The Ventura County Rose Society Presents: The 2011 VCRS Annual Rose Auction March 12, 2011 10:00 am – 2:00 pm The Stagecoach Inn Museum 51 South Ventu Park Road Newbury Park, CA Introduction thth WelcomeWelcome toto thethe 1111 VenturaVentura CountyCounty RoseRose SocietySociety RoseRose Auction….Auction… The rose world has been hammered with unpleasant and unsettling news in the interval since our lastlast auction.auction. MajorMajor roserose vendorsvendors havehave undergoneundergone bankruptcybankruptcy proceedings,proceedings, boutiqueboutique nurseriesnurseries havehave collapsed under the weight of increased costs and reduced sales, and the usual casualties from age and innocence have not ceased to wreak havoc with the world of roses. Despite these burdens, the constant has been the love and passion for roses, the desire to educate others as to the beauty of roses, and the need to associate with other like-minded people. By this auction we raise money for the future of the Ventura County Rose Society. But that activity isis onlyonly oneone partpart ofof thethe impetusimpetus toto actionaction thatthat animatesanimates thethe activitiesactivities ofof soso manymany peoplepeople toto participateparticipate inin soso manymany differentdifferent ways.ways. NotNot onlyonly dodo thethe membersmembers ofof thisthis roserose societysociety offeroffer theirtheir servicesservices toto thethe rose, but we have been encouraged by the acts of manymany othersothers bothboth locallylocally andand internationallyinternationally whowho have been generous with their time and talent. Their generosity forces us to re-affirm our commitment to the rose and to extending that commitment to others. There is an educational aspect to all this. Part of thethe raisonraison d’etred’etre ofof everyevery roserose societysociety isis somethingsomething thatthat transcendstranscends thethe camaraderiecamaraderie andand thethe refreshmentrefreshment tables.tables. ItIt isis toto performperform workwork thatthat benefitsbenefits thethe whole society by spreading knowledge in its variant forms.forms. WhetherWhether thethe workwork of the rose society is toto carecare forfor aa locallocal garden,garden, oror sponsorsponsor roserose showshows, or to conduct how-to demonstrations, the cultivation of the rose is matched by the cultivation of the community. By virtue of the belonging to any rose society, ultimately the world, the rose, and the persons are better for it. Placing these roses in good homes directly contributes to both the rose and the community that is enhanced by so doing. Thank you for coming to the auction. Thank you for joining in our cause. Thank you for spreading thethe gospelgospel ofof thethe rose.rose. Jim Delahanty, Rose Auction Chair and President Ventura County Rose Society Thank You! A great number of people work on this auction. The list below is not exhaustive, just indicative. Dawn-MarieDawn-Marie Johnson,Johnson, HospitalityHospitality ConnieConnie Estes,Estes, MembershipMembership && ReceptionReception MariaMaria CerveraCervera Trainor,Trainor, ReceptionReception PaddyPaddy Ruzella,Ruzella, FixedFixed PricePrice SalesSales JaneJane Delahanty,Delahanty, SilentSilent AuctionAuction EarlEarl Holst,Holst, CashierCashier CindyCindy Mastro,Mastro, BidBid RecorderRecorder JanetJanet Sklar,Sklar, PublicityPublicity BarbaraBarbara Osterberg,Osterberg, RoseRose StorageStorage ChampionChampion BillBill Donaldson,Donaldson, ParkingParking && DirectionsDirections ArdenArden Holst,Holst, LiaisonLiaison withwith thethe StagecoachStagecoach InnInn MuseumMuseum KathyKathy Ayers,Ayers, StagecoachStagecoach InnInn RoseRose GardenGarden ManagerManager SueSue Rosecrans,Rosecrans, StagecoachStagecoach InnInn RoseRose GardenGarden ManagerManager PatrickPatrick Delahanty,Delahanty, Publisher,Publisher, RoseRose CatalogCatalog andand VenturaVentura RoseRose BarbaraBarbara Osterberg,Osterberg, ProxyProxy BiddingBidding AliceAlice Smith,Smith, DirectDirect SalesSales JaneJane Delahanty,Delahanty, GeneralGeneral OverseerOverseer PenniPenni Tyler,Tyler, WebsiteWebsite MistressMistress LisaLisa BischelBischel && AnnetteAnnette Davis,Davis, SignageSignage IreneIrene Pashiledes,Pashiledes, OtherOther BidBid RecorderRecorder SilentSilent AuctionAuction andand BakedBaked Goods:Goods: BarbaraBarbara Morse,Morse, BarbaraBarbara Lang,Lang, JaneJane Delahanty,Delahanty, Dawn-MarieDawn-Marie Johnson,Johnson, ConnieConnie Estes,Estes, AnnetteAnnette Davis,Davis, JanetJanet Sklar,Sklar, CindyCindy Mastro,Mastro, EldaElda Bielanski,Bielanski, TedTed && BellaBella Hermsen,Hermsen, AliceAlice Smith,Smith, SueSue Rosecrans,Rosecrans, CatherineCatherine Hogue,Hogue, BarbaraBarbara && KenKen Osterberg,Osterberg, NellNell August,August, andand IreneIrene Pashalides.Pashalides. AA SpecialSpecial ThankThank youyou toto VCRSVCRS LifeLife MemberMember BobBob Martin,Martin, Jr.Jr. forfor againagain servingserving asas Auctioneer.Auctioneer. ThereThere couldcould notnot bebe anyoneanyone better.better. AnotherAnother SpecialSpecial ThankThank youyou toto PaulPaul BardenBarden forfor donatingdonating thethe namingnaming rightsrights toto hishis HybridHybrid MuskMusk Seedling.Seedling. WeWe areare alsoalso gratefulgrateful toto thethe manymany companiescompanies anandd individualsindividuals whowho permittedpermitted thethe useuse ofof theirtheir photographs:photographs: PaulPaul ZimmermanZimmerman Roses,Roses, Nor’EastNor’East Miniatures,Miniatures, BaBaldoldo Villegas,Villegas, VintageVintage Gardens,Gardens, CliffCliff Orent,Orent, EurodesertEurodesert Roses,Roses, RobertRobert NeilNeil RiRippetoe,ppetoe, PaulPaul Barden,Barden, KittyKitty Belendez,Belendez, JimJim Delahanty,Delahanty, DonaDona Martin,Martin, EtienneEtienne BouretBouret (AmiRoses),(AmiRoses), CassCass Bernstein,Bernstein, JeriJeri Jennings,Jennings, IngridIngrid Wapelhorst,Wapelhorst, SusanSusan && ChristineChristine ofof Justourpictures,Justourpictures, JanJan TolmTolmasoff,asoff, ViruViru Viraraghavan,Viraraghavan, VintageVintage RoseRosery,ry, JeanJean Marion,Marion, BaBarbararbara Osterberg,Osterberg, GreggGregg Lowery,Lowery, LuanneLuanne Wilson,Wilson, IreneIrene Lindsey,Lindsey, DavidDavid Eliot,Eliot, KathyKathy Strong,Strong, HenriHenri Rodrigues,Rodrigues, MelvaMelva Wheeler,Wheeler, MarilynMarilyn Wellan,Wellan, AlAl Whitcomb,Whitcomb, DoveDove CochCochrane,rane, DonnaDonna Williamson,Williamson, BethBeth Hana,Hana, JillJill Murphy,Murphy, RayRay Martin,Martin, ConnieConnie Hartwood,Hartwood, DavidDavid Giroux,Giroux, BaldoBaldo VillegasVillegas MargaretMargaret Furness,Furness, BobBob Martin,Martin, Jr.,Jr., SuzanneSuzanne Horn,Horn, JimJim Sproul,Sproul, HettyHetty Shurtleff,Shurtleff, RayRay Martin,Martin, DavidDavid Zlesak,Zlesak, KimKim Rupert,Rupert, PatsyPatsy Cunningham,Cunningham, JacksonJackson && Perkins,Perkins, WeeksWeeks Roses,Roses, Nor’EastNor’East Miniatures,Miniatures, GailGail Trimble,Trimble, JohnJohn Sheldon,Sheldon, BehcetBehcet FenerciogluFenercioglu andand SueSue (O’Brien)(O’Brien) CurryCurry ofof TinyTiny PePetalstals Nursery.Nursery. Donors & Sources A Word about Sources and Key to listings ProfessionalProfessional NurseriesNurseries BurlingtonBurlington RoseRose NurseryNursery (559.747.3624)(559.747.3624) Nor’EastNor’East MiniaturesMiniatures (www.noreast-miniroses.com)(www.noreast-miniroses.com) PaulPaul ZimmermanZimmerman RosesRoses (www.paulzimmermanroses.com)(www.paulzimmermanroses.com) VintageVintage GardensGardens (www.vintagegardens.com)(www.vintagegardens.com) PrivatePrivate DonorsDonors NellNell AugustAugust JimJim DelahantyDelahanty RonRon GregoryGregory JackJack LinLin RobertRobert Martin,Martin, Jr.Jr. CliffCliff OrentOrent KimKim RupertRupert PaddyPaddy RuzellaRuzella HettyHetty ShurtleffShurtleff JanetJanet SklarSklar JimJim SproulSproul DanDan TysonTyson GeneGene WaeringWaering IngridIngrid WapelhorstWapelhorst KeyKey toto DonorDonor Abbreviations:Abbreviations: KeyKey toto CatalogCatalog && BotanicalBotanical Abbreviations:Abbreviations: BMJ—BobBMJ—Bob Martin,Martin, Jr.Jr. Cl—ClimberCl—Climber BRN—BurlingtonBRN—Burlington RoseRose NurseryNursery ClCl F—ClimbingF—Climbing FloribundaFloribunda COEDR—CliffCOEDR—Cliff Orent,Orent, EurodesertrosesEurodesertroses ClCl HT—ClimbingHT—Climbing HybridHybrid TeaTea DT—DanDT—Dan TysonTyson F—FloribundaF—Floribunda GW—GeneGW—Gene WaeringWaering GR—GrandifloraGR—Grandiflora HS—HettyHS—Hetty ShurtleffShurtleff HMult—HybridHMult—Hybrid MultifloraMultiflora IW—IngridIW—Ingrid WapelhorstWapelhorst HMusk—HybridHMusk—Hybrid MuskMusk JAS—JimJAS—Jim SproulSproul HT—HybridHT—Hybrid TeaTea JD—JimJD—Jim DelahantyDelahanty LCl—LargeLCl—Large FloweredFlowered ClimberClimber JL—JackJL—Jack LinLin Min—MiniatureMin—Miniature JS—JanetJS—Janet SklarSklar SP—SpeciesSP—Species KR—KimKR—Kim RupertRupert T—TeaT—Tea MW—MarilynMW—Marilyn WellanWellan NA—NellNA—Nell AugustAugust NE—Nor’EastNE—Nor’East MiniaturesMiniatures PR—PaddyPR—Paddy RuzellaRuzella RG—RonRG—Ron GregoryGregory VG—VintageVG—Vintage GardensGardens Donors & Sources A Few Words About Sources Although some of the entries contain personal experiences and opinions, I consulted freely wherever pos- sible. Two basic resources: Modern Roses 12 database: Accessible at www.ars.org and the official word of the American Rose Society on issues of classification. www.helpmefind.com/roses. A database in the Wikipedia traditionion ofof constantconstant input,input, revisionrevision andand renewal.renewal. Forty-oneForty-one thousandthousand roserose entriesentries andand oneone hundredhundred
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