July 25, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6401 Mr. Speaker, it is fitting and appro- Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, on that I Mr. Speaker, last week I was appalled priate for the House of Representatives demand the yeas and nays. to hear about the release of the new to recognize the ongoing contribution The yeas and nays were ordered. version of the video game Grand Theft of marina operators in the United The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Auto: San Andreas having a back door States to our economy, our security, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the to porn embedded in its files. That kind our environment, and most of all for Chair’s prior announcement, further of material would have certainly providing us with a way of enjoying a proceedings on this motion will be earned it an ‘‘Adults-Only’’ rating day on the beautiful waterways of the postponed. rather than the ‘‘Mature’’ rating that United States. f it has been marketing. I cannot imag- I urge my colleagues to join us in ine how a good player in the video EXPRESSING SENSE OF THE supporting H. Res. 308 which recognizes game industry could make an honest HOUSE THAT THE FEDERAL our support for the goals of National mistake of something like that, so you TRADE COMMISSION SHOULD IN- Marina Day on August 13, 2005. have to wonder just what they are try- VESTIGATE THE PUBLICATION Mr. DICKS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of ing to do. OF THE VIDEO GAME ‘‘GRAND H. Res. 308, a bill supporting the goals of Na- We have had hearings on rating video THEFT AUTO: SAN ANDREAS’’ tional Marina Day and urging marinas to con- games as well as music and movies in tinue providing environmentally friendly gate- Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I move to our committee, and I believe fully that ways to boating. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- parents are the first line of defense for On August 13, we will celebrate National lution (H. Res. 376) expressing the sense controlling what their kids watch. Up Marina Day. This annual celebration promotes of the House of Representatives that until now, parents have been able to the United States’ 12,000 marinas and offers the Federal Trade Commission should trust the Entertainment Software Rat- local marina operators the opportunity to host investigate the publication of the video ings Board, ESRB, to give them cred- educational events to bring tens of thousands game ‘‘Grand Theft Auto: San ible information about exactly what is of people to our country’s marinas. These ma- Andreas’’ to determine if the publisher in a video game. I want to make sure rinas are gateways to boating and help main- intentionally deceived the Entertain- that that remains the case. tain the natural environments that we enjoy. In ment Software Ratings Board to avoid According to the Federal Trade Com- fact, as we debate this resolution today, Amer- an ‘‘Adults-Only’’ rating, as amended. mission, the FTC, parents are involved icans throughout the country are using their The Clerk read as follows: in the purchase and rental of games summer vacations to enjoy their own rec- H. Res. 376 more than 8 out of 10 times, better reational boats or to charter time on profes- Whereas the video game ‘‘Grand Theft than 80 percent, making it indisputably sionally operated vessels. Auto: San Andreas’’ was given a rating of clear that parents are the gatekeepers By serving as stewards of the environment, ‘‘Mature’’ by the Entertainment Software when it comes to deciding what games marina owners help protect our Nation’s nat- Ratings Board; they bring into their homes. ural resources for generations to come. Ma- Whereas the game contains sexually ex- The facts about consumer awareness rina operators and owners realize that the suc- plicit content that is accessible by con- and use of the ESRB ratings: 78 percent cess of their industry relies in part on the sumers but that appears to have been hidden from the ratings board in order to avoid the of parents are aware of the rating sys- health and beauty of their surroundings. tem, up 8 percent in the last 2 years; 61 In addition, marina owners are working game receiving an ‘‘Adults Only’’ rating; percent of parents are aware of content closely with the United States Coast Guard to Whereas the Entertainment Software Rat- ings Board took swift action in investigating descriptors, up 53 percent in the last 2 step up vigilance at their facilities to improve the matter and revoked the ‘‘Mature’’ rat- years; 70 percent of parents regularly security on U.S. waterways. These efforts in- ing, ensuring any future sales of ‘‘Grand check the rating before making a pur- clude looking out for aggressive activities, at- Theft Auto: San Andreas’’ will be under an chase. If this company purposely hid tempts to gain access to vessels without prop- ‘‘Adults Only’’ rating; and that information or material to make a er identification, fixtures attached to structures, Whereas the publisher of the video game, sham of the ratings, it is nothing less unusual diving operations, and vehicles and Rockstar Games, may have deceived the rat- than deceptive advertising and it ought vessels in unusual locations. Marina owners ings board and consumers: Now, therefore, be to be punished, in this case severely. are on the water every day and when some- it Resolved, That it is the sense of the House My resolution, coauthored by the thing appears unusual they are able to alert of Representatives that— gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. the Coast Guard. (1) the Federal Trade Commission should MARKEY), calls on the Federal Trade Boating is an important pastime as well as investigate the publication of the video Commission to investigate Rockstar a major business activity in my congressional game ‘‘Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas’’ to Games to see if they intentionally de- district. From inside Puget Sound to the Pa- determine if the publisher, Rockstar Games, ceived the ratings board to avoid the cific coast of Washington State and the Straits deceived the Entertainment Software Rat- Adults-Only rating, and, if they deter- of Juan de Fuca, marinas provide access for ings Board to avoid an ‘‘Adults-Only’’ rating; mine that such deception or fraud has recreational sailors and motor-powered cruis- and taken place, that they apply the very ing boats in addition to home ports for charter (2) if the Commission determines Rockstar Games to have committed such deception or toughest of penalties or sanctions. The boats and commercial fishermen. fraud, the Commission should apply the video game industry has gone into Mr. Speaker, it is fitting for the U.S. House toughest of penalties. of Representatives to recognize the ongoing great detail to define their ratings, but The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- contribution of marina operators to our econ- I want parents to feel confident that ant to the rule, the gentleman from omy, our security, our environment, and most the labeling of the video games that Michigan (Mr. UPTON) and the gentle- of all, for providing us with a way of enjoying they allow their kids to play or pur- woman from Minnesota (Ms. MCCOL- a day on the water. I urge adoption of the res- chase is reliable and that bad actors do LUM) each will control 20 minutes. olution. not get away with deceptions like this. Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I yield The Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. Speaker, if these ratings were back the balance of my time. from Michigan (Mr. UPTON). willfully violated, they ought to be Mr. COBLE. Mr. Speaker, I yield GENERAL LEAVE punished, and a firm should not be al- back the balance of my time. Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- lowed to profit from that outrageous The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. imous consent that all Members may circumstance when those rules are fol- KOLBE). The question is on the motion have 5 legislative days within which to lowed by so many families when they offered by the gentleman from North revise and extend their remarks on this buy or see the video games in their Carolina (Mr. COBLE) that the House legislation and to insert extraneous homes. This resolution calls for that. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- material on the same. Mr. Speaker, I include for the lution, H. Res. 308. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there RECORD a letter that I sent earlier this The question was taken. objection to the request of the gen- week to the Chair of the FTC signed by The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the tleman from Michigan? more than 75 Members of Congress, the opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of There was no objection. cover letter signed by the gentleman those present have voted in the affirm- Mr. UPTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- from Michigan (Mr. DINGELL), the gen- ative. self such time as I may consume. tleman from Texas (Mr. BARTON), the VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:29 Jul 26, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25JY7.040 H25JYPT1 H6402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2005 gentleman from Massachusetts (Mr. They have been national leaders on game. Immediately, Wal-Mart, Target, Best MARKEY) and myself, asking that the calling on retail stores across the coun- Buy and several other retailers pulled it FTC take every action that they can if, try to ensure age-specific ratings are from their shelves. Rockstar, the game’s de- in fact, the material shows that it was enforced.
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