S3416 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 13, 2017 bill is going to be. Maybe it will shield If you remember your Constitution, Yes, every time they help us, they their bill from criticism in the short it says no President has that author- hurt us twofold worse. I will give you term, but make no mistake, there will ity—only to repel imminent attack— an example directly from Hillary Clin- be a reckoning if this bill is passed. but no President alone has the unilat- ton. When she is writing honestly and Passing a bill of this scale, with so eral authority to take us to war. Yet not talking to the public, she sends an many consequences for the American here we are on the verge of war. email to John Podesta. This is one that people, without telling them what is in What will war mean for Yemen? Sev- was leaked through WikiLeaks. Writ- it, without telling them how they enteen million folks in Yemen live on ing to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton would fare, the political retribution the brink of starvation. I think to my- said: We must put pressure on Saudi will be swift. It will be a catastrophe self, is there ever anything important Arabia and Qatar because they are sup- for the Republican Party. I am afraid, that can happen in Washington? Is plying logistical and financial support worse, this bill will be a catastrophe there anything I can do to save some of to ISIL. for the American people. the millions of children who are dying ISIS is the group we are fighting in I yield the floor. in Yemen? This is it. This is this de- the Middle East again, and Saudi Ara- f bate today. bia was supplying them. This is accord- It isn’t about an arms sale, it is ing to Hillary Clinton, not indirectly RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME about children like Ali, who died. Why but directly. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under are they dying? Because the Soviets Who in their right mind would give the previous order, the leadership time have blockaded the ports. Ninety per- money, arms, or share our technology is reserved. cent of Yemen’s food comes in from the with a country that has been sup- f ocean and they can get no food and porting ISIS? Who would do that? Who they are starving and dying of cholera would think that is a good idea? Yet CONCLUSION OF MORNING because of war. We think of famine they will come here and say that it is BUSINESS being related to the weather. Some- about Iran, and we have to combat Iran The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning times it is, but more often than not everywhere. business is closed. famine is related to man, is manmade, Guess what. This may make the situ- Under the previous order, the Sen- and the most common cause is war. ation with Iran worse. What do you ator from Kentucky or his designee How bad is it in Yemen? Seventeen think Iran thinks when Saudi Arabia will be recognized. million people live on the edge of star- gets weapons? They think to them- The Senator from Kentucky. vation. Some, like Ali, have already selves, well, if the Saudis are getting f died. What are people saying about it? more, we need more. MOTION TO DISCHARGE—S.J. RES. They say that the humanitarian crisis What do you think Israel thinks? If 42 in Yemen may be worse than Syria. the Saudis get more, we need more. Let me repeat that because nobody in Have you ever heard of an arms race? Mr. PAUL. Mr. President, pursuant America is listening to this. Everybody That is what this is. We are fueling an to the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, is paying attention to some silly show arms race in the Middle East. Every I move to discharge the Foreign Rela- trials and silly stuff going on in com- side wants more. You say: Well, we tions Committee from further consid- mittees. Nobody is talking about this have to do this. We have to combat eration of S.J. Res. 42, relating to the at all. They say it is worse than Syria. Iran. disapproval of the proposed foreign Millions of people have fled Syria. Hun- Do you know how much the Gulf military sale to the Government of dreds of thousands have died, and peo- sheikhdoms, Saudi Arabia, and all Saudi Arabia. ple are now predicting Yemen may be their allies—the ones who are bombing The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under worse. the hell out of Yemen—do you know the previous order, the time until 12:30 One refugee group said this: The im- how their military spending compares p.m. will be equally divided between pending famine in Yemen may reach to that of Iran? It is 8 to 1. All of the the proponents and opponents of the Biblical proportions. Think about that. money is in the Gulf h. All of the motion to discharge. It is astounding what is going on there, power, all of the weapons are in the Mr. PAUL. Mr. President, today is an and it is being done without your per- Gulf sheikhdoms. They have more extraordinary day. Today is an auspi- mission but with your weapons. weapons and spend more on weapons— cious day, for we will be discussing Today I will force a vote with the 8 to 1—than Iran. issues of war and peace. help of Senator MURPHY, who has been We are going to vote on Iran sanc- Believe it or not, we rarely discuss a prime mover in this, to tell you the tions this week, and they say that they such important issues. We have been at truth, and has done a great job in don’t want ballistic missiles Iran. Well, war for 15 years. There have been a bringing people together, but we will I don’t either. The best way to do that handful of debates—most of them indi- force this vote for these children in is to put pressure on Saudi Arabia. rect, most of them forced only under Yemen because we have a chance today How would you put pressure on Saudi duress, and most of them would have to stop the carnage. We have a chance Arabia? Maybe we wouldn’t sell them been avoided if the leadership of both to tell Saudi Arabia we have had arms. Maybe we would withhold the parties could avoid them, but today enough. sale of arms until they come to the they cannot avoid this debate because The question is, Should we give table and we get a ballistic agreement this is what is called a privileged mo- money or arms to Saudi Arabia at all? with Iran. It is a naive and foolish no- tion. What has Saudi Arabia done over the tion to think that Iran is going to give Today we will discuss the involve- last 30 years? They have been the No. 1 up on their ballistic weapons. They are ment of the United States in the Mid- exporter of jihadist philosophy, the No. never giving up on their ballistic weap- dle East, and we will also discuss 1 exporter of let’s hate America, let’s ons unless Saudi Arabia did the same whether we should engage in a new war hate the Judeo-Christian ethic, let’s thing. in Yemen. Today we will discuss an hate the Judeo-Christian tradition. It People don’t talk about this, but arms sale to Saudi Arabia that threat- is coming from Saudi Arabia. They Saudi Arabia has ballistic missiles. ens the lives of millions of Yemenis, teach it in the schools in our country. They have Chinese missiles. They are but we will discuss something even They teach it in the schools in Indo- called the Dongfeng-21 N–3. They have more important than an arms sale, we nesia. They corrupt the religion of dozens of these. Do you know where will discuss whether we should be ac- Islam throughout the world, and we are they are pointed? Tehran and Tel Aviv. tively involved. Should the United going to give them weapons? I think it Saudi Arabia is no friend of Israel. States be actively involved with refuel- is a huge, huge mistake. Do they cooperate with Israel some? ing the Saudi planes, with picking tar- If you say: Well, I doubt that. There Yes, but their missiles are pointed at gets, with having advisers on the is no way they are that bad. Don’t they Tel Aviv, Israel. Saudi Arabia’s other ground? Should we be at war in share intelligence with us? Don’t they missiles are pointed at Tehran. Are Yemen? help us in the war on terror? these missiles nuclear capable? Yes. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:38 Jun 14, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G13JN6.005 S13JNPT1 June 13, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3417 They are not thought to be nuclear the United States stood up and said it intelligence was so bad they didn’t tipped, meaning they haven’t been was wrong and partly because, perhaps know it was a funeral procession? They armed with nuclear missiles, but every- behind the scenes, we said: Maybe we killed 125 people at a funeral. They one who is in the arms community ac- are not going to sell you weapons if wounded 500. We wonder about why we knowledges that these missiles could you behave like a bunch of barbarians.
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