Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses

Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses

TE 8.5.5 Use of Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses Apache (1.1/2.0) activemq-broker 5.13.2 activemq-client 5.13.2 activemq-client 5.14.2 activemq-jms-pool 5.13.2 activemq-kahadb-store 5.13.2 activemq-openwire-legacy 5.13.2 activemq-pool 5.13.2 activemq-protobuf 1.1 activemq-spring 5.13.2 ant 1.6.3 avalon-framework 4.2.0 awaitility 1.7.0 axis 1.4 yes batik 1.6 W3C batik-css 1.7 W3C batik-ext 1.7 W3C batik-util 1.7 W3C BoneCP 0.8.0.RELEASE cglib 2.2.1 cglib-nodep 2.2 commons-beanutils 1.9.2 commons-cli 1.2 commons-codec 1.4 commons-codec 1.6 commons-codec 1.9 commons-collections 3.2.2 commons-configuration 1.5 commons-configuration 1.8 commons-dbutils 1.3 commons-dbutils 1.6 commons-digester 1.8 commons-discovery 0.2 commons-fileupload 1.3.2 commons-httpclient 3.1 commons-io 1.4 commons-io 2.0.1 commons-io 2.1 commons-io 2.2 commons-io 2.4 commons-lang 2.4 commons-lang 2.6 commons-lang3 3.3.2 commons-lang3 3.4 commons-logging 1.0.3 commons-logging 1.1 commons-logging 1.1.1 commons-logging 1.1.3 commons-logging 1.2 commons-math 2.2 Minpack commons-net 3.5 commons-pool 1.4 commons-pool2 2.4.2 fop & fop-hyph 0.94 W3C Page 1 of 8 TE 8.5.5 Use of Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses geronimo-j2ee-management_1.1_spec 1.0.1 geronimo-jms_1.1_spec 1.1.1 geronimo-jta_1.0.1B_spec 1.0.1 google-gin 1.5.0 google-guava r09 google-guava 11.0.2 google-guava 14.0.1 google-guava 15.0 google-guava 16.0.1 google-guava 18.0 google-guava 20 google-guava 21 google-guava-gwt 15.0 guava-retrying 2.0.0 google-guice 2.0 google-guice 3.0 google-guice 4.0 google-gwt 2.4.0 google-gwt 2.6.1 google-gwt 2.7.0 groovy-all 2.0.5 groovy-all 2.3.6 groovy-all 2.4.4 groovy-all 2.4.7 gson 2.3.1 hawtbuf 1.11 hawtdb 1.6 hibernate-validator 4.0.2GA httpclient 4.1.2 httpclient 4.3.6 httpclient 4.5.2 httpclient-cache 4.3.6 httpcore 4.1.2 httpcore 4.3.3 httpcore 4.4.4 jackson-annotations 2.7.8 jackson-core 2.7.8 jackson-databind 2.7.8 jackson-dataformat-xml 2.7.8 jackson-dataformat-yaml 2.7.8 jackson-datatype-joda 2.7.8 jackson-jaxrs-base 2.7.8 jackson-jaxrs-json-provider 2.7.8 jackson-module-jaxb-annotations 2.7.8 javassist 3.18.2-GA java-support 7.1.1 javax.inject 1 jcommander 1.29 jdbm 2.4 jettison 1.1 jettison 1.3.1 joda-time 1.6.2 joda-time 2.4 joda-time 2.7 Page 2 of 8 TE 8.5.5 Use of Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses jrcs 20080310 json-sanitizer 1 jsr305 3.0.0 JSTL (taglibs) 1.1.2 JSTL (taglibs-standard-impl) 1.2.5 liquibase-core 2.0.3 liquibase-slf4j 0.0.1 log4cplus 1.1.2 log4j 1.2.16 log4jdbc 1.2b1 log4jdbc 1.2 mapdb 1.0.8 mime4j 0.6 mongo-java-driver 2.11.3 nekohtml 1.9.12 nekohtml 1.9.16 netty 3.6.3.Final netty-all 4.0.36.Final opensaml-core 3.1.1 opensaml-messaging-api 3.1.1 opensaml-messaging-impl 3.1.1 opensaml-profile-api 3.1.1 opensaml-profile-impl 3.1.1 opensaml-saml-api 3.1.1 opensaml-saml-impl 3.1.1 opensaml-security-api 3.1.1 opensaml-security-impl 3.1.1 opensaml-soap-api 3.1.1 opensaml-soap-impl 3.1.1 opensaml-storage-api 3.1.1 opensaml-xmlsec-api 3.1.1 opensaml-xmlsec-impl 3.1.1 pac4j-core 1.8.7 pac4j-saml 1.8.7 PatternFormatter 1 prettytime 4.0.1.Final resteasy-guice 2.3.5.Final resteasy-jaxb-provider 2.3.5.Final resteasy-jaxrs 2.3.5.Final yes resteasy-multipart-provider 2.3.5.Final scannotation 1.0.3 serializer 2.7.2 shiro 1.1.0 shiro-core 1.2.3 shiro-web 1.2.3 snakeyaml 1.15 snakeyaml 1.16 spring 2.0.6 spring-aop 4.3.2.RELEASE spring-beans 4.3.2.RELEASE spring-context 4.3.2.RELEASE spring-core 4.3.2.RELEASE spring-expression 4.3.2.RELEASE spring-extensions 5.1.1 Page 3 of 8 TE 8.5.5 Use of Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses stax-api 1.0.1 swagger-annotations 1.5.10 swagger-codegen 2.2.1 swagger-compat-spec-parser 1.0.22 swagger-core 1.5.10 swagger-jaxrs 1.5.10 swagger-jersey-jaxrs 1.5.10 swagger-models 1.5.10 swagger-parser 1.0.22 tomcat el-api 6.0.29 tomcat servlet-api 6.0.29 tomcat 7.0.72 truezip 6.6 validation-api 1.0.0.GA validation-api 1.1.0.Final velocity 1.6.2 velocity 1.7 vt-password 3.1.1 woodstox-core-asl 4.4.1 xalan 2.7.2 xalan serializer 2.7.2 xbean-spring 3.18 xerces c++ 2.8.0 xercesImpl 2.8.0 W3C xercesImpl 2.8.1 W3C xercesImpl 2.9.1 xml-apis 1.3.04 W3C xml-apis-ext 1.3.04 W3C XMLBeans 2.4.0 xmlgraphics-commons 1.2 xml-resolver 1.2 xmlsec 2.0.3 BSD or BSD-like ASM 3.1 ASM 4 antisamy 1.4.3 antisamy 1.5.3 constantsMapper 1.0.0 crc32 1991 dom4j 1.6.1 esapi 2.1.0 GifEncoder 1998 gwt-dispatch 1.0.0 hsqldb 2.3.4 ImageEncoder 1996 Janino/commons-compiler 2.6.1 jaxen 1.1.3 jdom 1.0 jdom 2.0.2 JSch 0.1.40 jsr-305 1.3.9 jsr-305 2.0.0 jsr-305 2.0.1 Page 4 of 8 TE 8.5.5 Use of Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses jsr-305 2.0.2 OpenLDAP (nldap) 20051003 OpenSSL 1.0.2h yes OpenSSL-FIPS 2.0.5 yes OWASP CSRFGuard 3.0.0 Ovaldi pcre 8.39 protobuf 2.5.0 protobuf 2.6.1 protobuf-java 2.3.0 protobuf-java 2.5.0 protobuf-java 2.6.1 retrotranslator runtime 1.2.8 yes stax2-api 3.1.4 TreeGrid component for ExtJS 3.x ( Sept 14, 2009 vijava 5.0 XPP3 1.1.4c xstream 1.4.2 Commercial EXT-JS 1.1.1 EXT-JS 2.2 EXT-JS 3.0 Installbuilder 15.10.0 InstallShield 2010 MadCap Help Viewer 6.0 Mindterm 4.1.12 msvcp100.dll 10.0 msvcr100.dll 10.0 O'Reilly COS 2002 Tanuki Java Service Wrapper 3.4.1 Tanuki Java Service Wrapper 3.5.25 vcrt-x64 10 vcrt-x86 10 Webworks Help 5.0 Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) activation 1.1 javax.mail 1.5.6 javax.servlet-api 3.1.0 jaxb-api 2.1 jaxb-impl 2.1.12 jaxb-impl 2.2.4 jaxb-xjc 2.1.12 jersey-core 1.5 jersey-core 1.19 jersey-guice 1.5 jersey-guice 1.19 jersey-json 1.5 jersey-json 1.19 jersey-multipart 1.13 jersey-server 1.5 jersey-server 1.19 jersey-servlet 1.11 Page 5 of 8 TE 8.5.5 Use of Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses jersey-servlet 1.19 jsr250-api 1.0 jsr311-api 1.1.1 mimepull 1.6 resteasy: jaxrs-api 2.3.5.Final stax-api 1.0-2 Common Public License v1.0 axis-wsdl4j 1.5.1 Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License jcip-annotations 1.0 Eclipse Public License v1.0 logback-classic 0.9.24 logback-classic 1.0.6 logback-classic 1.0.13 logback-classic 1.1.2 logback-classic 1.1.7 logback-classic 1.2.0 logback-core 0.9.24 logback-core 1.0.6 logback-core 1.0.13 logback-core 1.1.2 logback-core 1.1.7 logback-core 1.2.0 GPL v2 twnotify.ko 2.1 GPL v2 with Classpath Exception jre-openjdk-linux-ppc LGPL v2 GNU getopt 1.0.13 GNU Trove 1.1b3 javassist 3.12.1.GA jcommon 1.0.12 jfreechart 1.0.7 jsocks 1.0.1 jtds resteasy-jettison-provider 2.3.5.Final xom 1.2.5 Miscellaneous boost 1.60.0 boost 1.62.0 bzip2 1.0.6 db2 JDBC driver 3.64.96 icu4c 57.1.0 ipag.otf 003.01 jconn3 v6.05.26631 jre-ibm-aix-ppc jvm-hpux-ia64 Page 6 of 8 TE 8.5.5 Use of Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses jython-standalone 2.7.0 md5.cpp 1995 Oracle JDBC pocoall 1.4.6p1 PrototypeJS 1.5.0 ruby 2.0.0-p645 yes snmp 6.1 uming.ttf 0.1.20060928 unzip-windows-x86 6.0 visdk (vim25.jar) 2.5-tw1 Westhawk SNMP stack 6 zlib 1.2.5 zlib 1.2.8 MIT bc-fips bc-fips 3.0.0 bcpkix-jdk15on 1.53 bcprov-jdk14 1.47 cal10n-api 0.7.4 cal10n-api 0.8.1 c-ares 1.7.6 cryptacular 1.0 Java Service Wrapper 3.2.1 yes jopt-simple 3.2 jsoup 1.8.2 pugixml 1.2 slf4j-api 1.6.1 slf4j-api 1.6.6 slf4j-api 1.7.5 slf4j-api 1.7.7 slf4j-api 1.7.12 slf4j-api 1.7.13 slf4j-api 1.7.21 slf4j-api 1.7.22 slf4j-ext 1.6.4 XSL Formatter 2002 Mozilla Public License (MPL) Saxon-HE 9.4 NIST Content cpe 2.3.1 scap-schematron-rules 0.5 Public Domain aopalliance 1 backport-util-concurrent 3.1 Base64 2.2.1 fnv 5.0.2 jsr166y 1.7.0 sqlite util.concurrent 1.3.4 yes xmlpull Page 7 of 8 TE 8.5.5 Use of Third Party Libraries License Module Version Additional Licenses SUN/Oracle JAF - activation 1.0 jre-oracle-linux-x86_64 jre-oracle-linux-x86_64 jre-oracle-linux-x86 jre-oracle-linux-x86 jre-oracle-solaris-sparc jre-oracle-solaris-x86_64 jre-oracle-windows-x86_64 jre-oracle-windows-x86 ldapbp (JNDI/LDAP Booster Pack) 1.0 WTFPL reflections 0.9.10 Page 8 of 8.

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