SRI. J. C. B. M. College, SRINGERI Annual Report 2019-20 “Education is the manifestation of divine Mysore, it is presently affiliated to Kuvempu perfection which already exists in man”. – University. The college has been one of the Swami Vivekananda. Such manifestation is premier institutions, holds a reputed position the outcome of the development of the indi- among various higher education institutions vidual in all aspects namely physical, intel- in Kuvempu University.The College has well lectual, emotional and spiritual. The educa- defined goals and objectives aimed at im- tion, one receives, is the greatest input for parting quality education to its students, mak- advancing towards this objective since edu- ing them well disciplined and competent with cation helps the total development of human a sense of concern to fellow beings.The col- personality. Education holds the key to hu- lege has served as the focal point in all-round man progress. Education plays an important development of the students of Malnad re- role in bringing change. In order to bring such gion of Karnataka.The college has grown in changes educational institutions should take all facets in leaps and bounds in the past five utmost responsibility by creating an affable decades and committed itself in accomplish- academic atmosphere and inculcate in the ing the objectives of teaching, research, ex- tender minds the significance of human val- tension and outreach activities. It has com- ues of love, fellowship, changes, freedom and mitted itself in catering to the needs of higher justice. education by offering Arts, Science and By seeking the blessings of Sri Commerce courses. The college has ex- SriJagadguru Bharathi Theertha celled itself in higher learning and got the ‘A’ Mahasannidanam and Jagadguru Sri grade by the NAAC. Thousands of students SriVidhushekhara Bharathi Sannidanamof passed out of this college, are well settled in Sri Sharada Peetam, Sringeri and Sri all over the globe and brought laurels to their SriSwayamprakashaSacchidananda alma mater. The overall development of the Saraswathi Mahaswamiji of Sri Matha, students is the main concern of this college. Hariharapura, I am presenting a brief An- A special focus has been given for the skill nual Report of our College for the year 2019- development and enrichment of knowledge. 20. Sri Jagadguru Chandrashekhara Bharathi Retirement: Memorial College started in 1965 sponsored Sri Shankara, FDA retired from his ser- jointly by Bharathi Vidya Samsthe, Sringeri, vice on 30-06-2019 and Academy of General Education, Manipal Prof. Avil Bernard D’Souza, HOD of is being managed by Sri J.C.B.M. College Mathematics retired from his service Trust. Initially affiliated to the University of on 31-07-2019 3 Prof. Nagaraja Naik, HOD of Com- dents were enrolled, out of which 743 stu- merce retired from his service on 30- dents were pursuing their study in the degree 04-2020 college and 581 students in the Pre Univer- sity College. Sad Demise: I would like to express on behalf of our Library: college trust,teaching and non-teaching staff, The College library is functioning well with my deep condolence on the sad demise of the Students and the Teaching faculty mak- Sri. K.R. Thimmappa Hegde, former Trust ing proper use of it. The Reading room, Ref- member of the college. erence library, Book-banks, Audio-visual aides are being utilized fully. It has the col- Pre University College: lection of more than 59,569 books on vari- Consequent to the bifurcation, the P.U. ous subjects and 86 periodicals. The Acad- College has been functioning separately and emy of General Education has been gener- is honored with “A” grade by the Karnataka ously donating books of multiple subjects State Pre-university Board. every year. The manuscripts donated by Sri Matha, Sringeri have been kept in separate Accreditation: selves. Internet and e-resources facility have The Degree College has been reaccred- been provided in the library. As usual, the ited with ‘A’ grade award by the National library facility is extended to the students of Assessment and Accreditation Council.Ours the College studying for postgraduate is the only college to be honored with such a courses, former employees and local citizens. high grade in the whole of Chikkamagaluru The library has earned the reputation of be- District. These recognitions reflect the over- ing one of the best libraries in Kuvempu all excellent performance of the institutions. University and in Chikkamagaluru District. Career Orientation and Certificate Courses: Campus Placement: In addition to the regular courses of study, The placement cell creates a platform three certificate courses have been intro- where students can display theirtalents, which duced in our college for the students of the different companies seek to explore and uti- following classes: lize. Therefore, in order to equip our stu- I Degree : Spoken English and Com- dents with required skillsfor to face the chal- municative Skills lenges in the job market, Sri JCBMCollege II Degree : Computer Fundamentals Placement Cell has risen to the occasion and and Hardware has successfully aided in providing the em- III Degree : Career Orientation ployment to its outgoing students. Thanks to Programme the initiative taken by the Placement cell of our college.Our students participated in Student strength: various Campus Selection held at Manipal In the academic year 2019-2020, 1324 stu- 4 and other job fair. Due to the initiative taken Seminars/ Symposia/ Workshops/curricu- by Prof. Vasanth Chavan, Coordinator lar/ Extra Curricular Activities Placement cell and the committee members Prof. Devadasa. K, NAAC Coordinator, 1. Reopening of the college: Academic the following students were selected by the Year 2019-20 was reopened on 10 reputed companies. June 2019. Sl. No Name of Total No. of 2. Orientation programme: Two day ori- the company students Selected entation programme to I year degree 1 Infosys (BPO) 16 students was conducted on 2 Infosys(Tech) 02 10th&11thJune 2019. Introduction by th 3 Wipro 03 the Principal on 10 June followed by th 4 Delloite 01 IQAC programme. On 11 June ori- 5 TCS 01 entation programme by NCC, NSS and 6 Gallagher careers 06 Scouts and Guides of the college. 3. On 12th June 2019 Orientation programme was conducted for Final Hostel: degree students by all the HODs of the The College has full-fledged separate college. hostels for boys and girls. There are 95 boys 4. 5th June World Environment Day: the and 117 girls in the hostels and totally there World Environment Day was observed are 212 students pursuing their education on 5th June 2019 under the auspices of residing in the hostels. Bar Association of Sringeri, Department of Forest, NSS units and NCC wing, Academic Guidance and Counseling: Scouts and Guides, Rangers and Rov- ers units of the college. The auspicious Students were made into batches and day was inaugurated by Justice teachers were allotted for guiding and Suryanarayana S, civil Judge of JMFC mentoring them. Cumulative Record system Sringeri by planting a sapling in front of is in practice to record their attendance and the college. Sri Puttarajegowda, their academic and co-curricular achieve- Tahsildar Sringeri, Sri.Gangadharappa, ments. Two day orientation programme was Circle Inspector Sringeri, Sri.Sampath conducted for the first year degree students. Kumar patel, Range Forest, Smt. Dayavathi, BEO, Sringeri, attended the Faculty: programme. The programme was pre- In the teaching faculty, 11 members are sided by Sri Suresh, President of Bar of permanent and 47 members are on con- Association, Sringeri. Dr. M.Swamy, tract. Among 17 members of the non-teach- principal, in his speech spoke about the ing staff,02 are permanent employees while importance of preserving and protect- 14 are contract employees. ing the ecological features for the bet- 5 terment of the posterity. Sri. Santhosh B.D., the coordinator of the A.G.Prashanth, NSS Officer and Co- Sangha cordially welcomed the guest ordinator PUC, welcomed the guest and gathering and rendered initial re- and gathering cordially and the marks on the occasion. programme was anchored by Sri. 9. Talent’s Day 2019-20: Talent’s Day of Santhosh B.D. NSS Officer and the the college for the year was held on 30 vote of thanks was proposed by Sri. July 2019. Prof. Yashoda, HOD of Santhosh kumar, Officer, Scouts and Sanskrit, coordinator of the Cultural Guides. committee cordially welcomed the guest 5. 21 June International Yoga Day: Inter- and the gathering. Prof. Bharathi, Prin- national Yoga Day was celebrated with cipal, GFGC, Sringeri, inaugurated the great enthusiasm on 21st June 2019 in event. Smt. Pushpalakshminarayana, the college. Pathanjali Yoga seva respected trustee of the college was the Kendra of Sringeri took the lead on the chief guest. Sri T.K.Parashara, Dr. occasion. The programme was jointly Srinivas Rao,SWO., Prof. Vidhyadhara organized by the NSS, NCC, Scouts M.V. IQAC Coordinator and the Presi- and Guides, Rovers and Rangers of the dents of Arts, Science and Commerce college and volunteers of the respec- Club were present on the occasion. The tive units. Dr. H.C.Veerappa Gowda programme was presided by the prin- former principal and Sri. Nagaraja, cipal, Dr. M.Swamy. The stage Principal Government PUcollege, programme was followed by co-cur- Sringeri participated in the programme. ricular activities by the students. The stage programme was presided by 10. Commerce Freshers’s Day: Senior Stu- the principal. dents of the department of Commerce 6. Science Freshers’Day: Science stu- organized Freshers’ Day ‘Aaramb’ on dents celebrated Fresher’s Day on 16 2 August 2019. First year Commerce July. First year B.Sc. Students were students were cheerfully welcomedby cheerfully welcomed by the senior sci- the senior students. ence students of the college.
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