www.ukrweekly.com Український Щоденник Ukrainian Daily РІК L Ч. 222. VOL. І*. Ko. 222. SECTION II. « Ще Mtamtan Dedicated to the needs and interests of young Americans of Ukrainian descent. No. 40 JERSEY CITY, N. J., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1942 VOL. X Commended* By Treasury "IPkdgeAUegiaMeTo The Flag... 'ра^ШЕК KILLED ; Department An inspiring feature of our grammar school days, which і the years have not dimmed ІП OUr memory, was the pledging Second Lieutenant Jerome Seniw, г The Ukrainian Savings Company - f, , .. л .. і . ,° °, 22, of Ukrainian descent, who rose in Cleveland, Ohio, which to date has of allegiance to the flag at the opening of every assembly m j through the rankg after еп1іаіш& m sold approximately $200,000.00 worth of War Bonds, purchased mostly by thhaed schootakenl auditoriumtheir places. Afte, thre alpianl thoe childreplayer nwoul and dthei strikr teachere up as | the Army Air Corps four years ago, Ukrainians of that city, and has march and stepping briskly down the aisle would come the was killed October 3 "in Africa as the bought $60,000 worth itself, recently result of an airplane accident," ac­ received in care of its secretary, Mr. color bearers, three honor pupils, the one in the center bear­ cording to a War Department tele­ John Tarnaveky, a letter of commen­ ing the stars and stripes. Mounting the stage, they would gram received by his mother recent­ dation from the Treasury Depart­ face the assembly, and then one of them, or the school principal, ly, a Philadelphia daily reports. ment, which reads as follows: would lead the entire assemblage in the brief and simple but Mrs. Tillie Seniw, of 863 North 4th "The records of the Honor Roll street, a widow since 1928, said her inspiring pledge of allegiance to the flag: only son "had always been crazy published in the Federal Home Loan a out ег 8 се Ье was Bank Review reveal that your insti­ "I pledge allegiance to the flag (of the United States of I ^ ?}*?**•" ІРУ ї ,^ /,' tution, as of July 31, 1942, has sold - • • JJ j J \ л x 4.1. •» t.11 л t_- г. -j. she said, he had been building model War Bonds and Stamps of a value America—is added nowadays) and to the Republic for which it jaircraft and that enthusiasm led in excess of 10% of your assets. Stands; ОПЄ nation, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all." j him to enlist immediately after gradu- 'Please accept the sincere thanks Upon its Conclusion the assembly WOUld 8ing the Star j *tmg {r°™ Central High School in splendi^^rJ^^T^^^ttoT^^P^Sledd support. Banner, and at the phrase "Oh say, does that star-1Philadelphia in June, 1938. of "Itht e isTreasur most yencouragin Departmeng t tofo rkno th-^Pw ^ ^^ ^^ the flag-bearer WOUld wave the flag. L ™J -or^ng mother is reported that we have institutions such as It occurs to us that in these war times it would be highly Ь^ЧКЙ SS he^sTf yours so energetically behind our appropriate to start all our Ukrainian American meetings, con- j month ago, when he wrote: "I'm see- campaign. certs, dedication of service flag exercises, and other similar af- j ing action now." He had entered the (signed) "Eugene W. Sloan, fairs, with this simple but inspiring patriotic ceremony—the-servicand "aftee asr alot grouns of dhar cred wwork, member" re­. Executive Director pledging of allegiance to our flag. ceived his commision as a bomb­ War Savings Staff." ardier, last March. Stationed at the time in New National Coordination Needed Mexico, Lieutenant Seniw married Unveil Plaque at shortly after he won his gold bars. Our Ukrainian-American war effort, though more than ц^ ^е the former Ellen Neydean, Jersey City Church appreciable and Steadily increasing, COUld ІП OUr opinion bejof Albuquerque, N. M., remained easily doubled if it were coordinated on a national * scale by | there after her husband was ordered Honoring the 350 men of the some representative council established for such purpose. | overseas last August. parish in the armed forces, a plaque Throughout the land our people are engaged in all sorts was unveiled last Sunday afternoon of war activities. They, are buying War Bonds and Defense' HERMAN'S DANCING CLUB in front of SS. Peter's and Paul's Stamps, contributing to the Red Cross, the United Service Ukrainian Catholic Church, Greene The Sunday, October 11, 1942 is- street and Sussex, the Jersey Journal Organization, the Army Emergency Relief and other kindred reported. age^iesT miiBgtoe r'ecordsTn war Ш^^/^^ ^Z^-SL^t^S^ Prior to the ceremony, a religious ing their spare time m various civilian defense activities, ar- pictures of folk dancing at the com- service was held in the church. Rev. I ranging morale-building affairs such -as dedication of service j munity Folk Dance Club, directed by # Anthony Lotowicz of Brooklyn, dean j flag exercises, an d finally, and most important of all, giving the! Michael Herman, well known in Uk- of the Ukrainian clergymen in the І floWer 0f their young generation to the armed fОГСЄ8. rainian American folk dancing circles, metsppolitan area, presided а АЦ ^ ^ уегу fine R ghowg ^ QUr ^^ ftre wd] Captioned «Folk Dancing's a Good serife. He was assisted by Rev. • Maxim Markiw, O.S.B.M., pastor of aware Of the Stakes ІП this world war and that they are de-і Wartime Builder-Upper," a reporter's . St George's Ukrainian Catholic termined to doeverything within their power to secure victory j 2* -o-p^n^ they pic*™ Church in New York; Rev. Dr. Gulyn, for their country, its allies and cause. It shows, too, that m: ^ evening is to visit a folk dance of Brooklyn, and Rev. Wladimir Loto- their war effort they are, in proportion to their numbers, way і group. The cost is low, the atmo- wicz, pastor of the Jersey City church. up in front of the various nationality groups, Americans all, j sphere friendly and informal. And Following the religious service— which help comprise this great nation. У°и hate calisthenics, this the Jersey Journal reports — the smart way to get your exercise. plaque was unveiled by Mrs. Mary All this, however, does not belie the fact that the Ukrainian Many must agree with me, for at­ Cheloc, who has three sons in service, American war effort could be much greater if it were nationally tendance at the group I visited—the and Andrew Zimowsky, whose four planned, coordinated, and directed. As it is now, it is depend- largest in the city—has doubled since sons are in the armed forces. The in the war, and is still growing. This v^catTon a^btesaJng tf the pTaquejent largely on the initiative and resources of each particular group meets Fridays, 8:30 to 11:30 were pronounced by Father wladimir j community engaged in it. Its great potentialities are circum- p. m., at Arlington Hall, 19 St. Mark's Lotowicz. 'scribed by the limits of each such community. As a further PL, Manhattan. Admission is 50 Guest speakers were former City j consequence, much of it is sometimes not apparent, so that a cents for several hours of dancing -' true estimate of the extent of the Ukrainian American contri­ apd instruction.—Olga." , Judge John Flaherty, Jr.; Assembly­ One of the dances portrayed is the man Marcel Wagner, Mrs. William bution to our countrys' war effort is not possible; and such an estimate is useful, especially now when Ukrainian Americans Ukrainian Hopak, which "calls for Wagner, and Dr. Luke Myshuha, youthful spirits and great agility. It's editor of "Svoboda." are being vilified and smeared by various un-American and un­ particularly tough on the men." Near the close of the ceremony, a democratic forces. resolution of commendation was pres­ Such national planning and coordinating would require, of ented to the pastor of the Jersey City Gela, director of the church's Lysen- v course, some directing and representative council, which would Ukrainian church, and to Nicholas ko Choir, and a Democratic member Miiraszko, president of the Ukrain­ be charged also with the task of keeping a permanent and ac­ of the Election Board in his district. ian National Association, by Stephen cessible record of our contribution to our country's war effort. The resolution of commendation to J. Magura of the Jersey City Ukrain­ The establishment of such a Ukrainian American War Mr. Muraszko cited him for his ef­ ian War Bond Committee, for their Effort National Council, as it may aptly be called, should not forts as president of U.N.A. in con­ f efforts in promoting the sale of war nection with its purchase of War • war bonds among Ukrainian societies. prove to be too difficult a task. The experience gained before the Bonds totalling $150,000, the limit Master of ceremonies was William war in coordinating help for the old country should now serve permitted by the Treasury Depart­ (Concluded last eoinmn) *b good stead. But the job must be done immediatelyv ment for purchases of this series. • . v,> .•(. .-,•«.-.,. •',__• ,;\ IHI^BB UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1Ш No 40 I ''i. , і J LELAND STOWE DESCRIBESf RATERNAl SOCIETIES AID.IHE WAR PROGRAM | JUNE PRACTICAL WAYS in which | ity loyalty and war activity Let us AN interview he had with Lieuten­ He snailed: "That's righ|. S»t ЖW [ Ф» for" of thegjgtojpj kmfoartm I have, our lodge officers assure the ant Colonel Polevoi, a Ukrainian made fortifications. We dug trenches*? , ^%ИЕГЇЙ5?$ЬГЙТ32 Kovemment that in every particulaparti r and improved them.
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