AdOJ ClNOJ3S CENSUS 1991 PARTS XII A & B VILLAGE & TOWN . DIRECTORY SERIES -7 VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJARAT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT BANASKANTHA DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK N. R. VARSANI of the Indian Administrative Service, Director o/Census Operations, Gujarat ---,--- ,.' .. ,' , . -" -: .. " " . The office 0/ Ge%Kical Surt'ey oflndia proved tizal multi metals like coppel; zinc and lcad are found in Amhaji area ill Ballaskantha District. The Gujaral Mineral Develop­ ment C0I1)()ratiol1, a Government o/Glljarat undertaking was granted a lease in this area. The Corporatioll estimated tile ({uantity o/multi-metals ill tlzis area at 7.]3 million tonlZes. There is an averaKe proportion oj"3.3% lead, 5.5% zinc' and 1.3% copper in the minerals. The qual1tit_v u/tltese,minerals at Amhaji is much more valuah/e than multimineralsJound at allyothcr place in the coulltry. Flir/her research on this prr~iect is in proKress in the modern lanoratmy estahlished at Amhaji hy the Corporatioll, wilh most modern purificatioll and analytical eLlllipments. Morc01'cl; a pilot plant with 50 lonlle per day capacity has been estahlishcd al a cost 0/ Rs.42 lacs. 011 commissioning prodllction on commercial basis foreign exchange ofRs. 25 crores per annum is estirnated to he sal 'cd. FllrtlIel~ tlzispJ'(~iecl will auwnent sales tax, octroi and royalty oj" fhe Stale. This projeu will provide the employment opporfllnilies to anolll i,OOO pasons directZv and tu aholl{ 4,O()O persons indirectly in this eevllomic.:ully huckward di!)lrict. Wizen/idly commissi()ned, lliis proJect lfi / / he a prime enterprise ofthe Government I if Cujardi. (Drawing hy Sltri A.A.Saiyad 5,: Druftsman) CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS CCI .. ral Government Publications - Census of India 1991, Series - 7 Gujarat are being published in the following parts: Part No. Subject Covered I-A Administration Report - Enumeration I-B Administration Report - Tabulation II-A General Population Tables - A Series U-B General Population Tables-Primary Census Abstract III-A General Economic Tables - B Series (Tables B-1 to B-10) III-B General Economic Tables - B Series (Tables B-ll to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (Tables C-1 to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (Tables C-7 to C-lO) V-A Migration Tables - D Series (Tables D-1 to D-4) V-IJ Migration Tables - D Series (Tables D-5 to D-13) VI Fertility Tables - F Series VII Tables on Houses and Household Amenities VIII Special Tables on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes IX-A Town Directory IX-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns IX-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages X Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XI Census Atlas State Govelllment Publications: District Census Hand Book XII-A Village and Town Directory XII-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract 1 All the maps included in this publication are based upon survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyor General ofIndia. 2 Govenunent of India Copyright CONTENTS Pages Foreword 5 2 Preface and Acknowiedgement 7 3 Map of District Facing page 9 4 Important Statistics 10 5 Analytical Note and Tables 13 - 45 (i) Census concepts and definitions 13 (ii) Brief history of distric~ and the District Census Handbook 17 (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract 18 (iv) Physica I aspects - Highlights on the changes in the jurisdiction of the district 19 during the ;ecade and any important event on geographic and geophysical aspect (v) Major characteristics of the district pa,rticularly in relation to the economic 20 resources (vi) Major social and cultural events, natural, economic and administrative 26 developments during the decade (vii) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological impor­ 27 tance and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district (viii) Brief analysis of data of Primary Census Abstract, Village Directory and 30 Town Directory based on inset tables PART· A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY 47 - 406 SECTION· I VILLAGE DIRECTORY 47 - 388 6 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Village Directory 48 7 Palanpur Talukll/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D.BIock Ulap Facing page 49 (ii) Alphabetical list of vjJJages 50 (iii) Village Directory 56 8 Vadgam TalukaIC.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D.Block map Facing page 95 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 96 (iii) Village Directory 100 9 Deesa Taluka/C.D.Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 121 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 122 '~ii) Village Directory 126 pages 10 Kankrej Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D Block map Facing page 157 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 158 (iii) Village Directory 162 11 Radhanpur Ta/uka/C.D.Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 183 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 184 (iii) Village Directory 186 12 Santalpur Tall/ka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 197 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 198 (iii) Village Directory 200 13 Deodar Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 213 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 214 (iii) Village Directory 218 14 Vav TalukaIC.D. Block 0) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 239 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 240 (iii) Village Directory 244 15 Tharad TalukaIC.D.Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 263 (ij) Alphabetical list ofviJIages 264 (iii) Village Directory 268 16 Dhanera TalukaIC.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 293 (ii) Alphabetical list ofviIJages 294 (iii) Village Directory 298 17 Danta Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D. Block map Facing page 323 (ii) Alphabetical list of villages 324 (iii) Village Directory 330 18 Appendix I Taluka/C.D. Block wise abstract of educational, medical and 364 other amenities 19 Appendix II Land utilisation data in respect of Census towns 368 20 Appendix III Taluka/C.D. Blockwise list of villages where no amenities viz. 368 educational, medical, post and telegraph, market/hat, com­ munication and power supply are available Appendix IV List of villages according to the proportion of Scheduled Cas­ 369 tes and Scheduled Tribes to total population by ranges Pages SECTION - II TOWN DIRECTORY 389 - 406 22 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Town Directory 390 23 Town Directory Statements (I to VI and IV - A) Statement I Status and growth history 392 Statement II Physical aspects and location of towns, 1~89 394 Statement III Municipal Finance 396 Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1989 398 Statement IV-A Civic and other amenities in notified slums, 1989 400 Statement V Medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities, 1989 402 StatemcIlt VI Trade, commerce, industry and banking, 1989 404 24 Appendix Towns showing their outgrowths with population, 1991 406 PART - B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 407 - 653 25 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in Primary Census Abstract 408 26 District, Taluka/C.D. Block, Town Primary Census Abstract 410 27 URBAN/VILLAGE PRlMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (i) Palanpur Ta luka/C.D.Block 426 (ii) Vadgam Taluka/C.D. Block 452 (iii) Deesa Taluka/C.D. Block 470 (iv) Kankrej Taluka/C.D.Block 492 (v) Radhanpur Taluka/C.D. Block 506 (vi) Santalpur Taluka/C.D.Block 516 (vii) Deodar Taluka/C.D. Block 530 (viii) Yav Taluka/C.D. Block 548 (ix) Tharad Taluka/C.D. Block 566 (x) Dhanera Taluka/C.D. Block 588 (xi) Danta Taluka/C.D. Block 606 28 Appendix Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Populaion­ 628 Urban Blockwise 29 District, Taluka/C.D. Block, Town -Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, Primary Cen­ sus Abstract (i) Scheduled Castes Primary Census Abstract 636 (ii) Scheduled Tribes Primary Census Abstract 646 3 FOREWORD Publication of the District Census Handbooks to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Mini­ (DCHs) was initiated after the 1951 Census and is con­ mum Needs Programme. Similarly, information on ap­ tinuing since then with some innovations/ modifications proach to the village was also provided for the first time after each decennial Census. This is the most valuable in the Village Directory so as to give an idea about the district level publication brought out by the Census Or­ number of inaccessible villages in each district. In case of ganisation on behalf of each State Govt./Union Territory Town Dir~ctories also keeping in view the requirements administration. It inter-alia provides data/information on of the Minimum Needs Programme, a Statement IV-A on SOll1~ ofthe basic demographic and socio-economic char­ slums was provided so as to enable the planners to chalk acteristics and on the availahility of certain important out the programmes for providing better civic and other civic amenities/facilities in each village and town of the amenities in the slums. In this statement details on civic respective districts. This publication has thus proved to be and other amenities were reported for the slums of Class of immense utility to the planners, administrators, I and Class II towns. Apart from this, one column on the academicians a nd researchers. Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population and another on adult literacy classes/centres were added in The scope of the DCH was initially confined to Statements IV and V respectively. certain important census tables on population, economic and socia-cultural aspects as also the Primary Census Tbe manner of presentation of the DCHs for the Abstmct (PCA) of each village and town (ward-wise) of 1991 Census is by and large the same as followed in 1981. the district.
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