SPECIAL ATV/BC QUAD RIDERS REPORT PETERCUNNINGHAM PHOTOS SYMBOL OF SUCCESS: The 2009 AGM and Jamboree brought together club members from all over B.C. and beyond, forging strong friendships along the way. ATV/BC members enjoyed rides over much of the awe-inspiring terrain of the Elk Valley area. ELKFORD, BRITISH COLUMBIA ATV/BC NEWS ATV/BC Jamboree and AGM ATV/BC elects board of directors The 10th annual ATV/BC Jamboree was a success Following the recent by PETER CUNNINGHAM week before the jamboree itself. The generosity of 42 sponsors ATV/BC Jamboree and Elkford hosted the 10th annual Our guests for the VIP ride on amazed the Elkford club, with AGM, which was held in Elk- ATV/BC Jamboree on August 19 Friday included several ATV/BC several donations of more than ford August 19 to 23, a short to 23, 2009. The event brought directors, Elkford’s mayor, Dean $500. Many thanks to the Elkford directors meeting took place out ATV clubs from all over B.C. McKerracher, and reporters from Chamber of Commerce and to elect the new ATV/BC exec- and beyond, including the Quad the Fernie Free Press as well as their members. With perfect utive. The results were: Squad from South Cariboo, the RidersWest magazine (Kali Love weather, incredible viewpoints • President: Zan Boyle, Ridge Riders from Powell River, and Joni Krats). and trails, many lasting friend- Duncan, B.C. the Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad, The provincial AGM and wine ships were forged. • 1st Vice-President: Jeff the Sicamous Quadders and and cheese was held on Friday Cheryl Hird and her crew Mohr, Prince George, B.C. clubs from Arrow Lakes, Powell evening. All of our visitors were catered an outstanding meal on • 2nd Vice-President: Peter River, the West Kootenay and Saturday evening—many said it touched by Elkford’s welcoming Cunningham, Elkford, B.C. Revelstoke. character and ATV-friendly was “the best buffet ever!” • Secretary: Bev Felske, Port There were 118 registrants bylaw. Elkford is the only town in Jamboree chairman Gordon Coquitlam, B.C. from 22 clubs. Many took a week B.C. that issues permits and Galloway received a standing • Treasurer: Moira to travel here, stopping to ride plates. Riders must keep their ovation when he was introduced Jaatteenmaki, Revelstoke, their ATVs along the way. Wayne speed under 20 kilometres per after dinner. Gordon thanked the B.C. Dreger of Campbell River rode hour, use designated trails only, numerous volunteers from the • Safety Director: Gordon more than 900 kilometres and proceed directly to the near- Elkford club who came together Galloway, Elkford, B.C. around the province before ar- est trailhead. The District of Elk- to make this event a success. The New directors are: riving. ford issued 70 off-highway proposed 2010 AGM will be held • Don Frew, Montrose When our guests arrived there vehicle permits and licence at Vernon, B.C., and may also in- • Lisa Bowell, Nanaimo were pre-rides every day for a plates over the week. clude a jamboree. • Wayne Kells, Salmon Arm FALL 2009 | RidersWest SPECIAL ATV/BC QUAD RIDERS REPORT CLUB NEWS Proposed bylaw changes for 2009 by WAYNE DREGER The following changes to Trails initiative is ready to flow the bylaws were presented at Green light given to start ATV/ORM trail construction across Canada the AGM in Elkford. Bylaw 10: At any Annual General Meeting (AGM), or The Canadian Off-Highway Ve- cross purposes. COHV, working closely with the special meeting, the quorum hicle Distributors Council Across Canada, more than 500 national All-Terrain Quad Coun- shall be ten per cent (10%) of (COHV), a member of the Na- motorized and non-motorized cil of Canada (AQCC), the the membership, or fifty (50) tional Trails Coalition (NTC) is trail projects have been given the national Motorcyclists Confed- members, whichever is less. pleased to announce that the green light to put shovels in the erations of Canada (MCC) and Change to: Bylaw 10: At any first wave of funding from the ground and get construction un- provincial ATV and off-road mo- AGM or special meeting, the $25 million federal trails initia- derway. This demonstrates once torcycle rider federations, be- quorum shall be ten (10%) per tive is ready to flow across Cana- more that the NTC’s co-opera- lieves this is a great opportunity cent of the membership eligi- da for those projects that have tive model for nation-wide trail for all stakeholders to prove that ble to vote or fifty members el- been approved to create, up- development works. being out on the trails, whether igible to vote, whichever is grade and sustain ATV and off- The responsible use of off- through non-motorized or mo- less. road motorcycle (ORM) highway vehicles (OHVs) is of torized recreational use, is not Bylaw 11a: At any AGM, or recreational trails. great interest to the COHV, its only fun but contributes to indi- special meeting, each mem- A safe venue member manufacturers such as vidual and family well-being.” ber, in good standing, attend- “New trail infrastructure pro- Arctic Cat, BRP (Can-Am), Responsible interests ing shall be entitled to one vides a safe venue for a variety of Honda, Kawasaki, KTM, Polaris, The Canadian Off-Highway Ve- vote and the majority shall trail users and the ATV/ORM Suzuki and Yamaha, their dis- hicle Distributors Council, origi- prevail. funding allocation gives clubs tributors and the not-for-profit nally founded in 1984, is the Change to: Bylaw 11a: At and provincial organizations a ATV and off-road motorcycle national not-for-profit trade as- any AGM, or special meeting, chance to grow by allowing them rider federations that have de- sociation that represents the re- each member attending who to take on and deliver important veloped across the country. sponsible interests of is of the full age of eighteen trail development projects in A comprehensive vision manufacturers and distributors (18) years and who is in good their communities,” said Bob “Our vision and that of our of all-terrain vehicles and off- standing shall be entitled to Ramsay, president of the COHV. rider clubs and federations is road motorcycles in Canada. one vote and the majority “This is the first time ever in one of a comprehensive, linked, Together, over three million shall prevail. Canada where a co-operative multi-use trail network devel- Canadians ride an ATV or off- Bylaw 14: There shall not be model for nation-wide trail de- oped through partnerships with road motorcycle on a regular less than five (5) Directors on velopment was used to strategi- all stakeholders,” said Ramsay. basis each year. the board and not more than cally plan trail projects in a “And with health and physical fifteen (15). The Board of Di- co-ordinated manner.” fitness being top of mind for For more information, please rectors may fill any casual va- The concept of “multi-use” is most families and for the health check out the COHV website at: cancy on the Board, even if the being embraced by members of care system in Canada, expand- www.cohv.ca; and the National number of members on the trail disciplines who recognize ing access to recreational trails Trails Coalition website at: Board drops below five (5). that working together pays high- gives people new choices and www.ntc-canada.ca or Change to: Bylaw 14: To be er dividends than working at opportunities,” he said. “The www.cns-canada.ca. eligible for election to the Board of Directors, a person must be a member in good How are your operator skills? standing of the Association and must be of the full age of The Canadian Safety Council is offering a WCB-certified ATV course eighteen (18) years. There shall not be less than five (5) Are you interested in learning happy to run courses for club tween 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. Directors on the Board and the skills to safely operate an members and others if the inter- Class sizes are small. There are not more than fifteen (15). The ATV? Are you thinking you est is there. no more than eight students per Board of Directors may fill any would like to brush up on your The course takes about eight class. Adult, youth and children’s casual vacancy on the Board, ATV operator skills? hours to complete and it starts at classes are offered on appropri- even if the number of mem- Qualified Canada Safety Coun- 8 a.m. Assuming all goes well, ately sized ATVs. bers on the Board drops below Continued on next page cil (CSC) ATV instructors are training would be completed be- ▼ five (5). RidersWest | FALL 2009 ▼ OPERATOR SKILLS • CSC ATV safety course gradu- There is no alcohol permitted EXECUTIVE Cont’d. from previous page ate certification; in or around the training area. Course outline • Your copy of the CSC ATV This course is geared to be President safety readings to be completed completely taught in the out- Zan Boyle 1. Introduction to the ATV Duncan rider course prior to the start of the course doors so dress accordingly for Safety Instructor and brought to the course; current and expected weather Ph: 250-748-7669/Cell: 250-715-7222 2. Pre-ride inspection • Your personal CSC ATV grad- conditions (rain or shine or any- [email protected] 3. Range signals, rules and uate certificate upon successful- thing in between). 1st Vice-President warm-up exercises ly completing the course; There are weekday or weekend Jeff Mohr 4. Controls courses as needed for those in- Prince George • Your personal CSC graduate Ph: 250-612-9643 5.
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