Digital Commons @ George Fox University Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church Friendly Endeavor (Quakers) 12-1932 Friendly Endeavor, December 1932 George Fox University Archives Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor Recommended Citation George Fox University Archives, "Friendly Endeavor, December 1932" (1932). Friendly Endeavor. 111. https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/nwym_endeavor/111 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends Church (Quakers) at Digital Commons @ George Fox University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Friendly Endeavor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ George Fox University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The Friendly Endeavor Volume 11, Number 12. PORTLAND, OREGON December, 1932. A T R A V E L E R A N D A L L T H E P R O U D "For behold, the day cometh that Have you read the November issue of shall burn as an oven; and all the the Friendly Endeavor? If so you know of the sailing of Laura Cammack " T H E C H R I S T M A S G I F T " proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble; and the day that com for China on October 22nd. Knowing eth shall burn them up, saith the Lord that the experiences encountered on her He was only a babe born in a stable, but wandering shepherds made Him of Hosts, that it shall leave them neither journey would be of interest to our r o o t n o r b r a n c h . " readers, the editor asked her to write t h e i r k i n g ; w i s e m e n f r o m f a r d i s t a n c e "And all the proud;" why the especial an account of her trip for us. This brought Him rich gifts: the angelic letter was mailed at Honolulu. We choir, at midnight, heralded His advent, emphasis on "all the proud?" Jesus said: "Go tell my disciples—and Peter." hope to be able to add to this in other and even God hung in the sky a new issues. The letter follows: s t a r a s a t o k e n o f H i s a r r i v a l . There was a special reason for telling Peter. But why "all the proud?" Nearing Honolulu, Oct. 26, 1932. Yes, a docile, dimpled babe, marked D e a r O n e s : for sorrow and the shame of the cross, YTiy not all the liars, or all the adul terers, or all the murderers? Those Nothing could be more pleasant than yet multitudes of longing hearts now are glaring sins and easily recognized, an ocean voyage toward China in the are gladdened because He took that sad, dark way. And well may the earth but comparatively few are guilty of sweet will of God—and I find that the committing them; but pride is a sin rest and peace found at the center of rejoice and celebrate that happy birth common to all and one of which we are God's will is mine on this trip. The day when to humble shepherds watch too often unaware. companionship of nine other mission ing their flocks on low Judean hill, rang aries in this class is a boon from Heaven out the first real Christmas message— Are you capable of being honest with as well as the fellowship I have in "ndings of great joy * to all people. yourself? If so, go down the list seri prayer with you in the homeland. For unto you is born this day in the ously, asking God to point out to you Travel brings many unexpected friend city of David a Saviour, which is Christ y o u r o v m p a r t i c u l a r f o r m o f p r i d e : ships, a joy worth having. A Chinese the Lord * Glory to God in the high pride of home, of children, family pride, boy, graduate of Whittier and a Friend, est, and on earth peace, good will pride of face, form or manner, pride of IS niy latest acquaintance. He is going towards men." The truth and beauty clothe.s or possessions, pride of intellect back as a Y. M. C. A. Secretary, so we o f t h i s j o y o u s C h r i s t m a s m e s s a g e h a v e or business ability, pride of musical have great times discussing China and abated not at all with the passing of gifts or special talents, pride of high h e r p r o b l e m s . the years, and from that day to this standing in the church, spiritual pride. m a n k i n d h a s i n o n e m a n n e r o r a n o t h e r Do you stand clear? "For behold, _ And as to seasickness—well, some day the day cometh that shall burn as an in my old age—I shall write a book on been celebrating the anniversary of the its causes and cures. It is the most birth of that babe, God's great gift to o v e n ; a n d a l l t h e p r o u d , " ( i s t h i s s i n especially abhorrent in God's eyes?) mysterious of diseases, for it gives one the world. A gift from heaven, there a feeling that it is to be chronic. I was no greater. But mankind was "yea, and all that do wickedly, shall was sure I was to be confined to my bed lost, groping in darkness, utterly fallen, burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, for the rest of my life. By noon I helple.ss to rise. Who could find him, that it shall leave them neither root discovered that I was not in a dying lift him up, lead him out? None but n o r b r a n c h . " state so I changed my "chronic" d'iag- He who came as a babe. Have you ever become interested in nosis to a fourteen-day span. But by So Christmas is preeminently a sea the motives that underlay actions ? The son of happiness because it is funda ancient philosopher's saying: Know t "''o™iiig I was certain of health through the voyage, and now I mentally a time of unselfishness—a time thyself," presents a lifetime study. Fail can wisely roll my eyes and heave a of giving. Yet many grieve over the ure to attain heights of perfection sigh when anyone mentions a contem gifts they cannot bestow, but the very towards which we are striving, too plated sea-voyage. desire to give is the matchless gift often has an unsuspected foundation of The trip is really wonderful. We itself, for the gift is a symbol of that pride. Often an action, beautiful in arrive in Honolulu toworrow under blue greater gift which lies within the heart. itself, may be void in effect because skies with every indication of warm Too easily do we lose sight of the fact underneath lies an unworthy pride mo weather and calm .seas. that all gifts are not of gold or silver. tive. It takes time and wiil power and Many times already on the trip have Nor are all gifts done in Christmas courage to discover and face the inner paper and tied with gay ribbons. Were most thought that prompts the act. ofJ r - riendst h a when t I askeda m asa to mym edenom m b e r it so, many of us could do no giving F o r i n s t a n c e , o n e c a n t e s t i f y o r p r a y ination. We have a grand history to this year. Rather should we remember beautifully but his words be void of the live up to and most of all we have a that the richest gifts of mankind are Spirit's power because he takes credit "love and loyalty, a cheering smile, a to hinise f for the perfect expression of great God to give us help in every h i s t h o u g h t . O r o n e m a y t a l k t o t h e needy time. Yes, the faith of our helping hand—the gifts that bless and comfort. A life that is rich in giving, unsaved about kneeling at the altar with fathers still lives on and we must be the unconscious thought motive of ap true to it even to death. The prayers is rich in living. Someone has said of friend.s put iron in my blood. I love th.ut we go out of this life bearing in pearing well before the people. Uncon o u r t w o h a n d s o n l y t h a t w h i c h w e h a v e scious? Unacknowledged is, perhaps, the contest side of life and by God's n e a r e r t h e t r u t h .
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