout the Pacific Theater and American leadership in aviation, an American aviation museum iswarranted. .Pearl Harbor's Ford Island is without rival as to historical importance and continues to be the logical choice for anAmerican aviation museum inthe Pacific. It is myopinion that the PacificAviation Museum's first year successes demonstrate its viability toward that end andjustify support for continued development as an integral member ofthe Pearl Harbor Historical Sites. 645 Milokai Street Steven Colt Alber Kailua, Hawaii 96734 (808) 254-1972 [email protected] Senator Carol Fukunaga, Chair Senator Will Espero, Vice Chair For Senate Committee on Economic Development and Taxation on Tuesday, February 5, 2008 1:15 pm; Room 224 Support ofSB 2303, Making an Appropriation for the Pacific Aviation Museum Pearl Harbor I am a retired Air Force Officer; a Vietnam and Cold War Veteran; recently retired Energy Planner in the Department ofBusiness, Economic Development, and Tourism; and founding donor and a new volunteer at the Pacific Aviation Museum. I strongly support SB 2303, which will appropriate $1 million for the planning, design, and construction ofphase 2 ofthe Pacific Aviation Museum atPearl Harbor. The Legislative findings in Section 1 ofthe bill show clearly that the Legislature understands the purpose ofthe Pacific Aviation Museum, the commendable progress represented by Phase I, and the value ofthe Museum's education program and its role as a tourist attraction. I would like to stress that the educational program, which is being actively promoted to Hawaii's schools, is especially important as it may motivate many students to pursue aviation-related careers. An important additional benefit ofthe funds under consideration will be to demonstrate to potential donors that the Museum has the strong backing ofthe ,State. The Pacific Aviation Museum will attract visitors, educate Hawaii's students, and preserve an important part ofHawaii's and the Nation's history, honoring those who defended our freedom in the skies above the Pacific. I respectfully request that the committee pass SB 2303. Thank you for this opportunity to provide testimony. ---- PU.RL HARBOR ---- Hangar37~Ford Island- 319l.exlngton Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96818 -tel {808l441.1000. fox (808j441.1019 e-mail: [email protected] web: www.pacifieaviationmuseum.org To: Senator Carol Fukunaga, Chairperson HONORARY CHAIRMAN Senator Willie Espero, Vice-Chair President George H.W. Bush Committee Members BOARD OF DIRECTORS Economic Development and Taxation CHAIRMAN ADM Ronald J. Hays, USN (Ret.) From: Admiral Ronald J. Hays, USN (Ret.) PRESIDENT Pacific Aviation Museum - Pearl Harbor, Chairman Clinton R. Churchill EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Date: February5, 2008 ADM R. J. "Zap" Zlatoper, USN (Ret.) VICE PRESIDENTS MG Edward V. Richardson, USAF (Ret.) Darrell G. Welch. Jr. Subject: Support S.B. 2303 - MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR PACIFIC VICE PRESIDENT AND LEGAL COUNSEL AVIATION MUSEUM PEARL HARBOR Peter Starn SECRETARY Richard M. May, Jr. Dear Chair Fukunaga and Senators, TREASURER Harvey Gray I am Admiral Ronald J. Hays, and I am here to testify in support of Senate Bill 2303. ASSISTANT TREASURER Michael L. Olson serve in a voluntary capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Pacific Aviation Museum - Pearl Harbor.
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