The • ~..., OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY. Seplember/Oclober1991 The Ritz Defiance and Maumee Valley, Ohio 1991 International Quartet Champion September/October 1991 The Volume LI, No.5 The HnrmQuiler (USPS No. 577700) (ISSN 0017-7849) is the ~armonizer official publication oflhc Sodrly for tlil' PrrserHl.lioll and Encouragement of Barher Shop Qunr!ct Singing ill AllIcr· ica, Inc. (SPEnSQSA). It is published ill the months of January. March, i\lay, July, September lind No\'cmbl'r at A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143. Second· SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. dtlss (lostage paid at K{,llosha, \\'Iaud at additionallllailing offici'S. Editorilliaud ath'crlising oUices llrc at the inlerna· liollfll office. Adn'rtising ratE'S flmilahle upon re(luesl. Pub­ lisher assumes 110 rcsponsibilit), for relurn of ullsoliriled mmlllscrillts or artwork. Postmaster: SClld nddrcss changes to editorial offices ofThe Harmoniler, 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143 Ilt lellst Ihirty dll)'s before the nextllllbliclliioll dllte. A portion of each member's dues Is Features allocnled 10 coyer the magnzine's subscription price. Sub· scription pricc 10 lion· members Is $18 yenrly or$J per issue. Foreign subscriptions are $27 )·enrl)· or $4.50 pet issue. 4 Louisville-a record-setting convention ©1991 by the Society for Ihe Presen·atiOllllnd Encourage. cover story ment of Unrber Shop Qunrtel Singing in '\lIlerica, Inc. 10 Photos of 1991 chorus contestants om~ >""".",,,,,, / \\ 14 Summary of quartet and chorus scoring if~~.. SPEBSQSA 9. 6315 Third Avenue ~ Kenosha. WI 53143-5199 15 Photos of 1991 quartet contestants Telephone (414) 653-8440 TolI·free 1·800·876·SING FAX (414) 654-4048 34 One child's story Office Hours: 8 am . 5 IlIll Institute of Logopedics Monday-Friday (Central Time) 35 Long Beach-sights, sounds and seniors 1992 midwinter convention International Office Staff JOE LlLES~ Exeeuth"e Director l\IEL KNIGHT. Director of l\Iusic Educ:ltion & Services FRANK SANTA ,{ELLI, Dil\.'(torofFinance& AdminislrJlion nUTH BLAZINA-JOYCE, Museum Curator/Archivist KEN BUCKNEn, l\lan:lger of Conventions & 1\lcetings DAN DAIL\', Editor of Publications Also in this issue JI1\1 DEBUSl\IAN, l\lusic Speci:llistlQuartel Promotion nuss FOnIS. Learning Tapes/Audio-visual Arl'hi\'es NANCY FOniS. QlIartetl{egistry 29 In Memory TOM GENTRY, Music SpecialistlWorld-wide Harmony RA Y HELLEn, i\fanager of Communications 32 Young Men in Harmony WAnREN LEISE1\tANN, i\lllnllger of Infonnation Systems BRIAN LYNCH, COlllmunications Specialist BETTY 1\IADSEN. Sup.:wisor, Mailing & Merchandising 38 Chapters in Action HUTlI1\IAHKS. HamlOny Foundation Progmm Coordinator EV NAU, i\fusic SpecialistlPerformance Guidelines BILL nASHLEIGH. i\lusie Sp..'(ialislfYoung r-.lcn in Harmony 40 News about Quartets GREG RlSMOEN, Computers & Networks RON ROCKWELL, ~"etllbershipfCOTSi\lanagcr GARY S1'A1\I1\1, Manager of Media and Perfonnance 48 Letters to the Editor BUIlT SZABO, ~'lusic Specialistflo.lusic Publishing PATRICK TUCKER·KELLY, l'Ikmh:rshill'C&J Coordinator DEE VESEVICK, Assistant to the E.~ecuti\'e Director 50 The Way I See It . CHARLIE GREEN, Director of De,·clopment Men of Note l\linnc:lpolis. Minn. (612) 929·00-11 51 ERNIE HILI.s, Manager, HamlOny Sen'ices Corp. Hemel, Calif. (714) 658-3161 52 Swipes n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers Conventions INTERNATIONAL 1992 New Orleans, La. Junc 28-July 5 1993 Calgary, Alberta June 27-July 4 On the cover 1994 Pittsburgh, Pa. July 3-10 1995 Miami Beach, Fla. July 2-9 The 1991 International Quartet Champion, The Ritz, poses with the Hugh MJDWINTf.'R Ingraham Memorial Trophy and individual ASCAP awards (I to r): Jim 1992 Long Beach, Calif. January 27-Fcbruary 2 Shisler, tenor; "Nic" Nichol. lead; Ben Ayling, bass and D. J. Hiner, 1993 Corpus Christi, Tcxas January 24-31 1994 Sarasota, Fla. January 23-30 baritone. A feature story on the foursome will appear in a forthcoming issue. Septcmber/October 1991 8fmfnonizer International Officers ["Ierlwliollal ExecllliJ'e Committee 1}(e~iJent: Robl.'rt L. Ce,lrnal, -116 Nurth Ninth, :-'la~colllah, lL 62258 Vice Presidenl: Tt'rr)' Ar.lmian. -17A Dott\\·enllC'. Campbell. CA 95008 Vice President-Treasurer: Emie Nirkoson. 1702 Cameron Ct.. In "Seventh" Lexington. KY 40505 Vire Presidelll: Bobby Wooldridge, 2501 191h SI. E, Tuscaloosa, ,\1. 35"0~ Immediate Pa~t Pres;uclll: Charles ~1cC:ltm, P.O. Box 40969, Na~hville, TN 3720~ Heaven Execulivc Director: Joe l.ik's (·x ofJicio ["lemaljollallJO(lnl Members by Joe Liles C:lr"'inal: LOI\dl Shanl... 2~ IJ Slollebri...£.·. Bo",ling Grccn. KY ~2101 Executive Director C(nlral SlaIC$: M)ron lIultll,(n. 4'iO N. Armour, \\'khil:l. KS 67106 Oi.\ic: An \\'ourms. S06 \\':Ilto.'''- bile. Columbi:l. SC 29109 E"cr]i!rC'o:n: Uun SIiOIn. 453 I Fo\ Farm RNd. Gr~at Fal1~. MT 59~a.. F;ar \\'~~Icm:,- Ow"k~ Hunlcr. Sr.. 152 lJdlolllo .\,t.. SUnn}Tak, CA llIinoh: S)·I Wdk.436 S, O.ll.I:ukI. Villa P:I.~.IL 6·181 write this article having just returned lutions to controversial issues. Ican tell you Johnn)' Appk••x·.J: Chu.:l \\'al-on. 784 McCall SI., \\'onhinglon. 011 from onc of the most enjoyable and that the committee's exchange of written 43135 Land 0' L31c_: Judd Orff. 115 E Lin,kn SI.. Slillwalu, MN 5'iOS2 I successful international conventions communications reveals some truly insight­ Mid·Allanlic: J{>(' Slangl, II~lU Appkgr~lh Wa)'. G~f1nanlown, Mf} in our history. The Louisville Convelltion ful, even inspirational, thinking in QUI' Soci­ 2087./ l'\onhcJ.ll(rn: Jill! Kh_;n·k.I'.O. Um 745, Ch(pachcl, Rl 0281-1 COlllmittee went abollt hosling the same way ety today. David Wright's article in the last Onl:lrio: Bob P~nlu, 1~9 King SI. E, B"x:kl·illc, 0:-1 K6V lei the Thoroughbreds enlcr chorus Harmonizer is a good example ["A Few Pi,)n«r: Earl UUr)',17lJU Clair... i~w Ct.,lkalborn illS., ~1I-18127 competiton-with painstaking preparation Thoughts on Preservation," July/August is­ Ro.:k)' ~Iounlain: D~n Ba~cr. 6260 N. Lakcpoim PI .. P,lrkcr. CO 801J4 SCfI('(:1 L:md: Jim Ha<o<l. Jl6 I.:dg(I\ood. GlOW Cil)·. I'A 16127 and impeccable pcrfonnance. This issue of sue]. Soulh\\c'lcm: Grcg I.:lam, 71JOOoauinglon, Dallas. TX 75248 l'lJe HamlOllizer is devoted to reporting the It occurs to me that nearly everyone of Sun'hinc:Tim Ilanr.ihan.115 HwgccocJ.:Ct.. Salellile Be.JC"h. FL 32937 ami Pml lllfe17l1lfiOJIflf p,.eside/lts: highlights of the convention and I hope you these issucs stems from a difference in point­ hmc:_ D. Rich/lls. 1459 ClJnnar A.-c.• R~\·ille, ~lN 55113 will enjoy reading about it. of-view between two classes of hmc:. C. \\':uocr. 6060 I\)plJr A.c.. Sllil( 295. Memphis. TN 38119 One ortile hits oftile convention was the Barbershoppers: those who like to sing in O.lIT)"1 Rinn, 7975 Clcwland A,-c.. N. Canlon. 0114-1720 Tuesday night show featuring Mr. Jack private and those who like to sing in public. Daniel's Original Silver Cornel Band. This Woodshedding four-part harmony to a Affiliate Organizations instrumental prcsentaUoll oflhe kind ofmusic familiar song is one of the most pleasurable t\USTRAl.1AN ASSOCI,\TJON OF MEN IlAIWI:RSHOP barbershoppcrs love, evoking un era in activities in barbershopping and lies at the SII'\GERS (AA~IBS) John I.ink, I'r~~iden1. 81IS EI<ie SI.. \\'almnan, W",lcm AU~lralia 6010 America's past so closely clHwincd with our heart of the formation of the Society. But, \JRlTISH ASSOCIATIO:\ OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS (BABS) own roots, garnered several standing ova­ professional quartets were performing on Phil Joncs. Chairman. 6 Bound.lf)" Rood. Ashfor.... ~liddk~\. n\'lS "LU. England tions from the 1,800 or so carll' birds who thc stage long before there was a SPEBSQSA. DUTCH ASSOCIATIO~ OF BARBERSHOP SINGERS (DABS) attcnded. The evening's entcrtainment was It was inevitable that some Society quartets "T'h«o ."n L>ijl.. l'rt'$ido:nl. Mokn.lr.ut 18. sponsored in entirety by MBNA America, would eventually want to perform in public, 5211 OR ·$·H(IIOl;(noo-..-h_ 1lK Ncth.:llJ.nd~ NE.W ZEALAND ASSOCIAlI0~ OF BARBERSHOP SIi':GERS Ollr bank card company, who also under­ OUl' later expansion to include a chorus for­ (NZABS) D.."lIl.lld Rogcr., pl(~i""'nt. ~~ Oowsc O,h·c, wrotc the trip or the Quiet Don quartet from mat came as naturally as breathing, and I.uwn lIull. New Z"aland SOCIETY OF I'\OROIC RARRERSIIOI' SINGERS (S1\'08S) thc Soviet Union last year. would have been just as hard to prevent. Uan.OIJu,-on.l'rc,id~nl,JJ!ol11n1(nhon V. 17. The company has comc up with an excit­ You must remember that 0, C, Cash was '<;-611 39 N)~opil1g. SI\cd~n SOUTlIERN PART OF AFRICA TO;':SOIUAL SI1\'C,F.RS (SPATS) ing promotion for next slimmer. MBNA will a tax attorney. When he saw that his idea was I'r,lnl.: B~nll~)', Prc.idenl.I'.O. Bo\ 7~, R~ndburg 2125 award a set of tickets to the New Orleans likely to become an organization, he wisely Republic of Soulh .\frica convention, along with $1,000 toward ex­ applied for copyrights and othcr protection penses, to a SPEBSQSA card-holdcr cach and obtained tax exemption as a "fraternal" month between August and May. \Vatch for organization. Under this exemption, the details in upcoming issues of Ti,e HarnlO­ primary source ofchapter income had to be nizer.
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