FACTS & FIGURES Reflecting the fragmented situation in Palestine, PCBS divides its Jerusalem Jerusalem Statistical data into two areas, as follows: • Area J1 comprises those parts of Yearbook 2020 Jerusalem which were annexed Palestinian Central Bureau of forcibly by Israel following its occupation of the West Bank in Statistics 1967, including: Bayt Hanina, Bayt Safafa, al-‘Isawiyya, Jabal al-Mukabbir, Jerusalem (comprising Bab al-Sahira, Ras al-‘Amud, Shaykh Jarrah, al- Shayyah, alSuwwana, al-Tur, and Wadi al-Jawz), al-Sawahira al-Gharbiyya, Sharafat, Shu‘fat, Shu‘fat refugee camp, Silwan, Sur Bahir, al-Thawri, and Umm Tuba. • Area J2 comprises the remaining parts of the governorate, namely: Abu Dis, ‘Anata, ‘Arab al- Jahalin, Bayt ‘Anan, Bayt Duqqu, Bayt Hanina al-Balad, Bayt Ijza, Bayt Iksa, Bayt Surik, Biddu, Bir Nabala, Hizma, al- ‘Ayzariyya, Jaba‘, Jaba‘ (Tajammu‘ Badawi), al-Ka‘abina (Tajammu‘ Badawi), Kafr ‘Aqab, Kharayib Umm al-Lahim, Mikhmas, al-Nabi Samwil, Qalandiya, Qalandiya Editor’s Note refugee camp, Qatanna, al- The following represents a summary Qubayba, Rafat, al-Ram and statistical survey of the Jerusalem Dahiyat al-Barid, al-Sawahira governorate produced annually by the al-Sharqiyya, and al-Za‘ayim. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics Qalandiya, Qalandiya refugee (PCBS). JQ thanks PCBS for providing camp, Qatanna, al-Qubayba, this key document to JQ readers. The Rafat, al-Ram and Dahiyat al- full statistical yearbook for 2020 can be Barid, al-Sawahira al-Sharqiyya, found online at www.pcbs.gov.ps. and al-Za‘ayim. [ 154 ] Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook 2020 | PCBS 2020 PCBS: Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook Yearbook Statistical Jerusalem PCBS: Jerusalem Quarterly 84 [ 155 ] PCBS: Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook 2020 Summary Chapter Two Summary PopulationPopulation The estimated• The estimated population population of Jerusalem of the Jerusalem Governorate Governorate in mid in mid-2019-2019 was was aboutabout 451,584 people. The451,584 estimated people. Thepopulation estimated in population the governorate in the governorate represented represented 9.1% of9.1 the total populationpercent in Palestine of the total and population 15.1% ofin Palestinethe total and population 15.1 percent in theof the West total Bank.population in the West Bank. In 2018,• In the 2018, sex ratiothe sex in ratioJerusalem in the JerusalemGovernorate Governorate was 107.6 was males 107.6 permales 100 per femal 100 es females. ©PCBS Vital Statistics Figure 1. Estimated Population in Jerusalem Governorate by Locality, Mid-Year 2019 The number of registered live births in Jerusalem Governorate with Palestinian ID cards was 3,475 in 2014, 3,615 in 2015, 3,637 in 2016, 3,601 in 2017, and 3,706 in 2018. RegisteredVital deathsStatistics for the same years were 309, 318, 361, 341, and 291 respectively. 3,239• marriageThe number contracts of registered were live signed births inin the Shariah Jerusalem courts Governorate and churcheswith Palestinian in Jerusalem GovernorateID cards in 2018 was .3,475 in 2014, 3,615 in 2015, 3,637 in 2016, 3,601 in 2017, and 3,706 in 2018. Registered deaths for the same years were 309, 318, 361, 341, and There were291, 595 respectively.divorce cases in Shariah courts in Jerusalem Governorate in 2018. • 3,239 marriage contracts were signed in shari‘a courts and churches in the Jerusalem Governorate in 2018. • There were 595 divorce cases in shari‘a courts in Jerusalem Governorate in 2018. [ 156 ] Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook 2020 | PCBS [21] PCBS: Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook 2020 Summary Median Age at the First Marriage in Palestine and Jerusalem Governorate by Sex, 2018 Males Females 30 25.1 25.1 25 20.5 20.5 20 15 10 5 0 Median Age at the First Marriage by Years Palestine Jerusalem Governorate ©PCBS Figure 2. Median Age at First Marriage in Palestine and Jerusalem Governorate by Sex, 2018 Health HealthThere were 7 hospitals in Jerusalem Governorate with 716 beds in 2018. The total number of discharges from Jerusalem hospitals was 80,478 in 2018. • There were seven hospitals in the Jerusalem Governorate with 716 beds in 2018. • TheThe total total number number of hospitalizationof discharges from days Jerusalemin Jerusalem hospitals hospitals was was 80,478 222,275 in 2018.in 2018 . • TheThe bed total occupancy number rate of hospitalization in Jerusalem hospitals days in wasthe Jerusalem85.1% in 2018 hospitals. was 222,275 In in2017, 2018. around 79.7% of individuals in Jerusalem Governorate (J2) reported having • healthThe insurance.bed occupancy rate in the Jerusalem hospitals was 85.1 percent in 2018. • In 2017, around 79.7 percent of individuals in the Jerusalem Governorate (J2) Percentage of Palestinian Population with Disabilities in Jerusalem Governorate (J2) reported having health insurance. was 1.8% in 2017. • The percentage of the Palestinian population with disabilities in the Jerusalem Governorate (J2) was 1.8 percent in 2017. Labour Force The labor force participation rate of individuals (15 years and above) in Jerusalem LaborGovernorate Force was 35.8% in 2019 (60.4% for males and 12.2% for females). • TheTheunemployment labor force participation rate in Jerusalem rate Governorateof individuals of individuals(15 years and(15 yearsabove) and in above) the wasJerusalem 6.8% in 2019.Governorate was 35.8 percent in 2019 (60.4 percent for males and 12.2 Employmentpercent for rate females). in Jerusalem Governorate of individuals (15 years and above) was • 93.2%The in unemployment 2019. rate in the Jerusalem Governorate of individuals (15 years and above) was 6.8 percent in 2019. Employed individuals in Jerusalem Governorate distributed by employment status in • Employment rate in the Jerusalem Governorate of individuals (15 years and 2019 were as follows: 5.4% employer, 9.9% self employed, 84.3% wage employee and above) was 93.2 percent in 2019. 0.4% unpaid family member. Jerusalem Quarterly 84 [ 157 ] [22] PCBS: Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook 2020 Summary • Employed individuals in the Jerusalem Governorate distributed by employment status in 2019 were as follows: 5.4 percent employer, 9.9 percent self-employed, Percentage Distribution84.3 percent of wage Employed employee, andIndividuals 0.4 percent unpaid from family Jerusalem member. Governorate by Employment Status, 2019 Unpaid family member Employer 0.4% 5.4% Self employed 9.9% Wage employee 84.3% ©PCBS Living StandardsFigure 3. Distribution of Employed Individuals from Jerusalem Governorate by Employment Status, 2019 (%) Income from wages earned from employment in Israel was the main source of household income for 41.6% of households in Jerusalem Governorate in 2018. Income from the privateLiving sector Standards made up 21.4%, and income from national insurance allowances was the main• sourceIncome from of wagesincome earned for from 1employment7.2%. Wages in Israel fromwas the themain sourcegovernment of sector represented 4.5%householdof households income for in 41.6 Jerusalem percent of householdsGovernorate in the. Jerusalem Governorate in 2018. Income from the private sector made up 21.4 percent, and income from national insurance allowances was the main source of income for 17.2 percent. Wages from the government sector represented 4.5 percent of households in the Around 5.3% ofJerusalemthe Palestinian Governorate. households in Jerusalem Governorate from household point of view• describedAround 5.3 theirpercent standard of Palestinian of households living as in thewell, Jerusalem 85.1 Governorate% described from it as “fairly good”, 8.9% as poora household and 0.point7% of as view very described poor theirin 2018 standard. of living as well, 85.1 percent described it as “fairly good”, 8.9 percent as poor and 0.7 percent as very poor in 2018. Percentage Distribution of Palestinian Households in Jerusalem Governorate by Living Standard from Household Point of View, 2018 [ 158 ] Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook 2020 | PCBS 90.0% 85.1% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 8.9% 10.0% 5.3% 0.7% 0.0% Well Fairly Good Poor Very Poor [23] PCBS: Jerusalem Statistical Yearbook 2020 Summary Percentage Distribution of Employed Individuals from Jerusalem Governorate by Employment Status, 2019 Unpaid family member Employer 0.4% 5.4% Self employed 9.9% Wage employee 84.3% Living Standards Income from wages earned from employment in Israel was the main source of household income for 41.6% of households in Jerusalem Governorate in 2018. Income from the private sector made up 21.4%, and income from national insurance allowances was the main source of income for 17.2%. Wages from the government sector represented 4.5% of households in Jerusalem Governorate. Around 5.3% of the Palestinian households in Jerusalem Governorate from household point of view described their standard of living as well, 85.1% described it as “fairly good”, 8.9% as poor and 0.7% as very poor in 2018. Percentage Distribution of Palestinian Households in Jerusalem Governorate by Living Standard from Household Point of View, 2018 90.0% 85.1% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 8.9% 10.0% 5.3% 0.7% 0.0% Well Fairly Good Poor Very Poor ©PCBS Figure 4. Distribution of Palestinian Households in Jerusalem Governorate by Living Standard from Household Point of View, 2018 (%) Education [23] 1. Schools1 • In scholastic year 2019/2020, there were 265 schools. • In scholastic year 2019/2020, there were73,887 school students: 35,990 males and 37,897 females. • In scholastic year 2019/2020, the average number of students per teacher was 15.8 in government schools, 22.5 in UNRWA schools and 15.6 in private schools. • In scholastic year 2019/2020, the average number of students per class was 21.8 in government schools, 30.1 in UNRWA schools and 23.5 in private schools. 2. Higher Education2 • In scholastic year 2018/2019, there were 12,446 university students: 4,857 males and 7,589 females.
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