MadeinGerrnany. Notabadthing NE\^/ ZEALAND CHESS Registered at Post Office Headguarters, Wellington as a magazine. tohavestamped VOL.3. No 5. OCTOBER 1977 60 CENTS onyour next flight. /.\i 1)t!) ::::a;rt{: J'.r.!.:ri^n D:!t::;i d. Look for this sign when you shop for travel Themoreyoufly @lurthansa GERTAI'I AIRLINES Royal ln3urancr Bldg. 109-113 Ou€en St., Auckland, N.Z. Tel.: 31529 P.O. Box 1427 Patrick Cordue, 1977 New Zealand School-pupil Champion. I NEW ZEALAND CHESS NE[,i ZEALAND CHESS rs published bi-nonthly by the New zealand. chess AssoclatLon, P.O.Box 8802, Symonds Street, Auckland. Months of issue are tr'ebruary, Aprl.l, June, August, october and December. Unless otherrrise stated, the vlews expressed may not necessarily be those of the Association. VOL.3. No 5. ocToBER 1977 MURRAY CHANDLER - I.M. IDITOR: Peter W. Stuart, 24 SeacLiffe Ave, Takapuna, Auckland 9. SOUTH ISLAND C0NTRIBUTING EDIT0R: Martln si.", i,1at-2, t29 Geratd,ine Streer, In winning the FIRST ASIAN JUNI0R CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP held at the Pines Hotel, St.Albans, Christchurch 1. The Editorial Comittee comprises Messrs p.W. Baguio, Philippines in August, !firrray (17) gained rhe Internatlonal Masrer title he Stuart, M.Sins and LR.Mitchel1. A11 contributions should be sent to the had set his sights on before he left New Zealand in April of last year. Murray Editorrs address, ecored 8t points out of a possible 10 to edge out Lebanese IM Bachar Kouatly and Indiars Pravin Thipsay who both flnished on 8 polnts. Congrafirlations Murray! L2345678901TotaI 1 lturray CHANDLER New Zealand x I4\ 1 I Itr l 1 I 8\ DEADLINES: The deadrine for both copy and adverrising is rhe 6rh of the 2 Bachar KOUATLY Lebanon 0 x011111111 I month precedlng the month of issue. 3 Pravia M. TEIPSAY Inilla '4 1 x lr.r l 0 I 1 1 I I 4 Dan FARDELL Australia \ 00x1\e411I 6 5 Saaean RABII Iran 0 O40xlttLtrl15\ 6 Andronico YAP Phl-llpplnes 0 0 0 \O x 1\L 11 5 rr0 ADVERTISING RATES: g30 per fu11 page, g15 per column or half page, g7.50 7 Mrian PACIS PhiJ-ippines 0 01'4\O x l | 4L.i per half column. 8 LIU Chye Seng Singapore \ 00hO\Ox011 3'4 9 Anton F.L.TOBING Inilonesla 0 00OhOtrLx\1 1'.1 10 GOE Yoon Wah Malaysia 0 0000010LxI 24 11 Phiallp GOODINGS Eoug Kong 0 000000000x 0 were suBscRIPTI0N RATES: These are annual and rates are in New zealand dolrars. Tles broken flrst by nuber of wins, then by Gelbfuhs scores. New Zealand $3.50, Overseas (surface mi1) $4.00. Aeide from the cash prize, Chandler earned the ?re6ldents' Award whlch guaranteed hLs World Championship Airmail: Australia & South pacific $5.00; Asla & North Arnerlca $5,50; transportation to the Junior in Austria, a major resolution South America, Europe & Africa $6.00. of the flrst Aslan Chess Presld.ents' Cooference. A selection of games foIlowe. Note-: A11 enqulries regarding advertising or subscriptions should be Pacis Ihipsay, S1-ci-llan Defeace: I e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 g5 4 0-0 Bg7 5 Nc3 d6 to the Administration sent - offlcer, New Zealand Chess Association, p.O.Box 6 Bxc6+ bxc6 7 d.4 czd,4 8 Nxd4 9 Bg5 Nf5 10 Qd2 0-0 11 Ktrl Rb8 12 Nb3 Ba6 8802, Symonds Qc7 Street, Auckland. 13 RfeI RfeS 14 Radl Nd7 15 f4 Nb6 16 Na5 Nd7 17 I.Ib3 Nb6 18 Na5 c5 19 b3 Bc8 2O f5 gxf5 21 Bh5 f6 22 e5 Rxh6 23 Qxh6 fxe5 24 Rd,3 t4 25 B.:re5 t1xe5 26 Nb5 Qd7 27 B,xd7 BxdT 28 Nc7 Rf8 29 Qg5+ Kh8 30 Qxe5+ Kg8 3l Nil5 Nxd5 32 Qxd5+ Kh8 33 Qe5+ Kg8 34 Nc4 RbdS 35 h4 Bf5 36 Qxf4 Bxc2 37 Qg5+ 896 38 Ne3.Kf7 39 h5 Bd3 40 Nd5 RdeB 41 Qe5 BbI 42 Nc7 RIIB 43 Qe6+ Kg7 44 QxeT+ Kh6 45 Qe3*, I : 0, Chandler - Kouatly, Sicillan Defence: 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Nf6 5 ACKN0WLEDGMENT: Thanks are due to rBM for their donarlon rBM Nc3 e5 6 Ndb5 d6 7 Bg5 a6 8 Na3 b5 9 Nd5 Be7 10 Bxf6 Bxf6 11 h4 Bxh4 12 Bxh4 Selectric typewriter of rhe used to produce this magazlne. qxh4 13 Nc7+ Ke7 14 NxaS Q2<e4+ 15 Qe2 Qb4+ 16 c3 Qa5 17 Qe3 Be6 18 Nb6 Rb8 19 Qg5+ Kf8 20 Rdl QEb6 21 R:d6 b4 22 Nbl Bre2 23 Nd2 bxc3 24 bxc3 Be6 25 Bd3 h5 26 Qh4 Qc7 27 Ne4 a5 28 94 Ne7 29 Qg3 Ng6 30 Bc2 Nf4 31 95 h5 32 Rd2 Rb2 33 g6 f6 34 f3 Qb6 35 Nxf6 gxf6 36 g7+ KgE? 37 Bh7+ KxhT 38 g8QF, I : 0. Pacis - Chaodler, Caro-Kanu Defeuce: I e4 c6 2 d,4 d,5 3 Nd2 dxe4 4 Nxe4 Nd7 5 Nf3 Ngf6 6 Nxf6+ Nxf6 7 Bc4 Bf5 (7 ...8q4 is not pssibTe because of I BxfT+ IO67 9 Ne5+ regaifting the piece) 8 0-0 Qc7 (nornaT here js 8. -.e6) 9 Qe2 e6 10 h3 Bd6 (-1.0 - -.8e7 is probably better) 11 Bd3 0-0 12 Bg5 Bxd3 13 Qxd3 Be7 14 c4 Rfd8 15 Qe2 a5 (wixh the idea Ra6 and Rb6) 16 Radl Ra6 17 Rfel a4 18 a3?! h6 (it l-8...Rb6 then 79 Oc2 Rbi 20 Nd2) 19 Eh4 Qf4 20 Bg3 Qf5 21 Ne5 (plaraing Bh2, q4 anil Nf7) 21... Ne8 22 Rd3 Nd6 23 BhZ (an irwdiate Rfi would be better; I wouTd have plaged 23... 97 Ohs) 23...8f6 24 94 Q}:.7 25 c5? Nb5 26 NxfT (tthite has to trg something since the L 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9101112131415 bac|watil d-Pawn is weak and Black wilT doubTe tooks on the d-fi7e) 26...Y,sf7 27 Qxe6+ BoTIsSPASSKY O I 8\ Kf8 28 Rf3 Qg6 (I also considered 21---RaaA with the following possibiTitg: 29 R.f6+ \ k 4 '4\OLkl'4Ilt5 LaJosPORTISCE 4'-1 | , O ,\104U\00l, 6\ gxf6 30 Qxf6+ Kgg i7 Re7 Rfq 32 ee6+ Rf7 i3 Bd6 Rfo 34 Re? Nxd6 35 cxil6 RxeB i6 QxeS+ Rfg 37 d7 Qf7 and Btack is winning) 29 Be5 30 Bd6+ Re8 Nxd6 31 Qxd6+ Eviaa Korchnoy crushed Polugaevsky, running up a 6-I lead ln the 16 game match Kg8 32 B.:<e8+ 33 Re3 34 35 In QxeS Qf8 Qd7 Ra8 QxbT Bxd4 36 Re2 Re8, O : l. lvoteg was play under the Dutch flag since are bg lauttag ChandTer trom the Toutnament before coasting to a wln. Korchnoy not allowed to Bufletin. he has not coopleted the one year Eesidentlal quallfl-eation. Chandler Goh, French Defence: L e4 e6 2 d.4 3 e5 4 c3 5 Nf3 6 - d5 c5 Nc6 Bd7 A few away Geneva Spassky trrice came fron behiud before wintrlng t!ilo games dxc5 7 Bf4 Bxc5 8 b4 Bb5 M3 NgeT 10 Bg3 mtles in Qc7 9 h5 tl 0-0 95 12 Nxg5 h4 13 Bf4 ll a row near the end. Portisch nisseil a great opportunity to win in the twelfth game f6 . t4 mrz nxtz 15 BxhT 17 o-o-o t6 a4 a5 Na3 fxe5 18 Nb5 Qb8 19 Bg5 Rh8 20 played a11ow Spassky the haif after 75 Bc2 e4 2I Bxe4 22 BxeT but weakly in the secood sessioo to Polnt Qe5 NxeT 23 Bd3 Bxb5 24 axb5 h3 25 93 Nf5 25 Qe2 Qd6 27 Portisch overextended himself ln the fourteenth Bxf5 exf5 28 bxa5 Bc5 29 Rael, I : 0. [oves, Eaviflg lost the thirteenth, game trying too hard to level the Eatch. We give tno games from each match: Polugaevsky - Korchaoy (2), Queenrs IndianDefence: I d4 Nf5 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 b6 4 e3 Bb7 5 Eg2 Be7 6 O-0 0-0 7 Nc3 Ne4 8 Qc2 Nxc3 9 Qxc3 f5 10 b3 Bf6 11 Bb2 Nc5 12 Radl Ne7 13 NeI Bxg2 14 Nxg2 g5 15 Qc2 Ng6 16 e4 f4 17 e5 Bg7 18 Qe4 Qe7 19 Rd3 RadS 20 Rel d6 21 exd6 Q<16 22 Redl Qe7 23 Nel Qf6 24 RId2 Qf5 25 Qxf5 exf5 26 Ng2 g4l 27 Nxf4 Nxf4 28 exf4 Rti6 29 B;e2 Rxf4 30 Re6 RfeS 31 Rf6 Rel+ 32 KgZ Rf8 33 RxfS+I&f8 34 d5 Bd5! 35 Bc3 Rcl 36 Bal2 Rc2 37 a4 f4 38 h3 f3+ 39 Kfl h5 40 hxg4 hxg4 41 Kel, 0 : 1. Korehnoy - Polugaevsky (7), Slaw Defence: I c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e6 3 Nf5 d5 4 d4 c6 5 e3 NbdT 5 Bdil dxc4 7 Bxc4 b5 8 Bal3 Bb7 9 0{ b4 10 Ne4 Be7 11 Nxf5+ Nxf6 L2 e4 o-o 13 Qc2 (Korchttog pTaged fi e5 in the third gane) 13...h6 14 Be3 Rc8 15 Rfdl c5 16 dxc5 Ng4 17 Bd4 e5 18 h3 exd4 19 hxg4 Rxc5 20 Qd2 a5 21 Racl Qd7 22 Rxc5 Bxc5 23 g5 hxg5 24 Qxe1 Qe7 25 Qh5 96 26 Qh6 Qf6 27 Bc4 d3 28 e5 Qf5 29 Rxd3 Be4 30 Rd6 Qg4 31 RJ6 Bf5 32 b3 Bd4l 33 Nxd4 Q5d4 34 Rxg6+! Bxg6 35 QxS6+ KhB 36 Qh6+ Kg8 37 e5 Qe4 38 exfT+ RxfT 39 Qf5 Qbl+ 40 Kh2 Qh7+ 41 Ke3 Qd3+ 42 f3 Q<c4 43 Qd8+, 1 : 0. ?ortlech - Spassky (6), Benoni Defence: I d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 d6 4 Nc3 96 5 Nf3 Be7 6 e4 0-0 7 Bf4 a6 8 a4 Qa5 9 Bd,2 e6 10 Be2 exd5 11 cxd5 Bg4 12 0-0 NbdT 13 h3 Bxf3 14 Bxf3 c4 15 Nb5 Qb6 16 Be3 Nc5 17 Na3 Qb4 18 Rcl b5 19 axb5 axb5 20 Nc2 Qxb2 21 Rbl Qe5 22 Bd'4 Qe8 23 e5 NfdT 24 exd6 Nb3 25 BxgT KxgT 26 Rel QbB 27 M4 Mc5 28 Ne6+!? fxir6 29 dxe6 Ra6 30 e7 Re8 31 Rxb3: qxd6! 32 qxd6 Rxd6 33 Rxb5 Nd3 34 Re2 Kf6 35 Rb7 Re6 36 Rc2 R8xe7 37 RxeT RxeT 38 Rxe4 Rel+ 39 r(h2 }bcfz 40 Bd4 Ke5 41 Bd7 Rhl+ 42 Kg3 Ne4+ 43 Bxe4 Kxe4 44 Kg4 R81 45 Re7+ te iSTOP CHANDLERT From the Toutment BuTTetin Kd5 46 R.e2 h6 47 h4 nal, : \.
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