MAY 7- 19 4 8 G arden State’s 7 New Jersey’s 7 Most Popular - Most Popular Fathers ’ Mothers 1. Bob Zachary 1. Mrs. L. B. Marsh 2. L. B. Marsh 2. Mrs. Vander Els 3. A1 E. Driscoll 3. Mrs. R- Dohm 4. Bill Widnall 4. Mrs. H. Wenzel 5. Arthur L. Holly 5. Mrs. H. D. Albert 6. Jolrn Borg 6. Mrs. J. E. Daniels 7. Harry Harper 1. Mrs. I. Herman $2 YEARLY — 5c COPY VOL 8 No 19 ________ _________________________ W J\LiL) VV 1UV, 1». 0.1/^__________ __ ____________ _ _ — SEEK INVESTIGATION OF QUESTIONABLE TAX EXEMPTIONS WOMAN’S CLUB OF WALDWICK URGED TO BUY CLUBHOUSE , ,1 j t _ • \7T7i«r<^—-------------------------Ti^QrS’c Hailed as Suggestions are Made that Legion, VFW*R R fi Club Head’s Recommendation Hailed as Bureau be Created in Communities to _ Step in Right Direction as all officers Survey Report Pass on Applications to Prevent Fraud Submit Reports at Annual Meeting Expected Soon The Woman’s Club of Waldwick held its annual meeting Attorney-General Walter D. Van Riper has announced Monday night in the Council Chamber of the Waldwick Mun­ that five types of personal tax exemptions in New Jersey Waldwick Unit Joins icipal Building. The annual message of the President and one are unvalid under the new state constitution. They include Northwest Chambers of of the founders of the organization, Mrs. M. Martin Turpan­ active or volunteer firemen, exempt firemen, veterans, wid­ Commerce jian pointed out that the members should consider the ad­ ows, national guardsmen while in service and active duty F. Thomas Massoth, eminent visability of either purchasing or erecting a new clubhouse members of Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. traffic consultant and James J. ________ _ ________ ____________ <«>in the near future. De Brigida, president of Bill’s “Only the personal exemptions'®’ Bus Line were guest speakers be­ Plans were made for the organi­ enumerated in the State s new fore the members of the Wald­ Girl Scouts Card zation’s annual installation ban­ constitution are valid , declared Waldwick Bowling wick Chamber of Commerce last quet to be held in Ramsey Coun­ Van Riper, “these are for veter­ night in the council Chamber of Party Big Success try Club Thursday evening, May League Banquet 27th. The reports of all other of­ ans, disabled veterans and wid­ the Waldwick Municipal Build­ ing. They pledged to report back Girl Scout Troop 1 of Waldwick fers were submitted. ows of men killed in active mili­ Draws Big Crowd the result of their survey concern­ held their card party Friday eve­ Federation was"the keynote at tary duty during the war.” ’ ing the re-routing of the bus line ning, April 30 in the Municipal the May 3, 1948 meeting of the Auditorium. The affair proved to It has come to the attention of The Waldwick Bowling League service to the east side of the Woman’s Club of Waldwick. This the Jersey Parade that most of held its annual. banquet last Sat­ Erie depot as advocated by the be a big success. was the last meeting of the sea­ the ex-servicemen present only urday night in Wilson Hotel, Pros­ Waldwick trade board. Prizes were won by: son and a vote was taken to sub­ Mrs. H. Dean, door prize; Mrs. photostatic copies of their honor­ pect and Hewson Sts., Waldwick. mit an application for member­ The Chamber went on record to Werling, 1st non-players prize; ably discharged papers to tax as­ Close to 150 persons attended. ship this week to the Federation call on all merchants of Wald­ and Mrs. G. Young, 2nd non-play­ sessors. Those who have been in Lester Mortimer acted as toast­ wick to close their stores on W ed­ of Woman’s Clubs. armed services during peacetime master for the occasion. Sheriff ers prize. Mrs. Jessie Garber, chairman nesday afternoon during June,July Other prizes were won l?y Mrs. have also attempted to obtain tax Frank D. Livermore of Ridge­ of the Entertainment Committee and August. The special commit­ Doyle, Mrs. Huffman, Mrs. Honig, exemptions at times and there are wood; and Tax Collector Frank announced the plans for the an­ tee headed by M. Martin Turpan- Mrs. F. Clarke, Mrs. Puffer. Mr. many other phases which are d if­ W. English of Waldwick and Chief nual dinner installation at the jian was given the authorization J. Johler, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. De ficult for average tax assessors to of Police John MacElroy, of Ho- Ramsey Country Club on May 27 to proceed in printing the pro­ Loca, Mrs. Karl White and Mr. J. recognize who’s who and what’s Ho-Kue were among the guests posed Waldwick directory as soon; at 7:30. A roast beef dinner and White. i what, hence the suggestion is be­ present. as all available data are gathered interesting entertainment are in The Girl Scouts wish to- thank store, and tickets and further in­ ing made that every community President Peter Kiump gave a together. Mr. and Mrs. Scull, Waldwick Ap­ formation may be obtained from establish a veterans bureau un­ brief resume of the great growth The following ten new mem­ pliance Store, Plaza Restaurant, Mrs. Garber or Mrs. Irwin Schaef- der the joint auspices of the A- and activities of the organization. bers were accepted into member­ Ridgewood; W ard’s Drug Store, fner. Mrs. Charles E. Blackford, merican Legion Post and the Vet­ “Sonny” John K. Wilson, an ac­ ship: First National Bank of Al­ Mirko’s Kiddie Shop, Wilson s Sixth District Vice President of erans of Foreign Wars Post to pass tive member, was the caterer. lendale, Allendale Riding School. Bar and Grill, Vincent Sinacori, the Federation of Womans Clubs on all applications from any and Secretary Ralph Grossman an­ Ivan H. Reese, W illiam E. Ward, John Salafia and other friends and Mrs. B. Perry Hamilton, Pre­ all veterans to make sure that nounced the big list of prize win­ Jr., Joseph W. Maratene, A. N. who donated prizes. sident of the Allendale Woman’s only qualified veterans are re­ ners. The first place team was the Gates, Joseph Caruso, Mary and Club will be guest speakers. ceiving such benefits. Meadox Mills and the high aver­ Mildred Marinelli Luncheonette, At the resignation of Mrs. Fred age prize went to Russell Miller; Ernie’s Nursery and A1 De Paolis Bible Institute The photostatic copy angle may Maurer, Mrs. Irwin Schaffner was high series prize went to Cono often be misconstrued or abused, The Waldwick trade board went named Publicity Chairman. Pre­ Argentine and the high game prize May Locate Here according to many tax assessors on record to join the newly or­ sident Mrs. Turpanjian also ap­ was awarded to A1 Lockwood. and veterans. A man could have a ganized Northwest Bergen County The Waldwick Chamber of pointed other committee chair­ Chambers of Commerce. It was 100 photostatic copies made from An orchestra provided the mus­ Commerce has been asked to rec­ man as follows: Mrs. Henry Wen­ decided to request a report from an original honorably discharged ic for the occasion. ommend a suitable place for es­ zel, Art Committee; Mrs. Louis the banking project committee veterans papers and go from town tablishing a bible institute in this Lombardi, Entertainment Com­ headed by James E. Daniels. F. F. to town and buy land for a valua- area. mittee; and Mrs. Sal V. Peters, Faraci was named as committee tio of $500 and have each site ex­ Farad Chairman President Herbert D. Albert ap­ Transportation Committee. empted. The same system may of one to seek information con­ pointed Secretary Turpanjian to Several new and necessary a- cerning mail delivery service in work in the 47 other states unless Of Cancer Drive survey the situation and contact mendments suggested by Presi­ a strict vigilance is observed and Waldwick. all real estate brokers in Wald­ dent Mrs. Turpanjian were read . a central bureau of exemptions is Former Councilman Frederick Barth Vander Els, George Nord- wick to locate a suitable place for and adopted by the club and will established as the clearing house F. Faraci has again been appoin- ham, John -Edward------------------ Phelan,- Chest— such a project. be added to the by-laws. and all genuine and bonafied vet­ ted Chairman of the Waldwick er J°PPer: 7 ” c®nt^ ® ^ ’ Refreshments were served by erans organizations take active Eichler and Mrs. George Christ­ Cancer Fund campaign. Mrs. Zola McGrath and Mrs. Ar­ part in seeing to it that only qual­ man also addressed the gathering. Waldwick Has Become thur Vernon. The dark horse was The borough did a swell job last ified persons receive such benefits. t(By-Laws Conscious” won by Mrs. Margaret Schedler. year and all our residents are ur­ Mrs. Arthur Pugh, chairman of gently requested to help the com­ Pre-School Roundup Waldwick has become “By- the American Home Department, Allendale Congressman Laws conscious” . Wherever munity go over the top in its goal Of Kindergarten donated a cake, which was dis­ you turn you hear about By- Re-Enters Hospital to raise the necessary funds to Children on May 14 posed of and won by Mrs K. Lus- Laws, By-Laws and By-Laws. tig, the proceeds going to the A- Representative J. Parnell Tho- meet our local quota. Mrs. Arthur Pugh, Waldwick The members of the Wald-' merican Home Department. wick Chamber of Commerce mas of New Jersey. Chairman of % PTA divisional chairman, an­ the Committee on Un-American John’s Confectionery nounced last night that a pre­ often discuss new phases of its Activities, has re-entered W alter school round-up of kindergarten by-laws.
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