\Tl H ‘•■RV rwENrV UBRA'V TouKSDKi, n m m t, rm ' FA(TB s n m n B ii iHatirljifBtpr lEw^tifttg l^walb The W( Aven«® Dally Net Press Ran ;aff V. a traclu for SOO feet before he after th« staff sssslon. to plan for g w Maatb at M y IN i Mrs. John Howard of Delmont turned the car from the ditch. State Parley next wlnter’a tsama. street, a sister-ln-law of Emmons D’Amico Back Mr. D’Amico aald that although Harold Oagood of Manchsatsr, ■ Aitoiit i own "Chick” Bowen, veteran New the body of th e/»r was demolish­ chairman of the state Marine out­ 9,339 Haven Hillhouse athletic coach ed and although there was glass Planned Here ing for this year, announces that ' Mlw'^Helen Pi?trow«kl of 114 and assistant principal, said to­ After Crash all over the scene of the accident, there will also be a meeting of the day that his condition was improv­ outing committee after the eteff AUTOMOTIVE b «k CitrJ'^f '■; 3*;c-.idlng two weeks the car radio waa etlll going when Mandiuier—U City of VUlago Charm r n O m .;,*ater Besch Hotel. ed. Bowen fell several stories the automobile rgtopi^ rolling session to consider final arrange­ IVIarine Corps League ments on the outing. The locifi thdcago, ni. earlier this week In New Haven. Enters Hospital Here and he had received no cuts. His (TWELVE PAGES) PUCE fO P B cmw . He suffered lacerations of the Injuries are believed to have oc­ Staff Meeting to Be Marine Corps League members AdvaHMag aa Paga It) MANCHESTER, CONN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 6,1948 head, broken ribs and a badly For Treatment Follow­ curred from contact with the are working nightly at the club­ VOL. LXVH., NO. 261 steering apparatus. house making reedy for the Sun­ mangled arm. ing Montana Crash Held on Sunday day gathering. MECHANIC Espected At Oenferenoe Gencrsl Motors new car Service Department haa an James Morlanos received a let­ The first state Marine Corp# Evicted Familiea March on C^vemor'a Office Frank D’Amico, former propri­ Expected to attend the staff ses­ opportunity for a capable mechanic with good toola. HALE’S ter today from Arthur H. Ander­ Local Restaurant L^eague ataff meeting will be held son who left several weeks ago to etor o f the Manchester Billiard c sion here Sunday are the newly el­ This is a steady job year in and year out offering ex­ Guardsmen Ready Solon I Reveals Russia enter the missionary field in Academy, who was Injured last here August 8 at the Marine ected Marine Oorpa League offi­ cellent working conditions in a clean, light shop with / • ■ » . » . Headquarters Africa. He wrote the letter from week In an automobile accident in To Make Chang es Corps League clubhouse on Mid­ cers, Oonunandant Howard Dewey of Meriden, Vice Commandant new, modem shop equipment. Company paid hospitaliza­ ^ R )R Trinidad and asked to be remem­ Montana on his way home from dle turnpike, west, with the Frank tion. No recognized holiday work. 5'/rday week, vaca­ bered to his friends in Manches­ Oregon, waa admitted this morn­ Howard Rogeraon of New Haven, George M. Pazianos, owner of j'J. Mansfield Detachment and Ita Commandant of North District tion with pay. To Move as ter. He described his trip and the ing to the Manchester Memorial the Princess Restaurant, has 1 auxiliary as host to the state of- Given Uranium Metal country, as wonderful. hospital. Mr. D’Amico arrived Harold Osgood of Manchester, home in Manchester Tuesday aft­ awarded a ‘contract to William F. I Thjre will be 24 detachments Commandant tA South District, Apply In Person. Afternoon or Evening Appoiutments » er taking the train from Billings. Johnson for the construction of a from varloua parts o f the state Kenneth Ludington of West Hav The ladies of the North Metho­ Mont. Mr. D’Amico was released en. Commandant of West District Slain in Election dist church are invited to the par­ new front on the reataurant and represented at this session. from the Billings hospital after bar. Donald Rlckert of Danbury and sonage, 70 Henry street, Friday The meeting will start at 2 p. treatment for three broken riba The contract also Includea air m., Sunday, to be followed at 8 Commandant of East District By U. S. During 1945 afternoon anytime between the and an injured left shoulder Mon­ conditioning for bath places. A p. m., by an outdoor barbecue put George Syphers of Ncnwlch. BALCH PONTIAC, he. hours of 4 - 6 to meet Mrs. Fur- Disorder Reported by day. on by the local detachment and Adjutant and Paymaster. James Warning Given gcson. wife of the former pastor. new glass front will be installed. 155 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER He Is now entering the Man­ A change will be made in the auxiliary at the clubhouse. B. Curtin o f Meriden, Judge Advo­ Polk County Sheriff; Dr. E. H. Furgeson, Due to Mrs. chester Memorial hospital for Harold Beard of Hartford, cate Martin McKeon of Bridgeport, Pontiac Dealer For Asserts Shipments of Furgeson'.® brief visit in town, I prc.sent location of the entrance, treatment of his dislocated shoul­ and the new entrance will be in president of the state Marine Chaplain Bertram Morency of Manchester and Metropolitan Hartford Four Others Wounded On Give-Away this may be considered an invita­ der. Compromise Housing 'Significant' Amount the center of the building on Main I bowling league, said that officers Hartford and Sergeant at Arms In Gunplay; Crump tion to all North church ladies Mr. D'Amico said this morning street. 'This wll open Into a small ] of that group will hold a meeting Roland Turner of Waterbury, In Addition to Sup­ that he had driven about 300 who can attend. lobby, and from the lobby two ' ____________________ Apparently Handed Air Programs miles all by himself and evidently ply Sent During War Ranges, Refrigerators separate entrances will be made! Bill Passes Senate j An eight-pound three ounce fell asleep at the wheel. He said Major Primary Defeat that he woke up and thought to the reataurant and bar. Years; Repeats Mst» daughter was bom to Mr. and Waahers and All Oth­ that his car waa going into a can­ The contract also calls for re­ FCC Says 'Almost Inft* : Mrs. Donald Simmons of 178 yon, and turned .sharply to the wiring and indirect electric light Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 6.— rials Obtained as 'Re- er Appliances Spruce street at St. Francis hos­ fixtures. The plana are now being Measure. Aim<ed at left. The car had gone into a (P) — National Guardsmen nite Number' Border Smuggling Suspect pital this morning. checked by the building inspector, sult of Pressure roadside ditch and when the wheel were mobilized today and or­ On 'Hlegal Lotteries Speeding Small Home w-as wrenched it turned over and and as soon as his approval is Of Highest Kind’ com Michael J. McDonnell, employed rolled over about five times before given, work will be stalled on the dered* to move immediately Or Gift Enterprises' Building. Contains No ■ by William P. Quish, is at Port- it came to a stop. The body of the alterations. It is hoped that the into Polk county in southeast' work will be completed by the Low • Rent Subsidies Washington, Aug. 6.—<4^ ' land. Me., for his vacation. Mr. car waa demolished by the acci­ Tennessee, lyhere disorder Washington, Aug. 6.— (ff)—^Uka 1 McDonnell is a former resident of dent. Montana State police told middle o f August or early In —Representative McDowell September. was reported by the Polk stem but not too hopeful par­ Washington. Aug. 6.—(/P) ; Read Herald Advs. 1 Portland. Mr. D’Amico that there were county sheriff, the day fol­ (R., Penn.), said today a ent, the Federal Communicatlona — ^The Senate passed and sent | significant” amount of ura­ lowing the state’s primaries. commission shook a warning fin­ Four Othera Woonded to the House today a com- ' nium metal, a “ vital compo­ TTwo men were reported almln ger today at the get-rich-qulck promise housing bill aimed at . nent” of the atomic bcxnb, radio programs popping out all and a third wounded last lilght. H. speeding small home build* ; was sent to Russia in 1945. E. Brewer, Ducktown imdertaker, over the dial. ’The station-licensing agency ing. The measure contains no | In a House speech, McDoweU HALE’S aald this morning that four Other Part o f a graap o f about 250 people pvoteottag wholeeale e\-ktlons to make way for a nmv bridge aald disapprovingly that ”an al­ low-rent or slum clearance persons were wounded in election acrooa the Mystic river gather before Sfaeoachnsstts Gov. Robert F. BraJford’s office In Boston. This said these shipments were in You Gobbled Up Our Last Offering-So most iQlMte number” of these subsidies. Approval came on' addiUon to those he told' the night gimplay. border on ’’illegal lotteries or gift climaxed a protest march on tbo State house. '(AP wlrephoto). The disorder was accompanied a voice vote after the cham­ House UnAmerican ActivtUew by reports of a dispute over ab­ enterprises." committee yesterday wrere made Self Serve ^ Health Market New BegulatloBe Proposed ber had voted 48 to 36 to substi­ sentee ballots in CopperhiU and during war years. So ttie commission announced a tute the measure for the Taft-El- We Went Out And Got More! Ducktown. Batcher Gives Castomer lender-Wagner housing bill. McDoweU, at tha committee’s Political Leader E.
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