
jjxO N A L ^ REGISTER 1 9 3 4 c r f r VOLUME 11 ^AJITED ^ NUMBER 77 Washington, Friday, April 19, 1946 Regulations (18) “ Elevator operator’' means a per­ CONTENTS son who owns or operates a grain eleva­ tor, warehouse, or barge-loading or car­ REGULATIONS AND NOTICES TITLE 5—ADMINISTRATIVE loading facility and who receives grain A griculture D epartment: Pa€® PERSONNEL for resale, from producers or truckers Wheat sold under emergency Chapter I—Civil Service Commission in wagon or truck lots. purchase program (WFO 144, Am. 5) (Corr.)_____ _ 4323 P art 27—T emporary Civil Service Civil A eronautics B oard: R egulations Free travel for postal employ­ EXEMPTIONS FROM CLASSIFICATION TITLE 14—CIVIL AVIATION ees _____________________ 4323 The following paragraph is added to Chapter I—Civil • Aeronautics Board United Air Lines, Inc., and Cat­ alina Air Transport; hear­ § 27.2 (c) (2) Exemptions from classifi­ [Regs., Serial No. 362] cation (11 P.R. 1424, 3469): ing_____ ___________________ 4343 P art 228— F ree and R educed-R ate Civil Service C o m m ission: Further exemptions have been agreed T ransportation Temporary Civil Service regula­ upon between the Commission and the • • tions; exemptions from employing establishment as follows: FREE TRAVEL FOR POSTAL EMPLOYEES classification________ — 4323 Position Effective date At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Civ ilia n P roduction A dm inistra­ Chief National Bank Examiner, Apr. 19,1946 Board held at its office in Washington, t io n : Office of the Com ptroller of D. C. on the 12th day of April 1946. Delegations of authority; pref­ the Currency; Treasury De­ (Amendment No. 6 of § 228.1 of the Eco­ erence rating authority of partment. the Army and Navy Muni­ Assistant Chief National Bank Apr. 19,194« nomic Regulations) Examiner, Office of the The Civil Aeronautics Board, acting tions Board, Maritime Com­ Comptroller of the Currency, pursuant to the Civil Aeronautics Act of mission and War Shipping Treasury Department. 1938, as amended, particularly sections Administration (Dir. 41) __ 4325 District Chief National Bank Apr. 19,1946 205 (a) and 405 (m) thereof, hereby E c o n o m ic S tabilization , O f f ic e o f : Examiner," Office of the makes and promulgates the following Support prices, subsidies; live­ Comptroller of the Currency, regulation: • stock slaughter payments_ 4340 Treasury Department. Effective immediately, subparagraphs F e d e r a l. C ommunications C o m m i s ­ National Bank Examiner, Office Apr. 19,1946 (3) and (6) of paragraph (a) of § 228.1 s i o n : of the Comptroller of the Currency, Treasury Depart­ of the Economic Regulations, as amend­ Hearings, etc.: ment. ed, are hereby amended to read as Blue Valley Co. and General • Assistant National Bank Ex­ Apr. 19,1946 follows: Broadcasting Co________ 4350 Citizen’s Broadcasting Co----- 4346 aminer, Office of the C om p­ § 228.1 Free travel for postal employ­ troller of the Currency, Dickinson Publishing Co_____ 4347 Treasury Department. ees— (a) Postal employees to be carried Dickinson Radio Assn_____4347 free. * * * Don Lee Broadcasting System By the United States Civil Service Com­ (3) The Assistant Postmaster General mission. (K G B )__________________; 4350 who at the time has jurisdiction over all Edwards, Walter L ------------- 4344 [ s e a l ] H . B. M i t c h e l l , the air mail service, his confidential as­ Electronic Time, Inc________ 4352 President. sistant, and his Deputy Assistant Post­ Eugene Broadcasters, Inc____ 4349 A p r il 16, 1946. master General. 4° * # * ~ # Fletche:*, A. J., and News and Observer Publishing Co__ 4350 [F. R. Doc. 46-6570; Piled, Apr. 18, 1946; (6) The Superintendent, Thirteenth , 11:59 a. m .] Hub City Broadcasting Co__ 4345 Division, Railway Mail Service, located Jackson Broadcasting Co____ 4346 at Seattle, Washington, and the Chief KELO_________ „ _____________ 4352 Clerk and Assistant Chief Clerk, Rail­ TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Livingston Broadcasters------ 4345 way Mail Service, located at Anchorage, Luck-McDonald Co__________ 4351 Chapter XI—Production and Marketing Alaska, when travelling between Seat­ Mobile Broadcasting Co____4345 Administration (War Food Distribution tle, Washington and Alaska or within Northern Kentucky Airwaves Alaska on official business relating to the Orders) Corp____________________ 4348 transportation of mail by aircraft to, [WPO 144, Arndt. 5] from and within Alaska. Northern Kentucky Radio Corp____________________ 4348 P art 1416— G rain (Sec. 205 (a ), 52 Stat. 984, 49 U.S.C. 425 Northern Virginia Broadcast­ e x e m p t io n f o r w h e a t sold -under e m e r ­ (a ) ; sec. 405 (m ), 52 Stat. 997, 49 U.S.C. ers, In c,_____________ _ 4347 g e n c y WHEAT PURCHASE PROGRAM 485 (m )) OJAI Broadcasting Co______ 4344 ^ Correction . By the Civil Aeronautics Board. Press Wireless, Inc__________ 4351 In F ederal R egister document 46-6385 F red A. T oombs, Radio WKBN__________ _____ 4348 appearing on page 4289 of the issue for Secretary. Smith, George Arthur______ 4346 Summit Radio Corp. Thursday, April 18, 1946, paragraph (a) [F . r . d o c . 46-6 5 4 1; Filed, Apr. 18, 1946; (18) should read as follows: 10:50 a.m.] (WAKRr)_______ ________ 4349 4323 4324 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, A pril 19, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued w . CONTENTS—Continued Office of Price Administration: Page O ffice of P rice A dministration— Page FEDERÄlMREGISTER Adjustments and pricing orders: Continued. A. & R. Coal Co. et al_________ 4360 . Regional and district office or­ Abernathy Furniture Co------ 4373 * ders: Acme Refrigeration Co------- 4370 Building and construction Adelphia Cigar Co___________ 4367 materials, Des Moines, Airtherm Mfg. Co___________ 4372 Iowa, area____ :------- — 4379 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Alvey Bros. Coal Co. and Hen­ Fruits and vegetables, fresh; and days following legal holidays, by the derson Mining Co--------- 4360 Pittsburgh, Pa., district Division of the Federal Register, the National American Foundry and Fur­ (2 documents) ___ 4374, 4376 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained nace Co________________ 4370 Plumbing services, etc., Sa­ in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Ben-Hur Mfg. Co-------------- 4361 vannah and Chatham 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Counties, Ga_________ 4376 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Big Creek Coal Co. et al—.__ 4361 Administrative Committee, approved by the Borg-Warner Corp------------- 4358 Solid fuels: President. Distribution is made only by the Broadway Lamp Shade Co— 4362 Chicago region-___________ 4378 Superintendent of Documents, Government Cane Branch Coal Co. et al— 4359 Council Bluffs, Iowa, area__ 4377 Printing Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Carbonic Gas Equipment Co_ 4369 Des Moines, Iowa, area— _ 4377 The regulatory material appearing herein is Commercial Mfg. Co------------ 4370 Lincoln, Nebr., area______4380 keyed to thé Code of Federal Regulations, Copco Steel and Engineering Omaha, Nebr., area______;_ 4379 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Sioux City, Iowa, area_____ 4378 to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as C o ___________ 4372 am ended June 19, 1937. Crossman Co________- — — 4363 Sioux Falls, S. Dak—___4377 The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Davidson Coal Co. et al_!---- 4362 Sealing tape, gummed Kraft mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Di Pascale Cigar Co___------ 4363 (MPR 459, Am. 5) _________ 4338 per month or $15.00 per year; payable in ad­ Diaz & Borrego Cigar Co----- 4364 Textiles, apparel and related vance. The charge for individual copies Fleetwood Equipment C.orp— 4371 ' products, sales and fabrica­ (giinimum 15<t) varies in proportion to the Fruehauf Trailer Co---- *----- 4373 tion for military purposes size of the issue. Remit check o r, money (MPR 157, Am. 20)____— 4329 order, made payable to the Superintendent Galena Glove and Mitten Co. of Documents, directly to the Government et al_______ ____ 1---------- 4371 Vehicles, new military, resales Printing Office, W ashington 25, D . C. Hodgman Rubber Co___------ 4357 by War Department et al. There are no restrictions on the republica­ Keystone Friction Hinge Co— 4369 (SO 94, Rev. Order 105)___ 4373 tion of material appearing in the F ederal La Anda Cigar Mfg. Co-------- 4368 P atent O ffice: Register. Liverant, M -------:--------- 4366 Patents; single signature appli- • Magidson Cigar Co---------- -- 4368 * cation____ _____ 4341 Mi Lola Cigar Co__ :__ ______ 4366 S ecurities and Exchange C om m is­ Morgan Cigar Co--------_ *----- 4362 s io n : NOTICE Niagara Duplicator Co--------- 4357 Hearings, etc.: 1945 Supplement Randall. H. P., Mfg. Co-------- 4359 American . & Foreign Power Shaw, Joseph, Co-------------- 4364 Co., Inc__________ i___ ;_ 4354 Book 1 of the 1945 Supplement to Sheetz, Carl K ______________ 4367 Associated''Electric Co. and the Code of Federal Regulations Sheldon, E. H., & Co-----— — 4358 Arizona General Utilities Shellenberger Cigar Co------- 4366 Co____________ 4353 may be obtained from th£ Superin­ Shindler, Stuart S----------— 4365 Braniff Airways, Inc. et al—_ 4356 tendent of Documents, Government Superior Coal Co. et al— ,— 4364 Buffalo Niagara Electric Corp_ 4354 Printing Office, at $3 per copy. This Tennessee Stove Works-------- 4357 Hudson Trading & Investing book contains Titles 1 through 9, and Waldock Packing Co. et al— 4369 Corp________________ 4356 includes, in Title 3, Presidential doc­ Bedsprings, new coil and flat, Middle West Corp. (2 docu­ ments)_____________ 4352, 4356 uments in full text together with and metal beds (3d Rev. MPR 213, Am. 4 )____ 4339 Niagara Falls Power Co., and appropriate reference tables. Clothing, staple work (RMPR Gorge View Park, Inc____ 4356 A limited sales stock of the 1944 208, Am. 12) _______ 4326 North Continent Utilities Corp. Supplement is still available as Cotton: et al_________ ______ :__ _ 4355 previously announced. Goods, fine (M PR 11, Am. 27) .
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