, 22, 1942 =~ , ..... Great Lakes Cooler Sinks Seahawke, 15-. IOWA: CODtlniled clear with :e' Wltb I. Bite _let' tempentues In IIOlllb­ See StorT OD Pare , THE DAILY IOWAN eu& portio", Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ... fIVE CENTS TUB AI.OOL4TBO PRZ SS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 1942 'l'BII .uIOClATSD ...811 VOLUME XLU NUMBER 285 I on • cials .' Btely aZls ee ow own· In -oucas.us,· , ions ( loited * * * * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** lays - Presi. rday in • Braziliqn People Cheer Formal Declaration of War .a l admhi. r diSputes c quarrel. SCOUT BOMBER COMES TO GIUEF ON CARRIER DECK renCes 01 Action Reply in a letter Production Unbalanced Hitler Masses nents and d propose 'ould gny. To Sinkings, B'f h A' M" P' I ree Use by n IS Ir InIS ter romlses an ncrease Heavy Forces. , the nor. Nelson'Says tion to the Loss of Lives In Four ·Figure Plane Raids on Nazi Germany Against Reds to a con. ·gue it out Presenl Stage LONDON (AP)-More 1,000· gest all' battle of the war with the ·jes would Declaration Charges plane rRids on Germany were RAF flying 3,000 sorties, or single Runian Communique to public That Germany, Italy . promised yesterday by Air Minls- plane missions. Of 93 German ley wou ld tel' Sir Archibald Sinclair in a planes confirmed as shot down In Reports 2 Reverses ime to at. Practiced War Acts Not Alarming careful worded speech emphasl- the Dieppe battles, 48 were Pocke­ In Northern Sedor , and the zing that soon "the four-fi,ure Wulf 190s and 29 were Do 2175, good deal By RICHARD DYER raid will be a less infrequent the latest and most formidable BT EDDY GILMORE !iness was By RICHARD L. TURNER occurrence." German fighters and bombers, RIO DE .J ANEIRO, Brazil MO. 'OW, Sunday (AP)­ (AP)- To the wild cheers of WASHINGTON (AP) - Chalr- "You must not expect four- Sinclair defended the plan for ail ed man Donald M. Nelson of the war Qgure raids to be a frequent systematic pulverization of Ger­ German troops driving relent­ thousands throngin~ the capi­ id not say occurrence," he told a public man industry, asserting, for ex­ lessly toward talingrad havo IJIIstreets in carnival mood, Bra· production board said yesterday gathering at Swansea, Wales. ample, the destruction of the Re- n mind, it uce ded in cro. ing til Don f clashing zil yesterday formally recog­ that war productlon had reached Rather, he stressed, they would nault and Malford plants in France ressed on nized a state ot war between an unavoidable stage of unbalance be "less infrequent," had deprived the axis of rolling river southeast of K letskaya Rnd ber short. herself and Germany and Italy. and that readjustments, long fore- Sinclair said that with the help Istock tor five armored divisions hav rammed a IV dg<' into llus­ )[ nation· The nation's declaration of a ,seen as necessary, were being ap- of the United Stales air torces at the C(l8t to the RAF of "twenty- sian po itions northeast of Ko­ state of bell igcrancy answered plIed to correct the situation. the allied bomber strength is in- five gaJlant liVes." tclnikov 'ki in twin revcrs for r. Libbey, month.' of axis aggres!'Iion and July product.ion was uneven, he creasing steadily and already "the He said bombers had destroyed th oviet, it was report d of· ant for followed a week filled with dem­ said, with too many of some things zest of the German people for war "between a quarter and a third ficially today. missed on and too few of others. And the has begun to [ail" under the pres· of the whole of Cologne-Ulird lssed wiUl onstratiolls aga intlt I he axis sink­ copsequence, he reported, was that sure of aerial offensives. city in G many," and de:.;troyed In the aucusus, the RlIssian" al report ing of five Brazilian ships in whlle overall producti..on rose 16 But, he warned agai n, the nazi or damaged more lhan 260 factor­ announcrn a withdrawal to n w en critical the shadow of her coaRtline with per cent :for the month, it was war power still is unbroken and ies there. Nine days after the positions south of Kl'asnodar. branch. the loss of more than 600 Uves. seVen per cent below thc goals '''when the weathel' breaks in Rus- big attack, he said, Coll1gne still II avy fighl ing was repol'led 'B's . labor In all, nineteen Brazilian previously set. sia the Germans may brln" their was cuI oft from telephone and und r way ill all sectors as tho don WPB Ihips have been sunk since the war At a press conference he said bombers back here." telegraph communication and no Germans increased their press­ elson yes· !)lread over the world, 13 before Sailors run across the fIl,ht deck of a United States atrJ:raU carrier, above, to release the pilot and that when be took charge of the Sinclair said thc Commando mail was allowed to leave lor a ure upon Stallngrad's defenses and bey. They the outburst of a new submarine runner of a scout bomber that overshot Its mark in landlnr and crashed on the catwalk. Neither of Industrial wrar efforl he set about raid on Dieppe developed the big- week. Even then it was censored. the Caucasus. Lelling the the two flyers was injured. Another airman can be seen, rlrh$, 'peerlnr over the ed,e 01 the deck to Increasing production in every (Just how far rrom Stal ingrad losing the campaign this month anc! one make sure Ute plane wUl not fall Into the sea. - . (OHicial U. S. Navy Photo) possible direction, regardless of the Germans succeeded in cross­ fear WPB lDIali ship after the loss of five wbether this resulted in a well­ Nazi Bombers Continue Ing the Don W8Ui not disclosed but was ofilcially announoea earlier coordinated output or not. To Pound .at British 'Washed Out' Pilot previou5 reports said the na.zls leases this week. He and his associates knew then, were about 40 or 50 miles north­ statement, In a note sent to the German he said, that the present phase was Convoy off Portugal west of the Volga city on the Ktcl.s­ kaya sector.) cial opin­ and Italian governments declaring unavoidable, but believed thaI in LISBON (AP)-German Becomes War Hero lrough the the long run more war eqUipment The soviet midnight communi­ IIY TNB AISOOIATBD .ltZ88 bombers for the second day con­ Badly Injured Flyer upon and WIUt Brazll at war .rahql could be l'rodueed by this method que announced however, that t~ ,by the, alternative method tlnuc!~ to >pound at< a British con-. counter a.ttackln& Ruuiallll in an­ ions. (be uIs, Ute united lIatlou IIOW Aids His Bombardi.r as to tact United States Now of a pause to place American in­ voy off the south coast of Portu­ other sector of tile Kletskaya IlIJIlber 19, as follows: land Flying Fortress iront had driven the Germa.ns his Jetter, The Unl&ed 8t.teI, Brull. dustry on II carefully worked out, gal, a message [rom PorUm30 said aired, but . Begins to Realize Ions range plan, He still beUeves, from several inhabited localities. Britain, Bunla, China, Auaira- last night. The other serious menace to the lIe by the 1Ia, Bel,lum, Canada, COIta. Pinch for ManpOwer he added, that that decision was The convoy, consl~ilng of eight By WES G<\LLAGBER I ; ~ conllict· right. WITH THE UNITED STATES industrial city on the Volga was i liea~ . CIl"', CaeehoaloWll1k, merchant ships and an escort of Irom the southweat, in the battle­ "The present big job ahead of warshil's, was first attaCked Thurs­ DoJDlnlean Repablle, EI Salva­ By CARROLL* * ARrMOND* HUMESTON CAP) - Fo.rmflr By EDWARD E. BOMAR BOMBER COMMAND IN BRI­ fields northeast of Kotelnlkovskl. lVernment dor, Greece, Gualemala, HaUl,. U8 right now," he said, "is to bring day about 200 miles northwest of Wide World War Anabet our program Into balance and TAIN (AP)-A slight young Flori- There, the midnight communi­ me, as the IIIdia. Luxembourl, MexIco, the CHICAGO (Wide World)-"The Gov. Nelson ~ . Kraschel suggested Glbraltaur. A British Sunderland 'of. Disa­ biggest chump in this world is a yesterday a special session of the Tltt! J"te:.;l official reminder of make sl,lre that we use our ma­ da bombardier who "washed out que said, the Germans "passed to NetherlanD, New Zealand, Nlc­ bomber Lell into the sea. buL W8J of flying school" and a half con­ the offensive and succeeded in an be re­ hot shot business man with a legislature be called to correct the mounting demands ot the terials and facilities as wisely as taken In t1>w by warship. araraa, Norway, PaJl&JDa, PbU­ armed forces means that the Uni- possible. This is one of the prin­ a scious pilot with his arm nearly driving a wedge into the SovIet invesliga­ Ipplne lsIandll, Poland. Soutb touch of lar'-1!ny in his heart. .. what he termed the weakness of 'd by me. "A smart guy can take his dough >the SOldiers' absent ballot law ted States 15 just now beginning cipal tasks on which the WPB is torn o(f emerged as the heroes to­ positions. Atrica, Yuroalavia. aN BOIl­ to feel the manpower pinch that engaged. We must make sure that day of the great North sea sky In another action in the Kotel­ to it that dar-a. as easy as a fat girl talls off a so every Iowan in the armed Cameron Highlanders' ment and - ______..
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