CR05285-2019 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION SEC FORM 17-Q QUARTERLY REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 17 OF THE SECURITIES REGULATION CODE AND SRC RULE 17(2)(b) THEREUNDER 1. For the quarterly period ended Jun 30, 2019 2. SEC Identification Number 10683 3. BIR Tax Identification No. 000-141-166 4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter SUNTRUST HOME DEVELOPERS, INC. 5. Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization METRO MANILA, PHILIPPINES 6. Industry Classification Code(SEC Use Only) 7. Address of principal office 26th Floor, Alliance Global Tower, 36th Street cor. 11th Avenue, Uptown Bonifacio, Taguig City Postal Code 1634 8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code (632) 864-6300 9. Former name or former address, and former fiscal year, if changed since last report N/A 10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4 and 8 of the RSA Title of Each Class Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt Outstanding Common 2,250,000,000 11. Are any or all of registrant's securities listed on a Stock Exchange? Yes No If yes, state the name of such stock exchange and the classes of securities listed therein: Philippine Stock Exchange; Common Shares 12. Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (a) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 17 of the SRC and SRC Rule 17 thereunder or Sections 11 of the RSA and RSA Rule 11(a)-1 thereunder, and Sections 26 and 141 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, during the preceding twelve (12) months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports) Yes No (b) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past ninety (90) days Yes No 1/3 The Exchange does not warrant and holds no responsibility for the veracity of the facts and representations contained in all corporate disclosures, including financial reports. All data contained herein are prepared and submitted by the disclosing party to the Exchange, and are disseminated solely for purposes of information. Any questions on the data contained herein should be addressed directly to the Corporate Information Officer of the disclosing party. Suntrust Home Developers, Inc. SUN PSE Disclosure Form 17-2 - Quarterly Report References: SRC Rule 17 and Sections 17.2 and 17.8 of the Revised Disclosure Rules For the period ended Jun 30, 2019 Currency (indicate units, if applicable) Philippine Peso Balance Sheet Period Ended Fiscal Year Ended (Audited) Jun 30, 2019 Dec 31, 2018 Current Assets 688,596,475 642,093,250 Total Assets 801,911,807 760,989,750 Current Liabilities 275,654,539 273,220,334 Total Liabilities 310,004,884 295,570,679 Retained Earnings/(Deficit) -1,619,641,444 -1,646,129,296 Stockholders' Equity 491,906,923 465,419,071 Stockholders' Equity - Parent 491,906,923 465,419,071 Book Value per Share 0.22 0.21 Income Statement Current Year Previous Year Current Year-To-Date Previous Year-To-Date (3 Months) (3 Months) Gross Revenue 146,969,912 143,679,683 285,161,989 265,163,989 Gross Expense 128,317,873 115,259,209 252,787,348 226,570,262 Non-Operating Income 6,028,692 2,300,211 11,156,327 3,958,405 Non-Operating Expense 1,558,223 2,539,806 3,120,384 5,079,612 Income/(Loss) Before Tax 23,122,508 28,180,879 40,410,584 37,472,520 Income Tax Expense 8,429,063 8,511,341 13,922,732 11,892,992 Net Income/(Loss) After Tax 14,693,445 19,669,538 26,487,852 25,579,528 Net Income Attributable to 14,693,445 19,669,538 26,487,852 25,579,528 Parent Equity Holder Earnings/(Loss) Per Share 0 0 0.01 0.01 (Basic) 2/3 Earnings/(Loss) Per Share 0 0 0.01 0.01 (Diluted) Current Year (Trailing 12 months) Previous Year (Trailing 12 months) Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.04 0.02 Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) 0.04 0.02 Other Relevant Information Please see attached SEC Form 17-Q for the period ended 30 June 2019 of Suntrust Home Developers, Inc. The actual figures for both Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) and Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Diluted) are as follows: Current Year (3 Months): 0.0066 Previous Year (3 Months): 0.0088 Current Year-To-Date: 0.0118 Previous Year-To-Date: 0.0114 Current Year (Trailing 12 months): 0.0466 Previous Year (Trailing 12 months): 0.0268 Filed on behalf by: Name Adrian Tadena Designation Legal Counsel 3/3 1 0 6 8 3 S.E.C. Registration Number S U N T R U S T H O M E D E V E L O P E R S , I N C . (Company’s Full Name) 2 6 T H F L R . A L L I A N C E G L O B A L T O W E R . 3 6 T H S T . C O R . 1 1 T H A V E N U E U P T O W N B O N I F A C I O T A G U I G C I T Y . M E T R O M A N I L A (Business Address: No. Street City/ Town/ Province) ROLANDO D. SIATELA (623) 894-6300 Contact Person Company Telephone Number 1 2 3 1 S E C F O R M 1 7 - Q 10 Last Tuesday Month Day FORM TYPE Month Day Fiscal Year Annual Meeting Secondary License Type, If Applicable Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section Total Amount of Borrowings Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned File Number ___________________________ LCU Document I.D. _____________________________ Cashier S T A M P S Remarks = pls. use black ink for scanning purposes EXHIBIT 1 SUNTRUST HOME DEVELOPERS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION JUNE 30, 2019 AND DECEMBER 31, 2018 (Amounts in Philippine Pesos) Unaudited Audited June 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 A S S E T S CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents P 376,632,720 P 256,844,016 Trade and other receivables - net 134,549,161 129,514,141 Due from related parties - net 161,212,058 161,618,242 Other current assets - net 16,202,536 94,116,851 Total Current Assets 688,596,475 642,093,250 NON-CURRENT ASSETS Trade and other receivables 5,811,364 5,364,700 Investment property - net 24,168,338 24,788,038 Property and equipment - net 50,869,406 55,960,201 Deferred tax assets 21,487,325 21,487,325 Other non-current assets - net 10,978,899 11,296,236 Total Non-current Assets 113,315,332 118,896,500 TOTAL ASSETS P 801,911,807 P 760,989,750 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables P 160,201,911 P 143,904,466 Due to related parties 110,469,144 110,126,763 Income tax payable 4,983,484 19,189,105 Total Current Liabilities 275,654,539 273,220,334 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Retirement benefit obligation 34,350,345 22,350,345 TOTAL LIABILITIES 310,004,884 295,570,679 EQUITY 491,906,923 465,419,071 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY P 801,911,807 P 760,989,750 EXHIBIT 2 SUNTRUST HOME DEVELOPERS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT INCOME FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2019 AND 2018 (Amounts in Philippine Pesos) 2019 Unaudited 2019 Unaudited 2018 Unaudited 2018 Unaudited Apr 1 - Jun 30 Jan 1 - Jun 30 Apr 1 - Jun 30 Jan 1 - Jun 30 REVENUES Management fees P 134,522,298 P 257,525,953 P 128,281,043 P 236,907,656 Rental income 7,847,176 17,999,105 9,651,772 16,659,569 Service income 4,600,438 9,636,931 5,746,868 11,596,764 Finance and other income 6,028,692 11,156,327 2,300,211 3,958,405 152,998,604 296,318,316 145,979,894 269,122,394 COST AND EXPENSES Cost of services 92,276,109 177,353,257 84,824,238 164,650,809 Operating expenses 36,041,764 75,434,091 30,434,971 61,919,453 Finance costs 1,558,223 3,120,384 2,539,806 5,079,612 Tax expense 8,429,063 13,922,732 8,511,341 11,892,992 138,305,159 269,830,464 126,310,356 243,542,866 NET PROFIT P 14,693,445 P 26,487,852 P 19,669,538 P 25,579,528 Earnings per share Basic and Diluted P 0.0066 P 0.0118 P 0.0088 P 0.0114 EXHIBIT 3 SUNTRUST HOME DEVELOPERS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2019 AND 2018 (Amounts in Philippine Pesos) Unaudited Unaudited June 30, 2019 June 30, 2018 CAPITAL STOCK - P1 par value Authorized - 3 billion shares P 2,062,500,000 P 2,062,500,000 REVALUATION RESERVES 49,048,367 24,945,838 DEFICIT Balance at beginning of year ( 1,646,129,296 ) ( 1,744,284,309 ) Net profit for the period 26,487,852 25,579,528 Balance at end of the period ( 1,619,641,444 ) ( 1,718,704,781 ) TOTAL EQUITY P 491,906,923 P 368,741,057 EXHIBIT 4 SUNTRUST HOME DEVELOPERS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JUNE 30, 2019 AND 2018 (Amounts in Philippine Pesos) Unaudited Unaudited June 30, 2019 June 30, 2018 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit before tax 40,410,584 37,472,520 Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortization 14 9,444,610 9,893,878 Finance income ( 10,413,217 ) ( 2,827,761 ) Finance costs 12 3,120,384 5,079,612 Operating profit before worKing capital changes 42,562,361 49,618,249 Decrease (increase) in trade and other receivables - net ( 5,577,237 ) 27,405,976 Decrease (increase) in due from related parties - net 2,920,835 ( 67,314 ) Decrease (increase) in other current assets - net 77,914,315 ( 1,639,658 ) Increase in trade and other payables 16,297,445 167,556 Increase in retirement benefit obligation 9,314,166 7,400,123 Cash generated from operations 143,431,885 82,884,932 Interest received 7,994,119 2,796,547 Cash paid for taxes ( 28,128,353 ) ( 15,795,866 ) Net Cash From Operating Activities 123,297,651 69,885,613 CASH FLOWS USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES ( 3,416,778 ) ( 4,726,314 ) CASH FLOWS FROM (USED) IN FINANCING ACTIVITIES ( 92,169 ) 333,954 NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 119,788,704 65,493,253 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF THE PERIOD 256,844,016 356,720,305 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF THE PERIOD 376,632,720 422,213,558 EXHIBIT 5 SUNTRUST HOME DEVELOPERS, INC.
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