Jury Claude' Logun, a I' stands COil• art·c.~tecl Logan after they found wit ncsscs. Smne were not even vktcd of a~saull wllh lntant. to him In !Jed at his apartment on questioned when they were pre· mpe 11 Mil'ltii~!Ul Stu to unlvm·slty the c11mpus. They fllid t11at c\'!ln sented for cross·cxaminatlon, be· eoecl. 'l'he vardlct cam a at 1 J though he protestetl hq had not cause their testimony was held o'clod1 Wcdncscluy forenoon. been out nf l1is apartment since nonessential, repetitive or merely .Judge Louis K Coash rc· 10 o'c:lock the prcvinun night, the corroborative. mandcd Logan, also a Michigan hot toms of l1ls shoes were wet. Only 40 mlniiii'S II'IWil l'fl­ Slate slltdant, to Jail to .await l'olke presentee! a bloodstained l(llh'ed to chooj,m the .IIII'Y· sr.ntenc·c. The law provides a sen· mndJCtc tlll!y snid h·Jy found In '1'wo' Of those f!J•st C!~Jlf'Al WCI'U No longer arc fanners regard· lr.n~c of up to 10' ycars.ln prlso,n Lognn's car. Thr.v <~iso presentefl dlsmiHNed fo1· CJIII~e. one be· lng U1e weather as just an un· nnrl R line of not to exceed 11s evldcnm 11 section of the drain muse he suld his mind wus ul· usually long dry spell, 'l'hey arc $!i,OOO. t uhlng- from the victim's automo· •·ondy mndo up und 2 othtws beginning to fear a drouth. ' hill!. The tubing bem·s the mat'l< nn (Jeremptnry ehnllenges by l.fl/.:'1111, wh11.~~ humn is In of Logan's maehcto blade, pe>!lcc Dry wen.thor hlls hm·t. Hl'OJ>~ t.lm defense, ,Jnmllll'lt, Hl'llish Wl·,~t In· testified, ancl light blue paint 1111d they nro going to hurt It . , clii'J'I, hnd lu~en I'I'Hc' on hruul ~lmilar tn that on llrrs. Brown's As finally con&tltuted, the .Jury lot worso tulles.~ u good ntlu H~nce r;hurt.ty urteJ' his nrrest c·at• was on the blade~ of the ma· was composed of 6 men rtnd 6 come.~t within a WCI!k. AI· 1• J•eh•·nury 7. 1 chetc. Police also found 11 toy women. They were Mrs. Beverly rcudy pu.stm·es urn Nhort. nnd 'l'he jury hr.g-rm Its clclihct·a·, pistol In Logan's em·. FJ•uin. Alaleclon; Harry Wilson, IH'OSJ!C<Jt.~ nro l'or nbout hulf lions at 3:4!i 'l'Lte~cluy uflct:noon. J,ngnn tlid not tnlw tlw Onondaga; Mrs. Gertrude Hills, u luty crop. Wheatfield; Mrs. Mar,lorio Os· With .lime out for supper, .JUror·~ sl!wcl. Jllr; defc!nse \\'liS th11 t Corn Is spotty. Col'll planlect' on rrrmunerl dosetr.cl until fi:4.J NOIIIclbncl)• etsn mu~t. hnvu Ill· horne. White Oak; Russell Rowe, Am·clllts; Henry Siegrist. Delhi; muck suffered frost damage twice 'l'uesc.tay night. TIJCy 1~ere then illl'lll'd llll·r;, n1·m1•11 unci thnt during the past wcei{, Com Wc:;Jcy Plnckt1ey, Locl<e; Mrs. perrmlterl to .r:o to then· homes t.tu• !LIIIIC'lll!l' must tuwn 1111'11 planted on high grmmcl has not .Janice Cornish, Stocl<briclg-e; ami undc•r n<lmoJHHhmcnt not to ciiH· tossml thu nuu•lwt••, if thcl suffered from frost. and has not Ray McNeal, ·Mrs. Malic Supplee, cuss the case with anyone. mtwlu•l!! h:tcl Iweu ns••cl. Into sufferer! much from drouth If IL Glen E. Lcathmman ancl Mr·s. · Jurot•s returned to their room 11111 fl•unlc ctf LoJ.,'lm'~ c::u·. was planted deep enough for nt D::JO Wrclncsrlay morning to Dor·ot11y Alagna, all of Lansing. resume clellbcrations. At 10:57, Whnt g'Ummcd the wm·l<s for mots to reacl1 moisture. In fields After arguments over abandon· of shallow planting the com i~ nrtcr scvet•al court officials had tlw prnseeution was the testi· mont of an insanity defense, War­ despaired of an agreement, came mony of Arnold K. Shaffer, an· not rloing mttch. Fm·met•s who ren outlined what he intended to planted corn early have hcltcl' tlw rtl(l on the door lncllcatlng a other Michigan Stute student. Ilo prove. Mrs. Brown, the first wit· stands than those who pluutcd vcrcllct. tes!iflecl he saw woman who a ness, substantiated V/urrcn's late. Appearing weary from migl1t have he~n Mrs. Brown anrl statement. long arguments, tile jurors a man wilo n11ght or might not Wheat is also beginning tc ~olcmnly ntccl into the ilox to have been Log1111 renclezvouz at Mrs. Brown, 5·7, W5 lb, wife of show effects of continued clrouth, answe1' mil call. Glen Leather· the MSU laundromat, that there Ralph Brown, Wits calm In testify. all houglt Uwl'e would be quick re· man who ltnd been cl1osen fore· was no stn1ggJe and that the pair ing about her ordeal. She was eovcry If normal rainfall t·ctut·ns. · man: ;mnouncell the verdict, drove nway in 11 car. dressed In a greenish gray suit, Total minfull for· the month is "g-uilty as charged." University pollee officers testl- with a lavender hat and lavendct• .67. A year ago fol' May there , 'l'lw ,iury wns tUJIIml, all 12 fled they had lalwn st.atemcms glovos. She ha~ a light complex· were !i.13 ineiJcs of min. , tUIIIIIIIlU'illA' indivhlunlly that. from Shaffer bul upon J~vcstt~a- ion and light brown hair, her hair Hwy had t'uuml J,ol:'an J:'Ullty, lion had' discarded them. fhey Ill· still short because of her head wounds. SoJ~cbody ~ashed In the head sis·tcd Shaff<.'!' must have seen '\ of Mrs. cai·olyn Brown, 21, Mich· and heard 2 othct• people an hour She told how she had first I<'IREl\lEN IIAD A I .. OT of worl{ in f'ront of thmn when this (Jictum was snu1,11ed. Suburbs Vote I igan Stale university student, or so before Logan attacked Mt·s. g-one from l1er npartment at 902· Fhuncs wm·c eating into the Cam11 1\iwanis lodge with big bites when limnwn arrived. em·ty on the morning of Febru· Brown. B, Birch, to the laudromat 111 9 lng·ham Seeks Sheriff's officers; state fii·e marshal detectives :uul fir•cmt•n eheclwd tht·ou~h tlw smoldng ary 7. The attacl1 occuned, Mrs. Mrs. Brown testified that she o'clock to put het· wash into the ruins for possible arson evidence. Smolu~ and Danws shot into the ail· :utd bt·ought out a On 21ssues Brown said, oul~ide the MSU was atlaC'kerl outside lhe laundro· machine. She then returned to l:trgc crowd from all over the area. ( Archy's Photos). laundromat, mat. Polic-e photographs and her apat·tment, corTccted pupils' Lansing dty unci township vol· papers (she was doing- practice Welfare Lift ers will deciclc 2 Hnnexation is· Univel'sity police officials de· iloslimony of officers indicated teaching) nne! watched TV, sn~ sues Tuesday, and Delhi will de· dared Log1i 11 was t•1e man. They I that the .attack did oc•cur there:!. Ingham l'OUnty inlcn(ls lo ask Police saJCI Iiley found pools of Slm rJUUY l'll.t;o 2 eido on raising the boncllng limit. ' I the state for the same welfare hlood and Mrs. Brown's hrolnm treatment given Detroit and Kent The Lansing vote Is on annex­ glasses on the gmuml beside he1· county. ation of Pleasant Grove and parl;ecl ear In front of the latlll· H01·sebrook school district ;n·c;1s British ·Aide dromat. Allocation Board. If the same f,l'mttnwnt. is to the city of Lansing. ff ap· The al1ackcJ' laid opcn Mrs. llCCUI'ded to lng·tmm, IIIXJlliY· pmvcd, the areas will join llw Brown's scalp down to the bone. CI'S hei'C Will be SIIVCd llll city as a component part. Watches Tria I !Iet• skull was frncluJ•ccl. She lost Eves Tax Split , parts of several teeth. She was estimated $250,0011 next ymu·. It Will lllllllll UbSOI'(JtiOil of llcr Majesty Queen Ellzabe!IJ cut rind bruised. She made posi· Members of the county tax al· tl11' 2 st:honl dislrll'l,~ as \I'C'll is concerned wi!IJ U. S. juslice, Ingham and tho state arc now live identification of Logan who location board were in session in as becominf.:' u ttal'l, of f,llll· cmwerncrl enougl1 fo send an oil· on a 70·30 lms!S on direct re~cf. was talwn before her at the llOS· Mason Wednesday, arriving at sing I•olltlcully. server lo the trial of. Claude Lo· The county payR 70'/r, and !IJC pita!. She iclenliflecl hlm in court. preliminary allocation figures. gan 111 Mason. They were expected to reach a state 80'/r. For direct relief next Delhi votet·s will llavc one pro· 'J'he t1·ial, which OJlent!d ut Rl•prPsen Ung I he British gov· decision on the 15·mill split for year Ingham has budgeted $600,. posal to decide. Delhi voters Will 1\lusnn Monch~y mo•·nin~:·, eJ·nmen t, more spec! fkally the county, township and school taxes 000. Jf employment conditions do be asl1cd to approve or reject 11 tlt•ew thtl hig~·t·.~t ntuliem·e In British West Indies, al Mason Jalo Wednesday ailcmoon. Cities not materially improve that $600,.
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