June 2012 6 Wednesday, June 6, 7 p.m. 16 Saturday, June 16 10 a.m.-12 noon Sunday, June 24, 1 p.m. June. 12 Andrew Blum June. 12 Bloomsday Ulysses Reading Carrie Barron and Alton Barron June.24 12 Tubes Join us to celebrate James Joyce and Ulysses, famously set on this The Creativity Cure (Ecco, $26.99) day in 1904. Cosponsored by P&P and the Harvard Club, this (Scribner, $26) So—how exactly does the Internet work? Blum, a event will feature readings from the first three chapters of Joyce’s incom- Both board-certified doctors, Carrie in psychiatry Wired correspondent who has written on technol- parable classic. Continue the festivities afterward at James Hoban’s Irish and Alton in orthopedics, the Barrons bring exten- ogy for a number of publications, is a knowledgeable Restaurant, 1 Dupont Circle. sive clinical and academic experience to bear on guide to the many pieces of the physical infrastruc- the question of how to live a satisfying life. Their ture—the global network of junctures, cables, and Saturday, June 16, 1 p.m. multi-step guide employs creativity in five stag- data centers—responsible for routing those millions Mark Harril Saunders June.16 12 es, including insight, movement, mind rest, using of intangible emails. Ministers of Fire both hands, and mind shift. (Swallow Press, $26.95) Thursday, June 7, 7 p.m. Saunders has drawn on extensive world travel, close Sunday, June 24, 5 p.m. June.7 12 Joseph E. Stiglitz observations, and a craft honed at the University of June.24 12 Emily Jeanne Miller The Price of Inequality Virginia’s creative writing program to produce an Brand New Human Being (W.W. Norton, $27.95) accomplished first novel. With deft characterizations (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, $25) The rich have gotten richer—to the point where and a complex plot, this literary thriller is fast-paced Miller’s debut novel follows Logan Pyle as he flees the wealthiest 1% of Americans controls 40% of and engaging. from his lukewarm marriage and lapsed gradu- the country’s wealth. Stiglitz, awarded the Nobel in ate studies. Taking his four-year-old son with him, Economics in 2001, examines the causes of this dis- Saturday, June 16, 6 p.m. Logan drives out to the rural area where his late parity and its consequences for democracy, monetary June.16 12 Stanley Plumly father lived and, taken in by his widowed step- policy, and globalization, then outlines a plan for a Orphan Hours mother, begins to understand his life and what his more prosperous future—for all Americans. (W.W. Norton, $25.95) family means to him. In his tenth book of poetry, Plumly uses the elegi- Friday, June 8, 7 p.m. ac mode to explore questions of mortality and time. Monday, June 25, 7 p.m. June.8 12 Kevin Bleyer Alex Stone Once again demonstrating that “the essence of lyric June.25 12 Me the People poetry is the moment and memory,” the Maryland Fooling Houdini (Random House, $26) Poet Laureate evokes the past in a present of concen- (HarperCollins, $26.99) Most things get a new and improved version, so why trated attention to the textures of daily life. Magic is much more than a bag of tricks. not the U.S. Constitution? With the co-authorship An art of deception, it also involves science and of Earth: The Book under his belt, the Emmy Award– Monday, June 18, 7 p.m. neuroscience, obsession, and perhaps a special sort winning writer for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Christopher Hayes 17 of eccentricity. Stone, in his quest to understand is ready to take on bigger game. Here’s Bleyer’s Twilight of the Elites June. 12 what it takes to be a master magician, investigates update of an old classic. (Crown, $26) the multi-faceted subculture that ranges from In this powerfully argued work of social secretive magic societies to Las Vegas casinos. Saturday, June 9, 1 p.m. criticism, the MSNBC host examines why public Dan Ariely 9 trust in institutions is at an all-time low. From Wall Tuesday, June 26, 7 p.m. June. 12 26 The Honest Truth about Dishonesty Street to the Catholic Church to baseball franchises, June. 12 James Mann (HarperCollins, $26.99) Hayes sees groups of elites distanced from the rest of The Obamians Ariely’s research indicates that dishonesty is an ines- society and prone to corruption and failure. (Viking, $26.95) capable part of human nature. But as he showed Mann’s Rise of the Vulcans was a definitive account in two previous studies, The Upside of Irrationality Tuesday, June 19, 7 p.m. of the Bush administration’s inner circle; his new and Predictably Irrational, such behavior has its rea- June.19 12 Sixth & I Synagogue book is a similarly comprehensive look at President sons. His fascinating look at what motivates lying Gail Collins Obama’s team of foreign-policy advisors. Mann and cheating also illuminates what compels us to be As Texas Goes... outlines the challenges the group faces in framing truthful. (Liveright, $25.95) and implementing a new global role for the U.S. To understand the national political landscape today and discusses the group’s own internal and generational conflicts. Saturday, June 9, 6 p.m. it’s necessary to look at what’s happening in Texas. June.9 12 Peter Edelman Collins, The New York Times columnist and author Wednesday, June 27, 7 p.m. So Rich, So Poor of the best-selling When Everything Changed, traces David Maraniss June.27 12 (New Press, $24.95) the spreading conservative agenda to the Lone Star Barack Obama: The Story The U.S. GNP is over $14 trillion. If it were evenly State, where governors like George W. Bush and (Simon & Schuster, $32.50) divided across the population, every American would Rick Perry champion states rights, gun ownership, lax environmental Washington Post associate editor, Pulitzer Prize- be middle class. But the reality is an income dispar- standards, and banking deregulation. This is a ticketed event. Tickets are winner, and author of acclaimed biographies of ity larger than at any time since the Great Depression. $12 each, or receive 2 free tickets with the purchase of the book from P&P Clinton, Clemente, and Lombardi, Maraniss With these facts as a point of departure, Edelman, employs a wide lens to capture President Obama. who has spoken out about poverty from his days with Robert Kennedy Tuesday, June 19, 7 p.m. Starting in Kenya and Kansas before Obama’s to his current position at Georgetown Law, goes behind the statistics to Roger Streitmatter June.19 12 birth, Maraniss traces the influences the future examine what this situation means for low-income Americans. Outlaw Marriages president absorbed in Hawaii, Indonesia, New (Beacon Press, $26.95) York, and Chicago, influences which shaped his developing political Sunday, June 10, 1 p.m. What do Walt Whitman, Gertrude Stein, James career. Carlin Romano June.10 12 Baldwin, and Audre Lord have in common? Along America the Philosophical with being powerful literary figures, each was part of Thursday, June 28, 7 p.m. (Knopf, $35) a same-sex couple. In his cultural history of same-sex June.28 12 Matthew Quirk Contrary to those who see America as anti-intellec- partnerships, Streitmatter, an American University The 500 tual, Romano, Ursinus College philosophy professor School of Communication professor, profiles fifteen couples, presenting (Reagan Arthur Books, $24.99) and long-time Philadelphia Inquirer literary critic, a range of relationships among creative individuals. This debut thriller by the former Atlantic journal- argues that ideas are the very foundation this coun- ist features Mike Ford, a young lawyer who grew try was built on. He characterizes contemporary Wednesday, June 20, 7 p.m. up among small-time con men. Determined to live U.S. society as a rich and thriving marketplace of June.20 12 Antony Beevor another kind of life, he worked hard and landed a thought, from philosophy blogs to cultural criticism to public debates. The Second World War position with a prestigious Washington, D.C. con- (Little, Brown, $35) sulting firm–only to find himself back among liars Sunday, June 10, 5 p.m. The author of the acclaimed histories D-Day, and cheats, but with the stakes dangerously higher. June.10 12 Mark K. Shriver Stalingrad, and Berlin, Beevor in his new book takes A Good Man a comprehensive look at World War II. While the 29 Friday, June 29, 7 p.m. (Holt, $24) conflict played out in distinct and distant theaters of June. 12 Amanda Padoan with Chhiring Dorje Sargent Shriver accomplished great things, includ- battle, Beevor’s masterful synthesis chronicles events Buried in the Sky ing founding the Peace Corps. After his death, how- from Manchuria, the Burmese jungles, the North African desert, and (W.W. Norton, $26.95) ever, tributes repeatedly praised him as “a good man.” throughout Europe, focusing on soldiers as well as citizens, and giving a With her co-author, the journalist Peter Wanting to know more about this part of his father’s vivid sense of the war’s crushing momentum. Zuckerman, Padoan, a writer for Explorersweb, legacy, Sargent’s son Mark studied Shriver’s personal recreates the tragic 2008 accident that killed elev- life, finding that the public achievements were grounded in faith, hope, Thursday, June 21, 7 p.m. en climbers on K2. Two Sherpas survived, and and love. John Lanchester June.21 12 as the authors recount the skill and courage of Capital Chhiring Dorje and Pasang Lahmu, they also delve Monday, June 11, 7 p.m.
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