NORWICH: BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1910 INSURAHCTt. RES HAVE MERRY EVENING ZP: ' w v , WOLGASTTAKES NELSON'S GROWN Needed for "Coast Ar?!ler U A.TIV Insure Your Property Game Third Company Wins from no Yfl GET UP in the Fifth. .W!a, B V Co. Glens Falls Insurance The Indoor - baseball team of the fIK. Referee Stops Fight in 40th Round Battler Blind and Third company, A." C, won a decis- & C. A LAME r.s L UTHROP SONS. - ive victory on Tuesday evening at the UITI! BACK? ' i ' 1 J. "Helpless, but- Wolgast ; Lacks Finishing Punchy lLi ' "' Ter armory overTthe Fifth comoanv teann teS Shetucket Street, Norwich, Conn. ex- -- the score toeing 14 to .4, after nine janl'daw rific Slugging all the Way Youth Counts in Furious citing innings. A small out strong-lunge- d group of rooters kept 5p a Co- Ring Contest. V nstant "din while the game was on, Yon Who Shook In Your Beds and the rivalry was at fever heat the whole session. It was also a strenu- the other night during the storm and ' ous night for umpires, an dthree were realised March was in the very Richmond Arena. California, Feb. Bell Saves the Dane. requisitioned before the game was ov- that His face battered to a. pulp, his eyes Round 35 Nelson was sight as he near future, may no lntarestea wit u- a er. Lieutenant Coleman started with viubcu, covereti w llll muuu am es- came to the center of the ring. Au the indicator, but retired after a dis- WINDSTORM INSURANCE. gerins helplessly about the ring. Bat life seemed to have gone out of him pute over a batted ball that hit a wire tling Nelson, conqueror of oJe Gans, and although he forced matters all and was caught by fielder. Then We write it at very low rate. was saved from "a knockout in the his were to stopping the forty-five-rou- efforts devoted Sergeant Manning and Sergeant fortieth round of a nd tne 'blows or his adversary wolgast Brewster took up the job, which they B. P. Learned & Co., flght with Ad Wolgast today. Referee started his arms going in whirlwind held to the finish, one working on the Eddie Smith humanely stopped the un- rasnion,. landing return on tne Co. - Building, without bases and the other behind the bat. Thame. Lean Trust equal contest. Dane's stomach. Wolsast stasrsrered They were also frequently the midst " If it wasn't so far, I'd like to ' feb2MWP The battle was for the world's light- the champion with a hard left swing a : of clamoring mob. liu.sy wojit weight championship. to the jaw. and Nelson appeared to he Slugging ability won 'the game for so people are to nay Nelson Begs to Fight On. going to pieces gradually. Wolgast the Third company, which got a bunch Dixtant friend become your ti'-x- t iloor 7 Nelson, smashed with his right and had the of runs in the second, sixth and sev- earae to the last, stood in champion groggy from a succession of enth innings. The lineups: neighbor if you lr:vranew HiihU.t. Torn the center of the ring and though he country road in lon enough. no could hardly hands, begged to rights and lefts to the jaw. Third Company Ortman e. Bussy p. do Fur raise his The hell rang-i- n the nick of time, Maimer lb, Haglund b. Ortman 3 b, sooner do you grakp tae whrrl nd aenae the be allowed to continue. was led to p- - corner, lie saving the champion from what looked Denison ss. Smith Donahue rf. motor purriiiK Uihii yuu slinkeoH nil iluliie his heartbroken. like certain defeat. Monnies If. the car starts tteuealb you mid you are In the opposite .corner of the ring, Round 3(5 came up weak. c, the new lightweignt champion of the Nelson Fifth Company Mullen Nichols sway to rk or to )liir.e il Iii?i r not He waded in, hut could not see Wol- p, Olaff lb. Faulkner .2 b, Burdlck 3b, on your world. Ad Wolgast of Cadillac. Mich., gast. -. rxhiutraUd, you liuhtn say. lifted- The latter danced around the J. Waldron ss, M. Widdron ss. DuX- was to the shoulders of his champion like jumping jack, send- ner- - . - a rf. Greenwood If. With ofTet rrank-almf- t, atmixbt-lin- e ilrivr, I trainers, while the big crowd cheered. ing in punch after punch.' Nelson al- toy inning's: - Score i - big wheels and tires, long whvl-hao- Spnre I - One in 22d. most tottered into a clinch, but Wol- Co. S 0 0 2 4 3 1 Battler's Chance the Third ......1 014 raflsadt- Wheel and aluminum floor. Hie new Only once chance! gast fought warily and took no chanc Fifth Co 4 front did Nelson have a es stalling. Wolgast 100030000 Rambler i in luany respects aupeiior to any In the twenty-secon-d round, with a of the Battler s stinging right to the jaw he staggered played for body and head alternately, MIDDLETOWN'S SITUATION. other automobile. Wolgast and before the round closed but his hlows were not strong enough he dropped Wolgast in the middle of lor a knockout. Manager Fisher, Who Holds the Base- Rambler automobile $1,800 to 2,500 ring blow. Nelson almost fell into his corner as the with a similar Three the round ended. - ball Franchise There, Lacks Grounds. The Scott and Clark Corporation "J? EJr?) seconds were tolled before Wolgast re- North Main St. ' Norwich, 1'onne. tie iit end have your property insured at gained his feet. The crowd prepared - Wolgast Was Cautiou A Middletown- - despatch says: once. Ton cannot tell what moment to leave the arena as the word went Round 37 Wolgast ' took no chances, Although Middletown has an exclu fire may destroy your valuable belong from bench to bench, that another boy apparently fearing that the champion sive .franchise in the Connecticut Bane- - Have You Rheumatism, ings. Or.r list of Companies are the fiad taiien vicum to me wonaerrai was faking weakness. Wolgast jarred tell association, a manager who is not very best, and our rates as lotf as the durability of the Dane. But m the Nelson with three right punches to the elusive and a real secretary of eaid as or next round Wolgast recuperated and come sociation, it has no cluh- ajid no J Bladder Trouble? lowest. on tout wore Jaw and Nelson could hardly from then slowly surely back. They met in mid-rin- g with Nel grounds, and neither is In Immediate ISAAC S. JONES, Arjt. down Nelson. prospect. There much local in- - Swamp-Roo- Insurance (before son swinging like a babe and wol is to Prove what t, Great Kidney; liver; For twelve rounds the finish gast landing with good clean punches. teret in the project, however,, and the Shorlell delivered itlie flrwt of ml: t Richards Building, 81 Mtiln Street. Nelson seemed hewildered and his Neison's ability to stem the tide many or trie, leading business men BRIEF STATE NEWS promiHes to be a nioxt tnatructlve ami feblldaw blows were delivered as though his was a wonderful exhibition. Wolgast hanre signified their willingness to help and Bladder Remedy, wiU do lor YOU, all our Interesting aeiies of unnmnii t tl.a arms were stiff. From the thirtieth almost sent the champion through the Cdumli f tlie Jl.-a- on tUnwIiiy round, Nelson could hardly see or Fisher has been bombarded with tele- ropes with a righ smash o the jaw. grams, messages Readers May Dave a Sample Bottle Sent by Newtown. A teachers' meeting un. on tine clslm of 11i Itonian "8tlil!i hear. The. left side of his face had Nelson tottered about the ring help- 'phone and letters Free Mall ' churiii on the pulillc Norwulk Hour. U. TARRANT & CO-- lost all semblance of its former con upon from all parts of the Union congratu- Icr the aunriices of tlie state will be less and Wolgast sent in smash held in high l Kridny, . 117 MAIN STREET. tour. He staggered and hung on. In smash, bell rang, lating hi tnon his position. Ha has . the - and the saving Nel JuJl 37th round he was all tout out.- son other letters from players who are rea- Pain or ache in the back is evi sometlmss the heart sets badly, rhu-- . from a knockout. ( ,f,?1,,ford-T1ne- , Kls "d Accident. Bealfn, New Champion Round 38 Nelson was a pitiful sight dy to jump into the game for salary dence I kidney trouble. It ia nature's marlam. bloatlag, lack of amtoHtionJ f ,al"e r?" rirc Wolgast Declared the ranging from $1.39 a day to 1250 a may be less of flesh, sallow complex-- ! i a in -- Robinson, as he staggered to the center of the ,Jmely warning te show you that tbs 'f,'Held lane Tuesday morning. Liability. Plate Glass In the 38th round John ring. Wolgast appeared to be in no month. Lack of grounds is the prin- (track ion. Nelson's manager, wanted to throw hurry to complete his work. Robinson cipal drawback. of health is not clear. Nervous Vomcn the sponee in the ring, but Abdul, ( ' Prevalency of Kidney Disease. Ysiesviiie. Rev. Edward J. ruitias and Steam Boiler ... seconds, at this stage tried to throw up the Danger Sieuals. - the Turk, another of his tore sponge but the other Nelson seconds TONY PASTOR GOES. Most people do not realize the slarm-- i "aa received a unanimous cull to re- will find that Nature respond.! it from his hands and threw it into the i If these signals are unheeded ing increase and remarkable nreval- - iui ii in tin: jti'iKfiun viiuilji ior nii-otli- er took the sponge from him and threw dancer .
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