Ref Recorded Date Committed From Committed To Code Offence Street Area Beat/Ward Beat 40/33815/21 30/06/2021 27/06/2021 23:00 30/06/2021 09:21 48 THEFT OR UNAUTH TAKING OF A MOTOR VEH Alexandra Avenue Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33064/21 27/06/2021 26/06/2021 00:00 59 THREAT INTENT TO COMMIT CRIM DAM Alexandra Avenue Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28488/21 06/06/2021 06/06/2021 00:00 30C BURGLARY - BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY Biscot Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/30286/21 14/06/2021 14/06/2021 00:00 49 OTHER THEFT Biscot Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/29956/21 13/06/2021 12/06/2021 11:25 12/06/2021 12:00 49 OTHER THEFT Biscot Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/29826/21 12/06/2021 12/06/2021 15:20 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Biscot Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/29164/21 09/06/2021 09/06/2021 13:20 46 SHOPLIFTING Biscot Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/32717/21 25/06/2021 24/06/2021 13:20 24/06/2021 13:40 39 THEFT FROM THE PERSON Biscot Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/30070/21 13/06/2021 13/06/2021 11:40 39 THEFT FROM THE PERSON Biscot Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31644/21 20/06/2021 19/06/2021 18:00 19/06/2021 19:00 49 OTHER THEFT Blenheim Crescent Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31412/21 19/06/2021 19/06/2021 01:00 19/06/2021 15:54 44 THEFT OR UNAUTH TAKING OF PEDAL CYCLE Blenheim Crescent Luton Biscot 350 350 40/30838/21 17/06/2021 17/04/2021 00:01 17/06/2021 09:00 5D ASSAULT WITH INTENT TO CAUSE S HARM Brook Street Luton Biscot 350 350 40/30943/21 17/06/2021 23/12/2020 00:00 22/05/2021 00:00 8U CONTROLLING OR COERCIVE BEHAVIOUR Brook Street Luton Biscot 350 350 40/27743/21 02/06/2021 02/06/2021 11:10 02/06/2021 11:55 58C CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO A VEHICLE Carlton Close Luton Biscot 350 350 40/29145/21 09/06/2021 01/05/2021 00:01 08/06/2021 19:00 105A ASSAULT WITHOUT INJURY Coyney Green Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31524/21 20/06/2021 19/06/2021 23:29 8N ASSAULT WITH INJURY Cromwell Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28094/21 04/06/2021 02/06/2021 06:55 30C BURGLARY - BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY Cromwell Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/29770/21 12/06/2021 11/06/2021 14:30 58B CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO A BUILDING - BUSINESS Denbigh Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/32983/21 26/06/2021 26/06/2021 01:00 26/06/2021 10:00 48 THEFT OR UNAUTH TAKING OF A MOTOR VEH Dorrington Close Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33035/21 27/06/2021 26/06/2021 21:00 27/06/2021 00:33 8N ASSAULT WITH INJURY Foxglove Way Luton Biscot 350 350 40/32143/21 23/06/2021 23/06/2021 00:00 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Holland Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33697/21 30/06/2021 29/06/2021 11:00 29/06/2021 14:00 37/2 AGGRAVATED VEHICLE TAKING Lansdowne Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/29658/21 11/06/2021 11/06/2021 21:15 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Marlborough Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/29665/21 11/06/2021 27/06/2020 23:00 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Marlborough Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28495/21 06/06/2021 04/06/2021 20:00 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Marlborough Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31925/21 22/06/2021 19/06/2021 16:30 19/06/2021 17:00 3B THREATS TO KILL Marlborough Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33544/21 29/06/2021 29/06/2021 07:00 29/06/2021 11:00 8N ASSAULT WITH INJURY Milliners Way Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33200/21 27/06/2021 27/06/2021 00:00 8N ASSAULT WITH INJURY Milliners Way Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33564/21 29/06/2021 29/06/2021 10:00 29/06/2021 11:30 8T ASSAULT WITH INJURY ON AN EMERGENCY WORK Milliners Way Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31673/21 20/06/2021 10/06/2021 00:00 105A ASSAULT WITHOUT INJURY Milliners Way Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28379/21 05/06/2021 04/06/2021 03:00 05/06/2021 05:00 28F ATTEMPTED BURGLARY - RESIDENTIAL Milliners Way Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33333/21 28/06/2021 28/06/2021 13:00 28/06/2021 14:00 58C CRIMINAL DAMAGE TO A VEHICLE Milliners Way Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28187/21 04/06/2021 03/06/2021 15:00 3B THREATS TO KILL Montrose Avenue Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28429/21 06/06/2021 05/06/2021 22:00 05/06/2021 22:13 34B ROBBERY OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Moor Path Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33591/21 29/06/2021 29/06/2021 12:05 8N ASSAULT WITH INJURY New Bedford Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28130/21 04/06/2021 01/06/2021 00:00 58D OTHER CRIMINAL DAMAGE New Bedford Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/32241/21 23/06/2021 23/06/2021 01:00 34B ROBBERY OF PERSONAL PROPERTY New Bedford Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31975/21 22/06/2021 22/06/2021 00:00 92A TRAFFICKING OF DRUGS New Bedford Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/30799/21 17/06/2021 16/06/2021 14:47 40 THEFT IN A DWELLING OTHER AUTO MACH Norman Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28799/21 07/06/2021 07/06/2021 16:40 07/06/2021 16:45 105A ASSAULT WITHOUT INJURY Primrose Close Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28785/21 07/06/2021 07/06/2021 16:45 07/06/2021 16:51 105A ASSAULT WITHOUT INJURY Primrose Close Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31462/21 19/06/2021 16/06/2021 12:00 16/06/2021 12:02 105A ASSAULT WITHOUT INJURY Saxon Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/30091/21 13/06/2021 13/06/2021 20:27 105A ASSAULT WITHOUT INJURY Spencer Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/28297/21 05/06/2021 04/06/2021 22:30 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Studley Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/32417/21 24/06/2021 20/06/2021 22:00 21/06/2021 16:00 40 THEFT IN A DWELLING OTHER AUTO MACH Studley Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/32232/21 23/06/2021 23/06/2021 00:01 23/06/2021 08:00 48 THEFT OR UNAUTH TAKING OF A MOTOR VEH Studley Road Luton Biscot 350 350 40/29273/21 10/06/2021 09/06/2021 00:00 8L HARASSMENT Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31671/21 20/06/2021 20/06/2021 00:00 8R MALICIOUS COMMUNICATIONS Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31253/21 18/06/2021 18/06/2021 00:00 8R MALICIOUS COMMUNICATIONS Luton Biscot 350 350 40/30205/21 14/06/2021 05/07/2020 23:26 86 OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS ETC Luton Biscot 350 350 40/27738/21 02/06/2021 01/01/2020 00:00 86 OBSCENE PUBLICATIONS ETC Luton Biscot 350 350 40/30913/21 17/06/2021 22/05/2021 01:30 19C Sexual Luton Biscot 350 350 40/33040/21 27/06/2021 26/06/2021 21:00 27/06/2021 00:33 20A SEXUAL Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31604/21 20/06/2021 11/06/2021 00:00 20A SEXUAL Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31737/21 21/06/2021 20/06/2021 20:00 20/06/2021 22:00 8Q STALKING Luton Biscot 350 350 40/31269/21 18/06/2021 17/06/2021 13:30 8Q STALKING Luton Biscot 350 350 40/32597/21 25/06/2021 24/06/2021 11:00 24/06/2021 11:15 30C BURGLARY - BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32611/21 25/06/2021 24/06/2021 11:00 24/06/2021 11:15 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32145/21 23/06/2021 23/06/2021 00:00 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32731/21 25/06/2021 25/06/2021 08:05 46 SHOPLIFTING Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32732/21 25/06/2021 25/06/2021 09:58 46 SHOPLIFTING Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32144/21 23/06/2021 23/06/2021 00:00 46 SHOPLIFTING Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/31817/21 21/06/2021 21/06/2021 14:30 46 SHOPLIFTING Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/31413/21 19/06/2021 19/06/2021 00:00 46 SHOPLIFTING Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/30006/21 13/06/2021 12/06/2021 19:17 46 SHOPLIFTING Birdsfoot Lane Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/27902/21 03/06/2021 02/06/2021 18:30 49A MAKING OFF WITHOUT PAYMENT Bramingham Business Park Enterprise Way Bramingham 333 333 40/29796/21 12/06/2021 10/06/2021 19:55 49 OTHER THEFT Bramingham Business Park, Enterprise LutonWay Bramingham 333 333 40/32982/21 26/06/2021 21/06/2021 18:00 21/06/2021 18:30 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Bramingham Park Footpaths Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32200/21 23/06/2021 23/06/2021 09:40 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Bramingham Park Footpaths Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32217/21 23/06/2021 23/06/2021 10:15 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Bramingham Park Footpaths Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/33155/21 27/06/2021 27/06/2021 15:20 27/06/2021 15:25 34B ROBBERY OF PERSONAL PROPERTY Bramingham Park Footpaths Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32647/21 25/06/2021 18/06/2021 18:00 49 OTHER THEFT Enterprise Way Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32092/21 22/06/2021 22/06/2021 09:12 105A ASSAULT WITHOUT INJURY Freeman Avenue Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/28860/21 08/06/2021 07/06/2021 00:00 49 OTHER THEFT Hardwick Green Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/31349/21 19/06/2021 18/06/2021 15:20 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Kirby Drive Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32167/21 23/06/2021 22/06/2021 08:30 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Launton Close Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/30021/21 13/06/2021 13/06/2021 00:00 58D OTHER CRIMINAL DAMAGE Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/28755/21 07/06/2021 22/05/2021 02:17 92E POSSESS OF CONTROL DRUGS (CANNABIS) Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/31196/21 18/06/2021 17/06/2021 10:00 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/30573/21 16/06/2021 04/06/2021 19:56 9A PUBLIC FEAR ALARM OR DISTRESS Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/32685/21 25/06/2021 25/06/2021 14:00 25/06/2021 16:00 46 SHOPLIFTING Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/31858/21 21/06/2021 21/06/2021 17:00 46 SHOPLIFTING Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/30570/21 16/06/2021 14/06/2021 19:56 46 SHOPLIFTING Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/29817/21 12/06/2021 12/06/2021 11:40 12/06/2021 11:47 46 SHOPLIFTING Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/29813/21 12/06/2021 12/06/2021 11:40 12/06/2021 11:47 46 SHOPLIFTING Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/29754/21 12/06/2021 13/03/2021 00:00 12/06/2021 00:00 46 SHOPLIFTING Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/29657/21 11/06/2021 11/06/2021 21:00 46 SHOPLIFTING Quantock Rise Luton Bramingham 333 333 40/28555/21
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