A Century of X EDITORIALS: EDUCATION FOB THE Welcome, Beta Theta Pi S'Jye Duke A (ftmmif te Like Gentlemen TTZoTF^W' Thirty-Fourth Year Duke University, Durham, N. C, Tuesday, October 4, 1938 Rushers and Rushees Co-eds to Advises Greeks Program Greeks Approve Beta; Send Out To Start 165 Bids Gala Year Jimmy Dorsey Signed Saturday Released Hectic Week of Rushing The final outline of the pro­ For November Series Will Be Brought lo gram for centennial-opening ceremonies, scheduled to be held Welcome Close n Page auditorium Thursday Series Tickets Go Herring Suggests evening at 1:30, was released this Elimination of iftusrnoon by A. S. Brower, di- On Sale Late This Month Affiliates Wtule all interested persons Jimmy Dorsey and his widely ire invited to attend, Browi known orchestra, which has ha sued a particular invitatic one of the most rapid rises , the top in band history since ll organization three years ago. hi beer, chosen by the Pan-H.-lleiii / fifteen freshm seeaslS- —.so-sted doing away with the Ilia aaa- opening ceremonies." iieiii , fo, tht-.r f .l affiliate system now in use. The full program, as reli 3 pledges are not included ii danc- MT.VS November t and : quota. If the active chapter 'J":15-7:30—Carillon, Ed Jimmy began his sensati-ni membership is under 27, on B.0.S.toMake Hall Broadhead, University new orchestra at the cxcluuli zation plans a vote of ap- Sands Point Bath Club, a prtval 1 before it took definite Presiding—Col. J. F. Bruton, There have been repeated Award for Best Chairman. Board of Truste ..n Ihe Nonei Shorn <.f L.n ittempls to bring a chapter of Saturday i by 1 Music—Duke University I j, and aeeiae^isaU asiueh an in Fraternity Sign Robert B. Fearing, Director ate hit that NBC asked the nvocatton—Frank S. 1 man, Dean of thc Chapel. er permitted any of Sophomore Order to Donate e bands to broadcast, Fascists Wreck Cup for Wittiest Display On Homecoming Day dent, Secretary and Treasury The Civilization Says Duke University. all si Beta Omega Sigma will award "How Will rt Be Observed?' with only a throe day lay- cup to the outstanding campus Alfred S. Brower, Executivi the well-known Ben Mar- Spanish Worker display dealing with the Duke- Secretary, Committee on thi Riveria in New Jersey's Georgia Tech homecoming game, Centennial. NBC had them come into tht Eighteen Year Old Women's :ed today by Bob Double Mixed Quarter—Undei ladio City studios to continue Organizer Gives Loyalist Moyer, president of that organ- a!'.- elia-e-ssti,)!. nl J. Foster Barnes View of Civil Strife Director of Choral Music. 'ould not be broken. From tho raternities and freshman dor- the Centennial': sshionable Riviera the Dorsey the bids have been >ries have been contacted by Larger : iflcance? — Willian aggregation moved without miss- destroy our civilization; but Fas­ Order ond informed of the Preston Few, President, Duki he Palais Royal cism will And its grave in Dr. C. B. Hoover competition. The cup will be University. then played on Spain." With these words eight­ to the fraternity or fresh- : een year old Teresa Famies char­ v;;. .se I1S111L-(S .-laMa-s.w. les for open houses. Gives Opinion on house which presents the Wannamaker, Vice-President and I ballrooms ( night Iaa acterized the bloody Spanish At the general meeting, at Dean of the University. civil war now raging, for a Duke nded by both the junior ant Czech Question '. Last year, Sigma Chi w "North Carolina's Interest in senior representatives to thi cup, and House J took fi tlie Centennial."—The Honorable Pan-Hellenic council aod tht Dr. Calvin B. Hoover spoke long the freshmen. Band Will Make presidents of the fraternities, thi Sunday morning at the Open Clyde R. Hoey, Governor of This y subject of associates was dis- Forum Bible class in York North Carolina. cussed. Dean Herring presentee have entries in the homecomin Chapel. His subject was: "What "Dear Old Duke"—Led by J. Colgate Journey the point of view of the adminis parade and compete for the priz tration as he explained how Few Know given the outstanding float b; ".-•.•(Hi- ; S. Hid With Duke Team oiis four week lecture tour i detrimental they were to thi the Durham chamber of com the United States to gather tuna fraternities. His objections art r. Hoove merce. It was learned from tha for the Medical Bureau of A: that p< n Europe eStotty Select Musicians Will as follows; associates are not eli gible under the C average regu- Secretary Roper 1 that it Fx-presidents of Play in Home-coming Day lation for fraternity pledgeship a matter of time until Hit- For the pep-rally on Fridsi; Parade and Ceremony "We (the loyalists) have nevl ecom mended night prior to tho game, a large Y.M.C.A. Obtain wanted war. "We are only d< ••• .ght bonfire will be built by freshmen Duke University's band i As Duke U. Trustee fending ourselves against foreign being carried at a loss, Duke fi on the upper football field. Wood scheduled to make its first north Beligious Posts invaders who want to use Spain ternitics standing high in n for this fire is being donated by rip this week-end when i aa a war base from whic" tional scholastic rating are n the Chesterfield cigarette factory sving associati n Durham. it if they Atrocity s told by 'Tt is hoped by B.O.S. and all with tl i fra' ithcr organizations also work- t that the fra ng that this will be the greatest ting their ow • *l( DUNCAN GBA' i all, imising pledgeship It is entirely likely tt suid v • nffiliiili! (laus loses Ills uu of his Duke students know consequei raids. These bombs are so e to make a C average. Rhodes Scholarship Notice Cleaveland graduated Roper as the Secretary plosive that many people \ After the formal disc The Local Rhodes Scholarship Department of Commerce killed merely by the concuss r. Hoover answered questions •ommittee will meet this month Ministers Favor United States than kno' Columbia, and is now in si all pi-iselk-o drilling aav "I saw a women lifted four : r twenty minutes, during u interview Duke students who iaaos.1 (imminent alumni os iieaeiu this week in orda ers (twelve feet) in the aii Religious Council ity college as a Trustee ol hich time he said that Hungary re interested in applying for in- ss iTi-ditable perforn ne of the scholarships. At that the force of au explosion aal uiiiveraajity. and Poland could be expected "This year's band is n ot these bombs," she said Recommendation m over additional Czechos- leeting candidates will be norni- Mr. Ropei pable than those of the i Dr. Lombana, a dark, thir Isavakiasn territory. sated to represent Duke in the 1 the Y.M.C.A fl Bi ! only t a last J As a result of the Student Re- shows signs of the ten month e living at this ti Engineers Hold Meeting Students interested in apply­ ligious a.iaiiiisi! meeting Friday "; as a prisoner of Franco afternoon, at which it was pro­ The Duke branch of the Amei ing for the Rhodes Scholarship working full time. e his escape to France, posed that denominational ican Society of Mechanical Engi d get in touch with Dr. Through them contact is main­ groups on the campus work ac­ F. G. McLarty as soon as pos­ lined between the student body home games, mucl tively with the young peoples' sible at his office in 111 Carr nd university religious organ!- : given to the Building. land ot real ci -.....- ... •• .:•.-. •••..•• •••.:.. e Daniel Roper iduated. WAA Arriving at Mr. Gordon Fisher, chairman of nily," rite the Student Religious council, Membership Goal appeared before the Durham Minister'^ associalinn yeslordaj call was that rat llic delation eal Grant Southgate Representation A two-day membership i inoniinj; tea jiri-siaiil the [ollowing J, F. Crowell to the presidency. in the Union lobby last Tuesday i-i'iaomiaiei-edations for their con­ It gave to the college a new 'Like many other of the good and Wednesday netted the Wor sideration : -. i- eesss sssssl aa si. -.'.- • ' things io life, they have liabil­ en's Athletic association 215 led up to the cooperation ol tlic ities as well as assets. Manage­ Says Ninety Percent of Campus Opinion members for the 193B-39 se ment, therefore, and a main- lers, Frances Briggs, president, Su day nights al Duke family. The greatest thing f 7r^omemchi n Durham. that has happened since '.'.-sis; Use- Studen ..... has announced. An effort iiupus, ajs seen by a poll c J been told that they made Sunday night to reach the 2. Denomin al agroups to signing of the indenture by Mr. noted by the Chronicle j James B. Duke In 1924, and the Under this process they are very to get it in the first p "As long as they were pr goal of 400 members when the Id commun launching of this isi-sssal university helpful, both in college and in i that this action is no awl rep resell tation, they are as the 150 engineers are inada women on the athletic board so­ n the Memo. ivor of granting Southgate i under his name." after life." n as a sample of Wet itled to it. Southgate appare quately represented throug licited the dormitories. il Chapel. Si.e-a-i.-Uii;.- lioper lives litory representation on expect from thc cous 3, That the a social ac- When Daniel Roper was at Student Government com class officers.
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