きん きゅう れん らく さき 緊急連絡先 ぼ う さ い h55×w91×2F 防災カード ひ なん ば しょ Ind 配置 x0y0 避難場所 ひ なん じょ 避難所 いち じ ひ なん ば しょ 一時避難場所 す い た し ■一時避難地■一時避難地(T(Temporemporararyy evacuation evacuation sit sitee)) か ぞく しゅう ごう ば しょ 家族の集合場所 Disaster TemporaryTemporary evacuation evacuation site site AddressAddress PointPoint AEDAED Onohara-HigashiOnohara-Higashi(1)(1) 吹田市 宿川宿川原町原町 SatakedaiSatakedai Elem. Elem. School School Playground Playground SatakedaiSatakedai 4-12-1 4-12-1 B4B4 Prevention Card 白島白島(一)(一) 小野原西小野原西(一)(一) ToyokawaToyokawa(1)(1) 今宮今宮(一)(一) きん きゅう れん らく さき Introduction NN TakanodaiTakanodai Elem. Elem. School School Playground Playground TakanodaiTakanodai 2-16-1 2-16-1 B4B4 小野原東小野原東(二)(二) ToyokawaToyokawa(3)(3) 66 TsukumodaiTsukumodai Elem. Elem. School School Playground Playground TsukumodaiTsukumodai 4-7-1 4-7-1 B3B3 緊急連絡先 郡山郡山(二)(二) 今宮今宮(三(三)) 小野原西小野原西(二)(二) FuruedaiFuruedai Elem. Elem. School School Playground Playground FuruedaiFuruedai 5-6-1 5-6-1 B2B2 西宿西宿(一)The(一) Hanshin/Awaji Earthquake that occurred小野原西小野原西 on (三January(三)) 17, 1995 made us understand the小野原東 horror小野原東(四)(四) of an ToyokawaToyokawa(2)(2) 今宮今宮(二)(二) FujishirodaiFujishirodai Elem. Elem. School School Playground Playground FujishirodaiFujishirodai 3-3-1 3-3-1 B2B2 earthquake occurring directly below a city. The earthquake taught Suita City many lessons as well. Sixteen 55 AoyamadaiAoyamadai Elem. Elem. School School Playground Playground AoyamadaiAoyamadai 2-5-1 2-5-1 B2B2 ぼ う さ い 渡り Onohara-HigashiOnohara-Higashi(3)(3) SainomotoSainomoto h55×w91×2F years later, on March 11, 2011 an enormous magnitudeOnohara-NishiOnohara-Nishi(4) (4)9.0 deep-ocean earthquake caused the March 11 新郡山新郡山(二)(二)新郡山新郡山(一)(一) MomoyamadaiMomoyamadai Elem. Elem. School School Playground Playground MomoyamadaiMomoyamadai 1-5-1 1-5-1 B4 B4 Onohara-NishiOnohara-Nishi(5)(5) ToyokawaToyokawa(5)(5) 44 Senri-TakemiSenri-Takemi Elem. Elem. School School Playground Playground TakemidaiTakemidai 3-3-1 3-3-1 A4A4 100mm TohokuNishijukuNishijuku(2) Earthquake(2) and Tsunami disaster. This disaster was unprecedented in the wide area it affected and 22 Minami-SenriMinami-Senri Jr. Jr. High High School School Playground Playground MomoyamadaiMomoyamadai 4-2-1 4-2-1 A4 A4 防災カード Onohara-HigashiOnohara-Higashi TakanodaiTakanodai Jr. Jr. High High School School Playground Playground TakanodaiTakanodai 4-5-1 4-5-1 C4C4 ひ なん ば しょ Onohara-NishiOnohara-Nishi(6)(6) Onohara-HigashiOnohara-Higashi 11 Ind 配置 x0y0 in its complexity,NishijukuNishijuku combiningImamiyaImamiya(4)(4) a large-scale earthquake and tsunami with a nuclear power plant accident.(6)(6) 33 AoyamadaiAoyamadai Jr. Jr. High High School School Playground Playground AoyamadaiAoyamadai 4-2-1 4-2-1 B2B2 避難場所 Kita-SenriKita-Senri High High School School (5)(5) (3)(3) IbarakiIbaraki CityCity ひ なん じょ Nishi-Toyokawa-choNishi-Toyokawa-cho TakemidaiTakemidai Jr. Jr. High High School School Playground Playground TakemidaiTakemidai 1-3-1 1-3-1 B4B4 This disaster reminded us again of the horrors of earthquakes. KinranKinran Senri Senri High High School School 避難所 Senba-HigashiSenba-Higashi AoyamadaiAoyamadai 上穂積上穂積 FuruedaiFuruedai Jr. Jr. High High School School Playground Playground FuruedaiFuruedai 1-1-1 1-1-1 B3B3 Kita-SenriKita-Senri Gymnasium Gymnasium -Jr.-Jr. High High School School Playground Playground いち じ ひ なん ば しょ Not only earthquakes, a variety(3)(3) of natural disastersKita-SenriKita-Senri Swimming Swimming Pool Pooloccur every year includingKamiyamadaKamiyamada typhoons and torrential (1)(1) NatureNature Experience Experience Center Center MomoyamadaiMomoyamadai Sports Sports Ground Ground MomoyamadaiMomoyamadai 5-5-1 5-5-1 A4 A4 一時避難場所 OsakaOsaka University University す い た し MomoyamaMomoyama Park Park MomoyamadaiMomoyamadai 2-10 2-10 A4A4 か ぞく しゅう ごう ば しょ rains,MinoMino causing CityCity precious lives and property to be lost. (Wakuwakuno(Wakuwakuno Sato) Sato) Naka-HozumiNaka-Hozumi Distination Senri-KitaSenri-Kita Park Park TsukumoTsukumo Park Park TsukumodaiTsukumodai 3-13 3-13 B3B3 家族の集合場所Name of sex date of Birth Family contact 吹田市 Ind 配置 x0y100 Senba-HigashiSenba-HigashiSuita City was hit by aHasumaHasuma series Water Water of Distribution Distributiondisasters Facility Facility in 2018: the OsakaFujishirodaiFujishirodai earthquake in June, fl oods in July, and TakanoTakano Park Park TakanodaiTakanodai 1-4 1-4 B4B4 ・ ・ (2)(2) (5)(5) SatakeSatake Park Park SatakedaiSatakedai 3-4 3-4 B4B4 Typhoons Jebi and Trami in September. AoyamaAoyama Park Park きん きゅう れん らく さき ・ ・ AoyamadaiAoyamadai TakemiTakemi Park Park TakemidaiTakemidai 4-3 4-3 A4A4 ☎ MihogaokaMihogaoka 緊急連絡先 Based on these experiencesAoyamaAoyama the Elem. Elem.city School School has reviewed(4)(4) its regionalFujishirodaiFujishirodai disaster prevention plan. In order to be AoyamaAoyama Park Park AoyamadaiAoyamadai 4-4 4-4 B1B1 (4) 〒 ☎ (4) FujishiroFujishiro Park Park FujishirodaiFujishirodai 3-4 3-4 B2B2 Adress ableSenba-HigashiSenba-Higashi to achieve a kind of urbanAoyamadaiAoyamadai development that isAoyamadai Aoyamadaistrong against disasters,FujishirodaiFujishirodai oneNursery Nursery that allows city residentsYamadaokaYamadaoka Jr.Jr. High High School School Rte.Rte. Senrikitakoen-Furue Senrikitakoen-Furue FurueFurue Park Park FuruedaiFuruedai 5-4 5-4 B2B2 ☎ ぼ う さ い ☎ (3)(3) (2)(2) AoyamadaiAoyamadai Kita-KasugaokaKita-Kasugaoka(4)(4) 渡り citizens'citizens' Hall Hall Kita-SenriKita-Senri Koban Koban NearNear the the main main gate gate of of Osaka Osaka University University SenriSenri High High School School Playground Playground TakanodaiTakanodai 2-17-1 2-17-1 B3B3 h55×w91×2F to live without fear, we are annually engaged in disaster prevention measures such as the earthquake- Kita-KasugaokaKita-Kasugaoka(2)(2) Place of 〒 ☎ Shin-Senri-KitamachiShin-Senri-Kitamachi Kita-SenriKita-Senri Service Service Corner Corner Kita-SenriKita-Senri High High School School Playground Playground FujishirodaiFujishirodai 5-6-1 5-6-1 B1B1 100mm Senba-NishiSenba-Nishi OsakaOsaka Univ.Hospital Univ.Hospital Attached Attached to to employment proofi ng of public facilities(2)(2) and the provisioningKita-SenriKita-Senri of Nursery emergencyNursery foodKita-SenriKita-Senri and Stn. Stn. life necessities. KinranKinran Senri Senri High High Schoo School・Jr.l・Jr. High High School School Playground Playground FujishirodaiFujishirodai 5-25-1 5-25-1 B1B1 ☎ Your regular medical institution(s), etc. (2)(2) CentralCentral Community Community Hall Hall OsakaOsaka Univ. Univ. Dentistry Dentistry Dept. Dept. Hospital Hospital FacultyFaculty of of Medicine Medicine Kita-KasugaokaKita-Kasugaoka(3)(3) Kita-KasugaokaKita-Kasugaoka(1)(1) 防災カード Kita-SenriKita-Senri Community Community Hall Hall FujishiroFujishiro Minami-KasugaokaMinami-Kasugaoka(7)(7) NemunokiNemunoki Park Park SatakedaiSatakedai 4-10 4-10 B4B4 We must have a sense of solidarity and work to protect our city by ourselves. In order to minimize Banpaku and Osaka area Senri town, University new Blood Type Remarks (Illness(es) youひ なんare beingば しょ treated for, name of medication, etc.) AoyamadaiAoyamadai CentralCentral Library Library Kita-Senri Kita-Senri Branch Branch ParkPark FujishirodaiFujishirodai Elem. Elem. School School Ind 配置 x0y0 (1)(1) FujishirodaiFujishirodai ❻ 避難場所 FuruedaiFuruedai(4)(4)HankyuHankyu Railway Railway Senri Senri Line Line Minami-KasugaokaMinami-Kasugaoka(6)(6) ■広域避難地■広域避難地(W(Wider-areaider-area evacuation evacuation sit sitee)) 〒 damage, we must be continually prepared andFuruedaiFuruedai understand(3)(3) the importance of creating relationships in ひ なん じょ Senba-NishiSenba-Nishi FujishirodaiFujishirodai (2)(2) HandaibyouinmaeHandaibyouinmae Stn. Stn. Minami-KasugaokaMinami-Kasugaoka(4)(4) (3)(3) (3)(3) Fujishiro-daiFujishiro-dai Day Day Service Service Center Center Wider-areaWider-area evacuation evacuation site site PointPoint AEDAED 避難所 which we see other residents in ways such as payingFuruedaiFuruedai Citizens' Citizens'attention Hall Hall every day to the disabled, the elderly, and to いち じ ひ なん ば しょ Rte.Mino-SettsuRte.Mino-Settsu Senri-KitaSenri-Kita Park Park B1B1 Shin-Senri-Shin-Senri- Minami-KasugaokaMinami-Kasugaoka(5)(5) Minami-KasugaokaMinami-Kasugaoka(2)(2) 一時避難場所 children. FujishirodaiFujishirodai Citizens' Citizens' Hall Hall SurroundingSurrounding areas areas of of Banpaku Banpaku Park Park C2C2 す い た し Shin-Senri-Shin-Senri- KitamachiKitamachi(3)(3) か ぞく しゅう ごう ば しょ SurroundingSurrounding areas areas of of Kosaiin Kosaiin B3B3 Distination This DisasterKitamachiKitamachi Prevention(1)(1) Handbook is a summaryFuruedaiFuruedai of Elem.information Elem. School School on disaster preparations and what to Minami-KasugaokaMinami-Kasugaoka(3)(3) 家族の集合場所Name of sex date of Birth Family contact FujishirodaiFujishirodai SlowSlow Life Life Senri Senri special special elderly elderly nursing nursing home home Senri-MinamiSenri-Minami Park Park B4B4 吹田市 Shin-Senri-NishimachiShin-Senri-Nishimachi FuruedaiFuruedai(2)(2) Rte.Rte. Ibaraki-Settsu Ibaraki-Settsu Ind 配置 x0y100 FuruedaiFuruedai(5)(5) (1)(1) ・ ・ (3)do(3) when a disaster occur. Please keepShin-Senri- thisShin-Senri- handbook near at hand at all times. We hope that this handbook Minami-KasugaokaMinami-Kasugaoka(1)(1) きん きゅう れん らく さき ・ ・ HigasimachiHigasimachi(3)(3) ■避難所■避難所(S(Shelterhelter)) FurueFurue Park Park OsakaOsaka North North Wide Wide Area Area 緊急連絡先 ☎ will be used to confi rm the location of your evacuation area together with your children and other family DisasterDisaster Prevention Prevention Point Point ShelterShelter TelephoneTelephone AddressAddress
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