THE XXXlst SOVIET CHAMPIONSHIP This year's Soviet championship was played in Leningrad and came to an end on December 26, Grandmasters Boris Spassky of Leningrad, Ratmir Kholmov of Sochi, and Leonid Stein of Lvov tied Ior the first three places with 12 points out of a possible 19. Spassky was un. defeated, while Kholmov and Stein lost one game each. Following the tournJrnent, a playoct W.lS held and Stein was the surprise winner-and the new Soviet Champion. He scored 2\h-l* to Spassky's 2-2 and Kholmov's H 7! -2 1h . Leonid Stein is 29 years old and is a journalism student at Lvov University. He became a USSR Master in 1959 lor his results in the Ukrainian Champion­ sh ip_ At the Stockholm Interzonal in 1962 he won his International Grand­ !Ulster title by coming in siKth. His other successes include a first prize at Bucharcst (1961 ) and the Emanuel Las. ker Memorial in Berlin (1962) in which he shared second and third with Udovcic. Fourth, fifth, and sixth places were also sh"red; Grandmasters David Bron­ stein and Yefim Geller and Master Alexei Suetin scored l1lh-7lh. The top six players in the tournament, plus Kor. chnoi and former World Champion Vas. sH y Smyslov will play in the FIDE Zonal Tournament which will be held shortly in Moscow. FROM THE SOVIET CHAMPION­ SHIP GUFELD (LEFT) FACES ( KHOLMOV Tal Wins At Hastings As wc go to press. we lack details on the traditional Hastings Tournament but can report that the event ended in victory for ex-world champion Mikhail Tal (7-2) ahead of Gligoric (6lh), Khasin and Lengyel (6). In the Challengers Section, the World Women's Champion, Nona Gaprin<;lashvlli shared first and second with Kinnmark. .:. UNITED Volume XIX :-Jumber 2 Februar)', 1964 EDITOR: J, F. Reinhardt STATEMENT REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF OCTOBER 28, 1961; SECTION 4369. TITLE 39, UNITED STATES CODE SHOWING THE OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION OF CHESS FEDERATION C HESS LIFE published monthly ot 80 E. 11th St., New York 3, N.Y. PRESIDENT Major Edmund B. Edmondson, Jr. The General Business office of the publisher located ot VICE·PRESIDENT 80 E. 11th St., New York 3, N.Y. David Hoffmann The name and address of the publisher and editor ore: REGIONAL VICE·PRESIDENTS Publisher, The United States Chess Federation NEW ENGLAND Ell Bourdon James Burgess 80 E. 11th St., New York 3, N.Y. Stanley King EASTERN Donald Sehultz Charlel Keyser Editor: J. F. Reinhardt P eter Berlow 80 E. 11th St., New York 3, N.Y. MID·ATLANTIC W !lIla m S. Byland Geo r g~ Thomas The owner is: The United States of America Chen Federation, Edward D. Strehle a non·profit corporation duly organized and existing under and by SOUTHERN virtue oC the laws of the State of Illinois, having its princIpal office in New York City, N.Y. GREAT LAKES Jam e ~ Schroeder Dr. Howard Gab. 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Reinhardt INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS ...... ,. ... .J... r ry Spann Women'. Intcr national... ........... Kath r yn Slater Editor JUNIOR CHESS .... ...... ........ .. Mord~ al D. Trcblow MASTERS A,.,.AIR. .... ......................Ro bert Byrne MEMBERSHIP.... .................. Edward A . Dlck ... rson JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION MEMBERSHIP SECItETARy ........ .... Grcta Fuch l NOMINATIONS ............ .. .. Dr. Alex J anushkowlky USCF 111 • non.profit democratlc or,an.lution, the Official z ovemlnz body an4 FIDE unit PRESIDENTIAL ASSlSTANT.. ........F red Cramer fM cb.e .. In tbe USA. Anyone interest.4 in advsl1c1n, AmerlcsD cheu Is eU,lble l or memberiMp. RATING STATISTICIAN .... _... ..... .. Davld Daniel. RATING SySTEM ....... _. ....................Arpad E. Elo Membership, b'ldudinZ CHESS LIFE au~pU ()n. ellllblllly f or USCF·nUnz, an4 all SWISS SYSTEM METHODS_. ......... Arpad E. 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Chang. of .ddreS$: Allow fOl.lr wet#k. notice; please zh'e us both the new .ddnu and (F.I.D.E.) the ol ~ .dll .... ss, IncLuding the numbe ... ~ ..... <lAtes on the top line 01 yOl.lr stencil. J, "; G. (U.S.A.) Addresl aU ~ummu nI C 'UOn • . • nd make all cneckll payable '0: - UNITiD STATU CHESS FIDERATIDN. SO lint 11th St.... t. NIW YORK to N.Y. 30 CHESS LIFE CATALAN Benko_ O Ev.n_1 . N·KB3 N-KB3 , 29 . QxQch ... U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES ,. P·KN3 P-KN3 30. R·RI R·Q81 ,. B·N2 B·N2 31. R·R3 bN •• P·B4 0 ·0 32 . RxB R·B7 P.g. P-B3 33. BxN P.. •• N·B3 In our J anuary number we presented NEO·GRUENFELO •• P·Q4 34. R·Q4 P-Q7 Benko-Vi D. Byrn_ 1h ,. Q-N3 P' K3 35. K-Bl .>P QN.Q::1 36. K.K2 all the games fr om the first live rounds L P·Q4 N-KBl 32. N KQ N·NS B. 0·0 P·Q8/ Qch 8 ·B4 P-N3 37. KxQ ,. P-QB4 P-KN3 33. P·R! N·B7 •• .<P with the exception of the two by Benko 10. PxP KPxP 3B. R·QR4 ,. P-KN3 B·N2 34. P-QR4 N-K8ch .<P n. KR·QI B-N2 39. RxP K-B2 which are given below. B-N2 P·Q4 35. K_BI N_Q6 •• 12. P·QR4 P-B4 40. R·R7ch K-B3 P>P 36. N-Q4 K ·N2 N>P 13. PxP •• N· KB) N·N3 37. K-K2 N-B4 N<P 41 . K ·KI K·N4 The R. Byrne-Benko marathon was the •• 14. Q-R::1 42. R-R4 ,. 0 ·0 N-B3 38 . P·B3 K-B3 Q· K2 R·KN7 IS. B·KS KR·KI 43. K-BI longest game of the tournament. It pro­ P-K3 39. K-Q2 P·R3 .<P •• 0 ·0 16. P·K3 44. K-B2 N ·B3 B-K3 40. K-B3 K_K4 QR-QI R·N5 vides qui te a contrast to the Fischer­ •• 17. P·R5 45 . R-RS P·II:4 10. P·N3 Q· BI 41. K-B4 N·Q2 P<P 18. B·Q4 P-RS Steinmeyer encounter from Round Six! 11. B-QR3 B_R6 42. N·K2 K .Q3 N/ 3·K5 46. K·B3 19. BxB 47. R-NS 12. QR·BI b. 43. P-B4 N·B4 K.. R· RS 20. NxN 4B. R-NI R-R7 Fischer's record-smashing victory in 13. KxB ,.g, 44. N·B3 P·KR4 P<N 21 . N·Q4 P-R5 49 . R-KRI 14. Q.K2 Q.B4 45. N·K2 N-K5 K· R4 the '64 Championship is r eceiving exten­ 2::1. Q·R3 15. KR-QI Q-QR4 46. P-QN4 N_B1 B·Q4 50. R-QNI P·N4 23. N·N5 P-B4 51. R·NB sive- if not always accurate--.coverage 16. QN·NI Q·KR4 47. N·NI N_Ks P·N5ch 17. P·KR3 P·B4 48. N·B3 K-K3 24. B·Bl P·QR3 52. K ·B4 R· B7ch ::15. N·B3 in the mass circulation magazines. 18. R-B5 P-K4 49. N·Q4eh K.g, B·N6 53. K ·K5 P·R' ~6. RxR Sports JUllStrater!, Life, T he Sat urday Eve· 19. PxP '<P 50. N·K2 N·B7 ... 54. K·B6 K ·R5 27. R·BI K-BI 20. R·B2 B·B3 51 . P-R4 N_K5 55. Resigns ning Post and other s have suddenly dis­ 18. NxRP N·Q6 21 . RxRch ... 52. K ·Q4 K ·K3 covered that chess can be news. 22. R.Q2 Q·R3 53. K ·B4 K-Q3 23. RxRch b' 54. K ·Q4 K-K3 K.g, In addition to the games given in the 24. N/I·Q2 Q·N2 55. K.B4 SICILIAN DEFENSE 25. N·B4 B·K2 56. N-Q4 N,P M ednl-o S.ldy- l round·by-round record that follows, 26.
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