Select New Books - March 2014 Title Publisher Year BF321 .P67 2012 Attention in a social world / Michael I. Posner. Oxford University Press, c2012. Stereotyping and prejudice / edited by Charles Stangor and BF323.S63 S747 2013 Psychology Press, 2013. Christian S. Crandall. Judging passions : moral emotions in persons and groups / BF531 .G56 2012 Psychology Press, 2012. Roger Giner-Sorolla. That's disgusting : unraveling the mysteries of repulsion / BF575.A886 H47 2012 W.W. Norton & Co., c2012. Rachel Herz. Why humans like to cry : tragedy, evolution and the brain / BF575.C88 T75 2012 Oxford University Press, 2012. Michael Trimble. Impulse : why we do what we do without knowing why we BF575.I46 L49 2013 The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013. do it / David Lewis. Shame, blame, and culpability : crime and violence in the BF575.S45 S522 2013 modern state / edited by Judith Rowbotham, Marianna Routledge, 2013. Muravyeva, and David Nash. Ethical practice in operational psychology : military and BF636.3 .E84 2011 national intelligence applications / edited by Carrie H. American Psychological Association, c2011. Kennedy and Thomas J. Williams. Ungifted : intelligence redefined / Scott Barry Kaufman ; BF698.9.I6 K38 2013 Basic Books, [2013] illustrated by George Doutsiopoulos. Righteous mind : why good people are divided by politics BJ45 .H25 2012 Pantheon Books, c2012. and religion / Jonathan Haidt. Oxford handbook of the history of ethics / edited by Roger BJ71 .O94 2013 Oxford University Press, 2013. Crisp. Confronting evils : terrorism, torture, genocide / Claudia BJ1401 .C293 2010 Cambridge University Press, 2010. Card. BJ1481 .R87 2012x Happiness for humans / Daniel C. Russell. Oxford University Press, 2012. Muslim Brotherhood : evolution of an Islamist movement / BP10.I385 W53 2013 Princeton University, [2013] Carrie Rosefsky Wickham. American Muslim women, religious authority, and activism BP173.4 .H3654 2012 University of Texas Press, 2012. : more than a prayer / Juliane Hammer. Hajj : journey to the heart of Islam / edited by Venetia BP187.3 .H2443 2012 Harvard University Press, 2012. Porter, with M.A.S. Abdel Haleem ... [et al.]. Lawrence in Arabia : war, deceit, imperial folly and the D568.4.L45 A66 2013 Doubleday, 2013. making of the modern Middle East / Scott Anderson. Muslim rap, halal soaps, and revolutionary theater : artistic DS35.62 .M885 2011 developments in the Muslim world / edited by Karin van University of Texas Press, 2011. Nieuwkerk. World through Arab eyes : Arab public opinion and the DS36.7 .T45 2013 Basic Books, c2013. reshaping of the Middle East / Shibley Telhami. American sniper : the autobiography of the most lethal DS79.76 .K95 2012 sniper in U.S. military history / Chris Kyle, with Scott W. Morrow, c2012. McEwen and Jim DeFelice. Across the wall : narratives of Israeli-Palestinian history / I.B. Tauris ; Distributed in the U.S. exclusively by DS119.7 .A6282 2010 2010. edited by Ilan Pappe¿¿ and Jamil Hilal. Palgrave Macmillan, Genealogy of evil : anti-semitism from Nazism to Islamic DS145 .P37 2011 Cambridge University Press, 2011. Jihad / David Patterson. Coup : 1953, the CIA, and the roots of modern U.S.-Iranian DS318.6 .A26 2013 The New Press, [2013] relations / Ervand Abrahamian. American Indians and popular culture / Elizabeth DeLaney E98.P99 A465 2012 Praeger, c2012. Hoffman, editor. American Indians and popular culture / Elizabeth DeLaney E98.P99 A465 2012 Praeger, c2012. Hoffman, editor. Conflicts in Yemen and U.S. national security / W. Andrew Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War E183.8.Y4 T47 2011 [2011] Terrill. College, Irresistible fairy tale : the cultural and social history of a GR550 .Z59 2012 Princeton University Press, c2012. genre / Jack Zipes. Fairies return : or, new tales for old / compiled by Peter GR552 .L54 2012 Princeton University Press, c2012. Davies ; edited and with an introduction by Maria Tatar. Athletes who indulge their dark side : sex, drugs, and cover- GV706.4 .T42 2010 Praeger, c2010. ups / Stanley H. Teitelbaum. Sociology of sports : an introduction / Tim Delaney and Tim GV706.5 .D463 2009 McFarland & Co., c2009. Madigan. Sport, power, and society : institutions and practices : a GV706.5 .S7358 2010 Westview Press, c2010. reader / [edited by] Robert E. Washington and David Karen. GV706.7 .S655 2012 Sport, violence and society / Kevin Young. Routledge, 2012. GV1051.A76 M34 2014 Cycle of lies : the fall of Lance Armstrong / Juliet Macur. Harper, [2014]. Superfreakonomics : global cooling, patriotic prostitutes, HB74.P8 L4797 2009 and why suicide bombers should buy life insurance / William Morrow, c2009. Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner. Creating a new racial order : how immigration, multiracialism, genomics, and the young can remake race HB3505 .H635 2012 Princeton University Press, c2012. in America / Jennifer Hochschild, Vesla Weaver, Traci Burch. Does ethics have a chance in a world of consumers? / HC79.C6 B353 2008 Harvard University Press, 2008. Zygmunt Bauman. Appreciative inquiry : a positive approach to building HD58.82 .B364 2005 Taos Institute Publications, c2005. cooperative capacity / Frank J. Barrett and Ronald E. Fry. Power, Inc. : the epic rivalry between big business and HD2350.8 .R68 2012 government--and the reckoning that lies ahead / David Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012. Rothkopf. Risk : negotiating safety in American society / Arwen P. HD4605 .M63 2013 Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Mohun. HF5414 .M93 2012 Start something that matters / Blake Mycoskie. Spiegel & Grau, 2012. Key to speculation on the New York Stock Exchange / Jack HG6041 .G5 2009 American Federation of Astrologers, Inc. 2009 Gillen. Presidential pork : White House influence over the HJ275.2 .H84 2014 Brookings Institution Press, [2014] distribution of federal grants / John Hudak. Global debt crisis : haunting U.S. and European federalism / HJ8119 .G56 2014 Brookings Institution Press, [2014] Paul E. Peterson and Daniel J. Nadler, editors. Networked : the new social operating system / Lee Rainie HM741 .R35 2012 MIT Press, c2012. and Barry Wellman. Social : why our brains are wired to connect / Matthew D. HM1033 .L54 2013 Crown Publishers, [2013] Lieberman. Better angels of our nature : why violence has declined / HM1116 .P57 2011 Viking, 2011. Steven Pinker. Home grown : marijuana and the origins of Mexico's war HV5840.M4 C363 2012 University of North Carolina Press, c2012. on drugs / Isaac Campos. HV6025 .P665 2013 Why we harm / Lois Presser. Rutgers University Press, [2013] Roots of our children's war : identity and the War on Agile Press, an imprint of Agile Research and HV6431 .D4328 2013 [2013] Terrorism / by R. Brad Deardorff. Technology, Inc., World's most threatening terrorist networks and criminal HV6431 .W64 2009 gangs / edited by Michael T. Kindt, Jerrold M. Post, and Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Barry R. Schneider. Top secret America : the rise of the new American security HV6432 .P73 2011 Little, Brown and Co., 2011. state / Dana Priest and William M. Arkin. Whitey Bulger : America's most wanted gangster and the HV6452.M4 C85 2013 manhunt that brought him to justice / Kevin Cullen and W.W. Norton & Company, [2013] Shelley Murphy. Mind of a murderer : privileged access to the demons that HV6515 .R2534 2011 drive extreme violence / Katherine Ramsland ; foreword by Praeger, c2011. Michael Stone. Poverty, battered women, and work in U.S. public policy / HV6626.2 .B78 2011 Oxford University Press, c2011. Lisa D. Brush. Forensic ecology handbook : from crime scene to court / HV8073 .F564 2012 Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. edited by Nicholas Ma¿¿rquez-Grant and Julie Roberts. Forensic ballistics in court : interpretation and presentation HV8077 .H4293 2013 Blackwell-Wiley, 2013. of firearms evidence / Brian J. Heard. Blood secrets : chronicles of a crime scene HV8077.5.B56 E54 2010 reconstructionist / Rod Englert, with Kathy Passero ; Thomas Dunne Books, 2010. foreword by Ann Rule. Seven shots : an NYPD raid on a terrorist cell and its HV8148.N5 H858 2010 University of Chicago Press, 2010. aftermath / Jennifer C. Hunt. HV8599.G8 C62 2012 Cruel Britannia : a secret history of torture / Ian Cobain. Portobello books, 2012. Routledge handbook of surveillance studies / edited by JC596 .R68 2012 Routledge, 2012. Kirstie Ball, Kevin D. Haggerty and David Lyon. JK468.I6 T723 2009 Intelligence for an age of terror / Gregory F. Treverton. Cambridge University Press, 2009. Hezbollah : the global footprint of Lebanon's party of god / JQ1828.A98 L48 2013 Georgetown University Press, [2013] Matthew Levitt. Ellis Island nation : immigration policy and American JV6455 .F59 2013 University of Pennsylvania Press, c2013. identity in the twentieth century / Robert L. Fleegler. Operation Gatekeeper and beyond : the war on "illegals" JV6483 .N47 2010 and the remaking of the U.S.-Mexico boundary / Joseph Routledge, 2010. Nevins. Global interdependence : the world after 1945 / edited by JZ1320 .G55 2014 The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014. Akira Iriye. Still ours to lead : America, rising powers, and the tension JZ1480 .J66 2014 Brookings Institution Press, 2014. between rivalry and restraint / Bruce Jones. K5103 .R674 2013 Payback : the case for revenge / Thane Rosenbaum. The University of Chicago Press, 2013. Marginal workers : how legal fault lines divide workers and KF3464 .G37 2012 New York University Press, c2012. leave them without protection / Ruben J. Garcia. KF9756 .D68 2013 Law & disorder / John Douglas ; and Mark Olshaker. Kensington Books,
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