^4' mSSTSSSi Im tw m m m t f Audit ItotM of OroolotloBt. yOL. Ln.» NO. 16. (CXonUlod AdvtrMiUif e« logo lA), SOt'TH MANCHBnraR;., Im WBDNBSDAY, ocrossh (TOURTSSN PAOBS) PiaCB'TBSBBCSMia: INDEPENDENTS LOSE POUnCSREAL DANGER IN CIIY FIGHT OVER TICKET OWieWAIRR SAVED U. S.-R00SEVELT CoDrt Rdes That Electors NORTHEASTER HITS EogmMr of Hirtfoni Moiro- N . Have the R i^ t To Refnse A U NEW ENGLAND poGtan District Gtes Sac- To Sue Government Caoiiidatn (JaOengM Regak To Ran On the Insnrgents’ COM Factors For Chanbor Gnn Ckhn Thit TUiifl. TiAeL Three Dm A s and Mnch Dam­ MooilKlrs Last N i ^ For War Insurance WIG Ik Worse ff Hi b age Closed Ry Storms; En Elected— T dk Whit k Ntw KoTtBi O etl0 .— (A P )— The New Britaln,^ Oct 19.— (A P ) — when she was asked by “A good water aupi^ {qnrtaaa la teem Xadepeadent RepubUoan Party loat Claiming that she has not received ^whether she had received tee mcmsy tee most priceless poaiaaslon a mu­ Its court flfh t to have the namee of tire Coast Swept 110,000 In war risk insurance on tee from tee government She ipade Wrong W iA Nation— l l i f the regular Republican preild'entlal nicipality can have; a poUttnUy riui application through' tee Veteians life of her brother. Private Ernest Bureau dn October 1, 1929, and tee alectora Included on Ita ballot. utility la tee moat ru la ^ and dan­ Boston, Oct 19.— (A P )—A howl BeU of Mlddlefield, Mrs. Rose May claim was rejected on> Augiut 19, State His Stand On d » In upholding the contention of the gerous liability for a easaanatty as BeU Davis of tela city, adminis­ 1982. eleotora that they have a right to re­ ing northeaster that had already It Is possible to ooMslve;” 'Aidaiced tratrix of hla ^estate, today brought Mrs. Davis and others interested fuse to run on the Independent taken the lives of three Increased In Caleb M. SavUie, ddaf enginew and suit aisAnat the Federal govern­ In tee case communicated with Bonos Tonight ticket, Judge Edwin C. Dlckenion, Intensity today as It swept down the manager of tee'Motropolitan Water ment.-. members of Company C In New Ha­ . Prim te who was a member said In a decision handed down yes­ New England coast. Works of Hartford, a t tee October jm it ven, Derby and other places and terday: ‘That this Is the common all-membership meeting of tee ^iOfHIBihgPvC, lOfid Regiment 26th learned teat tee company’s records Wheeling W.. Vn., <Det 19.—(A P ) 1 Storm warnings were fiylng from killed at tee battle of were lost in tee battle of*Chemln —Governor Roosevelt, DemociaBb b ^ e f at least finds support In the Block Island to Boston Light anc Chsunber of Commerce at tee Coun­ now olasslo remark, and Its accep- try dub last night on April 20, 1918. Ac- Des Dames. Ilie captain’s clerk candidate for tee presidency. In ’.a In Greater Boston a three inch rain­ Proposed Purchase some of hla buddies be said teat he recalled teat only two ' tance by the public, cf Mr. Coolldge, fall was reported for a 24-hour application for insurance speech here today challenged tee vdio, when solicited to nm as Presi­ The speaker, who was obtained men in Company C did not apply for period ending at 6 a. m. because of tee interest In tee pro­ amount of 110,000 but Mrs. insurance and that Private Bell was claimed Republican contention thi^ , dent; giving no reasons, said ‘I do The three deaths occurred at Davla did not learn of it unfil 1929 not choose to run’.” posed purchase by tee town of tee not one of teem. "things will be worse tf I am elect- * James town, R. I., yesterday. vdien South Manchester Water eoihpimy, ed” and declared teat “What ^ > Judge Dickenson denied the Inde­ a fishing party was swept into the pendent party's request for a man­ teen went on to outline the method wrong with tee nation” is “ mlwpsu> sea from the ja n ed r o ^ off the of obtaining such a system, assum­ damus to place the electors on its Harrison Morris estate. The drownec agement.” ticket, but did not rule on the vali­ ing teat tee people Vrlll see teat It were Ernest \^erra, 40: Manuel Speaking after a motor diifo dity of the entire Independent ticket Is properly administer^, and also mSON QUITS TOO U T E Madeiros, 20, and Joseph MeUo, SO. teat tee works can be built or from Pittsburgh, Mr. ReoScrolt Independent leaders had given no said: indication today as to whether they Mello’s son, Joseph Jr., escaped acquired at a fair price. death as a heavy comber swept him Mr. Seville named three major You have had placed befpeaiycda would take an appeal. back ashore. Dtaonsees Two Issues problems in tee process: First to TO HAVE POST HLLED the spectre of fear by tee Repi; In Boston harbor, an officer and raise tee required sum- necessary candidate and . tee Republican le Judge Dickenson discussed two four prisoners of the Deer Udand <i> ■ iMues: to finance tee undertaking; second, era You have been told House of Correction were marooned, to create an organisation proper things might have been worse, , sind “First, whether the Independent AveriD Says Vacaocy Cannot petitions had been filed legally, and with a civilian, on Long Island, neiur- and competent to handle tee project VOTING MACHINES win be worse If I am elected X9 second whether the Republican elec­ by. They were blown into the lower and operate tee works; third,!to es- office. But I say to you, ‘Yeq harbor early today while a prison tabllsh a rate schedule sufficient for BeHeved to have been dlstraotsd by her husband’s attention to an­ things might have been worse; liw tors had a right to refuse to serve. tee purpose of carrying out tee Be HDad At Next Election “Neither party has apparently ex­ dory, used to transport officers of other woman, Mrs. Jean Phillips, 88, of Woodmcre, L. I., sacrificed her deed we might all of us have b < ^ the institution from the Island to the Idan, and, at the same time, not ex­ own life and tee lives of her two children, Guy Jr., 6, and Norma, 9. (be­ W ORRY OFFICIALS destroyed. But on tee other hanS amined the various and numerous cessive or burdensome to con­ petitions with a view to whether Wlnthrop shore, was making its last low) so that he might' fijCd happnass with toe woman of bis choice. As Nominations Were remember teat things c ^ h t hafik trip to the mainland. sumers. O ^ tn g gas jets. Mrs. I ^ p s atfhsmlated herself and the chUdren only been better, should have been bettSF, they comply In every Instance and in The speaker said that there are every detail with the requirements Lost For Two Hours a few tours ^ e r her husbfud. PhUUps, Sr., 89, (upper right) had and will begin to get better with h The prisoners, part of a ferry de­ several methods so far as authority brought Mm Theresa S eltw . 36, (Cpper left) wife of a wealthy toen Im­ (Tosed Yesterday. Cities In State Need Larger change of administration on tlw 4tfi o f the statute, nor will the court do are concerned for carrying out ted so at this time In view of the neces­ tail, were at the oars. Officer John porter, to his home In an tfosuccesafUl effort to solve their problem. of March.’ business, but he favored centralised “I f this nation wants to know sity of a speedy determination of control under a manager experienc­ Ones So That All the Nom­ this case and since the application (Conttamed on Page Tea Hartford, O ct 19.— (A P )—Ernest what is wrong with Its national g ^ ed in water works utility operation, ernment, I will give team, tee a # may be determined on-the second tee latter to report to a Oommlaalon L. Averill, deputy attorney general, ground. It should be noted, however, said today tee vacancy caused by swer in ^ e word,” said Mr. Roooo* or Board, who act merely as a inees Can Be Voted. velt. “That word Is ‘miszunagM that the first grand is an Issue in Board of Directors do in a private LONDON TODAY the resignation of Repraaentativo ment* < the case ,snd u ^n appeal requires PRINCESS SIBYLLE coiporation, not In tereet^ them­ John Q. TUion could not hi filled at Fear False Bogies. a finding of fa ct’’ selves in tee details of carrying on, tee November 8 election because tee Hartford, Oct. 19.—(A P )— Tha “I rtfuse to believe that tea pso4 Counsel for themscretary of state, elteer In ampl<qrment or expendi­ time for filing nominating petitions voters of Connecticut have tee right the defendant In ftp case, had Indi­ WEDS IN COBURG tures of allocated funds. RIOT hasjauNied. pie of. tee nation can be mad# Ha cated during the hegring tli^t a de­ A rigid budget M tro l should be to regleter teelr ohdoe for each {aar false boglW ’ said tea DeinS T O m ’s rerignatlon was raCslved oratlo' n^uilnes • ^ cision on the legali4r o f the entire te |a force ft ml tiainB, be said, and Mv. by OBn m WUbus dross ^ presidential elector to^wbioh the independent Uqket v ^ d be sought jq w a ltt' jS)e dsF-diRsr nomlnatlona State is entitled In tee t^telon of He aaiyried: "To attempt to in- ■tui.
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