AND 3ABBATH JERALD. 101t, •sss ./S74 "Here is the patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus." Reu. 14: 12. VOL. 65, No. 21. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1888. WHOLE No. 1766. This work places upon us a responsibility to rec- Many seem to rest perfectly easy, as if the heav- Tarim nit firrnla. ommend by our daily life the faith which we pro- enly messengers were to come to earth and in an Moan WEAKLY BY TIM fess. The piety of its believers is the standard by audible voice proclaim the message of warning. Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association, which worldlinga judge of the truth. In all our They stand idle, virtually saying, "Am I' my Battle Creek, PiClohlgan. associations with unbelievers, be careful to give brother's keeper?" Many associate almost wholly thorn no occasion to misjudge your faith, or to re- with those of the same faith, and feel no duty to TWO DOLLARS A YEAR (50 NUMBERS) IN ADVANCE. preach the cause of truth which you advocate./ become acquainted with their neighbors who are Many hedge up the way by their own course df ignorant of the great and testing truths for the Address all communications, and make an Drafts and 31oney action. There is some indiscretion on their part. last days. Ladies who in the parlor can engage ()niers payable to They are easily provoked. Little difficulties arise in conversation with wonderful tact and ear- REVIEW AND HERALD, Battle Creek, Mich. in trade or in some other temporal matter, which nestness, shrink from pointing the sinner to the lead them to think themselves misjudged or Lamb of God. Oh ! there is so much work for • HE /8 contrNe. wronged by their neighbors. These things are al- souls that is left undone because it is a cross, and BY ELIZA 0. MOUTON. lowed to create coldness or ill feeling, and thus to because each seeks his own amusement, and works close the door of access to those who might be for his own selfish interest. Because of our unbe- Tunas '8 a hush In the air, reached by the truth.. We should never allow mat- lief, worldiness, and indolence, blood-bought souls And a tremor of fear ters of temporal interest to quench our love for in the very shadow of our homes are dying in their Through the hearts of vile men; For Christ's coming is near. souls. Brethren, be kind and courteous on all oc- sins, and dying unwarned. casions. Never be sharp, critical, or exacting_ in Until the judgment it will never be known how There's a mist on the hills, your deal,,. If there Is any adVantlige be gained, much might have been done, how many plans might And a light to the sky; There are tokens and signs give it to your neighbor, whom you are required have been devised, to save souls by bringing them That the morning is nigh. to love as you love yourself. With the patience to the knowledge of the truth. But self-indul- and love of Jesus, watch for opportunities to do gence, unwillingness to sacrifice, and a lack of true There are visions and dreams, him a kindness. Lot him see that the religion spiritual discernment, have led many to overlook And good angels abroad; There 's a work In the earth— which we profess does not close up nor freeze over the open doors which they might have entered to The strange work of the Lord. the avenues of the soul, making us imaympathiz- do a good work for the Master. Love of ease has ing and exacting. Let a well-ordered life and a caused them to shun the wearing of Christ's yoke, There are crowns and bright stars godly conversation testify to your sincerity and pi- the lifting of his burden. For the ones who endure; . There are mansions above ety; and when you have thus gained his confidence, /Many, many, are approaching the day of God For the good and the pure. the way is opened for you to reach the heart by doing nothing, shunning responsibilities, and as the introducing the truth. - result they are religious dwarfs. So far as work There 'a a glimmer of gold Through a half open gate, If these matters, which may appear of minor for God is concerned, the pages of their life history And a song on the lips • consequence, are neglected, you may present the present a mournful blank. They are trees in the Of the children who watt. most convincing arguments in favor of the truth, garden of God, but only cumberors of the ground, And his chariot wheels but they will have no weight. If your family gov- darkening with their unproductive boughs the Will be heard by and by, ernment is not according to the Bible rule, if your ground which_ fruit-bearing trees might hase_oengs And the glory of heaven children are not brought up with habits of order pied. Fill the earth and the sky. and industry, if they are selfish, proud, disobedi- Those who neglect their duty in the home and rartlatul, Maine. ent, unthankful, unholy, he sure that your unbe- among their neighbors are, by their unfaithfulness, •••••••••••• .11.•••• Of 4. lieving neighbor will see and remark upon your separating themselves from God. Their piety be- neglect. " They would better spend their labor at comes tame and weak. Unfaithfulness at home home," he will say, "teaching piety and good be- leads to unfaithfulness in the church. They do Our i?,trittributorz. havior to their children, instead of trying to con- not strengthen and build it up. Through their :1? vert me." Very many have been caused to etern- failures in duty, all their work is marked with blun- "Then they that foarud the Lord apake often one to another and ities by the inconsistencies of professed Christians, ders and defects. Their indifference and neglect the Lord hearkened, and heard It, and a hook of rotnetelortove wax reject have a molding influence upon all who have con- written before hhn for them that feared the Lord, and that thought and have been led to the precious truths of upon naIlle."—Mat. 3:1s. the Bible. fidence in them as Christians. The errors of one The books of heaven will reveal a terrible record are copied by many, and thus the evil goes on MISSIONARY ,WORK IN THE NEIGH80RH000. of unfulfilled home ditties against parents who wore deepening and widening. Brethren, you may not considered intelligent missionary workers, How see this, but so it stands in God's sight, and you must meet it in the judgment. DY 1.11:8. E. 0. WITITIS. c.1 much more influence these parents might have had, , ' --- how much more good they might have done, had In the day of God how many will confront us Bssants his ascension to heaven, Jesus with they commenced the work at the right point, by and say, "I am lost ! I am lost ! and you never hands outstretched in blessing to his disciples, gave setting their own house in order, and presenting warned me ; you never entreated me to come to them their commission : " Go yo into all the world, to their neighbors a well-ordered family as evi- Jesus. lied I believed as you did, I would have and preach the gospel to every creature." " Lo, I dence of the power of the truth ! When it is seen followed every judgment-bound soul with prayers am with you alway, even unto the end of the that the children are not like worldlinge, when the and tears and warnings." world." Repentance and remission of sins were beauty of faith and the spirit of genuine Christian- In that day the Master will demand of his pro- to be preached in his name among all nations, but ity are seen in them, it will be as a light pointing fessed people, " What have you done to save the the work was to begin at Jerusalem. Before go. heavenward. souls of your neighbors 4 There were many who ing out into now fields of labor, the disciples of STt is the acts of faith and sacrifice in the so- were connected with you in worldly business, Christ were to give the message to their own pee- called little things of life, the Spirit of Christ man- who lived close beside you, whom you might have : pie. Ileum missions were to receive their first at- ifeeted at home, in the field, in the work-shop, as warned. Why are they among the unsaved ?" tention. well as in the church, that make us living epistles Brethren and sisters, what excuse can you ren- Wherever the people of God aro placed, in the known and read of all. Men may combat and der to God for this neglect of souls 4 I would pre- crowded cities, in the villages, or among the country defy our logic, they may resist our appeals ; but a sent this matter to you as it has been presented to by-ways, there is a home mission field, for which life of holy purpose, of disinterested love, is an ar- me ; and in the light from the life of the Master, a responsibility is laid upon them by their Lord's gument in favor of the truth that they cannot from the cross of Calvary, I urge you to arouse. commission. They aro to take up the duty which gainsay.
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