SOUTHEAST BOULEVARD Planning Study June, 2015 Washington, DC View of study area looking east toward Barney Circle CONTENTS Executive Summary....................................................................5 1. Introduction.......................................................................9 2. Existing Conditions...............................................................13 3. Concept A.............................................................................24 4. Concept B.............................................................................29 5. Concept C.............................................................................34 6. Community and Stakeholder Input.......................................39 7. Conclusion.........................................................................41 8. Acknowledgements..........................................................43 Appendices A - Review of Background Documentation..............................46 B - Initial Concepts.................................................................55 Southeast Boulevard Planning Study 3 Table of Contents GOALS FOR THE FUTURE SOUTHEAST BOULEVARD COMMUNITY CONNECTIVITY GREEN SPACE SUSTAINABILITY Ensure that the SE Boulevard and land Create new high-quality parks and green spaces, 1 uses around it enhance and strengthen the 9 and trails for outdoor recreation neighborhood fabric Establish linkages between the Southeast Ensure new land uses in the SE Boulevard area 10 Boulevard area and the waterfront to maximize 2 are compatible in scale with and conserve the public access to waterfront parks and green character of adjacent neighborhoods space Integrate uses that activate the streets, Connect to the planned extension of Virginia 3 sidewalks and public spaces of the SE Boulevard 11 Avenue SE, between M Street and Water Street project area Increase tree cover and vegetation with any new Complement, support and connect to 12 development in the project area 4 commercial activity at Pennsylvania and Potomac Avenues SE Integrate LID and green infrastructure 13 stormwater management practices to reduce Provide new neighborhood-serving streets runoff, erosion and sedimentation in the 5 Anacostia Provide a regional connector that provides 6 access between major destinations Design SE Boulevard area infrastructure to 14 contribute to the reduction of pollution and Improve physical and visual connections GHGs and to withstand climate change impacts 7 between neighborhoods and the waterfront, especially for pedestrians and cyclists Integrate public art and commemorative 15 opportunities within the SE Boulevard project Minimize cut through traffic on neighborhood area 8 streets EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OVERVIEW roadways resulting from the reconstruction of which describes and illustrates three possible In 2013, the District Department of Trans- the 11th Street Bridge. The freeway was tem- scenarios for improving roadway and pedestrian portation (DDOT) initiated the Barney Circle porarily closed during bridge construction, and connectivity, together with possible land uses and Southeast Boulevard Transportation Plan- was reopened to traffic in December 2014. that could be established through redevelop- ning Study to determine how to transform the After several community meetings at which ment of portions of the transportation right-of- decommissioned right-of-way of Interstate 295 DDOT presented a number of roadway and way between the 11th Street Bridge and Barney between I-695 and Barney Circle into a bou- parking design concepts for the site, then- Circle. The study area is located south of the levard integrated with the adjacent neighbor- Councilmember Tommy Wells, together with historic Capitol Hill neighborhood, in close hoods; to reconstruct Barney Circle; to im- commissioners from the local Advisory Neigh- proximity to the Anacostia River, just north of prove pedestrian and bicyclist connectivity to borhood Committee (ANC) 6B, requested Boathouse Row. the Anacostia River waterfront; and to evalu- the assistance of the DC Office of Planning PROJECT ADVISORY TEAM ate design options that consider multi-modal (DCOP) to complete a planning analysis that DCOP convened a Project Advisory Team (PAT) transportation uses. The study was undertaken looks at potential land use opportunities for consisting of officials from DCOP and DDOT, as part of DDOT’s responsibility for imple- the site and explores connectivity to the Ana- as well as Commissioners from ANC 6B, and a menting transportation recommendations in costia waterfront. the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative Framework representative from the Ward 6 Councilmem- The Southeast Boulevard Planning Study is Plan. This portion of the freeway was decom- ber’s office. The PAT guided the consultant team a land use, urban design and planning study missioned as a result of the reconfiguration of and provided feedback on the development of CAPITOL HILL STUDY AREA Study area existing conditions site plan Southeast Boulevard Planning Study 5 Executive Summary Concept A - Plan Concept A - Illustrative Rendering Concept B - Plan Concept B - Illustrative Rendering Concept C - Plan Concept C - Illustrative Rendering concepts at each stage in the process. waterfront would be provided for pedestrians boulevard, split around either side of a large and cyclists at the ends of 13th, 14th, and new neighborhood park immediately north THREE CONCEPTS 15th Streets SE via stairs and ramps. New of the CSX right-of-way. The boulevard’s two After an examination of the existing conditions rowhouses, mid-rise multifamily buildings, and westbound lanes would be located north of of the site, the consultant team developed a green spaces could be developed on the new the park and the two eastbound lanes would series of land use and urban design concepts blocks. be located south of the park. The Capitol Hill which were reviewed by the PAT, and present- Concept B neighborhood street and block system, would ed to the local community at a meeting con- be extended south toward the Anacostia River Concept B envisions a new tree-lined neigh- vened by the ANC. Based on comments and ending at the boulevard. Connections across borhood street, one lane in each direction, with feedback from the community and the PAT, the CSX tracks and down to the Boathouse sidewalks, on street parking and an east-bound three concepts emerged and were explored in Row waterfront would be provided for bike lane, immediately north of the CSX greater detail. These concepts were presented pedestrians and cyclists at the ends of 13th, right-of-way. The Capitol Hill neighborhood at a community meeting during which DCOP 14th, and 15th Streets SE via stairs and ramps. fabric, and its street and block system, would and DDOT collected comments and feedback be extended south toward the Anacostia River to inform the next steps in the process. NEXT STEPS ending at the boulevard through the creation Concept A The next step in the process is a feasibility of additional development parcels within the study of the project led by DDOT, with sup- Concept A envisions a new tree-lined four lane existing freeway right-of-way. Connections port from OP and the office of the Deputy boulevard, two lanes in each direction, with across the CSX tracks and down to the Boat- Mayor for Planning and Economic Develop- sidewalks, on street parking and bike lanes, house Row waterfront would be provided for ment (DMPED). The DDOT-led feasibility immediately north of the CSX right-of-way. pedestrians and cyclists at the ends of 13th, study will evaluate the viability of the project The Capitol Hill neighborhood fabric, and its 14th, and 15th Streets SE via stairs and ramps. at a high level to determine if the project can street and block system, would be extended New rowhouses, mid-rise multifamily build- move forward. The results of this analysis will south toward the Anacostia River ending at the ings, and green spaces would be developed on be communicated to the community prior to boulevard through the creation of additional the new blocks. more advanced technical or environmental development parcels within the existing Concept C analysis. freeway right-of-way. Connections across the Concept C envisions a new four lane CSX tracks and down to the Boathouse Row Community meeting photos Southeast Boulevard Planning Study 7 Executive Summary View of study area looking west from Barney Circle 1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND for the site. work and other planning guidance, and legal As part of its ongoing oversight of the imple- After several community meetings on DDOT’s and physical constraints to improvements mentation of the Anacostia Waterfront Ini- plans, then-Councilmember Tommy Wells, within the ROW; and tiative, in 2013, the District Department of commissioners from the local Advisory Neigh- • Delivers solutions/strategies to inform any Transportation (DDOT) initiated the Barney borhood Committee (ANC) 6B requested future planning work that may be under- Circle and Southeast Boulevard Transportation the assistance of the DC Office of Planning taken by District agencies. Planning Study in order to investigate: (DCOP) to develop an urban land use plan that looks at other potential land use opportu- 1. Transforming the former Southeast Free- GEOGRAPHIC AREA way into a boulevard that is integrated with nities and explores connectivity to the Ana- The study area includes the existing portion adjacent neighborhoods between the new costia waterfront. This report summarizes that of the Southeast
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