Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1978-1979 Eastern Progress 10-12-1978 Eastern Progress - 12 Oct 1978 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1978-79 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 12 Oct 1978" (1978). Eastern Progress 1978-1979. Paper 7. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1978-79/7 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1978-1979 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Votuma 57, No. 7 Official Studsnt Publication of IBPaoat Thursday. October 12. 1*78 Eaatarn Kantucfcy Univaralty Lost checks lead to forgery charge By YVONNE L. EDMONDS The case was referred to the Rich- $718.89 at an area bank after obtaining Staff Writer mond Police Department and Detective and holding the checks for a couple of Sergeant Earl G. Estes investigated the days, he said. A recent report from a University incident. Callicoat was arrested when someone employee concerning three missing According to Estes, Cundiff had gone matched the license number on the car checks resulted in an investigation and to mail the checks and apparently she was driving with the license number the eventual arrest of a Richmond dropped and lost them. The checks were given to cash the check. resident. then allegedly found by Joni Callicoat, The car driven by Callicoat did not. Officer Tom Munn of the University's 20, an employee at a local restaurant. however, belong to her. Division of Public Safety answered a Callicoat has been charged with call from Sandy Cundiff. employee for The signature and account number forgery in the first degree, a felony. The the Division of Radio and Television used to cash the checks were allegedly case will be heard in the district court Center, on Sept. 20 concerning a payroll copied from a check written by a couple and the judge's decision will determine check and two personal checks sup- eating at a restaurant where Callicoat further action. posedly mailed by her, which had not was working, said Estes. Callicoat Callicoat is being held in the Madison arrived at their destination. supposedly cashed the checks totaling County jail Football players plead not guilty to assault Bv El JZABETH PALMER-BALL filed by Adams and Williams. Stuckey their assailants as Stuckey, Neal and News Editor and Neal were charged with alleged Cox. assault and terroristic threatening and No arrests could be made at the time In a pre-trial hearing that was held Cox was charged with alleged of the incident because security officers yesterday. University football players harrasment and assault third degree were not witness to the alleged assaults, Dean Stuckey. David Neal and Bruce according to Tom Linquist. Director of Cox pleaded not guilty to charges of The charges were filed in connection with an incident that occurred on Sept. Safety and Security. It will be up to the alleged assault that were filed against complaintants to prove their case. them by University students Scott 21 near Ellendale Hall. Adams and Adams and Raymond Williams. Williams reported to campus security The defendants have asked for a jury TEVE BROWN) In the criminal summons that were that they were assaulted and identified trial. So far no trial date has been set While many students are downtown enjoying the excitment, disco music, and Night Moves strobe lights, photographer Steve Brown captures these students who prefer the quiet and thoughtful side of campus night life. Court dismisses lawsuit tiledaf* • «1 "al byH formeraT" professorf By ROB DOLLAR the will of the employer and in the ab- said that he thought hia Job was at Staff Writer sence of tenure, employment could be Marshall University in Huntington, W. terminated without affording the Va. A lawsuit filed by a former University professor written notice of charges and Prior to coming to the University, professor was dismissed in U.S. District a subsequent hearing. l.anrirum was involved in another Court. Eastern District of Kentucky on According to Dr. Howard A. Thomp- lawsuit which resulted after he lost his Sept. 26. over two years after it was son, dean of the College of Business, job as the president of Society Bank in originally filed. landrum served two years on the Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Robert K. Landrum. who was an management faculty in the department Landrum initiated a libel suit, which instructor in the department of business of business administration. he reportedly won, against one of his administration, filed the suit against the Thompson stated that during the directors who he claimed had written University in July of 1976. spring of 1976, Landrum was given a damaging letters that were responsible Landrum had learned the preceding terminal contract which indicated that for the loss of his job, as well as his spring that the 1976-77 academic year he would be employed by the University being blacklisted in the banking woum oe HIS last year as an instructor at for one additional year only. profession. the University. Thompson added that Landrum From this experience, Landrum In the lawsuit. Landrum claimed resigned his position with the University wrote an autobiographical account of among other things, that his em- in December 1976, still having an ad- the circumstances surrounding the bank ployment at the University was ter- ditional semester left before his em- conflict, as well as the six years leading minated because of his political activity ployment was officially terminated. up to the loss of his job and his eventual during the 1974 congressional race. He indicated that Landrum resigned three weeks in court. He also claimed that he was deprived to take a job at another university. Landrum's book was titled, "Vin- of "procedural constitutional due While Thompson could not be sure, he dication." process" by the University, when he was not given a hearing prior to the termination of his employment. The District Court did not issue a Senate proposes written opinion on the case, but instead cited two previous cases that the University was involved in, as the authority for its opinion. natural foods These cases established that a non- tenured University professor served at By DONNA BUNCH An alternate idea of an open forum - (Pfioto by STEVE BROWN) Staff Writer was suggested by Tim Adkins, student A proposal encouraging the use of senator. The forum would consist of the natural foods in the cafeteria and grill senators dividing into their separate Regents give "*\ and a discussion on ways to Involve colleges so that students can talk with Periscope students in University government were their own representatives. Adkins said two topics at the Student Senate meeting that by using a forum, the senate would atfMiaia »afa 2 Tuesday. get "student involvement with senators, Powell contract nawa. featuraa pagaa 3-6 Elections for homecoming ejaeen will In an effort to promote more first hand." By MARK TURNER which would call for the installation of a be held today la the Powell Building. See •porta paaM 6-10 nutritious meals for students on cam Admittance to the American Student new roof for Walter's Hall. The cost of oifnbjtlbm ... aaflM 11-12 Editor the candidates' pictures - page «. -i 13 r, a natural food proposal was passed Federation (ASF) was not discussed by University President J.C. Powell was the project is estimated at $40,000. Student Senate. The proposal to the Student Senate. Foster explained given a new four year contract by the The work will begin in the spring and investigate the feasibility of selling that he felt the new senators needed Board of Regents at its regular meeting can be completed with the students still fresh fruit and yogurt in the grill and the more time to examine the issues. last Saturday. in the dorm, according to Powell. cafeterias was suggested by Sheri Foster apologized to the senate for not The contract will run through June 30, The regents also approved a project Mefford. discussing the fact that he and John IMS. which would bring the University in Steve Foster, senate president, asked Cooper, senate vice-president now hold Powell is currently serving the compliance with Environmental Colonels move up members to consider ways of involving leadership positions in the ASF. Protection Agency standards for air remainder of Dr. Robert R. Martin's The Top Ten teams in the NCAA students in the senate. "Anything we "It's been brought to my attention term. Martin, now a state senator, pollution. 5. Boston Univ. 4-O-0 can do to publicize Student Senate can in that some students felt cheated," said retired Oct. I, 1976. The work to be done on the Central Division 1-AA college football poll 6. Lehigh 4-1-0 no way hurt us," he said. Foster. He said the discussion involving The Regents also approved the Heating Plant would be the installation with this year's records: 7. Florida A&M 4-0-0 A repeat of last year's Door - to - Door ASF was postponed so that the senators' of a new filtering system to eliminate establishment of a Student Disciplinary 1. S.Carolina St. 6-0-0 8. Eastern Kentucky 3-1-0 Night was suggested. On this night, the decision to withdraw from the United Appeal Hearing Committee. some of the particulants coming from 2. Montana State 5-0-0 senators go to all the dorms, visit States Student Association would not be This committee would be the final the smoke stacks.
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