Average Daily Cireulation Par the Moath of February, 1941 - T h. Wmitber Ferama* ef O. B. WosSMc 6,677 Memhar ef the AMUt Fair today, totoght and Barca, et Ottmtottou alewly Haiag ly Manchester— A City of VUiage Charm VOL.^X., NO. 153 (ClassMed AdvertlsiBg Oa Page l3) MjINCHESTER, c o n n ., SATURDAY, MARCH 29,1941 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C Navy Yards Suggested for Use by British Cambria Peace Goal All Germans Ordered Set by Negotiators; To Leave Yugoslavia; Hear Federal Appeal Watch Developments !}uest by National De< Work Hard to End *Ho1- Jnited States Seeks An­ Nazi Legation Includes eiise Chieftain • That May Strike iday’ of Union Men swers to Explosive Aver Three Even Newspapermen; Strikers Resume at At Bethlehem Plant; Questions Vitally Af-' British Tell Women A t Chicago Vessels Hit Allis-Chalmera and Ne< Production Curtailed fecting War’s Threat-1 - ^ ) And Children to Go; gotiate Dispute Later Yards Soon Even More Than Yes­ ened Sweep into South-1 in bea War Yugoslavs Keep Gerw Put Before Unionists terday; Threat Made to eastern Europe, Asia; many Waiting for Defi- Today; To {Take AcUon Breakdoton in Contract Carry Strike to Ship­ Future Seen Influenced British and Greek Naval nite Written Reply.; yards at Hol>oked^^ext By Fate of Yugoslavs. On Foreign Policy.; At Closed Meeting. Negotiations Brings Forces Join Battle Threat of Walkout With Italian Warships Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Marct BuUetin! I Johnstown, Pa., March 29. Wa.shington, March 2 9 .^ Early Next Week, — —^Peace by Monday was (/P)—The United States today in Mediterranean Sea. 29.—(JP)—The German Milwaukee, March 29.—(/P) —The AUia-Chalmera Mfg. the goal of negotiators work­ watched fast-paced develop­ tion today ordered^even Ger»i Co. announced the back-to- C2ilcs|'o, March 39 — (8^ — A ing .hard today to end a “holi­ ments in Yugoslavia for the London, March 29.—UP)—The man newspaper men to leav4|| work movement resulting strike at the sprawling Chicago day” of union members at answers to explosive ques­ Admiralty announced today that Yugoslavia in the appiuvi^^ from the government’s order stock yards, concentratjoa point the, vast Cambria mills of The tions vitally affecting the British and Greek Naval forces conviction that the new Y« to re-open the strikebonnd for thousands of animals destined Bethlehem Steel Corporation. war’s threatened sweep into Joined battle with Italian warships goslav government will ofl for the meat packing plants, was Production was even more southeastern Europe and in the eastern Mediterranean and no acceptable compromise plant gained momentum to­ threatened today by a breakdown that so far "at least one Littorio curtailed, possibly because of Asia. Diplomatic quarters class battleship has been dam­ Axis wishes. The British, i. day. A company spokesman In negotiations for a labor con­ tra c t a usual week-end slowdown, here, analyzing each move in aged” and two enemy cruisers se­ parently expecting that Y« said 2,048 p r^ u c tim workers verely damaged. Frank McCarty, district direc­ than yesterday when the CIO the Balkan drama, predicted goslavia may become a tha had reported by 8*~a. m. for tor of the C7IO P acklni^usa (One ship of the 35,000-ton Lit­ moved its demonstration that the whole future course torio class was badly crippled in ter of war, orders wo duty on the day shift. This Workers Organising Committee, Muurnimmimmim compared with a company es­ said that a strike probably would against the company’s 20 of the conflict, and possible the British torpedo plane attack and children to leave, The opening of United States Navy Tarda to British battleships American repercussions as on the Italian Naval hose a t Ta> government, facing the timate of 1,962 at 9 a. m. yes­ be called early next week. year-old Employes Represen­ in need of repairs, as augge.sted by military experta in Washington, He qualified bis prediction with tation Plan to this third ma well, would be influenced ranto Nov. 11, and the British sibility of an internal terday. The normal day force the comment: "If the ompsny Is may give England a strategical advantage in her Battle of the Atlan­ approximates 6,000. At head­ jor plant and threatened fur tic, they said. Citiea in which Navy Yards are located are marked deeply by what happens to (Continued On Page Ten) with Croat, minority leadex quarters of the striking CIO (Coathraed O . Page Two) ther to carry it over next by ators on the map. the Nazi-defying Serbs, Slo­ kept Germany waiting for United Automobile Workers week to the vast shipyards at venes and Croats. answer to her renewed Hoboken. President Roosevelt emphasised mands for a definite, writ Union, Local 248, it was re­ American interest in thi future Germans Hope ported “less than lOO” went Federal Labor Conciliator independence of Yugoslavia in s statement of Yugoslav fo Germans Lost Arthur Reilly, after conferring message congratulating 17 year eign policy. back to work this morning. with both James Gent, sub-reglon- Study Auto Insurance More than a score at Oar al director at the Steel Workera old King Peter II on his saccnslon Croats May Be to the throne. newspaper men, were involved Milwaukee, March 29.— 2,375 Planes Organlalng Committee, and Sidney Follows Welles* Pledge the legation order, and only D. Evana, company representative, were permitted to remain with 1 —A request by national de­ announced: Plan to Increase Tax The president's message to the Bar to Unity fense chieftains that strikers boy king of "a brace and inde­ diplomatic staff. Inl940B K tz "I am very optimistic—I think if pendent people” followed Acting All FUgkto Cne ceiled resume work at The Allis- everything works out all right, Secretary of State Welles’ pledge Equally os significoDt of 4 everything will be aettled by Mon­ Blanket Policy Would Berlin Thinks It Sees Nasi attitude at this was the ordia| Chalmers Manufacturing Co., British Hurry of “mgterial osalstancv” to Yugo- immediately and negotiate New British Figures day." Cover All Registered alavls—or any nation—which de­ Possibility of Split in of German commercial air Itt their dispute later was put Arrange Exidoratory Coaterenee fends itself against aggression. Lufthansa, cancelling on High Qte Damage Done Cars; Alternative for Welles olM hinM that the over Yugoslav territory. before the unionists today. Federal Labor Conciliator On to Capture Yugoslavia Like That The Yugoslav govemsaent Thomas Lambert anfi State Media, Compulsory^ Propoaal. United States Was prepared to oidastaUy suspewdod 4ssT Members of the CIO U n it^ And Price Paid , by tor Charles Kuts,.wlia took paztJa- “ iiofreess” Yugoslavian oasehrln Of Czechs, Slovakians. AutomiJbliffT W orkers union Na*is in Fair Drive. the hsgotiations that lad to settle­ this country if the nation main­ German barges and otherJier ersfll : Hartford, March 29,—(ff) Asmara Soon tains its independence and does the Danube river. Were summoned to a closed ment of a strike at the company’s Berlin, March 29—{8>>—German Military operators took< Bethlehem, Ps., plant yesterday, —Connecticut legislative not bow to Oernum denwnds. The obaervers watched Yugoslav Vice meeting to take formal action London, March 29.—(JP)—Ger­ arrived here and arranged an ex­ funds were tied up by presidential telephone communication ta leaders had the week-end to Premier Vladimir Macek’a meeting grade. on the government’s plea. many lost 2,376 aircraft betwesn ploratory conference with Relly. Advance Units Ignore order when the old Yugoslav gov­ mull over 'a proposal calling with his Croat party lieutenants at The Yugoslav general staff Harold Cbristoffel, prerident of Aug. 8 and Oct. 31, 1940, before They aaid they expected to confer ernment signed on Axis pact. ferred with the Germoa mini .Local 248, aaid the membership she abandoned mass daylight as­ later with union and management for a system of state insur­ Fleeing Fascists as The president's message; dis­ Zagreb closely today for signs of ' was free to decide as it wished. representativea. Viktor Von Heeren. Oer saults on Britain in favor of night ance for all registered auto­ They Drive Ahead patched to King Peter lost night, a split between' Croats and Serbs sources sold they sought to si Work On $45,000,000 In defense or­ raids, according' to new figures Some men entered the plant said: which might indicate Yugoslavia's the difficulties caused by the ; ders has been delayed by the 87- mobiles to be financed To Eritrean Capital. Text of Meseage published by the Air Ministry. gattm today, although there ‘vere through a one-cent increase next move. lar demonstrstions. day strike. The figures, it was explained do groups of men near the gates, “ At this moment when Your Germans pointed out that al­ A German courier orriviag : Plaat Ope. “Unofficially’* not include Nasi planes shot down there was no attempt to halt the in the gasoline tax. The plan, Cairo, Egypt, March 29.—(JP)— Majesty has assumed the full ex- though there had been onti-Noxl Athens dsclsred bs saw the William Watson, vice president at night during that period/nor workmen. A patrolman at Frank­ heard yesterday by the Judi­ ercte of your royal rights and demonstrations at Belgrade, where carrying Former Regent lin borough, where one of the Fast British mechanized forces and general woriut manager of "those seen by the thousands ciary ^m m ittee, was held powers and the leadershi|. of a the new Yugoslav government was Paul cross the Greek .frontier, AlUs^Chalmers, aimounced that staggering back to their French largest mills is located, eaUmated were reported today to be slosh brave and Independent people, I said to be still tr^ n g to decide terdsy.
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