Search for school planetarium director continues left for a teachmg pOSitIOn at mechamcal abIlIty, ImagInatIOn of the Community Performmg moo the curricula for elementary, By Margie Reins Smith aren't scheduled for any tIme Macomb CommunIty College He and creatIvIty for development of Arts Center and dedicated on middle and high school students StaN Writer soon - perhaps not until Septem- teaches phySICSand astronomy. programs, and a teachers' certIfi- Oct 27, 1982. Director Tim m Grosse Pomte. Planetariums are supposed to ber The $225,000 bUlldmg,which "It was an excltmg thmg," said Grosse Pomte IShavmg trouble cate. Skomeczny was hired away from Bob Thomson, director of the be dark Not 24 hOUl& a day, how. seats 36 people and features a Robert Welch, director of Secon- findmg another dIrector Accord- ever Not locked up tIght, wIth- SpItz projector and a 24-foot Roosevelt High School m Wyan- mg to VIncent LoCIcero, presI- planetarIUm at Adler Elemen- dotte, which had been forced to dary Curriculum In Grosse out VISltOls,wIthout dllectOl or dome, was constructed With dent of the Grosse Pomte school tary School m Southfield smce It close Its planetanum because of Pomte "I have nothmg but money flom the estate of BenJa board, planetarIum directors are opened m 1968, said he backed students the system's financial troubles praise for what has happened Grosse Pomte's foul and a-half mm Long a rare breed The pOSItIOnIS a mto the pOSitIOn "I taught as SkOnIeczny began an ambItIous there " The publIc school faclhty, one very speCialIzed field, Involvmg tlonomy m OhlO for five years year-old planetanum at NOlth senes of commumty programs The faCIlItywas closed last Au. HIgh School has been dosed smce of only a dozen or so III the De knowledge of astronomy, some and worked astronomy classes gust, however, when Skomeczny See PLAN ET ARIUM, page 2A August Plans for Its reopenmg tlOItarea, \\ as carved from part Nine Park firefighters graduate from police academy trained men to 40. There are Park will implement new sched. By Peter A. Sallnl. ules which will significantly in. Staff Writer eight men who will remain fire. crease police ViSIbilitym the city. The animosity of the election is fighter technicians. On an average day there would over and it's time to move for. "They have gone through a very significant ordeal," Public be two to three cars on the road ward. at a given time - now there will That was the word from one of Safety Director Richard Caretti said. be four in most cases. the nine former Grosse Pointe With new 12.hour shifts, Park firefighters who recently Academy officials, according to Caretti, said the men had the officers will work two days arid be completed police officer training. off for two. They will then work The men were omdally sworn in highest scores of any class. It's a credit to them, he said, and a sig- three days and be off for two, then as public safety officers at a work two days with three days special ceremony and celebration nificant benefit to Park residents and to the department. off. held at Windmill Pointe Park "Every other weekend they will Feb. 10. Assistant Public Safety DIrec- tor Philhp Costa said he kept in have three days off," Costa said. The men spent the last 18 The beds and televiSIOn sets weeks training at the DetrOIt close contact with the men durmg their traming. will be removed from the fire- Metropolitan Police Academy, house, Carettl said, adding that Bubmittmg themselves to the "If you look at their faces today compared to several weeks ago, the eight techniCIans will aid with ngors of physical training and department chores, like process- classroom lessons designed to you can see that the weight of the world has been lifted from thelf ing prisoners weed out 20-year-olds. The aver- Mayor Palmer Heenan was Photo b) Peter A SahnaB age age of the men is about 40. shoulders," Costa said. "Once they get out there and glowing over the good showmg "I'll tell you this much," said the men made at the academy Accident Michael Smith, former secretary/ get Stleet-wise, Grosse Pointe No one was seriously Injured last Thursday when a car was struck while eastbound on Charlevoix Park will have some very valua- He said that there are many men treasure of the now-defunct Park who would not have made It at Moran. Alicia Peck. 17. of the Farms suffered assorted minor Injuries when another car talled firefighters union, "they did a ble employees," Costa added. to yield after stopping while northbound on Moran. The Peck vehicle came to rest on its side after The men said they became yery through the rigorous trammg, great job traimng us. It's time to and added that the CIty and Its striking the curb. put the past behind, and move competitive at the academy, and despite achmg baCKS, the bumps c\t1zens should be proud of their ahead." accomplIshments The nine men who were cross- and brUIses from the self-defense lessons and the long hours of Heenan also pOInted out that trained are Joseph Clarke, Mar- the taxpayers wIll now get more tm Buss, Charles Heinrich, Tho- studying, lt was worth it. for their money. mas Court, Casper Allor, Mark SmIth said they must conSider themselves as part of a large "One week the men Will be Pt1~~'~ SIllman, Joseph Blalk, John Vl- I\orkmg 36 hours and the next team now. Vlano and SmIth. Buss IS a ser- week 48 hours That averages out ,~: geant and Heinrlch a corporal. "When we go out there we have to back each other up," he sald to 42 hoUls a week, w lllch lS an Kathleen Bernard Unfazed by critwism, TheIr addltlOn to the ranks of mCIease of h\ 0 hours a week," he publIc safety officers m the Park Cal ettl sald that With the addl- Durant says he won't brIngs the number of fully cross t JOnof nme men to the I anks, the 'ldld By Peter A. Salinas quzt .. 3A Staff Wnter "Kelly, yOU can come down Wzll be Bush in '88?6A hel e nght away We found the it mothcrlode " ~hose words got Kathleen What were you doing Oct. 'Kelly" Bernard packmg m a 1, 1959. .... 7A mattel of mmutes The mothel lode \vas the Atocha, the 17th Spothght on Jason Peral- century Spamsh galleon treasure ta , lOA ship, which was sunk ll1 a hun I- cane off the coast ofFlonda mOle than 300 years ago The pubhc eye ..... 16A Bernat d a 1979 gl aduate of Grosse POll1te South. holds a A MTsStSS1PP~ rwerboat bachelor's degree In anthropology flom the UI1lVelslty of Notre docks on Woodward .IB Dame and a mastel's deg1eeflOm Yale Um\elslty A longtIme Just where zs One Mde dIVel, she fIrst became aware of Kathleen Bernard Road? . 4B trea'iUl £ hunter Melvm Fisher pmg, conservatIOn, catalogu the 0\\ nel of '11 casU!e Salvol s, mg the museum and dIVmg " St Clare celebrates an an- Ine a Ke) We'it based company Bernal d \\ as earmng only $109 that found the Atoeha aftel neally a \\ pek WIththe company, \, hlch nwersary 4B 15 year'i of "earchmg the ocean \1 d" puttmg all Its capital mto bottom \, hen one of hel Notl e :ll1dmg the lost vessel She Hockey coach turns Dame plofe'isors told her about e,ll ned about $200 when she left colummst IC the company upon hel gradufJ.t <,'j the company about a year later That salary dldn't mclude meals "I \,as hlled 111 198",1' ,n ~I' Transfer student leads 01housmg, unless she was at sea. Proto b) Peter A Sahna' cheologlcal lese;:>' /I ,t"tant, dIVIng for treasure unbeaten ULS le Belnal d <aId '1 \ l l1l to Ke) Nine former Grol •• Pointe Parlc firelighter. were honored at a sp&clal ceremony and celebration "When we were at sea, we \Ve"t ber<llbl' l WR~ a \\ ay to Feb. 9 for having .ucce ••tully completed training at the DetroU Metropolitan Pollee Academy. The would spear fish and catch lob. Star of the Sea WlnS comhln, t\llh( J10gy and dl\rlng" men are now cro••• d.trained public .afety officers. Back row from left. are Dlrector Richard Carettl. "ten; for dmnel'," she said "We volleyball title 1 C MarUn Bu••• 10e Blalk. lohn Viviano. Mik. Smith, lo•• ph Clarke. Charte. Heinrich. Tom Court and BIT ,\' d b' "aid her fathel ate well for the 'leven to 10 days Deputy Director Phillip Co.ta. Seated from left are MileeSUlman and Casper Allor. \\ oJ '( 'I, ,l ')('en d dlvel fOl \\e were out 9t a tIme" nHll1) vem " dnd got tIll' entll e fa To supplement her mcome, Bel' mlly of "lX,IncludIng her motlwr nard sewed for a small Key West ___ Cable rates, installation fees to increase April 1 Saily, mtere"t£>d111 the "port ,)he houtlque \\a<; a competlt'\I) '-\\Immel at "I made bathmg SUltS,shorts from the homes available m the dar year, and DeFour recom "We WIllbe addmg another sta. Glo""e Pom!£>SOU! h nnrl at :\otre and othel summer wear," she By Peter A. Sellnas tJOn as well, Channel 32 Lake market Staff Writer mended a rate adjustment for 'laId "I have been sewmg smce "We CUl rently have 54 percent Dame Apnl 1 Company offiCials ap shore," DeFour saId "That IS the th<.>fourth grade and I'm pretty Grosse Pomte Cable televIsIOn of the homes ln Grosse Pomt~ and 1just lo\( tIll' \\ ,ltPI "he ,aid proved the Increase earher thiS address of thp War MemOrIal It good 1earned more from the sew- subSCrIbers can expect to pay Harper \Voods on Ime," DeFour HCllO\I.fOllh( \\,rIPl hlCJw.;ht month WIllbe a local access statlOn and Il1g than I dId from the company" about 25 percent more for baSIC 'laid We art' gaInll1g about 1,000 her to thl comp"n, \\ hlch locat As part of the mcrease, two WIllshow communIty event" and People from around the country servIce as of Apnl 1 new cu~tomer" each year That's ed (/nl oj th, li1o"l "q.;nlfltdnl channels are bemg added to the War Memonal programs" mudr <17eable lnve"tments 111 Mlkc DeFour, general manager because we have a CadIllac chan- tll'[1"UlI find" of !he C( nt\ll\ - ,j for the cable company, saId rates company's baSICserVlce For new cable subscnbers, the move that (l1dn t nlake hel FI'lhrr''l company, but the co"t., of nel lIneup ., forbasICservice WIllIncrease from Grosse Pomte Cable had a ser.
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