you are not bound to an all-traditional choice except where dampness and mil- or all-modern style unless that is your dew is a problem. Foam rubber would preference. be a better choice under these circum- Tweeds or shags are usually more stances. Carpet pad prices range from informal while plush cut pile, sculptured $1.50 to $3.50 per square yard. patterns, and formal designs are best Room-size rugs are also very prac- for more formal rooms. Colors of me- tical, since they can be turned to dis- dium intensity show soil the least and tribute wear and you can send them usually allow more freedom in the over- out for thorough cleaning. If you buy all color scheme. Plush piles show foot- a good rug, it will last for years and prints and traffic patterns more than you can take it with you when you dense piles of low to medium loops or move. It is also possible to change color twists. schemes more easily by moving rugs Density refers to the amount of pile from one room to another. Area rugs per square inch of carpeting. To check are now being used over carpeting for a density, roll the edge of the carpet back decorator effect or in areas of heavy to back to see how close the rows and traffic. stitches of yarn are. If there are large Whatever your floor needs are, plan, spaces and the backing is quite evident, shop, and select carefully, and practice the quahty is low. proper maintenance for a more satis- Fiber content is very important to fying product. carpet performance, maintenance, and appearance. Wool, the traditional car- pet fiber, is resilient, luxurious, resis- tant to abrasion and soil, warm, and easy to maintain. It is generally higher Window Treatments: in cost per square yard ($14 to $25) than the synthetic fibers (nylon, Curtains and Drapes acrylic, polyester). Acrylic fibers are most nearly like wool. An acrylic carpet is a good choice WINDOWS PROVIDE VENTILATION, if you want the look and feel of wool at let in light, and display the view. You a lower cost ($8 to $16) and with can add another dimension by making hypoallergenic properties (having a rel- a window a spot of beauty. atively low capacity to induce hyper- Before you decide what will best sensitivity). enhance your windows, consider the Polyesters have the weight and lux- visual effect you want to achieve. The ury of wool but are shinier and less style you select will depend on the type resilient. They are in the same price of window, amount of light desired, the range as acrylics. view, and style of furnishings. Nylon is the best wearing fiber of the Treatments to consider might in- synthetics. It is tough, resistant to soil, clude draperies, sheer curtains, ruffled and cleans easily. Static electricity is a curtains, cafe curtains, and headings to problem with some nylons but newer coordinate with the curtains or draper- types are available that are static free. ies you select. Nylon carpets range from $6 to $16 in Fabrics you choose for your windows cost. will depend upon the effect you wish Padding (underlay) will lengthen to achieve. Sheer curtains covering the the life of a carpet and add luxury and window will filter the light to some warmth. I strongly recommend using extent and give you a feeling of privacy padding. in the daytime. You will be able to see Pads may be made of hair, sponge or out—but others will not be able to foam rubber, foam rubber on hair, or see in. jute and hair. Hair is always a good Sheer fabrics which will serve for this 273 purpose include marquisette, ninon, when used alone include cotton, acrylic, voile, batiste, and lace. Marquisette and glass fibers. Blends of the follow- and ninon will be the most transparent ing types have been satisfactory: cot- fabrics. Batiste, voile, and lace are more ton and rayon, cotton and polyester, opaque fabrics and shut out more of rayon and polyester, and rayon and the view. acetate. Gotton, acrylic, polyester, and Since sheer fabrics must be made glass fibers are more resistant to sun- from small yarns, choose fabrics con- light degradation than are rayon and taining strong fibers to obtain the best acetate. wearing qualities. Polyester is the most The kind of care you wish to be able satisfactory fiber for marquisette and to use will influence your choice of ninon fabrics. It has high strength and fabrics for curtains and draperies. good resistance to the degradative ef- Many fabrics on the market today are fects of sunlight and of atmospheric machine washable. Durable press fin- pollutants. ishes give easy-care qualities to fabrics. Polyester blended with cotton or with These finishes are most satisfactory rayon is frequently used in batiste and when used on blends of polyester with voile. This blend gives a more opaque cotton or rayon. fabric which has good wearing quali- Drycleaning is recommended for fab- ties and easy-care features. rics of 100 percent rayon, and blends Marquisette, ninon, batiste, voile, of rayon with cotton or acetate, to pre- and lace are all soft fabrics. They will vent shrinkage. Glass fiber fabrics must give the best appearance when used as always be hand washed, since machine straight panels shirred on rods or pinch- washing or drycleaning will cause dam- pleated for use on traverse rods. They age by abrasion in the machine. may be used alone or under draperies. Atmospheric pollutants as well as Glass fiber is used in heavier fabrics sunlight cause degradation of the fibers. with an open-weave appearance. Glass These pollutants are invisible and will fibers have good resistance to sunlight not always be accompanied by tiny and atmospheric pollutants. However, particles which cause obvious soiling glass fiber fabrics must be handled of fabrics. In areas where high levels with care in laundering. Gurtains and of pollutants are present, more frequent draperies containing glass fibers will washing or drycleaning will be neces- have a statement on the label cautioning sary to remove the pollutants and give you about their care. longer life to fabrics. Fabrics for draperies vary from such Dyes used in fabrics are not all informal types as homespun and denim equally fast to sunlight and atmo- to formal ones such as damask and an- spheric pollutants. It is difficult to pre- tique satin. Heavyweight, thick fabrics dict what effect sunlight and atmo- will shut out all light and give privacy spheric conditions will have on colors. at night without the use of additional Undyed fabrics or very light shades of blinds. Lighter weight fabrics may not colors may be a better choice for cur- give the degree of privacy desired. tains or draperies in areas of intense Many fibers and blends of fibers are sunlight as color change will be less being used for drapery fabrics. Fibers noticeable. which have given the most satisfaction Fabric manufactured for apparel purposes will not normally have the colorfastness qualities required in cur- AUTHOR BARBARA DENSMORE ÍS AsSOCiatC tains or draperies. Brightly printed per- Professor of Clothing and Textiles in the College of Human Development, The Penn- cales may fade easily and thus give sylvania State University, University Park. limited satisfaction. COAUTHOR MARY ANN ZENTNER is As- Linings in draperies, either attached sistant Professor of Clothing and Textiles. or separate, give protection against 274 sunlight damage. Linings can also pro- last several sets of draperies and will vide more insulation and light control. be largely responsible for the way the The style of window hangings you fabric hangs. choose will determine the type of hard- When draperies are heavy or con- ware to purchase. The selection in- stantly opened and closed, be sure the cludes cafe-traverse rods, adjustable anchorage for the fixtures is firm. If traverse rods, combination traverse screws go into the window frame there and valance rods, single or double is usually no problem. If fixtures are curtain rods, spring-tension cafe rods, attached to the wall, toggle bolts may and rods that will fit around comers. be used. Draperies will cover such Rods come in many decorator styles devices. and colors. Draperies and curtains may be pur- You can choose from a wide selection chased ready made, or the material may of models in sizes up to 25 feet wide be bought by the yard. The ready in traverse styles, 12/2 feet in cafe rods, mades are the most popular. and 10 feet in curtain rods. Extension Readymade draperies and curtains units can be added. For special window offer one of the best means for creating areas, rods can be custom cut by stores very attractive window treatments the that offer such services. Check local quick way. stores to determine types of fixtures Use your imagination—add fringes, and special services available. colored borders, tiebacks, and other Decide exactly what type fixtures decorator touches for your own special you are going to use and where they creations. If you are so inclined, you are to be placed—on the window frame, can save yourself the price of the work- above the window, extending beyond manship by making them yourself. the window on each side, or conforming After hardware has been selected and to some special need of your own. Good installed, measurements can be made. fixtures are important for they will out- Decide on the length of your draperies. Window hangings may come to the window sill, brushing the sill lighüy, or to the bottom of the apron, which is the piece of wood just below the sill.
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