Public Document Pack AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL Your attendance is requested at a meeting of the Council in the Council Chamber - Deanes on Thursday, 21 July 2016, at 6.30 pm. Melbourne Barrett Chief Executive For more information please contact the Democratic Services team: 01256 844844 Or email: [email protected] Visit: www.basingstoke.gov.uk/meetings Public Participation Scheme If members of the public wish to address the meeting they should notify Democratic Services before 12 noon on Tuesday of the week of the Council meeting. The public participation scheme is available to access through the council’s website - www.basingstoke.gov.uk/participation Members are encouraged to obtain any points of clarification on the reports on the Agenda in advance of the meeting. COMMITTEE PAPERS If you need this information in a different format, such as large print, please contact Democratic Services. Alternatively all documents associated with this agenda can be accessed through the Council’s website on www.basingstoke.gov.uk/meetings Page 1 AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON THE 26TH MAY 2016 9 - 20 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. THE MAYOR TO MAKE PRESENTATIONS OF CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC SERVICE TO FORMER MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 6. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To receive and answer any questions from the public. (Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services no later than noon on Tuesday 19th July 2016). 1) Dr Debra Rolfe Do you agree that if the unelected Overton Neighbourhood Plan committee has not followed correct procedures, that their plan is open to challenge in the courts, and should not be adopted? Do you trust your colleagues, the elected Borough Councillors for Overton, who have both publicly stated that the Overton Neighbourhood Plan committee have not followed correct procedures? And if so, do you not have a duty to throw out, or at the very least postpone adoption of the Overton Neighbourhood Plan, until these concerns have been fully investigated? 2) Dr Debra Rolfe A planning application has been submitted to build 165 new homes in Overton on a site excluded from this neighbourhood plan (called the Great North Field)? Are you aware that the Overton neighbourhood plan site selection process excluded this land and refused to talk to the developer, on the basis of comments apparently written by residents on post-it notes, and questionnaires posted into an unmonitored box? Did you know that whilst approximately 240 people have submitted objections to development on the Great North Field, a far higher number, 1149 residents voted "No" to the Overton neighbourhood plan? Do you agree that the developer would have a good chance of a successful legal challenge to this neighbourhood plan? Page 2 If they were successful, who would pay their legal costs? 3) Dr Debra Rolfe Are you concerned that land assessed by your planning officers for the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (updated in August 2015), and deemed unsuitable for development, has been included in this neighbourhood plan, despite the only access to the site being down a very narrow lane past the primary school, which would inevitably increase the risk of child road accidents? 4) Dr Debra Rolfe Overton has a history of making strong and numerous objections to any new housing development in the village. Are you surprised that people in Overton have (albeit narrowly) just voted for 29 acres of new housing in the village? Those promoting the plan said it was for only 150 houses, and it would prevent planning permission being granted for new houses on Overton's Great North Field? Can you guarantee that there would be only 150 houses built on these 29 acres, or that the neighbourhood plan would prevent new homes being built on the Great North Field, and if not, do you accept that the campaign for Overton neighbourhood plan has been misleading, and the result of the vote is therefore invalid? 7. PETITIONS To receive petitions. (Notice of petitions must be received in writing by Democratic Services, no later than noon on Tuesday 19th July). 8. RESIGNATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS 21 - 22 a) to receive resignations from Committees and to make any necessary re-appointments b) to receive resignations from Outside Bodies and to make any re- appointments and fill any existing vacancies. 9. PROPERTY AND ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT STRATEGY - 23 - 76 INVEST TO GROW FUND Recommendation from the Cabinet Meeting held on the 28th June 2016 That Council approve: 1) The Invest to Grow Fund Investment Strategy. 2) Allocation of the earmarked Alternative Investment Strategy funding of £25m to the Invest to Grow Fund. Page 3 10. ADOPTION OF NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN FOR OVERTON 77 - 138 Recommendation from the Cabinet Meeting held on the 28th June 2016. That Full Council, under section 38A(4) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, make the Overton Neighbourhood Plan with immediate effect, with the consequence that it becomes part of the statutory development plan for Basingstoke and Deane Borough. 11. 2015/16 REVENUE AND CAPITAL OUTTURN 139 - 194 Recommendation from the Cabinet Meeting held on the 28th June 2016. That Council: 1) Note the revenue outturn for 2015/16 was a net surplus of £626,100. 2) Agree the carry forward requests, new funding requests for strategic budgets and the contributions to and from revenue reserves as shown in the shaded areas of Appendix 1(a) and 1(b) of the report. 3) Note that any on-going revenue impacts identified from a detailed review of the outturn, will be included in budget monitoring reports for 2016/17 and the budget strategy for 2017/18. 4) Note the capital outturn and agree the revised capital programme detailed in Appendix 8 of the report. 12. TREASURY MANAGEMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2015/16 195 - 216 Recommendation from the Cabinet Meeting held on the 28th June 2016. That Council note: 1) The Treasury Management Annual Report for 2015/16 which includes the Prudential Indicator Actuals for 2015/16; 2) That the Capital Financing Requirement and the Minimum Revenue Provision requirement are both nil. 13. COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY - DRAFT CHARGING 217 - SCHEDULE 412 Subject to a recommendation from Cabinet to be held on 18 July 2016 Page 4 14. CALENDAR OF MEETINGS 413 - 414 To approve the committee calendar for the 2017/18 municipal year. 15. NOTICE OF MOTION - EU RESIDENCY Mover: Councillor M Westbrook Seconder: Councillor P Harvey EU Residency EU citizens living in Basingstoke & Deane work here, run businesses here, their children go to school here, they contribute hugely to our community and are valued members of society. Full council is concerned that recent comments made within national political debates may have increased the anxiety felt by EU citizens living in the UK and also of British citizens living in the EU. This language may have had the effect of putting the residency rights of EU citizens in doubt. Full council needs to play its part in giving these residents certainty of their position. We ask that the leader writes to the Prime Minister and expresses full councils opinion that there should be a clear and unambiguous statement that there should be no changes in residency of EU citizens living in the UK and of British citizens living in the EU. 16. NOTICE OF MOTION - MANAGEMENT COMPANIES AND THE NON ADOPTION OF ROAD AND THE ENVIRONMENT IN DEVELOPMENT Mover: Councillor L James Seconder: Councillor I Tilbury Management Companies and the Non Adoption of Road and the Environment in Development Council acknowledges: The growing concern of both members and residents about the increasing issue of the non adoption of roads and the environment in development. That the non adoption of roads and the environment is leading to charges being placed on residents from private management companies. These charges reflect services that residents already pay for in their Council Tax - this is double taxation. These charges are levied on Basingstoke & Deane residents through increased rents and/or directly billed charges which add considerably Page 5 to their costs of living. In 2014 a motion was brought to full council outlining the concern from residents regarding management company charges. Since that time members have seen a further increase in the use of management companies by developers and also an increase in casework from residents regarding them. Recently, there was cross party concern expressed at the Development Control Committee that one of our Social Landlords was choosing to promote development where the roads and environment would not be given over for adoption. Council recommends: Full council asks that given the increasing concern of members and residents about the growing trend of non adoption of roads and the environment in development that a committee undertakes a thorough examination. In particular, the committee should look at changes in the market place over the past 12 months in the use of management companies and the solutions being implemented elsewhere. 17. TO RECEIVE THE MINUTES OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS Please can Members refer to the page number of the minute book when asking questions on the en-bloc minutes at the Council Meeting. Meeting Committee Pages Date Development Control 06/04/2016 7215 - 7228 Development Control 11/05/2016 7229 - 7309 Council 12/05/2016 7310 - 7326 Cabinet 16/05/2016 7327 - 7332 Council 19/05/2016 7333 - 7334 Council 26/05/2016 7335 - 7346 Community Environment & 08/06/2016 7347 - 7351 Partnerships Manydown Overview 13/06/2016 7352 - 7355 Scrutiny 14/06/2016 7356 - 7359 Development Control 15/06/2016 7360 - 7380 Scrutiny 21/06/2016 7381 - 7383 Audit & Accounts 27/06/2016 7384 - 7388 Manydown Executive Committee 28/06/2016 7389 - 7391 Cabinet 28/06/2016 7392 - 7398 Page 6 18.
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