October 2016 Photo by Dino DiLabio Rest in peace: Mourners gathered at the Notre Dame Basilica to say a final farewell to Ottawa-Vanier MP www.newedinburgh.ca Mauril Bélanger, who passed away Aug. 16 after a short and courageous battle with ALS. Tributes on p. 4. LCBO not on list of Minto Beechwood retail By Jane Heintzman an open question, with the is good news. As of press time, the brickwork possibility of subdividing the Throughout the summer, and glazing are proceeding unit still under active consid- Minto has been collaborating apace at Minto Beechwood, eration. with City of Ottawa plan- and despite some construc- The only piece of hard news ners to sort out the details tion delays over the summer, on the commercial front is of the building’s streetscape Minto remains on target for a that the LCBO will not be in keeping with the city’s February 2017 move-in date among the ground-floor occu- “Complete Street” design, for condo owners. Should pants at Minto Beechwood. an ambitious plan intended there be any further glitches That faint hope went out to accommodate pedestrians, in the timetable, owners will the window with a man- cyclists, motorists and limited have to be notified by the end agement change at LCBO parking for shoppers. At pub- of October. which occasioned a whole- lication time, that design had On the commercial front, sale review of operations, yet to be finalized, but time tenants are slated to take pos- putting expansion options on is tight as Minto is scheduled session in December and to hold for the moment. Kevin to begin streetscape construc- move ahead with the fit-up has revealed, however, that tion in early October, and to of their premises in time for Minto Properties’ search for wrap up by the end of the a February opening in lock- businesses to occupy the month. According to Kevin, step with the residential units. Beechwood commercial units the ambitious nature of the Kevin Harper reports that, has focused on the follow- city’s design poses some so far, only one commer- ing priorities: specialty foods; challenges, including the very cial tenant has been nailed home décor; sports and fit- tight fit for Minto’s planned down, the identity of which ness; and health and wellness. street trees. These trees are a should be revealed shortly. (Alas, hardware did not make top priority for Minto, how- Negotiations on a number of the shortlist.) Somewhat to ever, and planting will go the other commercial units Minto’s surprise, the current ahead, even if the species has are reportedly going well, but crop of applicants for the to be changed to suit the lim- are not yet finalized, and one available spaces are primarily ited space. of the larger spaces remains smaller local—as opposed to national—businesses, which Continued on page 24 Two by-elections on the horizon By Christina Leadlay Canada press release from In the interim, Ottawa- Ottawa-Vanier is in an August 24, the earliest a Orleans Liberal MP Andrew unprecedented situation, with federal by-election could Leslie issued a letter to both its federal and provincial take place in Ottawa-Vanier Ottawa-Vanier constituents, seats now vacant since the is October 10, which is offering his support. “Until summer. highly unlikely since, as of such time as a new M.P. is Liberal MPP Madeleine September 25, no date had elected in a forthcoming by- Meilleur’s surprise resigna- been set. election (at a date to be deter- tion this past June triggered “The election must be held mined), as Chief Government a provincial by-election on a Monday,” reads the Whip, I will ensure that the approximately 18 months release. “Since the date of Ottawa-Vanier riding office sooner than expected. Then, the election must be at least continues to serve its con- on August 16, Liberal MP 36 days after the issue of stituents,” reads Leslie’s let- Mauril Bélanger died follow- the writ, the earliest that the ter, which can be found in this ing a heartbreakingly swift by-election in Ottawa–Vanier newspaper on page 4. battle with ALS, leaving our can be held is on October 10, As of press time, none of riding without a representa- 2016.” The government has the federal party associations tive at the federal level as until February 19, 2017 to have officially chosen their well. announce when the vote will candidates for the forthcoming take place. According to an Elections Continued on page 8 Page 2 NEW EDINBURGH NEWS October 2016 Junction Committee ends, but local issues still top of mind there are historical reasons experience to the board, and its agenda, will be announced for their separate existence. we are very pleased to wel- once the program of research But some residents, par- come him. just described comes to an ticularly new ones, find it Also, some residents had end. confusing to sort out their become concerned that the Meanwhile, preparations mandates. In response and idea of enhancing the exist- are underway to hold the Tim Plumptre in recognition generally of ing Fieldhouse in Stanley Annual General Meeting of NECA President the value of ensuring coor- Park and renaming it the NECA on Oct. 27 at 7 p.m. dination across these three “Community Junction” might at St. Bartholomew’s Church. associations, I’m pleased to involve large incursions into In collaboration with the City report that NECTAR presi- Stanley Park, and possibly of Ottawa, we will at the Over the summer—and what of programming issues. Also, dent Sean Flynn and Crichton other undesirable develop- same time also hold an infor- a glorious summer!—there’s NECA board members are Community Council presi- ments such as the introduc- mation session regarding the been a lot of email traffic conscious that our strategic dent Debra Conner have tion of commercial activities. CSST (Combined Sewage among leaders of our three plan is due for an update in recently agreed to join the While there was never any Storage Tunnel). This is a community associations 2017. This would also require NECA board as full members. intention to make changes very large-scale engineering as well as members of the some research. Both Sean and Debra already such as these, for some in project intended to prevent Junction Committee on the Here’s what has been decid- make considerable contribu- the community the name the discharge of untreated issue of programming in ed in the wake of these activi- tions to our community in “Junction” has come to have sewage into the Ottawa River. our community and, more ties and developments. leading the boards of their too many negative percep- It is a good cause, but it will recently, concerning the fall In previous community own associations, so taking tions attached to it, so the bring significant disruption to agenda of the New Edinburgh consultations, some residents on this new responsibility is a name has been dropped along Stanley Park, where the tun- Community Alliance have sometimes (quite rea- generous move on their part. with the Committee. nel will end. (NECA). sonably) queried why we The New Edinburgh web- In my last report, I men- NECA has already voiced As noted in my last column, have three separate associa- site (newedinburgh.ca), tioned that we planned to hold strong concerns to the city some community members tions (NECA, NECTAR and which NECA maintains, is another community forum through Councillor Tobi suggested that research need- CCC.) These associations being updated and will soon sometime after the summer. Nussbaum about noise, traf- ed to be done to allow resi- do not overlap—they have provide access to information We still expect to do this. fic, and safety issues associ- dents to have a full discussion quite separate missions, and and activities of each of the But first, the NECA board, in ated with CSST construction. three associations. This makes cooperation with NECTAR We encourage interested resi- it a gateway to the whole and the CCCs, is launching a dents to attend the session on NECA MEETINGS community, and is another series of initiatives designed Oct. 27 to learn more about All Welcome step to improving communi- to learn more about our com- this important but worrisome development. The NECA board meets nine times a cation with residents. Once munity, its demographics, On a final note, I wish to pay year, normally on the third Tuesday of the update is complete, we and our residents’ interests tribute to Patricia Begin for each month at 8:00 p.m.. No meetings expect to post the agendas of and priorities. These initia- her contribution to the NECA in July, August, or December. During upcoming NECA board meet- tives will be carried out large- board in recent years. Patricia October, NECA holds its annual gen- ings about a week in advance ly by volunteers—details are has stepped down due to new eral meeting (AGM) and a regular of each meeting. Minutes will currently being worked out. professional responsibilities board meeting. also be posted once they have Sometime in the next couple as well as important personal Meetings will be held at the NECTAR Centre, 255 been approved. of months, you may be invit- obligations. We understand MacKay Street. Meetings are open to all New Edinburgh Following consultation with ed to respond to an online sur- her decision, but we regret residents. Anyone wishing to make a presentation to the Junction Committee mem- vey, take part in a discussion her departure. Her sharp mind board should please contact Tim Plumptre in advance to bers, a decision was taken group, hold a conversation on and her general support to the arrange scheduling.
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