LOOK FOR A SPECIAL 12-page ISSUE OF THE COWL ON WEDNESDAY and REGULAR ISSUE ON THURSDAY!!! Cowl 1919 1994 The Vol. LIX No. 10 Providence College - Providence, Rhode Island October 27,1994 The Results of Inauguration the Assaults Festivities by Theresa Edo '96 In addition, Congress is dent of Student Congress, Asst. News Editor inviting Jim Reiley to speak agrees that the most needed to the students in November. Begin The time has come for the change is to educate stu­ Reiley is the lawyer Con­ dents about the issue. "We PC community to take the by Kristen Gariepy '95 begins today with an aca­ next step. In the past three gress retains at all times to need to get rid of the mis­ demic convocation in weeks since the reports of the advise students on legal mat­ communication that is cur­ Edilor-jn-Chief Peterson Center at 4 p.m. Dr. three off-campus sexual as­ ters. Although he can't rep­ rently going on." She also Official invitations have Edmund D. Peliigrino will be saults were released, reac­ resent students in court, he is strongly advises that anyone been sent to the student awarded the Doctor of Hu­ tions to them have been im­ able to let them know what who has been involved in an body. manities from Providence mediate and wide-spread. their rights are, since many assault or a robbery should Posters are hanging all College. Among several Shock and fear disturbed the laws differ from state to state. talk to Fr. McPhail. If he has over campus. other personal and academic relatively uneventful first If further means are neces­ the knowledge, he can re­ And, perhaps the most accomplishments, Dr. semester. Now, preventive sary, the voice mail system or spond to what is going on. common reason why stu­ Pelligrino is the John Carrol and proactive measures are new methods will be looked 'We advise the men of dents look forward to the Professor of Medicine anc being taken to inform every­ into. the situation when they go presidential inauguration-, Medical Ethics, Director of one of the situation. "There are more than a out each night," said Cap­ The Office of Student Ser­ few stories going around that tain Bathgate, head of PC Se­ vices and Student Congress aren't true," said Fr. McPhail, curity. 'We don't want to have developed a combina­ Vice President of Student Ser­ see any other incidents." tion of attempts to get the vices. "PC would not put the Bathgate went on to say facts out to the public. Friar students in jeopardy." that there are occasions on box notices have been sent. Fr. McPhail stressed that weekends when they have There has been an increased the college is currently walk­ an extra man on duty, but on and more precise usage of ing a delicate line concerning the whole they have not the Safety Bulletin Board its students' well-being. The changed their procedures. (outside of the Student Con­ challenge is to fully alert the He is concerned that the stu­ gress office), which pin­ members of its community to dents do not use the escort points exact locations of as­ the fact that precautionary service to its fullest poten­ saults and burglaries on a measures must be personally tial. map of the area. The board taken at all times, without 'We have started making is updated as soon as inci­ actually robbing all of their sure our doors are locked dents are reported to the freedom. school. Kristen Gallagher, Presi­ continued on page 2 NEWS COMMENTARY There is a Problem and We Must Find a Solution transacting a drug deal. Stu­ dios would like to see the by Bridget Hughes '96 dents heading down to Club area improved. His theory News Editor Eagles can easily witness a is, "if the neighborhood goes Whether it's for a beer at fight. Something is wrong down, then the businesses by Mike Carriere Louie's or necessities at with this picture. Obviously, go down." CVS, most PC students have the area needs help. Corcelli has tried very ail classes on Friday are can­ the Center for Clinical Bioet­ ventured off-campus for one Most of the merchants in hard to make the area celled. hics, and Senior Research thing or another. When the Eagle Square area would around his hair salon look The inauguration of Scholar of the Kennedy Insti­ heading to the area which is like to see the area im­ attractive and presentable. Providence College's 11th tute of Ethics at Georgetown referred to as Eagle Square, proved, but they just don't He tries to cater to the stu­ president, the Reverend University. After the convo­ many students accept the nave the money to put their dents and the locals. One Philip A. Smith, O.P., Ph, D., cation, the celebration week- area for what it is, rarely ideas into action. One mer­ way in which he has done continued on page 4 thinking of how the area chant, Michael Corcelli, Jr., looks or how unsafe the owner of Phaze I Hair Stu­ continued on page 4 neighborhood is. But the fact is that students help the Inside The Cowl... businesses in Eagle Square, Gender roles go back to the Stone Age... see page 6 so the area should be more attractive to the eye, and See what A&E says about Pulp Fiction... see page 9 more importantly, the area should be a safer place to go. Suggestions on how to survive the winter weather... see Providence College can page 12 help with the problem. But first, the college needs to Read a story on a Fictional World Series... see page 23 understand what is actually going on. With the author­ ity sitting behind the desk, News..........................pages 1-4 they just don't see the prob­ Editorials............... .pages 5 -7 lem. Unfortunately, it is the A & E................... pages 8 -9 students and the merchants Clubs................... pages 10-11 who do see what goes on. A Features,.....pages 12 -15 group of students walking Roving. .. ............... page 16 ... ... by Carey Capone to CVS can easily run into Something is wrong with this picture. Personals. .,.page 17 two people on a corner Sports.................. pages 18-24 October 27,1994 The Cowl 2 News Security Best of Both Worlds continued from page 1 by Renet M.A. Ladocsi '96 teaching about Women of the Four­ __________ News Writer__________ teenth century. Dr. Jane Lunin Perel every night," said Kara Gosart '96, precautions, but all should be re­ of the English Department will be an off - campus resident. A special dinner held on October teaching a course on Contemporary minded of simple things such as 25 for Womens Studies represented The Office of Off - Campus Hous­ pulling window shades at night, and Poets, focusing on female poets and ing, however, does not deal with stu­ the culmination of three years of issues concerning women. Dr. putting lamps on timers. hard work and dedication by vari­ dents' personal reports. Carolyn There has also been some appre­ Debroah Johnson of the Art History Ryan, the Director of the office, ex­ ous female members of the Provi­ Department currently teaches a hension about the round - the - clock dence College faculty and adminis­ plained that they deal more with ten­ security in McVinney Hall. Dennis course-Contemporary Arts and ant - landlord disputes. If problems tration. The celebration centered on Ideas: Women Studies. Dr. Elaine Del Gizzo, Assistant Director of Resi­ women and the acceptance of the of safety arise because doors and dence Life, stressed that it is because Chaika, of the Linguistics Depart­ windows do not lock or exterior new Women Studies minor. Three ment will be teaching Women's of an unrelated incident involving years ago, in June of 1991 Dr. Jane lighting does not work, then the of­ one student. On the issue of safety, Film of the 1930's and 1940's. Dr. fice gets involved. Even faulty door­ Lunin Perel of the English depart­ Charolette O'Kelly and Dr. Mary he feels that students should be con­ ment attended a seminar at Boston bells are potential dangers because Anne Sedney will join together to scious of where they are walking at College entitled "Women Studies it forces residents to leave doors un­ all times. teach Introduction to Women Stud­ locked for unheard visitors. Ryan programs in Catholic Colleges". ies. Dr. Bernadette Topel of the The­ "We can tell the students what is This seminar made Dr. Perel realize said that packets were sent out to all happening off - campus," said Fr. ology department will be teaching off - campus residents at the begin­ the potential Providence College Women in the Christian Religion. McPhail, "but we can't take them by has for addressing women's issues ning of the semester outlining safety the hand." Dr. Partricia Lawlor of the Modern and the impact of women in history Languages Department will teach and civilization. French Feminism. And Dr. Carol The attendees were numerous. Crafts of the Biology department The women present were all highly may teach a course on Women in influential members of our commu­ Science. Together, these women will Disciplinary Measures nity. The first woman introduced by begin to re-invent and re-introduce the acting director, Dr. Perel, was A judicial hearing was held on October 19 to consider the womens' role in history and soci­ Sally Thibodeau. She helped bring following charge: ety. about the start of this program by Dr. Sedney is quite intent on providing access to Administration.
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