iiii • t."*3r 'v.- • ,u.\; m practically any fire which might be Burke, president Bemidji commercial started from the railroadY This fire olub; W. £. Schroeder, W. A. .Gould, line should be turned into a road. J. O. Harrisi Register of Deeds, T. A. To Cleanse DEAL W« should get money from the people McCann. and F. A. Wilson, Bemid­ (Continued from first page). in southern Minnesota by getting ji; Wm. Durrin, Northome, Kooch­ Rusty Hail iching county commissioner; Sam E. MERKLE MAKES STUPID PLAY <§><$><$><§><S><$><§-<§>3><§><£<$>^<£$ <$ <£ $ gck)dfoads. .§8 -.- ' V.-"" --' " *'•• Wounds *'&;*Tuesday Baseball Results. Swf* ON QUESTION OF MANAGERS original act provided for the taking "I commend the movement of the Hunt, Red Lake Falls, Red Lake away of mdney from the cities and good roads and would state to the county/ commissioner; Chris Burns, Emulates John Anderson by Attempt­ <8><§><§><§><8>^><8><8><S><fc<8><8><^3><8>3> Which. Is Mora Capable, Banch or members of this committee and to ing to Steal Third pate While -4? putting it in this direction up here. Cass Lake,- forest ranger; John S. Minneapolis, July 26.—Until the _ Plsyln8T—Lsroely Msttar of Indl: the delegates that they will have the Pardee, commercial club of Duluth; That Sack Is Occupied. - . "^ vWu , "Under this bill, the city of Min­ ninth inning Yingling pitched great fW& « « »"«, *ar»oiiamy,^fffT neapolis will pay— $50,000, or the Rep.-D. P. O'Neill, Thief River Falls; Some offside Information of the St ball for Toledo, fanning ten men, but county of Hennepin -will pay more the swyerunwufc/-^£g$!Kjg^«wgt^ Editor Oberg of the Blackduck Amer­ weakened in the final round arid the fS^Tha discussion as to tha relative Louis Cardinals' recent visit to New merits of a banch and playing mana- than $50,000, and,can only get $9,- ^*-:^ These Were There.^'-1'^ ican; E. J. Dade, postmaster, Charles York is to the effect thai a "Merkle" home team won out Gill Bingled 000. As I have said, the thought was .Hayden, E. Rice, banker, Blackduck, gerjtor a baseball team is again un­ Some of those attending the meet­ ; HANFORD'8 play distinctly characteristic of the with one out and Ferris was hit. Ow­ der way. ££-*gj^jfoZ^vjr ?K.| to take away from the stronger coun­ and J. J. Opsahl, Bemidji. f*'l",>- ? man who lost the Giants a pennant ing last night were: ens singled, scoring Gill with one 1 believe that before long all man­ ties and give it to the ones that need b^,f .;< , f^l'-rZ helped Bill Steele get away with his C M. King, Deer River, member run, and Clymer's hit, after Peter's agers will be bench managers," says it more. m$ '^Wfi'^^^^'V^^W Balsam ofMyrrh Tictory over the New Yorkers. Steele Itasca county board; E. M. Stanton, Double set of new' pictures will be was pretty freely hit In the game he foul, brought in Ferris with the win­ Hugh McBreen, treasurer of the Bos­ For Galls, Wire ton Americans. "I think the game Is :#&&* Tarstale Lands, jgg^ Thief River Falls, county attorney of shown at the Brinkman tonight. ning run. Peters also pitched good ,; Cuts, Lameness, pitched. He was beginning to wab­ 4,000 feet. *,. -£ * '(• -' f:^tM^"'. ble and totter in the seventh Inning ball. Both Ferris and Clymer made coming to that Baseball has gone "TheT state lands will pay their -Pennington; F; A. Green, Stephen, Strains, Bunches, and the Giants were going after him sensational plays. ahead so muoh and come to be so fast, just proportion the same as any oth­ Marshall county; member good roads before long the manager will have all Thrush, Old Sores, bard. With one gone Murray and R. H.. J3. er lauds in the state- I think there committee; F. J. McPartlln, Interna­ he can do to sit on the benoh and di­ Nail Wounds, Foot Rot Minneapolis 3 9 3 is no harm in assessing the state tional Falls, county attorney of Koo­ rect the play without attempting to chiching; G. H. Fletcher, chair­ SEES DAWN W NEW I? Fistula, Bleeding, Etc. Etc, Toledo 2 7 ; 2 get upon the ooaching lines. Mana­ lands for" their proportion under this Peters and Owens; Yingling and gers must plan ahead, must be figur­ bill. -If found necessary, an appro­ man county commissioners, Mahno­ -TREUfilOUS BPWSlNfi Madt Since 3846. "l&gtf' Carisch. ing out the next play, and upon the priation could be made at the next men; C. L. Goodell, Barnum; G. E. Prie* 25c, BOc mad $1.00 lines they tire apt to lose sight of session to cover that. This is along Marshall, Cass Lake, United States - ,- (Continued from first page). ' St. Paul, July 26.—A pitchers' bat- mores ahead they hare In their minds the line of the state auditor's policy forestry service; A. J. Swanberg, AIIDealeres«fes?^ .tle between Schlitzer and O'Toole In the immediate duties of coaching. and I think every ode feels that it is Cass Lake, Cass county commissioner; that grow and keep growing with ended in favor of the visitors in the "You see a manager coaching at only right for the state to pay her R. T. Praught, Blackduck commercial distance and lapses of time. share. It will add to the value of game yesterday afternoon, Indianapo­ first base one minute and then a situ­ club; C. M. Porten, engineer, Grand "First there is the conviction, lis winning. Although O'Toole struck ation arises that takes him over to her lands more than it will cost. KNOWN VALUES Forks; J. E. O'Connell, Deer River deepening all the while, that the out fourteen men, three hits in "the third base, and it doesn't seem to me Why not, the same as. under the commercial club; R. S. McDonald, In­ PUBLISHERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS­ : : great business of the church is For­ ING ASSOCIATION PAPERS eighth inning beat him. St. Paul that he can make these moves and at 'ditch law? .-. ^]^y^'' ~P 2 V. ternational Falls, county commission­ WE ARE MEMBERS the same time plan as clearly as if eign Missions. That there should be tilled the bases in the ninth, but Josh er, Koochiching; G. E. Carson, A. H. Paperb in all parts of the States and. he were on the bench without any­ "When we vote*on a one mill tax, in current use a distinction between Canada. Your ir.intB supplied—anywhere »nj Clarke failed to get the necessary the bill is just as certain to carry as Kleven, Richard Leet and R. C. Hay- :ime by the best mediums in the country. thing to bother him except planning. Home and Foreign Missions is the pinch hit. we are to vote on it. In place of her, Bemidji; A. Kaiser, Bagley., Get our membership lists—Check paper* Then, again, by sitting on the bench Church's shame. The field is the rou want. We do the rest. R. H. E. all the time with the players around $9,000; when that does carry, you Clearwater commercial club*; M. N. Publishers Classified Advertising Assoc!** St. Paul 1 9 0 him he is constantly getting their can get $36,000 under this bill, so Koll, Cass Lake, member executive world. - But let us not attempt to tf-n. Buffalo, N. Y. Indianapolis 3 5 1 Ideas and finding out just what they that there is no limit to what you can committee, Northern Minnesota De- drop the' distinction until we have O'Toole and Kelly; Schlitzer jand think of what ought to be done.". do, and in th£ next three years, if ^ejgnment Association; Richard M. earned the right to say there is no Ritter. Now, it just happens that the Boston you get started. I think that will Funk7*county attorney Cass county; difference between-Home and Foreign New-Gash-Want-Rate Americans have a bench manager, provide all the money any county Edward J. Miskella, Cass Lake, com­ Missions, iintil by fidelity to the At Milwaukee— R. H. E. which may or may not influence Mo- may want, except possibly the three mercial club; Roy K. Bliler, Bemid­ great Commission we made the dis­ Milwaukee 3 5 0 Breen's opinion; but at any rate it big counties. tinction obsolete, until by our render­ is probable that the officials of the ji, asst. state engineer; E. E. Skoe, VCent-a-Word Columbus 6 11 1 New York, Cincinnati and Brooklyn "In my judgment, this is the op­ Bergville, Itasca county, state forest­ ed duty there remains no place in all McGlynn, Harrington and Mar­ Where cash accompanies copy we clubs in the National league, and of portune time for northern Minnesota ry patrol; D. V- Wardun, Cass Lake the world that is foreign territory to •rill publish all "Want Ads" for half- shall; Berger and Walsh. the Athletics, Detroit, Chicago, and to show the world what it is going commercial club; W. E. Neal, Bemid­ the light and. privilege of the Gospel cent a word per insertion. Where Washington clubs, in the American to do." ji;.A. A. Lalindreese, Red Lake Falls; of Jesus Christ. ^ash does not accompany copy' the At Kansas City— R. H. B. league would agree with him. Senator Elwell answered several B. L. Perry, Backus, chairman Cass regular rate of one cent a word will Sees Hope for Heathen. be charged. Kansas City 5 12 2 The secretaries of the other, major questions, after which a rising vote county commissioners; M. A. Ulve- "And growing out of these, with Louisville 4 12 2 of thanks was extended the senator.
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