Fr~;E UP TO $2:.0.CO. OR 90 L'AY m J 'It FOl~ ~NT~_.::TlO>JAL INJURY. L ...:';'.L..:.tlFTf, OR DFi:;T1\{JC-UON (JI! . LlDI~ARY P!;OP(,L I'Y, Wash. Laws '35, P. 314, Sect. 16 Washington Evergreen VOL. XLVI z-799 STATE COLLEGE OF WASHINGTON, PULLMAN, WASH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 1940 No. 78 GREELEY AND PARRY NOMINATED --------------------------B Kappa Sig Alum PEACE OR WAR: Lecturer GUESTS: Photographer Suffers Gun Injury Students Select Paul Sax, From Desperadoes House Groups High School N at until two days after the al- Ace Clark as Candidates leged burglars attempted to break Will Observe Visitors Will into the United States post office in Millwood, was it revealed that Arnold Byram, who graduated from For Vice-President Office Washington State college last June, Peace Week Come Friday 'had been wounded in the neck by a shot fired from one of the bandit's Name Three Candidates for Secretary; gun. Religion and Life Campus Now Ready Byram is fighting for life in the Group Sponsors Webster, Schmitz, Diehl; Twenty-two Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane. To Show Delegates Nominees Vie for Ten Remaining Posts His condition is critical. His in- Group Meetings VISC :Hospitality juries were first described as entire- iy caused by the automobile in which Washington State's political melting pot was placed above the "It is black-out. In dim-blue Washington State will play election embers yesterday as one faction dominated by Greeks, the alleged burglars were fleeing. light, politicians as well as gen- Prosecuting Attorney Quacken- host this Week-end to more than the other composed of independen ts nominated men and women erals select the countries, the five hundred high school dele- for ASSCW offices for the forthcoming school year. Students bush said that first or second de- CIties, the roads-the battle- gree murder charges would be filed gates throughout the state. practically filled Bryan hall for the event which rears its head fields on which ten million men against Vernon Tyree, 26, and Lyle An entertaining as well as educa- once every spring. Mrs. J. Warren Hasting is to H. Canfield Cook spent two Berge, 25, if Byram succumbs to will lay down their lives-for tional program has been planned for Don Greeley and Will Parry were named candidates for the appear in a series of lectw:es, months inside Finland taking pic- injuries suffered. what? And in Europe, grim- seminars and conferences dunng the delegates which will begin Fri- tures of conditions of country. presidential position while Ace Clark, Jr., or Paul Sax will bear faced women are making ten week of April 29. day morning and continue through the vice-president's title after elections two weeks in the future. million simple crosses." Saturday. All students are urged to ---------------------B Election officials announce that cooperate in. welcoming the high Sponsored by tbe Religion and ill all d.eclinations should be mad~ irn- school visitors in making their stay Theta Sigma Phi Life committee, Peace Day is being mediately, to prevcnt the printed KHQ Slates as enjoyable as possible. Spurs and Cook To Tell observed today on this campus as Mrs. Hastings · 'IG' I ballots from being declared illegal. on 499 other campuses. Intercollegiate Knights will assist PIedges NInel~ lr S Other candidates for office in- the delegates with registration upon Each year since April 6, 1934, clude: their arrival on the campus Friday American students have dernonstrat- Nine girls were tapped to Theta Secretary: Sing Winners morning. Of Finland I'd against a recurrence of April 6, To Talk Here Sigma Phi, national professional LAURA JEAN WEBSTER 1917. One of the biggest attractions for journalism honorary for women, at (declined) Two Songfest Win- Peace Discussed visitors on Friday will be the ex- Former War Aviator the annual Matrix Table dinner Sat- ELNA SCI-BETZ Various phases of peace will be Director of Student Ac- hibits and demonstrations displayed urday night. Those tapped include: JEAN DIEHL ners Will Broadcast discussed by 40 speakers, both facul- tivities to Speak for in all colleges, schools, and depart- Returns vVith North VIRGINIA STORM Man at large: Program ty members and townspeople, at ments from 4 o'clock until 5 :30 in FRANCES HANDY HAROLD JACOBSEN houses and halls on the campus aft- Religion, Life the afternoon and from 7 to 11 in Europe Pictures JOYCE JOHNSON JACK FEELY er dinner tonight. the evening. "All college Istudents PATRICIA DURKIN Woman at large: \Vinners of the songfest in the The speaker's committee for Peace as well as high school delegates are H. Canfield Cook, former World PATRICIA SALTZ ELMA RYAN men's and women's groups will be Mrs. ]. Warren Hastings, dir ec- urged to attend this annual open day, under the chairmanship of Mary war officer in the British Royal air JEANNE PECKENPAUGH DOROTHY EAGON presented over station KHQ in Spo- tor of student activities at tbe Un i- house." announced Dill Bantz, gen- Lou Berry, included Margaret J ack- force, will speak at COilvocation to- DOROTHY DOELLE Senior man: kane the second Sunday following versity Christian church, Seattle, will era 1 chairman of high school week- son. Nancy McCroskey, James morrow fourth period. Cook, now MVRNA OLSON HAROLD SILVERNAIL the group house competition, Friday be sponsored by the Religion and end. "Its main purpose is to make Lowe, Jack Neill, Jean Culbertson all American by adoption, has a first- BARBARA JEAN CLARK ROY JONES evening, May 10. Life committee in a. series of lee- known the general idea of the work and Babe Duris. Alberta Case was Senior woman: The two winners have their choice tl~rcs, seminars and confe:ences be- done in all the different departments, hand knowledge of Finland, having r According to, ~he con~titution of in charge of arrangements for con- spent two months last year taking [beta Sigma F hi, the gir ls tapped MARION MALONEY of a half hour or a 15 minute pro- gmrung the week of Apnl 29. and plans have been made to make tacting the houses. Rosemary Hint- films of that countrv. must remain a pledge for the pledge MARGARET KESTLER ,(ram over Spokane's NBC station : Th.e wife of tl:e pastor of the Un- \ it interesting and entertaining as zen, Kirk Rowlands and Dave J en- , . - . \ period of at least a month and must Junior man: according to Leroy Gr andcy, pro- iversity Christian church, Mrs. possible." Cook s tOPIC .Ior t.olllorrow hasn t I .. I f tl b . iti JUl110r ore 1CY can e 1111 I- AL JONES ~r_anl.. dir-ec eo r" .Eor I(H Q. K cgotta- kins were _on the general committee. ie a re Hastings is well known in Sea Hie/ Girls Wil1 Meet' . been announced _He has. spoken I ated JOLe,; a sopholllore. tions are being- rri a de to present Fr. 1-;alld,'. C\RL RONNING c'-roups winning second and third for. her work ill ?irecting stud~nt At a general assembly for all girl for rna uy outs tanding org~ll1zatlon5 is tl;e only pledge t-hat wi]] 110t be DrCK TUININGA ac.tlvltles .. Her tOPICS for (lIsCUSS~Ol1 delegates at 9'15 on Saturday morn- throughour t.he ~ountry t:115 season, initiated this spril~g. ;laces over the same program. Junior woman: w il l pertalJl genel-ally to reilglOl1 . IT A - 't d' vV ne students will prese n tm g hIS VIew" on air develop- Stan vVarwick has been selec;:ted Bureau Locates and life. ":'" ssocla e . 01 n " ILENE DROZ ment. He has lectured on the topics! gIve a shon skIt .. "Coeds Calendar MARY LOU ALLEN by Delta Sigma Chi, spons~rs _of the Mrs, Hastings received her mast- "J ust \Vhere Is This Development presented to acquaint the girls with sing, as master of ceremomes Jt was ers degree in dramatics at Edin- of Air Powel' Taking Us ?", "What Sophomore representative: the average day in the life of a col- DALE DIBBLE announced today. Jobs For Many burg, Scotland, and has studied ex- Influence Will This Development lege woman. At this time they will Junior Week GORDON TAYLOR AtI entries for the sing should be tensively both in Europe and Ameri- Have on International Relation- become familiarized with the various made as soon as possible, according ca. ships?", "Can vVe Feel Secure or CAL DOUGLAS women's campus activities. Organi- to Irvin Luiten, chairman of the Are We in Danger of Attack by A thletic council: Aiken Declares 'Jobs Other speakers sponsored by the zations such as Mortar Board, WAA, songfesL It is expected that there' Agressor Nations?", "As the World LES McLENNAN Religion and Life committee include YW CA, A WS, and Spurs will be Are More Plentiful' is Shrunk in Time' Size Speedier Plans Made HANK BUSHMAN will be at least 12 groups entered. by Senator Mary Farquason and Mrs. represented, according to chairmen Judges for the c~ntest have not yet Communications, \Vill N eighborli- CHESTER MURRAY Buena Maris, who spoke in March of the events Pat Boyle, Regina BILL DALE been announced. As graduation time draws nearer, ness Supplant Suspicion in Our 011 family and home relationships. Homchick and Jane Robinson. Review To Tentative plans are being I,lade to many seniors who will leave \Vash- World Community?" Be Given FORD CARR Two original compositions, "The STAN DILATUSH. have a community sing at intermis- ington State college in J tille, are In addition he spoke last month, At Con Thursday; Dance Raphsody", choreography by President E.
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