RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXX. NO. 49. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1948 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16 Promoted Freeholders Delay Holmdel Village Rainbow Vets Editor Of Trade Radio Station Work Sea Bright Boro At last week's meeting at Free- Leary Receives Landmark Sold To To Hold Reunion Magazine Buys hold, the board of freeholders de- To Build Part of ferred action until June 9 after re- ceiving bids SO per cent above Navy Commander At Asbury Park Property Here available funds for reconstruction Bathing Pavilion of the east wing basement ofthe Inlet Report county welfare home Into a now McCue Agency Sells State President New Resident I« Also headquarters for county police To Erecl Same Property Twice Receives Cable Commercial And News radio station WAKC. Freeholder ItouniH This Summer, Earl h. Woolley snid thnt $10,000 Lions Club Directors To Discuss Within A Year From Gen. MacArthur Photographer is available for the work, while Main Part Next Year bids totaled about $15,000. U. S. Engineer's Findings Today A Holmdel landmark, tbi It-roam New Jersey veterans of the Rain- Lieut, and Mrs. Lortn Keefer The station studio Is located In The Sea Bright mayor and coun- houM In the center of the village, bow Infantry Division will hold its have sold their residence property the courthouse, while the antenna cil Friday night decided to build -• owned by Richard E. Boiler, Jr., 29th annual reunion at the Bcrk- on the north side of Newman and transmitter are nt the welfare only a section of the new proposed The Board of Directors of th» eley-Carteret hotel, Aabury Park, home, necessitating the use of sev- bathing pavilion and to fence in its Sea Hrigh*. Mons i-luli is meeting haa been told through the Red Springs road, just west of the Or. at noon toeing at lorry's Lobstee* Bank office of the Joseph G. McCue June 12 and 13, under the auspices Thatcher Parker holdings, to Marie eral leased telephone lines at con- 1,000-foot municipal beachfront in Prown's Basement of the New Jersey and General siderable cost to the county. Con- time to earn a bit of income during house U> (lisou?* an informal re- agency to Commander John Len- and Henry Kosman of Jackson port of tho !'. s. War department'* hart. Charles T. Menoher chapters of Heights. New York, who will take solidation of facilities is expected part of the summer mason. , the Rainbow (42d) Division Vet- to reduce operating costs. Store Now Nearly district ensinecr'a olllco at Nev/ ThU property was sold to Mr. possession June 1. Tho sale was To bo constructed, following ac- York riiy on the ptoposed inlet at Boiler by the lime agency within erans association. made direct, with W. Gilbert Man- ceptance of a contractor's bid, will This will be the first two-day re- be only tho porched entrance and l^)w Moor in thn .South beach sec* the year, the former owner being union ever held by trie association son representing Mr. Kosman in locker room* for men and women, Twice As Large tinn of Ho.-i. Mright. Colonel V. Harold Maddox. and with more than 800 members the transaction. Locust Estate with 60 lockftr bins for each. Theft; The report, prepared by Col. The charming colonial home was n the state it Is predicted by Reg- On the premises there is a six- o -will be a prepared parking CharlcH !•'. Willi-ims. district en« built about 12ft years ago and has inald B. VanBrunt of Red Bank, Christopher D. Jaeger room cottage with all modern im- area. National .">••, I Or And 81 Kineiu- ;it New' York, after a recent many of the features found in provements and a one-car garage Purchased By i '-onfnr'.'ni'o at .Hea Bright, waj re* reunion general chairman, that the Mayor Thomas Farrell remarked homes of that era. In particular, affair will surpass in attendance on a lot 50x200 feet. The rear of Store's (W'IIIKI (>| cnivi'ii yr.:iU:rtl;\y l,y Thomas A» there Is a black marble fireplace in the property faces the Sunrise after council had voted unanimous- I^oiiry, rh;iirni:in of the inlet com* any previous state reunion. Arlington Buyer ly upon this procedure he would the living room which was brought Registration and business meet- Insurance Men pond of the Jersey Central Power mitten of tho Set Bright Lion* over from Italy in a sailing vessel and Light company. press for additions to bo made on c-Iub, enclosed In a letter from Ingfl will take place June 12, while tho pavilion structure during the shortly after 1800. Lieut. Kcefcr, who is an army Max M. Prown, owner of thr- Na- Congressman J;imrs C. Auchlnclost) a banquet, floor show and dance In John L. Miniifih Sells early autumn, including tho pro- of Kum.son. The inlet project Ls one1 One of the former owners of the the crystal ballroom of the hotel Get Promotions Instructor, has been transferred to posed 250-bathhouso section. Per- t'.onul Sc, ]0c and $1 store nn Hr.iud house was Captain John Henry Fort Knox, Kentucky, and he, his street, opposite Whitt1, will open of thn major objf^tives of the Sea} will be held June 18. Reservations Former Bessie Smith haps by next year, and perhaps Hrlghi I^iMns. ]t<;p. Auchlnclojs us Heyer who organized and com- may be made by contacting Mr. wife and two children will leave through issuance of more bonds, ho now bnsoment snlegroom ni-xt manded a, local company of militia Belford Man Goes To for Kentucky this week. Frldny. Tho now room, which is 22 also keenly intrrcfltec! in the pro* VanBrunt at 59 William street, Red Place Of 12% Acres said, tho remainder of the pavilion, pos«fi inlet, nnd it. was at his re« whleh fought In the Civil war. Cap- Bank. An annual souvenir year Long Branch Office Mr. Kosman, who has his office as originally designed by Robert C. feet wide ant! 7f» feet long, Hiljmns tain Heyer operated a sawmill, In New York city, Is a commercial tho present biwenicnt store, with j quest that Col. Williams was sent book and program will be pub- Peter A. Verdlcchio of 288 Argylc Eduatds, Rumson architect, can be to Sea Bright, hy Maj. Gen. R. C. wheelwright and blacksmith shop lished. and news photographer and editor place, Arlington, has purchased built. nn opening 14 font wide In tH« di- in Holmdel village and was one of Mayor Edgar V. Demise of Fair of tho magazine published In the vidlnK wnll between the present Crawford, nctinff chief of engineers Other members of the committee Haven, district manager for The the former Besslo Smith fnrm es- At i«j May 7 meeting, council re- of tho War department. the more prominent citizens of include Arthur E. Monahan of Jer Prudential Insurance Co. in the interest of the grocery trade. Mrs. tate property located on Locust National 5c, 10c and $1 atoro nnd Monmouth county. At his death sey City, president of the New Jer Kosman is a sister of Mrs. Ken- Point road, Locust, from William jected all bids for construction of The district engineer's report U Red Bank district which not only the full pavilion ns too high to per- :is follows: the property passed to his daugh- sey chapter; Harry Voung of New- includes the Red Bank ofllce but neth H. McQueen and Mies Lorlta J. Edmonds of that place. Mr. Ed- mit financing under the $17,280 ter and eventually to the Ely fam- ark, president of the General Men- also thoee at Keyport anil Long M. King of 35 Harfis Park. monils, a builder, haa completed Low Moor, thn site of the pro« ily, several members of whom still oher chapter; Arthur E. Slattery, and moved into a new house for bond Issue now pending. Tho low jMed inlet, Is located in Monmouth Branch, has announced two prorno- bid submitted then was for *4S,1S3. rounty, N. J.. nnd ltttH between Sea reside In the village. Red Bank; Emil Huber, Irvington, tionn in the area, himself nnd family on tho river- front of. tho Navcoink river at However, since renovation of tho IJright and I.onK Branch, N. J. A Commander Lenhart Is on active Stanley Barrow and Harry Mor Christopher D, Jaeger, who has beuchfront first aid hall was also to barrier tn-.ach fixtondfl about ftve> duty at the Brooklyn navy yard ford, Little Silver; Angelo D'Arm- been an agent for tho company in Famous Shore i Country Club estate, Mlddletown be financed under this bond issue, inlle.i alonL' thI.i part of tho New and !s moving from Spring Lake inio, Hackcnsack; C. Harry Smock, part of Middlctown township, has I township. Mr. Verdicchio, who is tho price waa too high for consid- Jorspv con.st frum the south end of to hi* new residence this week. Fair Haven; Michael Ssablewnkl, besn promoted to the position of chief of the engineering and plan- eration. the promontory of Sandy Hook on The lawyer representing both par- Linden; Maurice Herman,Newark; assistant district manager at the Eating Place ning department of the Western tho north, tn fn.st. land near Long; Samuc! Fcltman, Rosclle; Frank Electric company, with olllcs nt The program decided upon May Brunch on the. south. This barrier, ties was Burton T. Doremus who Long Branch ofllce. 7 ^vas to have Mr. Edwards revise served with Commander Lenhart In Mitchell, Frank Golden and Wil- 195 Broadway, New York city, and which varies in width from 100 to liam Finley, Long Branch, and Ed Henry Llpplncott, who hns been Change;es Hands secretary-director of the Kcarny his plans In such manner that 1,500 feel, and In elevation from the Navy during the recent war.
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